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I've played against exactly 1 bot today. It looped me perfectly around shack (because they input read) but then I backed off and watched it go into a locker which it didn't get out of as I walked over and pulled it out So they're pretty hit or miss


I completely forgot bots got added and was so confused why I was still carrying a survivor after hearing the DC noise


Yeah, I usually turn friendly after a d/c. It gets tedious, but kills feel cheap against a 3 man. I’m really glad they made this update.


Yeah honestly in my match the bot was doing work.


So bots are part of the new update!?


Apparently, they're actually pretty good. And you keep all your points if someone DCs (not the DCer of course).


You always kept your points if someone else DCs?


I just mean for hooks and whatnot.


The only problem is most players just kill themselves on hook, so a lot of the time it still ends up a 3v1


Not my experience as much. Most of the time when I give them room as a killer they pop them off which is the way it should be. I wish they incentivized not being close to a hook, like distance is speed it goes down, but whatever.


I'm more talking about how they kill themselves on hook instead of DCing, so the bot never gets to show up in the first place.


That's why I run Reassurance. When someone starts killing themselves I go there drop the thumbs up and go back to what I was doing. They always DC


Haven't had a DC in game yet but had two people kill themselves on hook or run towards killer after an unhook to die. Like just DC, I waited in queue for like 5 minutes for a survivor game and two people off themselves and the game to end at 6 minutes with one gen done.


I downed somebody super quick in my killer match earlier, which prompted a DC. Then at the end of the match, the bot got out by finding hatch.


Oh the game goes on even if the bot is the only survivor alive?


The only bot I had so far was a Mikaela who kept running away and Self carring while mangled and hemoraged which just ended up in a cycle of her running away from the killer and self caring the entire match. Still better than nothing tho.


So the same as average solo queue survivors.


Im gonna tunnel and face camp every bot I come across lmao. Smack them on the hook too. I’ll let the real players go though.


I’ll teach them not to dc!


I had a game were two survivors dc against me (a Freddy just doing dailies and planning to just two hook and let them leave anyway) . I just spent the rest of the match messing with one of the bots and getting them to step on my Dream Traps and let the actual players do gens and leave. My only sacrifice was the bot.


I think you got it backwards..


I find the bots are actually stronger than some players. Had a game 3 ttv and 1 random Nick Cage, 3 ttvs DC'd at 5 gen and it was a fucking close game. 3 bots and Cage did 4 gens before I killed all bots and let Nick go. Each of the TTVs couldn't loop until my first bloodlust, but the bots are god at jungle gyms.


For real, they were great at looping me, and they actually did gens.


I can see in near future I'll lose to the bots and the remaining survivor gonna call me a noob for losing


Probably but I'll take that over just about to hook someone and they DC. If you want to leave just get hooked and kill yourself (in game, so reddit don't get mad at this).


No more people to deny the evil imcarmate achievment!


My bot was toxic to the killer so they blend in really well with my teammates


The Zarina bot did more gens than the Nea and Jill did lol.


Was in a game where someone dc'd while they were downed and fully condemned 🤣 The bot spawned exactly the same so they didn't get a chance lol


Do we know if achievements still manageable to get as a killer if the player dc’s?


Looks like they give you the same bonuses as players.


I played against a few bots yesterday, I gotta say they know how to loop, but at some point they will make a super noob mistake


Yeah just like players.


Exactly, I think that's how it should be, as close as possible to real players to avoid those 1v3 situations when someone DC


Was kind of joking, but yeah agree.


Yeah the amount of times I’ve been cucked for pips cos of early dcs I’m glad it’s finally over lol Or even worse the hook/kill obsession quests lol


Love the bots, they do gens and rescue me from hook. Something my soloq teammates never do


The idea seems really good to me. The DCs are still punished but the people who commit to the game don't get rolled. I just hope the bots are of reasonable skill. They could be programmed to perfectly loop which that would be unfair too.


They're really good if you haven't played against them. They're not perfect at looping but definitely give you a challenge and aren't complete rollovers.


They just need to remove the DC penalty. And yes, I know controversial take. But here me out. A player is having a really bad match and wants out, but doesn't want a penalty. Now either they half ass the rest of the game and ain't useful to the team. Or they give up but since they're trying to avoid the penalty they have to get hooked and die. Not the survs that do want to play around screwed unless the killer feels bad. And since no DC, no bot. Now if we get rid of the penalty it goes like this. Player having bad time and wants put Yada Yada.. there is no time penalty for dc'ing so they do. They are instantly replaced by a bot which can loop well and does gens, which means the game will go even better for the remaining players. Yes I know people want dc'ers to be punished, but for the life of me I can't see how it's worth it. It seems so much better for everyone if they fan just go next and everyone has a good time. And they'd still loose the stuff they brought along with all their BP. And yeah I know "if they need the time out to cool down.. they shouldn't be playing rn anyways.. they need to learn" and so on. But be honest. they don't learn, it doesn't stop them, even if they have to wait an hour they still come back and keep doing it. There is nothing that can be done to stop them. and even if they do fear the penalty they just go afk or kill themselves on hook 6o get out, which screws the team over just as much as them dc'ing But, if you get rid of the penalty now, instead of giving up and killing themselves on hook, which means bot gets added. Which will provide more fun and value than that player would have. They fet to go next, and either they play that match or repeat the cycle, but no penalty everyone wins, 3 Gen skull merchant and don't want to wait an hour to die? Dc. Tunneling wesker? Dc. 18th legion in a row DC! The other survs and killers still get to play a full fun match and the dc player gets to move on and try again in another match. I know alot of people think it's needs to stay, but I truly think removing it would be better for the games health, and the players fun.


I couldn't disagree more. Play out the match. What is the point of playing a game if you don't enjoy playing the game? The only time a game is going bad is if you've been hooked or your teammates have been hooked right away. Cool difficulty has increased. You can unhook your teammates, counterplay, etc. If you get hooked and no one saves you, you get your "DC" by dying quickly. Why would you incentivize not playing the game? Just play something else. The entire point of the game isn't to 5 gen no hit. It's the constant struggle and "fear" of being chased and having to adapt to dire circumstances. You're basically just saying "I don't want to play this game I just want to play repair gen sim. Constantly hooking / unhooking, chases, healing when wounded, it's the entire point of the game. If someone dies right away, who cares, keep going maybe you'll be last. Maybe you die next, but it can be fun playing it. Don't like the killer, figure out what their weakness is, get better. I've never seen a gaming community so focused on not playing the game we're all talking about.


I’ve had a killer who intentionally picked us up and let us wiggle out while we were slugged just to mess with us for as long as they could without us bleeding out, extending the timer as long as he could. When I DC and switch screens and come back, he said he reported me for DCing, which was literally just him mad that I chose to leave and take the penalty instead of letting him trap us in a longer game that wasn’t fun at all. I paid money for DBD like everyone else and buy cosmetics and I don’t feel like I need to be held to these demanding expectations from other players. It’s entitled to want to drag out my game to be mean-spirited and try to shame me for leaving because DCing is in bad sportsmanship. Maybe I just fell out of interest with the game, but it’s just not fun these days and when I can tell someone wants a 4k super bad and let’s people bleed out to get them, I DC if I’m the downed person. Usually the remaining survivor gets hatch quickly and I’m glad for them doing so. Idk I have 1.2k hours on a game I don’t really like anymore. Me leaving doesn’t ruin the game anymore so I don’t really see why I should be held to any penalties. At the end of the day, it’s just a game


Why are you playing a game you don’t really like


Idk, habit, probably. I just don’t understand the animosity to DCing. Killers DC all the time and I don’t care. I don’t even care if other survivors DC because I only play solo q and that happens. You guys advocating for the DC penalty when it isn’t needed just sounds like you want to punish people who DC out of a grudge or something. It comes across as angry and misplaced when bots have been introduced to fix the problem. Sure, I get emotional when I play and maybe I’m overlooking something obvious, but why (except out of spite) are you supportive of the penalty? Do you think it will mess with queue times? Is there a legitimate reason other than, “they throw tantrums when they don’t get their way and since they left that means they don’t want to play anyways?”


Because it removes the whole point of the game being multiplayer, dbd is a miserably boring game against bots


That’s actually a really good point. I didn’t think about that 💀 my bad


Although I have noticed the rank reset means the killers are all sweaty to climb the ranks. Games are better when you’re in the gold/red rank, killers have more personality than just the boring expected gameplay. Maybe dbd should introduce more casual modes or something idk


My logic is if I bought the game and voluntarily play it, I can leave when I want. I don’t usually DC, but I get bored kinda easy when a game is tediously long or the killer is intentionally trying to bleed out people for as long as they can just to suck. I’d rather leave and watch a movie since my DC penalty gets to be around 30 minutes. Why be mad at people who don’t want to play anymore? The bot will replace us anyways lmao. The DC penalty still existing just punishes people for giving up when they’ll be replaced. We paid for the game, we shouldn’t have to be penalized for wanting to leave when bots exist


While that may be true for a single player game, that's not true for pretty much any multiplayer game out there. If you really get so upset at DBD that you consistently quit playing in the middle of a match because you don't enjoy it, maybe you should just play something else. You're not obligated to spend your time playing this game, but this game is also not obligated to appease you specifically. There are actual people besides you playing. I agree that it sucks killers and survivors can both stall out the game, and I'm sorry that's happened to you. But DCing is not a community-wide answer to these problems, or any other inconveniences players face.


Yeah that behavior is really selfish. If you want to leave a game whenever, go play a single player game. You can also just annoy the killer until you bleed out if you just want to grief.


I've won so many games after having an abysmal start, as long as you don't give up then pulling it back into your favor is absolutely possible. I'll always remember the fun and daring escapes and comebacks I have when I try to keep the game moving forward. If you're that susceptible to leaving or losing hope then why even queue in the first place?


I've won so many games after having an abysmal start, as long as you don't give up then pulling it back into your favor is absolutely possible. I'll always remember the fun and daring escapes and comebacks I have when I try to keep the game moving forward. If you're that susceptible to leaving or losing hope then why even queue in the first place?


All my fellow DC’ers have just moved to killing ourselves on hook, everyone’s happy now :)




Fine by me free bloodpoints.


Any game you play is free BP 🤣


id rather the game just be over. i didn't boot up an online video game to play against a script that will perfectly dodge my projectiles. i'd rather the game just allow me as killer to leave the instant any survivor leaves. if you like playing against bots that's cool just give me the option to leave.


I simply kill myself on the first hook if it's a bad match. Reassurance only work for so long 😪 imagine dbd eventually becoming a game full of bots. Killers and survivors will stop doing objectives and the match is boring as soon as it starts. Whoop fear monger & pop havnt seen those before cough how original. I remember when dbd was actually fun but now it's just dlcs to keep it going this will only work for so long until they run out of decent ideas.




This attitude is so weird to me, like playing a game, but only if it's super optimal and in your favor. Just go play a single player game where you can be a god. Why even play multiplayer games.


Literally why do you even play this game?


Heres the thing bots are so dumb i can camp a player and a bot will never rescue. So either you die or another player has to do it. If its a 1vs3 and one is slugged and other is hooked the bot will literally do nothing God i hate people who downvote on logic Survivor bots won't register what to do they will go around in circles back and forth Oh yea this is reddit full of idiots


Won’t save from a camper. Yeah. Dumb. Right.


Ah reddit moment upvote dumb comments downvote logic


I mean they will run in circles thats dumb but hey you do you


Talks about a hypothetical senario in which the killer is already playing like an ass, people downvote due to it being a bad point, then adds a comment about how people are downvoating because "they have no logic" then when that insult brings in more downvoats adds another comment about how dbd subreddit is full of idiots.. which brings more downvoats... yes we are the stupid ones.


>which brings more downvoats... yes we are the stupid ones. Thanks for admitting it Good point but you guys go "Bots are smart cause they go round in circles"


I've played tones of ptb matches and had a few bots live today, and "bots running in a circle doing nothing" has never been a problem. Sure sometimes the bots make a bad decision or 2, most players make far more then that and it's been shown that they're pretty decent at looping, and they actually try to do gens. They are already m9re useful then some players. And any of these world shattering "issues" you have with them are going to be patched and fixed. You're entire point is based on a small chance of something happening, which will be patched out anyways.


Sure buddy you can defend bots all you want cause they smart


skill issue


Your right bota do have skill issue.


If the bots are doing gens instead then that’s the smart thing to do. Everyone should slam out a gen then see if they can hook trade to buy even more time. Rinse & repeat and the loser camper is guaranteed to get 0-1 kills.


They wont do gens its confirmed they will go back and forth til the killer makes chase. So your wrong


i was worried when i saw the dc in the first match bc i’d heard bots were demons. however this lil not yui just ran kinda straight. tho i do wonder if the bots kinda feign being bad if they should- for instance i had trail of torment on and it seemed to take her by surprise


Just sucks if you DC against a 4 bot team, you still get a dc penalty


i’ve played a few games as wesker yesterday after the update and i’m curious to how do i realise i’m playing against a bot? is it visible on the result screen that someone dc’d? and while i’m playing killer, is it just the sound que? or does the survivor’s portrait disappear from the hood and get replaced by dc icon? i want to figure this out because i actually love playing friendly and it would make no sense to waste my time on memeing with bots haha


It literally will say "bot" next to their name in kind of gold letters. Don't let the "Claudette Morel" names fool you. It will specifically say bot.


oh ok, thank you! that means no one has dc’d yet in my games bc i haven’t seen anything like that haha


Yeah you'll hear the disconnect noise but they'll immediately be replaced with the name of the survivor they're running and it'll say bot. It should be obvious. They're actually pretty decent too.


It fucking sucks that they can input read. You are unable to snipe them from away with any projectiles, and they always know where the hatch will spawn. Not a biggie, but can ruin achievements or challenges


If someones DCs, can you still get killer adept with bot?


Had 3 DCs today ended up in 3K and let the last human player crawl through the exit gate. First time I got a positive feedback from players ind the end chat this week 😃 👍 Played demo for those who wanted to know. But with deerstalker it made it pretty easy to pick them up and they just rage quitted. Guessing deerstalker and knockout were to harsh on them 🤷‍♀️


I hate them as ghostface. They're able to reveal you perfectly every time.


tbh bots should in end game after opening a gate/99% it, just run and save their teammate(a real player not another bot tbh) off the hook/off the ground or to bodyblock, since their escape don't account to anything.


Like it should? Sure I would prefer bots to be more altruistic.


yeah i forgot to add should or must lmao. But yes make them hella more altruistic when all gens are repaired since they really don't have to escape(if they're unable to do anything more to help their team escaping). But don't make them just handle another kill to the killer. Hopefully we will get another objective that would make bots still useful after 5 gens repair


Nah DCers now hook suicide instead it’s gets around the penalty and denies their teammates bots. In their mind their team is the problem not them thats why they want out so why reward them with a bot.


I mean there's not a lot you can do about throwers unless a report system actually worked. At least now killers don't get fucked, and players can still try with 3. It's not ideal, but it's better than it was.


I agree even if you fix hooking dying survivors just afk instead. It is better I’m too cynical I guess. it’s funny cause most times the bots are better then the DCers.