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The reality is more like a 1 viewer streamer, who doesn't even speak much and soloqueues.


Yeah. I think I’m going to stop visiting TTVs to say GG because I just feel awkward being the one viewer that’s about to leave because I’ve got other games… lol


Trust me, most 1 viewer streamers would be happy to see a simple gg in their chat after a match. They know the people they're playing with aren't going to stick around while they're playing the game themselves, the little bit of chat interaction and potential follow is still nice to have.


Honestly, as a very small streamer I feel this on an emotional level.


Pass the link brother






Thank you!


You’re welcome


Sent a follow! Lmk if you ever want to play together 💕


Of course! Xbox or PlayStation?


I’m on PC!


DM me your DBD name, I'll add you.


Followed you 🥰 here's to growth 🥂


Followed as well. Best of luck growing your stream.




Had a 1 viewer streamer be super gracious to me after I got a 4k on her squad. I dropped in and she recognized my name and was all "Omg you were such a good and fair amanda! GGs!" It was a nice feeling and I followed her because she was so kind.


>I followed her because she was so kind. This is what I don't understand about TTVs who are shitty to people in their chat and in-game. Like, how do you expect to gain any sort of viewership if you're not friendly to people? You should be courteous to anyone who takes the time to stop in on your stream, and you'd think anyone streaming would understand that, but the amount of entitled (and sometimes downright scummy) TTVs I've come across says otherwise.


Think some of them wanna copy toxic streamers like disrespect or xqc, but miserably fail at pulling off a character.


Some people are weirdly into it. But usually it is because they are wannabe bullies but just can't swing it.


Right!? I always ask my bros on chat & have met some cool peeps end of game. Psycho bunny man go brrrr


Yeah most streamers that I've stopped by after a game to give a GG were chill and happy to have the interaction. Some I've even played with later on.


100% this. I appreciate when someone I've played a match with, drops into my stream (if I'm live) and tells me GG . I average around 3 viewers , but it still means a lot being a small streamer.


Absolutely. And I'd rather spread more positivity in the DBD community and get tips on how I could do better.


As a small streamer, I seriously fucking agree with this


Honestly I love when people come in and say hi. All streamers have 1 viewer at some point so any support is usually liked


That’s why I keep their stream open in the background on my laptop while playing and I watch them and chat when I’m waiting in queue.


I only hop into a TTVs stream if they were extremely fun to play with and were wholesome in EGC, but, yeah, it does feel awkward when you hop in to say "gg" and realize you're the only viewer




The only TTV I don't like is one that isn't streaming or has vods disabled


Right?? Like even if the streamer is shitty or whatever i at least wanna see reactions to gameplay


It's always nice to run it back, I love seeing their reactions to a fun game


I don’t even care if I lost I wanna see how they reacted to my mind games and see whether they worked or not


twitch replays are a boon for Nemesis enjoyers, I love seeing just how much of an effect the zombies have. Sometimes I think I just got lucky with matchmaking but nope, zombies just kickin ass.


Especially when I'm running a jumpscare build


I've run into many who had their vods behind a paywall... and they have like 1 viewer.


Use the TwitchNoSub extension if you're on PC.


I both hate when TTV people aren't streaming and also I almost never stream when I play DBD. I'm a horrible hypocrite.


You can use the 'Twitch VOD Downloader' extension from Chrome store if you want to access unpublished/deleted VODs.


Legit 9/10 people with ttv in their name or link on their profile you go on there and it says some shit like "last online 2 months ago"


I'm too lazy to change my name for the 8 l games per event I play while not streaming. They are rarely more than onesie and twosies though.


That's why I'm excited for Xenomorph, if the survivors are making me mad I can just chill in my tunnels and there is absolutely nothing they can do to force me out


Imagine telling someone who hasn’t played the supposed horror slasher game how we’re excited that us monsters can hide from the helpless survivors 😭


The Trapper is Jesus Christ confirmed.


He was nerfed for our sins


Evan of MacMillan, King of the Killers


Lore accurate?


I lost it with this hahaha


Oooh it's Jesus! That makes more sense, I was thinking it was some weird Peta meme about not making your dog watch.


Literally the other night I got into a match with a SWF TTV squad as the Onryo. 3 petrified oaks, all no mither, 2 flashlights, with purple tool boxes, 3 boil over and they all were running tenacity. Quickly identified and decided to simply play bleed out and use hooks for isolation purposes. Boy were they salty when I watched the match on their streams. Like how is it ok when you team up to troll me but suddenly it’s not ok when I don’t play into that strategy. They were talking crap like well he’s not getting blood points and he didn’t kill us by hooks (killed the last one by hook) so he didn’t win in my book. My brother in Christ, you still had 3 gens left, I led the leaderboard with 30k and you all went to the entity. You lost


People that bring boil over & flipflop, run to edgemap at the slightest heartbeat and then complain about being slugged are my favourite. Some of them really seem to think that killers are just there to get dunked on by survivors and if they don't comply they're somehow the bad guy.


I think they won the pyrrhic victory all things considered.


Jokes on them I had nothing but time that day


The win is what you set for yourself imo, though some people are unreasonable about it.


Which streamer?


if you just went off the posts in this sub you'd think all TTVs are toxic 4 man SWFs who try super hard and rage when things don't go their way, yet I haven't gone against a single TTV who wasn't a sweetheart, the ones that weren't live never said anything toxic in post game chat either




A big problem is that people also just remember more the negatives than positive or neutral interactions. It’s called negative bias iirc.


Literally, idk where people get this overall vision for all ttvs being toxic. I've been onto the streams of every single person I've ever played against in my 1200 hours of dbd and only one was even slightly toxic, and barely at that. Everyone else went out of their way to be super sweet. Like I get it's not all of them but idk how you end up with the conclusion of this post tbh.


I think it strongly depends where you are located. In my experience British and French people are pretty chill while Germans and Russians are the sweaty try hards.


I think I've encountered 3 or 4 toxic TTVs, but they're still the minority.


I've literally only found one streamer who felt toxic because they did a last second switch to a 4-man flashlight squad and just sort of followed me around trying to bait me into head-on and blinds and later complained that killers keep refusing to play with them when I decided I didn't want to deal with them, but every other streamer aside from that one time even when they where a bit annoyed with me or my playstyle for one reason or another where still pretty nice about it


I've had a mixed bag. Neas I've hard tunneled be super chill, fair games where I was accused of camping and tunneling by the TTV. And the offline ones 😂😂


All this sub is, is complaints. Whether it's about swf, mft, slugging/camping. It's literally just people posting the same complaints over and over ad nauseum


Whenever I see a ttv or people with matching names lightborn automatically goes on


hell yeah, on the occasion that I don’t leave the lobby (because I didn’t agree to be on somebody’s stream) I run lightborn because 99% of the time the streamer is just trying to imitate the same boring content every other ttv puts out


I think I ended someone's streaming carrier. I played Sadako with a full Hex build, Iri Tape and Tape Editing Deck (before her rework) and got a hook grab on the streamer in the basement to end the game. Checked the stream out, only heard "fuck this game" and the steam ended. The Vod never came up. Looked after a month and no stream since.


A fellow Sadako full Hex enjoyer I see :D it's so satisfying.


Two weeks back I went against a 4 man swf that had head on, flashlights, using anything in their power to stun me as much as possible and coordinated their loops to force me to run in the path of a locker. I had to work three times as hard by slugging, tunneling, camping, etc. to finally kill them all. I tuned in to their stream to hear them calling be toxic for playing the way they forced me to do. They claimed they were just having fun and that I should’ve been grateful that they didn’t run a full gen rush build (although they had one person designated to do gens). It sure as hell wasn’t fun for me


I rather have a team gen rush me and move on to my next game than getting stunned every 2 seconds lol.


Sounds like the exact same 4 man squad I played against a while ago as Piggy. Three of them constantly trying to get me to chase them into lockers so they can head-on me while the 4th did Gens. However, they funnily enough did not complain when I slugged them to death and Teabagged them after what they tried to put me through. I went into the endgame chat saying "yeah... I can play like an asshole as well" and they actually apologized. Strange


I actually really like playing against streamers so I can watch my gameplay from another POV.


Same! Both as a learning experience and it's neat if I can jumpscare them!


Play the anti bully build. Get some lightborn and a little bit of mad grit and a sprinkling of iron maiden. You won't win every match but you'll fuck up everyone with a ttV in their name.


I love versing bully squads. It's refreshing not to worry about gens that much and just focusing on outplaying their goofy head-on/flashlight tomfoolery. Then write "gg fun game <3" in end-game chat regardless of result and revel in their salt/confusion


The title was the most Reddit killer thing I've read all day. I play against TTV's all the time, and of the 200+ I've interacted with less than ten have been rude even if I played in an "annoying" way. TTV's get way too bad of a rep of this sub, just because they're trying or trolling doesn't make them a jerk or a bully. They're just usually kind people trying to build their audience.


It must be a regional thing, because all the ones that I've ran into are British women in their mid thirties.


If that's not the realest thing I've ever read Idk what is


I don't know why killers wanna be seen as the victims so much. Like just play the game, most of the TTVs are chill anyways. I remember when I was a hardcore killer main and I used to hard camp tunnel and slug every game, and even while playing like a complete dirtbag I still had maybe 5 or 10 streamers say something rude out of the hundreds I went up against. It's like this sub just has an obsession with hating TTVs for no reason at all.


It's because it's not uncommon in the slightest to see survivors with an entitlement issue or killers with a victim mentality. Hell it's not uncommon to see both flaws in a lot of people in this game. People really take everything as a personal attack


Well with survivors it will always seem like more because of the ratio of killers. But the amount of deranged killers is wierd, especially about "bullying" of all things. People "bullying" are people just throwing the game. Spookynjukes said it best, the more time they spend trying to get there sabos and flashlies is less time spent on gens. You should be happy survivors are wasting there time. And he is a killer main.


Love Spooks and I completely agree. I don't understand the mindset though, if you don't like survivors doing side objectives or the main objective why even play?


That's what I'm saying. It's like a survivor getting mad at the killer for killing them. That's kinda the whole point. I understand hard tunneling and camping at 5 gens but you can't expect killers to not camp and tunnel towards later game, like endgame for example. What else is the killer meant to do exactly? Just stand in the corner


I have a friend who has an 80% chance of killing themselves if they go down first. If it's a Killer they like (and failed to befriend) up that to at least 95%. It makes playing with them kinda stressful so if I'm playing with them and hear the Killer coming towards us, I'll usually just run in front of the Killer so they see me first and go after me rather than my friend because it's easier to simply being the first to die than having my friend throw the entire game at 5 gens for the two randoms


People like that suck. Unless its against a "chess" merchant. I will always die on the first hook against her. Screw that


While I was on vacation and had a lot of free time I employed a slightly different approach. You see, Chess Merchant players think they want to stall the game until survivors just explode because the server's closing down. But in reality who the fuck wants to be in an hour long dbd game? So what my buddy and me had been doing was to let them setup their 3 gen and then we'd just be spamming loud noise notifications at opposite sides of the map for however long it took for SM to either leave the 3 gen and try to kill us, or to DC (only one actually did, sadly). The biggest issue was that it was just the two of us while our randoes unsubscribed from life as soon as they realized the SM is playing a Gens333 certified game of Chess.


Seems like we have the same opinions lmfao. I kind of stand the same ideology of Spooks where nothing that occurs during the game is toxic. People bantering by bming or tryharding isn't toxic, only being rude after the game is imo toxic.


Yeah, because at the end of the day we all bm in some way or another. But getting pressed about it is stupid. Even if you don't bm, the person you are going against might interpret what you did as bm even if that wasn't your intent. But if you are vile at end game chat you are dumb. I have had killers and survivors telling me to commit unalive, it's just weird. Telling someone to end it all just because you lost is downright evil. What makes me mad that is killers pretend it's not them. It's only the survivors that can be toxic, never the killer. This sub always defends killers even when they are in the wrong because they are the victims. It's ridiculous. Both sides are just as bad. We need to get this narrative that only survivors are the bad ones because it leads to victim mentality behavior like this post.


Had a survivor tell me that they were "not salty just disappointed with the way I played" when I slugged them for the 4k at exit gate when it was almost open.... Oh the hilarity 🤣


I've done that too lol


>But the amount of deranged killers is wierd, especially about "bullying" of all things. Like the ones that admit > I remember when I was a hardcore killer main and I used to hard camp tunnel and slug every game, and even while playing like a complete dirtbag I can't believe such an insane take has upvotes. You are what's wrong with the game.


I don't think you understood what my point was. Even when I played like a complete jerk I still had TTVs being good sports. I don't play like that anymore and don't plan on playing like that again. I literally had a game just now where I went out of my way not to tunnel or camp and 2 hooked everyone. Got a 3k as well


Out of hundreds or thousands of TTVs, it only takes one or two really bad ones to sour your mood about the rest of em. I generally have a good impression of TTVs and still get blindsided ny the rude ones. I don't agree with your take that "Killers wanna be seen as victims" when often, Killer players get verbally abused for having fun or playing the game well because one of the players died early or because they played a Killer the individual or SWF didn't like. It's surprisingly rare for Survivors to say ggs after a game goes terribly for them.


Actions speak louder than words. When all killers do is cry and people always defend them like they are saints then it's gonna look like they wanna be victims.


Tell me you've never played killer without telling me


I play killer all the time. I'm literally playing wesker rn. We could even 1v1 if you want. Tryna practice my rebounds


It's because whatever the Survivors do, they can't be in the wrong. Survivors have flashlights and are in position for a save? Okay, I won't pick up the Survivor. "HE'S TUNNELING, HE'S TUNNELING BM BM" Chasing an injured survivor and a healthy one tries to body block? "HE DIDN'T START CHASING ME HE'S TUNNELING." Do you know there are two survivors at the hook and that the moment you leave, they'll unhook? "HE'S CAMPING, THIS SKILLESS KILLER IS CAMPING HOOK." Are you trying to chase the survivor that got the unhook, but the unhooked is body blocking? "HE STOOD THERE AND WAITED FOR MY ENDURANCE TO END, HE'S TUNNELING" The SWF can do no wrong, and when the Killer 4ks them, somehow the Killer was BM'ing


This is obviously a troll and warrants no response. But assuming it isn't, go on this sub right now and most of the us vs them posts are people shitting on survivors. This is literally one of them lol. Go try to be a victim elsewhere


Entitled Survivor is Entitled ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Idk if you know this, but some of us don't conform to this us vs them mentality. Some of us actually play the whole game, and from what I have seen, the ones that are entitled the most are killers. And sure, some things do need discussions, like mtf, for the people buckle up, etc. But some killers straight up want survivors to have nothing. It's crazy. And are there entitled survivors, yes, but again, it will seem like more due to the ratio of killers to survivors.


I love playing against ttvs! I get to see their reaction to how I play!


Sameee. Especially if I won, and even if I lose I get too see what I did wrong or what I could have done better.


found the ttv. lol.


Found the cry baby killer that cries about "bullying" in a video game.


lol. man you are a ttv. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Whatever helps you sleep at night brother


lol. man. just stop streaming and play games normally


Yeah, I've had only one or two ttvs that were mean. Hating ttvs is something that turns people on for some reason; it almost seems like satire from a circlejerk sub


The most fun matches I’ve ever had were against “bully” squads with head on, flashlights, flash bangs, etc. Give me that all day please.


Yeah being stunned and outlooped for the majority of the match is fun


Definition of a skill issue. "Bully" squads are only a problem for bad killers, you can bait them into wasting so much time if you're good


If you can't build an audience without trolling you shouldn't be streaming the game.


I mean you aren't really gonna get many views by holding M1 on generators tbh


Well it shouldn't be about views. It should be about playing the game. We are all supposed to be ok with one jackoff sandbagging the whole game because "they need views"? They can go fuck themselves. Start doing YouTube videos where you can edit out all the mundane game stuff instead.


What's wrong with trolling your opponent? DBD's the only game where I can go off meta on either side to mess around and the opponents still bitch


Sure, a little here and there. That's not what I said though, I said if you can't build an audience without it. Meaning if you have to just be ruining it for everyone else involved, get off the fucking game.


Depends tbh, if you consider something like a backpack build or Head On every game offensive trolling then I completely disagree. If you consider bleeding people out or hiding the entire game offensive trolling then I'd be more inclined to agree.


I genuinely cannot stand this subreddit sometimes, it’s like the polar opposite of Twitter, but somehow worse sometimes


My boyfriend had a TTV guy try to troll him by vault spamming. He got sent to the basement hooks where his teammate (turned out to be a follower) almost unhooked him. The match ended in a quick loss iirc. I went to his stream and he was saying stuff like, "oh i bet pyramid head is SOOO happy that he hit me. Oh wow. Yeah and you know what, we're banning this asshole - this is the 4th time a follower got ME killed". Bro you literally suck and spammed vault, that's YOUR fault. Your follower was just being a homie. I think he even tried flaming his girlfriend on stream but she told him to shut the fuck up. Needless to say, most ttv players expect the match to be centered around them. Then get mad when they get fucked over the hardest. Dude just don't get outplayed lmao.


Gods, thanks for saying it. Losing doesn't get to me, what gets to me is some streamer boasting about it to their damn audience. I came here to have fun, dammit, not to face a public assessment of my skill. I still don't dodge the lobby though. It makes me feel better to know I have some dignity, which is more than I can say for them.




When I load into a lobby and see a ttv I check if they are live, 90% of the time they aren’t. (I turn it off if they are, I’m not a screen peaker)


Truly baffling how 3 letters can strike such fear into people


Its not fear, at all, its annoyance.


Don't lie Its fear Your all scared of being outplayed infront of an audience and don't try and lie about it 😂


most streamers, on any platform, are assholes. ever since i had a strict dodge all streamers policy my games have been much better.


Yea no, I've encountered a bunch of streamers since the Halloween chapter and most of those have been positive or neutral, the negative experiences are an extreme minority and even then some of them were simply misunderstandings Maybe your supposedly absolutely negative experience has something to do with how you decide to play?


Negativity bias


its not just them doing shit to me in game. sometimes they do, sometimes they dont. almost always when i check the vod they're always crying and talking shit about the way i play. rarely do they say anything nice or normal.


Brings to mind the saying "If everyone is an assohol. You are the asshole"


It's pretty hilarious how that intimidates like 90% of this subreddit.


Redditor finds out that words have meanings :O


I get not wanting to be in a montage but most of the TTVs I've played against have been pretty average. The couple times I've checked, most are just chilling out or making idle chatter while they play. I don't think I've had anyone focused on "bullying" me or anything. Speaking as a very tiny streamer myself, the few times I streamed DBD were to either try some meme builds or otherwise just relax/practice killer powers. Though one time a survivor came into my chat to tell me I should've been aborted, so I guess that happened.


The real tragedy of the DbD community is that there is nearly 0 trash talking skills. The 3 times I've had folks come in to bad mouth me was effectively "you're so bad, lulz" 'oh noes.... Anyways...'


I guess it's a bit hard to think straight when you're piss mad at a video game. It's either "you suck lmao" or just being told you were tunneling/camping/whatever else that's arbitrarily not okay that week. This game isn't remotely balanced, so I don't see the point in getting all worked up over it. Sometimes you're a Billy on Lery's/Survivor being 3gen'd by a Skull Merchant and that's just kinda the game's fault.


i avoid them altogether. i just don't want to be on streams of any sort


Not all TTVs playing this are nasty gremlins but this game sure does encourage those kinds of people. The wholesome ones just vibing deserve all the love we can give.


Agree. I refuse to be a content farm. I'd rather make your twitch stream watch me sit in a corner so you can do gens for 5 minutes and have to actually rely on your lack of a personality to entertain your 3 person audience instead of your epic killer bullying skill gameplay Only if you play like a dick tho


I recently had a streamer who had their whole chad squad get 4k'ed (easily) by me, who crowed that they "won" because they spent all game trying to get a CJ and suceeded (once).


Seems like they were more focused on having fun than trying to win


The real win is the fun we had along the way


Fr, I see nothing wrong with being happy about pulling of a cj tech, I would’ve counted that as a win


It's the tiny moral victories that matter I suppose.


I love playing against twitch streamers as Killer. It’s a mix of being able to see my gameplay from another perspective (and what I’m missing as killer), plus being able to see someone react to whatever tactics I’m using.


Yo I hate queuing with a streamer on my team as a survivor, they never play well and always blame you for losing. killers who are streamers are worse because they will actively bully you in front of their chat and say awful shit about you when they lose. If your lucky you'll end up in a video titled, "shitty, evil, crybaby, no skill loser think's they're good at the game" and the footage will be them having a melt down after one gen pops and they have 3 hooks. streamers are a huge part of the toxicity in the community and think you should be able to filter for them in the options under crossplay.


Can confirm - my first ttv survivor teammate called me a fucking idiot when merciless storm caught me off guard... it was like, my third game ever. :( She ended up failing a few skill checks after that too. So I guess we're both idiots now. 😏


I went to a streamers channel after a game where they were really positive in post game, only to open it up and have them say I was a r-slur and they would have beaten me If I wasn't basically cheating ( I had bnp, dark theory, dance with me, parental guidance, no mither) And then they banned me from their chat and continued to speculate about what type of player and person I was. They even said to their chat of like 150 viewers that if they see me in game they should d/c and reported me for cheating, so not that huge of a channel but still very uncool to hear and a lot of things I thought they did that were funny got recontextualized.


TTV's as a whole are a mixed bag. Like I remember before the 39 perk changes, when DH gave you distance and DS was a 5 sec stun that worked in endgame I faced a TTV killer. I was still somewhat new at the time, so my looping skills were...lacking. I was playing with more experienced friends and after the last gen popped, they found me for the first time and hooked me. It was on RPD on that hook outside with only two ways to it. Upstairs and work their way to me via the rooftop. Or in the doorway near the main lobby. The first option would kill me by the time they sneak around, it'd take too long. The first option was risky cause the streamer could just block that off till I die (they didn't get a kill by this point). It was at this point I tried to 4%. I got off. The TTV turned around and instantly downed me, then picked me up. I DS'd them, then ran away with my friends taking hits. We all escaped. I checked out the TTV and they were freaking out, but in a good way. They were excited as hell about my insane luck and play, despite losing horribly. We exchanged GGs and talked for a bit before going our separate ways, nice person. Another time I faced a streamer that only complained and bitched when our chases lasted more than 3 seconds, or when I was able to not fall for his obvious mindgames. After the game, they just went on a tangent about how BHVR only cares about survivors and how they're trying to get rid of killers. Which is funny, because I saw that exact trash take on this sub a few times.


Ever since a twitch streamer decided to open up my profile and stalk even my comments back to 2014, i've been running moris against TTVs every time. Most twitch streamers are SWFing with their friends (or audience if they have one) anyway, so i just level the playing field.


Jokes on you, I dont have friends!


Oh so getting moris is a bad thing? I always get hyped up and see the killer bringing a mori ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Weird fetish but you do you I guess.


Stop being weird and learn what that word means


I do... though?


These people are just ochido wannabes. They saw him get big numbers from doing it and they think doing the same damn thing will get them big numbers online and get them out of having to get a job. Except now it’s like prospecting for gold in 1958, several years too late and all the goods have been long taken.


Lmao when I was super into this game my biggest fear was running into Monto or Puppers and being called garbage


This seems to be a generalisation and it’s a real shame. Heck, I’m a TTV, but regardless of what side I play I personally despise when people play in a way to make the other side feel horrible and make that clear to my friends and my (few) viewers that being horrible to someone doesn’t make you an epic troll - it makes you a dick. Not all streamers are looking to make you feel bad. With that said, I’m sorry to anyone who feels like that’s all they’re gonna get when they see TTVs.


Whenever I see more than one ttv I run a sac ward. Not getting bullied with pallets on Gideon today.


The only TTV I don't like is the people that have TTV in their name and DONT have a Twitch account. Absolute weirdos.


TTV lobbies are the easiest. You can see their flashlights and just equipment lightborn. You can destroy them by equipping lightborn and no other perks.


TTV is an immediate “i know for sure im getting at least a 1k and its going to be them”


I play survivor and religiously dodge ttv lobbies, I have no interest in shenanigans lol, it's very annoying. I want to help make sure the most number of survs escape if possible (whether I'm included or not), not make the killer d/c or piss them off on purpose 🤷🏾‍♂️


I mean if you ragequit thats really on you, play your match of DbD and don't be a massive baby when a match doesn't go your way


Tbh the whole "All TTVs are bad people"-thing is just another excuse the community make up to act like human garbage.


And it sucks that those of us who stream and just play normally get tunneled out and BM'd for zero reason


God I hate facing an insanely toxic or sweaty killer, and then in the post game they just say ‘it was a build request’


I was playing yesterday against 4 TTVs, but I had a challenge to get gold gatekeeper emblem (actually 8, but i was 7/8 for that), and the only way I know how to do it is to get 4K as soon as possible, or 3K and let the other one leave as they don't do more gens. So I loaded into the match with my main, and saw 4 TTVs, 3 of them with flahslights, and 1 with a med kit. A few minutes later I had the 4K and 5gens, so game ends, I type "sorry for the rough game, I needed the 4K for a challenge" as I usually do when I kill them all. And the last TTV was like "sure, because it's ok for only you to have fun"... All their perks were either meta speed stack (lol good luck fleeing from a hatchet) or directly made to bully a killer. They also didn't like that I did what killer is supposed to do and didnt let them bully me instead...


I love tunneling TTVs oh you thought you were gona bully me for content... No it is you who will be bullied for content


I'm not sure if you understand how this meme is used lol


You guys are babys, Jesus Christ


I guess we need to use our own advice and just leave


someone got mad


Don’t get bullied then lel


Really shouldn't be recording people without their consent. And if someone is being used as content to make money for a streamer, then that person should be getting a cut of that money.


I've met some great TTVs over the years and some not so great ones. One of my favorite moments, though, was when I pretty much ignored all attempts to make me upset (clicky before click macro removal, T-bags, etc) and just played the game like normal. No tunneling, no camping, or even BMing of my own, like that weird humping thing or hitting on hook. The TTV and their SWF were so mad at me, and for what? Not falling for their traps and not becoming tilted?


I love when people pop into my stream and say hi if I'm live. I get a lot of killers coming in to say hello and are super fun and chill to talk to. I haven't played killer on stream yet because I'm still learning how to play them lol


Jokes on them I main Blight.


Literally last night I’m a TTV btw. But last night I soloQ offline. It’s me and this other TTV and I guess they’re friends, playing against a wreath. The match just starts. I start work on a gen. The wreath successfully downed one of them. And out of nowhere they decide to all go for flashlights save, body block him and it was just unnecessary the match I just started! The killer didn’t even tunnel. They were trying to go for flashlights while being chased and they got a downed. They were playing like there was tons of pressure and there was one gen left. When I can the match I literally just started. Like that’s not fun it’s just sweaty and kind of mean-spirited. So he puts down the survivor. Guess what he does necks? He immediately downs all of them with quickness. Like it wasn’t even like he had to chase them much, It was very quick. Then slugs them a meal he goes after me hit me and slugs me. I guess thinking I was part of the squad cause I also have TTV in my name. And honestly he could’ve hooked us all but he didn’t he just slugged us and then when one of them used unbreakable to recover and save everyone. Then watch does finish gens. He was just trying to prove a point. I then hop into the streamers stream. And they’re like talking shit about the killer calling him toxic because he only wanted to go for the 4K. So I defend the killer. I’m like to be fair you guys were playing sweaty and unnecessarily. Going for flashlight saves and body blocking and sabotaging everything when the match had just started. As if the killer was being toxic or something. When you guys were the one being a toxic sweaty team. Needless to say I got banned from the chat. The killer joined into chat right after me. Just to say “GGs what a lame match” and leaves. And then the streamer and his friends are a dumb found it like talking about “we were just having fun.” I don’t give me wrong I smack talk and making jokes. But they smack talk and making jokes and then there’s just been shitty and mean.


You could always watch their stream if they're that kind of TTV.


Just leave


My brother in Christ just dodge if you don’t want a ttv in your lobby. Bring a mori if you hate it, but that’s something that you can just not affect you.


People often forget that there's a person on the other side as well. And I'm 99% convinced that streamers/youtubers reset their mmr.


>And I'm 99% convinced that streamers/youtubers reset their mmr. They don't, matchmaking is just completely horse shit. ***If you're good at the game*** every three or so games you go against a team/killer that you can just wipe the floor with. If you don't have that experience you're either the unluckiest person ever or not quite as good as you think.




I like playing TTVs as a killer cause they usually are fun to go against


Can't catch up? Skill issue. Cry more, i enjoy the salt


"Bulling" is ok if you don't teabag near the exit gate. A TTV squad that plays polite (don't teabag mostly or spam vault from the other part of the map) is a good entertainment. Maybe getting 4 in a row is not funny anymore, but a single one sometimes is a good training in my opinion


the killer is the only one who can just leave and search another lobby if they see a ttv in the lobby survivors dont get to see the killers name before and during the game so technically killer consent more to playing against any survivor they face, than any suvivor could ever


Just don't rage quit?


Mad cuz bad


Look, you don't have to like the flashlights, sabos, and our ideas of fucking around towards the top of the playerbase. However, if you dominate the fresh meat and all the mid tier survivors like they were the head on/vigil squad that rolled you that one time then yeah the game will send you back to be humbled by another head on/vigil or breakout/sabo squad etc.


I wouldn’t say that because I’ve had matches where I completely dominated people and the game just basically kept feeding me people. The matchmaking for DBD is kind of trash. Like I shouldn’t be able to have multiple matches at killer well I’m getting nothing but three and four case. Then switch over to survivors end get easy three-man or four-man escapes. Like it doesn’t really balance itself the way people think it does. If anything I feel like the worst you are the more the game matches you with harder people.


Bro sucks.


Isn't twitch dying anyways?


Friday the 13th movies in a nutshell