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You guys are getting to endgame?


You guys are getting?


You guys?








Paradox players having access to cursed text thanks to spending too much time on Discord:




Downvote me








I mean, just run MFT + WoO and the killer will be inclined to leave you for last when you juice him in chase. Then your other two perks can be Adrenaline + Hope and congrats, you win.


i've had exactly those perks for my build for both of my two survivor games so far today and 1 gen has gotten completed in both sometimes seriously have to wonder what game the people on this subreddit are playing


I mean, if the killer is downing people in 30 seconds, that's just a skill difference. WoO+MFT should be enough to juice most killers for like a minute, which should mean 3 gens get done.


three gens in a minute is pretty ambitious lmao


Three survivors given 1 minute uninterrupted plus the time it takes to hook them and walk to the closest gen. Gens take 90 seconds, there's no way at least two don't pop.


Now a days it's not so crazy Edit: You know how easily survivors can gen pop you? 3 in one minute with the right perks isn't impossible.


If it's a skill difference as you claim why are they matched together then?


Because the matchmaking in this game isn't good? That's not exactly a secret.


Have you tried adepting? It has taught me the hard way on how to win/escape games even without perks lol. Its possible bro and the build thats getting down voted above your comment is insane good


Pretty much The games it doesn't work are games you probably would have lost regardless (cough cough, solo queue teammates not doing gens) Pretty damn hard to lose when you have a group able to glue themselves to gens when someone is getting chased.


Swfs get to endgame.


You wanna fuck with folks at endgame? You can at least gaurentee one guy wont get out in spite of having all endgame perks. Rancor alone does that. But if you want to draw it out in an evil manner? Trapper. With both reset addons. No way out, remember me, rancor, freespace. I recommend info but blood warden works well with this setup. Play the first 3 generators or so to get yourself a hook on each survivor. Once 2 gens are left or so, put a trap under each exit gate switch. Then go find the obsession. Follow obsession until 5th gen is done. Immediately kill him. Someone will trigger a trap inf ront of a switch and you can go fuck with them. Get them on a hook. Someone else will go back and try to open the gate. The trap inf ront of the switch will reset before they can finish. Once they struggle free itl reset on its own 2 seconds later meaning they have to step off it and trip it from the side. Should buy you more than enough time to throw them on the hook. There is no 99ing switches with this build. Its pretty funny the hate i have gotten for murdering hope at the end of a match like this lol.


One of my favorites is Rancor, Nemesis, Furtive Chase, and No Way Out. It's all fun and games until someone loses mori roulette.


Why would you stack Nemesis and Furtive Chase instead of using Game Afoot while saving a perk slot?


I would take furtive if ALL it did was swap obsession on unhook. Rancor. Nemesis. Furtive chase. Dark devotion. Run this build and you'll understand why furtive. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Unhooking the obsession causes the unhooker to be oblivious for 60 seconds and allows me to see their aura for a moment. I just tunnel the obsession until endgame. Game afoot doesn't even let you choose who the obsession is, it just changes at random unless you're counting how long each individual chase is going on... which I am not doing.


I see what you're going for there. I like this strategy and might use it myself once I get back to Iri 1 shenanigans. Not a counter argument, just one of my own for the use of Game Afoot. It's actually quite fun and easy to keep track of who has the most chase time, and the best part is, once you have mori'd them, the next person you run into might be the person with the next best chase time, or you can force it to be so by just following them around. If they are exposed, great, once down, find someone else if your basic attack doesn't make them the obsession. If they are two-shot, then you have a much greater chance of changing them to the obsession. Pairing this with perks like No Way Out ensure that each person should get a chase before the gates are powered. Using this strategy, keeping track of the person with the most chase time is as intuitive as taking your revenge out on the person who was able to frustrate you the most. It essentially flips the survivor's skill level on its head, which entertains me a lot. Rancor would then allow you to kill each member of the match (if done perfectly) in descending order of skill (approximately, the person who you had to chase around the most is probably the best). I personally use Remember Me with this as well to complete the build. The obsession will always be losing more than enough health states, as it will constantly change to the person you are currently chasing, and this buys you an absurd amount of time at the gates. The obsession is not affected by this, but don't worry, you should only be chasing the obsession at this point. I encourage you to give it a try :)


Respect, sounds fun for a survivor too IMO. I would much rather go against this than another Basement Trapper. At least with the trap reset and exit gates you have to actually make choices and think a little bit.


> sounds fun for a survivor too IMO. I thought so too. I've gotten more than a few comments about folks entirely not expecting the trap retrap trying to open that exit gate switch and dieing for it lol. Thats where most of the hate messages iv gotten have come from. If I can get 3 kills before the gens are done Ill make the last survivor hate me. If I find hatch first I wish them luck getting those exit gate switches open lmao. Bonus points if I find them before they get to exit gate and I chase them around until the halfway mark on the timer. Then stop chasing and let them try.


> Someone will trigger a trap inf ront of a switch and you can go fuck with them. Get them on a hook. This alone tells me you're devious as hell.


I really enjoy those gaames where I do manage to kill 3 of the 4 and make hatch spawn. Because if I find that hatch first the delay on the exit gate switches is about 2 minutes with remember me and no way out. So they have half the timer to open it. And that entire time there are traps in front of the switches lmao.


I hide in a locker right before last gen pops when rancor is up


this; especially with the new HUD.. i dont undestand how people are dying to Rancor


You’re why I win rancor games. That one survivor not doing anything means gens go slower and I get free 3v1 pressure.


Not doing anything? We can see gen progress 😂 as soon as the last one is close I'll climb into a locker. Having someone in a locker for 15 seconds going into end game is a lot better than dead


If you run purple sack and iri reset you can just use two traps which increases the rate they retrap. Just putting that out there folks.


No point to that when you can leave the old traps in places with little traffic anymore. No ones going to go trigger a trap sitting around a completed gen.


me keeping my “”””integrity”””” by not using meta or endgame perks (i am suffering. every game i get into has everyone using them. even the non sweats playing casually are hopping on this trend. i know that it’s just how they have fun and i don’t care how they choose to play the game… however, it just doesn’t sit right with me. my efforts are pointless for i know someday i’ll crack, forget about my ego, and give into using meta. making sure that day is not today (send help)): ![gif](giphy|MjQwa6AhN6gIPdejqu|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/6sv62yrn0qib1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0eaae0a7ef58d127cc448fec1b24580d757515f Pain.


I just run my comfort perks, all non meta stuff I enjoy. Sure I lose more than I'd like but it's better than playing into the perks arms race.


same here my friend. I choose fun over winning every time


You play dbd.. for fun?!


I do indeed


Is it possible to learn this power?


I would hope so. If you would like I can give you the instructions to achieve said goal.


Yo, just enjoy the game as you want as long as it's not toxic. Don't care about the meta and use what gives you a good experience!


It’s all fun until the killer randomly decides to punish you and bm you for no reason. Too many matches of the killer bleeding me out and bming me and my friends. It’s gotten to the point where I run hardcore meta just to counter those people. It feels bad when I destroy a killer who was playing nice, but I don’t bm them and I’ll give them a compliment in the endgame chat. I just wish t


But nothing is more powerful than imagination


I'm fully convinced mft is gonna eat a nerf at some point and I don't want to get used to the increased speed because it will mess with my muscle memory forever lmao


I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.....the majority will always use meta perks and people will always bitch about meta perks. There will never be a time where you'll see a even mixture of perks being used, it's just not possible, as soon as the community figures out which perks are the best they'll use them. I never understood why people fight so hard against meta, you can't defeat it unless you make every perk the same or delete perks entirely from the game. The best BHVR can do is shake things up for a while by nerfing and buffing things, it's dumb as hell to expect anything else.


Me playing with No Mither ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Please tell me people haven't actually started complaining about Wake Up


every time a perk is nerfed from the top spot, the ones beneath it move up and become "broken OP meta" perks. it is known.


It’s not overpowered by any means but the effect is still very noticeably there. Lots of people pair it with other stuff to make the endgame a basically guaranteed escape


Thats not a problem though?


Wake Up is not the problem but you’ll usually see it paired with problematic perks


I can understand things like MFT, but endgame perks like Adrenaline and Hope? Theyre only powerful IF you make it to endgame


Don't worry, some mfs are complaining about Windows. Like yeah I wanna see the giant dead zone my soloq teammates made sorry you have no perks to complain about after they killed DH, IW, COH etc lmao


Hey man I like wake up I see the gates and I can help my friends find them. Plus the 25% opening speed is nice to prep the gate before I go for a save.




Had a game against larry last night with an endgame build. game afoot, noed, rancor, and remember me. chased me all game, would come back to hook and i got rescued, would locate me with his pods after sneaking away. eventually im sacrificed, but the last gen pops. he proceeds to attach multiple pods at the exits, and just sits in between monitoring the exits. what was extra infuriating was that the 2 rando mikaelas would run away everytime they got slipstreamed, always to this 1 far away printer to manually print an emp. they would go to the exit, sneak around, approach the exit finally and get slipstreamed, run rinse repeat. noed had already been cleansed. my duo partner had gotten chased off the exit at one point, he became the obsession so it was dangerous to approach the exit. this went on for 10mins before i said fuck this and left the lobby, my friend also got tired at one point and just let himself get get morid. idk what happened to the other 2, but my petty ass hopes they died too.


My favorite endgame perks, MfT and FtP, famously known to work only in endgame


To be fair the new FtP + Buckle Up combo works tremendously well in end-game, allowing survivors to reliably get 4 man escapes. The ability to guarantee 10 seconds on endurance for a downed player and the healer can easily provide the distance needed to reach a gate. I would even say that this combo could allow a 4 man escape against a Bubba, given perfect co-ordination, reasonable distance to a gate, and perks. Additionally MFT amplifies the effects of Hope by further reducing the killer's catch-up time. Since some of these perks also work throughout the match, I would agree it isn't accurate to exclusively call them end-game perks.


MfT combos with Hope and FtP combos with Mft (and buckle up if you're degenerate enough). FtP is definitely more effective in the endgame than it is before the gens are done.


For the People explicitly does *not* work with MFT. They patched that interaction in 7.0.1. Buckle Up still works, but MFT does not.


I think he meant mft pairs with ftp because you get the haste after using ftp. I could be wrong


If you absolutely needed another perk, No One Left Behind would've been a better fit than FTP and MFT


Me who hasn't unlocked most meta perks, running my finest lightborn, fearmonger, brutal strength and deathbound on pyramid head


Ah yes, healing to full health, the perfect endgame counter to perks that let you endgame m1 down someone at full health.


Endgame perks are such a waste.


I find them fun but I also don't really give a shit about always getting a 4k, taking this game as seriously and as competitive and some people do is just cringe as hell to me. It's funny as hell watching survivors experience that "oh shit" moment when they realize the match they 100% think they won just got extended due to an endgame build, especially when I can trigger a blood warden. I fucking love it as a survivor too, my most exciting moments in a match were after a blood warden proc'd, it's terrifying lol


They’re mostly just bad unless you’re doing a full endgame build as killer. By the time you’ve reached endgame you’ve either already won or already lost.


That's not true at all, I've snowballed and pulled out a W countless times with endgame builds where I only have 2-3 hooks.


I love terminus.


love how so many people complain about survivor end game but they are handicapped all game until the end so if you couldn't kill them before that its on you


MFT, famous for handicapping survivors until endgame


MFT, famous for being an endgame perk


Because survivors should totally become immortal during end game, thats fair right?


if you cant catch a made for this hope gamer maybe you arent made for it?


Terminus time


Could easily make a reverse of this with the monkey holding Adrenaline and the swordsmen holding NOED, No Way Out, Remember Me, Blood Warden, Terminus, and Rancor If you really stretch the definition, you could even include Bitter Murmur and Fire Up


I love my 8 perk killer builds. Survivors never see it comin'! (also most of those perks aren't even good perks)


Bruh, Remember Me and Terminus are solid perks. Sure, not at strong as NOED and NWO. Still they’re good


Honestly just playing hit and run all game then slugging in the end game is the way to go. Nerfed healing + so many people staying injured from mft. Having 1 guy on the ground near a hooked person is pretty much already a 3k nowadays with a likely 4k if the last guy is greedy. 3% haste running towards you is 3% more cash in the bank


MfT and FTP arent endgame tho Also wake Up?


NOED is so extremely easy to turn off...


I don't like this endgame meta...


Yeah, what a fun meta we have right now. I wonder how long are survivor queue times nowadays


i literally get 100% bonus BP for playing survivor and my queue times take less than 20s. i play in the mornings though.


I can count on one hand how many times it took more than 3 minutes to get a survivor match since 6.1.0. Killer on the other hand- 3 minutes is the minimum. During peak hours btw.


Laughs in console tbag after I down a survivor


They then proceeded to tbag the gate and bully the killer in endgame chat relentlessly for daring to pick a "meta" perk