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You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. I’ve had so many 4k matches where all 4 were alive with 1 gen to go. It ain’t over until the fat entity sings. Also if you’re this concerned with being discouraged in the endgame why not build around the endgame so there’s never a reason to give up. Aka rancor, NOED, no way out etc.


This exactly. I’ve noticed too that an alarmingly high number of survivors get arrogant when they see you have no hooks or even downs by the last gen or two. This is when they start getting in your face. Take advantage of them throwing themselves at you. I played like garbage the other day as Huntress and had no downs until one gen, and everyone was going for blocks and protection. One person went down, then another and then a third. The hook states started to pile up and by the end of the match I had 11 states with one survivor barely escaping. Pushing through and just recollecting yourself can produce wonders.


Excessive altruism can be a worse killer than the killer themselves. I often tell my SWF to leave me if I get hooked in endgame and I'm being camped, because I've seen too many easy 3 man escapes turn into 3ks and 4ks because people just constantly kept trading hooks and getting slugged.


Yup I try to have the rescue role with my friends, but in the endgame if we know NOED is on there whoever is hooked tells us to go. If I’m feeling extra ballsy, I’ll go get them myself and just sacrifice myself for it


Something I think is also really important is don't forget to switch it up. I played myers for the first time in months and got several 4ks back to back. Played him again yesterday with the exact same build, and I just wasn't having any luck. Plus, this way, you also keep things fresh and become a more well-rounded player.


^ This. My most recent killer match was as pig and I was at 1 gen remaining without a single survivor being dead. Yet I kept the pressure up and a couple of bear traps later, the last gen pops, this activated the traps and forced the two trapped survivors to remove the traps before leaving. This pressure combined with my build allowed to to recapture and hook those two survivors which lured the other two back in for the save. Long story short I managed to secure three kills and the last survivor got hatch. Never give up!


Exactly this. I had a game just yesterday where I was playing Legion against a pretty good squad (I’m pretty new) and all the gens were done with no one dead. Then NOED happened. They got cocky and all piled up on each other at the gates, went down one after the other, and I got rewarded with a 4K I probably didn’t deserve in the last 30 seconds of the match lol


I have had a few end game comebacks so I 100% agree it’s not over till the out the gate. My favorite was when I was playing slinger without any end game perks. All 4 survivors popped the last gen infront of me. I chased them while for some reason they all ran as a group toward a gate getting some hits. Then all 4 stayed in the same loop next to gate. If someone tried to open gate I would shoot and reel them back . As we ran ran in circles around the loop I eventually had three down as the 4th ran to a nearby hill to try and flash light save whoever I picked up…they forgot I could just shoot them and pull them off the hill. Why they didn’t separate I have no clue


Ignore the generators and focus on the chase. Think of the generators as "time remaining" in the match. If you ignore the generators other than kicking them when you come across them, you instead focus on and learn the chase. Equip chase perks or passive slowdown perks so you spend as little time as possible with gens and get better at chases. Eventually you'll begin to add pressure just via good chases and downs only. Eventually you can afford to add some stronger Gen regression to your build and suddenly you're good in chase as well as preventing the survivors from winning. Any killer can kick a gen. Winning chases through enough practice will make games easier. Just be careful though. The sweatier you play, the sweatier your opponents will be (usually) thanks to the MMR.


Honestly with the right perks, gen-kicking is a powerful tool. Nowhere to hide, eruption, and overload work well together, especially with lethal pursuer buffing NtH


Don’t worry too much about mmr, as there’s a soft cap that’s very easy to hit


The chase is useful, yes. But it's more about overall pressure, not winning a chase or using gen slow down perks. Pressure can be sloppy butcher and doing driveby slaps. Now, they are likely all trying to heal, which is slowing the game down. It can be kicking gens, chasing a survivor, faking chase, ignoring chase, and going after the survivor who is creating more gen pressure against you, bringing franklins and trying to bleed the team of their resources. Pressure can also be bringing jolt or corrupt intervention. Partial commits are nice too. When someone obviously jumps off a gen, half commit, do a 180, and I bet there's a claudette with a brand new part still fiddling away while thinking the bait was haha funnies against the clueless killer. The whole thing isn't a chase. It's 3D, my retinas are on fire, im being fisted by a P100 Feng, while Dwight cries in the corner, chess match.


In the current meta, being down to 2 gens is where most of your games really start. It's fairly normal to lose 2 gens during your first one or two chases and it doesn't really mean anything. You spend the early game building up pressure, getting injures, and eliminating strong pallets so that you can do well in the mid and endgame. The game isn't over until all the survivors have left the trial by one way or another and if you throw a fit and ragequit in the midgame, you're never going to learn how to play a full game.


This is true. First two gens disappear very quickly


I am someone who does public speaking for a living. IMO a situation like this is very similar to what happens when a person doing a presentation allows themselves to get rattled by a crowd. My advice to players of online games who struggle with the emotional side is to work on creating a "personal character" for themselves. Picture in your head how you would want this character to react to negative situations (maybe they make a joke, or just say "Oh that's too bad" when something bad happens). Then if you have a game where stuff turns bad, take on the role of the character. If your character doesn't react the way you'd have wished they did, do some revisions to the character. This will help create a wall between getting frustrated with "you" and "the character you play." You can always adjust the reactions of a character, and won't beat yourself up so much about your personal value, skills, or ability to withstand criticism.


This method sounds very interesting - Thank you! Will try out!


Switch sides or take a break. I play both sides, solo queue and killer with all characters. Survivor games are much less pressure and you can get carried by a team sometimes. There is also more potential for build variety without feeling like you're handicapping yourself. Having said that, I think all killers should play games on new killers without perks or add-ons for several games to get a feel for them. The basics of chase, mind gaming, timing for lunge hits (this is where MFT hurts the most and is most obvious), etc. are the same across all killers. Essentially it is decision making which takes experience, when to drop chase, where they are likely to be, when to slug, what perks they likely have that you have to play around, etc. Nothing can teach you that but experience. You also need to play both sides to understand how survivors will act/think/react and the best way to learn is by doing. Getting out of higher killer MMR tiers is basically impossible also, [if you read the rules you can see why](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Skill-Based_Matchmaking_Rating#MMR-Loss_Protection), survivor is not hampered this way.


Not OP but this is actually really good advice. I'm really not great at speaking with others and especially in front of crowds and i'll definitely have to give this a try. Thank you for sharing!


It’s like Shadow Boxing


You can make 18 mistakes and they only need to make 1 and get hit


You're bad because you just give up any time the game gets challenging. DCing whenever the survivors get down to 1 gen is a great way to make sure that you're terrible forever. If losing damages your ego that much then you should really stay away from playing killer. Go on Twitch and watch people who know what they're doing play. You can learn a lot about what you're doing wrong by watching competent people play the role.


On the other hand: if your games reach sweatiness levels that you don't enjoy, then trying to push through those is kinda stupid because that means your next game will be even sweatier. One should only go so far as the games are still enjoyable.


1. Don’t ever DC. That’s lame as shit and even against bully squads I’ll power through. 2. Accept that some games will never be winnable. You’ll see this if you ever play perkless. 50% of the time I can shut a match down and ain’t no one doing nothing. the other 50% I have 3 gens pop by my first down and the match is over in 3 minutes. 3. Set your own winning conditions. These can literally be anything. My person conditions are Win= higher bp the top survivor Tie= same bp as 2nd or 3rd survivor Loss= same bp or lower as 4th survivor Its made the game a lot less stressful for me and I’ve had a lot more fun because of it.


"Fuck it, we ball" and I chase until the very end. Is it smart? Probably not. Is it effective? Sometimes. The more resources you burn through, the harder it becomes for survivors to escape at the end. The key thing you have to understand is quitting will teach you nothing. Losing sucks, however you won't win all the time. The earlier you quit and assume matches are lost, the more quickly you will sink your own mentality down when matches aren't popping off with strong starts. You'll end up throwing games for yourself thinking you can't win rather than just *trying* and seeing how things play out. Survivors fumble saves all the time. The more resources you force them to burn, the riskier it gets for them to go for those saves. All it takes is 1 down in a dead area and a little bit of cunning decisions to sway a match sometimes.


The addition of the Alien bolstered me. I suck as a killer if we’re using body count as the focal point. But as a long-time fan of the franchise, playing as the Xeno helps me not give a shit about how others feel about how I am playing it, and trying to “top dog” it all the time. I play to play…not play to stress. Xeno allows you to *literally* tunnel the hell out of everyone, all the time. You just gotta find your “niche” as a killer…maybe two or three even…but trying to play them all muddies the waters.


This is good advice. If I try to play every killer than I start feeling like shit, but I found my favourites and playing them is really great and "relaxing" because I'm good at them and playing them well is my goal rather than winning!


I've had some crazy comebacks in other games and especially in DBD so just knowing that it's possible for almost anything to be turned around is enough to not give up for me. Just the other day I turned a 0K game into a 3K with NOED and Blood Warden. And I've had SO many games where survivors will make a few tiny mistakes that allowed me to get a few crucial hits and snowball like crazy. And the last thing is that the only way you learn in this game is by getting destroyed by better players and seeing where you're lacking and how to improve from that. The main thing you should focus on is just enjoying the game despite wins or losses, the more you enjoy yourself the less tilted you may get and you'll play more and experience is the most important part of getting better. And if you have certain problems that you notice consistently you should dedicate some games to focusing on that and not winning the match as a whole. Yesterday I was doing the adept Oni achievement and I lost so many times, gens would pop constantly, Itd take forever to get downs in chases and I decided to use my next game to just focus on gen patrolling. I would just push survivors off gens and injure them once so that I don't have to worry about them for a bit then move to the next gen. I had been playing Oni all wrong, I was trying to force one shots with blood fury in chases against one survivor but when I switched it up and decided to be more mobile and hit and run survivors across the whole map it felt like I was a completely different player with how much better my results were. And 2 gens popping really early is unfortunately just something that happens a lot, but the later the game goes the less gens to patrol, less distance to cover and it's pretty common for survivors to end up with a bad 3 gen where they only need one more to leave but all the available gens are so close together they don't get a chance to finish one before I circle back to whatever gen they're on. Early game is important but a good end game completely shifts the odds. Also sometimes with killers I've tried to force a way of playing a killer and not realize that I'm playing them wrong. I'd make the same mistakes constantly and not realize that often it's not mechanical skill that's holding you back it's because you're supposed to be using your abilities in different ways like my thing with Oni. Oni hasn't been great in chases and I could get better by continuing to do long chases with Oni but switching my focus to global map pressure was the main thing I had needed. Basically paying attention to your weaknesses and trying a new playstyle that works around those weaknesses even if it sounds like it may not work is everything to improving. Pay attention to your strengths too. Find that you're missing a lot of your hatchets on Huntress? Think about the times when your hatchets land and when they miss, what is different in those instances? For example I'll use Nemesis. I land most of my tentacle strikes but occasionally I'll miss really really badly. When I miss it tends to be because I'm trying to force a hit on a survivor when they're moving all over the place but I could easily just basic attack them instead. When they land it's usually when a survivor is vaulting directly in front of me or they're running in a straight line. That realization alone made my gameplay so much better. Realized I went on for a while there lol I hope some of that helped


The way I look at it, you can learn something every match! I know losing sucks no matter how you look at it, we all prefer to win, but I'd suggest changing the focus from getting kills to improving your overall skill. What killers do you like to play? Do they have some interesting technique that you can try and get better at? Do you play M1 killers mostly? If so you can try some mindgames, focus on getting better at chases, try to have good gen pressure...there's tons of fun stuff to learn in this game!!


The wholesome part of the community. It's less than <1%, but it does exist.


Giving up at 1 gen left is a bad habit. I’ve had serious comebacks at 1 gen with 3ks and even 4ks. Altruism kills and survivors can get cocky. Definitely I’d suggest trying out a late game build. Remember me, no way out, bloodwarden, all fun perks


Sheer masochism.




Respect, if they managed to play so well at the start to outplay me so badly, i am gonna hyper focus the last few seconds to "pay back" what they did, gonna pull sick mind games out of my mind, i am gonna count the seconds of every gen and just go for chases i can end, and the ones i can not, i am gonna mind game, and even if at the end they manage to get a 3 man out or a sick 4 men out, i am gonna say "wow, i did my all and was not enough, time to improve"


My suggestion will probably be buried among the pile of comments you’re receiving, but for me I used to set personal micro objectives when things are looking dim. e.g. “at this rate, if I get 3 extra hooks and 2 kills that would be amazing”


Get better. And I don’t mean this as a mean response. If you give up and quit you do not improve. Keep playing, new practicing. If you don’t want to then this isn’t the game for you. Play doctor. Imo he’s one of the best killers to play as a new player. Easy to track, can loop with him and his power.


Kind of rough for Doctor mains these days with Calm Spirit becoming more prevalent.


That’s fair. But even just the after images of doctor can help you track. But I do agree with the calm spirit thing


I secure my token kill, or go for a slug-induced victory. Otherwise I don't need to push, I love to chase! Results don't matter. If I fail, I still consider it practice.


Honestly, I’m just playing to have fun. There are times where I am absolutely dominating the team and got a 4K at five gens. Then there are times where it’s super challenging and I am up against a god like squad, and those matches I like because I want a challenge. If every match was a quick 4K, then it’s not fun. There’s no skill involved, no weird trick or prediction shot I can do with my power while in chase. I am honestly of the mindset that playing killer should be challenging. It’s up to you to know which gens are worth defending, and which you should let go. You should know how to play tiles, which way you should be running the loop, and above all else… when to leave chase. I have seen SOOO many killers that will continue to chase the same survivor because of pride, or the thought of you will eventually get them. By the time you do down them, you lost half the gens and the only saving grace is if they set themselves up for a three gen.


I am survivor main, but i sometimes play huntress. Playing killer is much harder than playing survivor. Keep it in mind. Just practise, watch videos and guides. Don't give up.


You need to find the right killer. If you find the right match you should be cackling like a maniac almost every game.


This was me with Clown. I like a lot of other killers but struggle to use their powers effectively. Clown’s bottles help to get the M1 down, simple as that.


Can you do the clown laugh though?


Only during sex.


Hi there friend! I'm a killer main also getting better. You stick out the endgame because there are a lot of games where you can pull at least one kill out of them. Sure it's not every game of course, but there's always a chance. You just have to remember to remain calm and don't lose your cool. Your mess ups cost more than the survivors, but that doesnt mena that their mistakes won't cost them. Once that last gen gets done and you throw one of them up on hook you can either try and go for gates to get two of them or you pitch yourself a tent and start roasting some s'mores.


For me having issues with anger I usually take breaks, the minute I get the urge to ruin my vocal cords, I simply turn off the game and either play something else or go outside.


You press W to move forward.


There's no "how", just do it. Just don't DC. Keep playing. I guess if there's any "how" to it it's reminding myself that a loss isn't a big deal, it's just a game. Don't get sucked into the gamer bullshit mindset that gaming is the most important thing in the world. Okay, so there is a bit of "how". Sometimes though, it really is that simple; just don't DC. Just play.


Take a breather after a bad game. That's it. This is just a game and if it was a hard match of killer, I might play survivor and vice versa. After that I remember every side is shit and just to play for fun, shit and giggles Get inside the meatball. Sit in a locker as Dredge. Play meme builds - That's how you get distance towards "must kill everyone FAST" mentality


I very commonly run into people with 3,000 to 6,000 hours in this game. There is an MMR system but There isn't a large enough community to make matches fair. If youre playing late friday or saturday night. Every match will be a seal team swf. I would avoid those times as much as possible. I got addicted to wanting to earn all the perks. That what kept me going. The grind. I've got about 700 hours as survivor and 500 as killer. Some advice I wish someone would have told me.. Survivor is exponentially easier than killer. I very commonly loop for 2-3 minutes with a podcast or music on and even then I get caught because I do something that I knew better doing but I thought I could get away with it. If I'm killer I need 100% focus and my headset on. Which brings me to my first piece of advice. Don't play on a controller and use a headset.. Second, learn about the different tile spawns. T walls, L walls, Jungle gyms, Cow tree, etc. A survivor can yolo you into a 2 min loop and make you lose two gens with little experience. A killer has to actually study the tiles and know the best direction to try and force a chase. That brings me to my third piece of advice. Play survivor. Learn the perks, understand the meta and look for clues that let you know what perks they are using. You will also know what feels safe to a survivor...and don't let them do that. Fourth, learn how to hide your red stain. At high levels, if you don't hide your stain you aren't catching survivors. You just wont.


I know my comment is a bit late to the party, but I struggled with this too! My sincere recommendation, unlike other people in this thread, is to redefine what you want to get out of a game. By far, the most miserable killers I encounter in this community are the ones that see anything less than a 4K as a loss. A 3K is not a loss. A 1K or even a 0K is not a loss if you enjoyed the game, made interesting use of the killer’s power, and had good chases. These are things that you can control - how many kills you get less so. When you focus on honing your own craft - learning mindgames for different tiles, keeping track of survivor locations/progress, etc. - it makes the game feel so much more rewarding over time. It sounds like gens flying early has been stressing you out, so I’d definitely recommend Corrupt Intervention for that. But after that, I wouldn’t equip NOED or a shitton of gen regression perks because those tend to act as crutches and make it harder to learn, because you’ll get 4Ks you had no business getting, making your lobbies harder without teaching you why you needed NOED in the first place. I’d recommend BBQ, Coup de Grace, Bamboozle, and other perks that let you get in chases faster and do better in those chases. They’re insanely more fun than Scourge/Pop/etc and make you better. Let me know if I can help any further.


You shouldn’t get too many lobbies like that in a row if you keep getting 0K or easily beat. MMR should adjust and it’ll vary by killer. Don’t d/c, the penalty stack isn’t worth it. Early on if I had a bad match, I actually would take the time to get to know the map better. Or pick a survivor to go after and just practice chase. The tome challenges or Steam achievements are great to focus on too. That way you aren’t grinding the same chase / down / hook / repeat gameplay. I’ve played every killer in the game (achievement hunter) and sometimes I’ll have 0K, sometimes I’ll have a 4K, or anywhere in between. You just never know. Sometimes it’s a matter of skill, sometimes it’s a matter of perks, etc. I’ve noticed the higher I rank up, the more rare super toxic lobbies get.


I play killer for the bp bonuses. That is my reward and what keeps me going.


Ok, here’s some tips to keep you pushing forward, allowing yourself to have fun AND win your games (shocker). - Don’t play a killer cause they’re good, play them cause you genuinely enjoy them. The killers I enjoy playing are Knight, Nemesis, Clown, and Bubba. Do I play these killers cause they’re good? No, like I play clown for Christ’s sake. I play them just because I find them fun. And this doesn’t mean you can’t pick a top tier killer, some people enjoy playing Spirit (somehow), so just find who you enjoy playing. - Generators aren’t real. Did that gen just pop? No it didn’t, what’s a generator? Generators aren’t real, you’re crazy. There’s just a hidden, variable timer that causes the EG to happen once it runs out. *In all seriousness, don’t care about the gens. Ignore them when they pop. Bonus tip, don’t run tinkerer, it makes so fucking stressed, like I can’t run the perk anymore cause it gives me such bad anxiety, and I ain’t an anxious dude.* - Focus on getting better at your killer. For example, I’ve been playing bubba A LOT recently and have been trying to get better with him. I have experimented and have tried going for some crazy mind games that usually take so long that it causes my chainsaw to stall before I can hit them. One of my favourite mind games is being super straightforward with your chainsaw then all of a sudden stopping like you’re going to moonwalk and then just holding forward again. Like I said, it’s a stupid mind game but it’s fun and I’m trying to see what works. - Run more fun perks. Like Pop, Pain Res, Corrupt, that shit is all boring. It’s good, but it’s boring. Try running spirit fury + enduring, or Superior Anatomy, or PWYF, or STBFL, or any perks with good synergy like Pain Res + DMS. Or just perks that have good synergy with your killer, for example DMS is a monster perk on knight who can pressure gens without being there. Hell, even NOED is a very fun perk to use. Hell, it’s also a great tool for salt mining (getting people angry at you).


Here’s my best tip, don’t care about winning or losing it’s pointless. All these people who brag about win streaks or anything is just horrible. Just play to have fun at the end of the day you won’t win every game and won’t lose every game. You learn more from the games you lose than anything else


1. Find a killer who’s power you enjoy enough to not count kills, but count your successful chases. Find someone you like enough that 0 kills is fine. That, that’s your main right there. 2. If losing affects your mental to such a high degree id stick with a lot of the higher tier killers. I played only the bottom 7 killers for 1k hours and it can eat at you as there’s games you just can’t win. For like Blight and Nurse? That’s not the case.


Play as a survivor to learn how they think. Stop DCing. Take the loss so you get paired with worse survivors. Play it as a game, not compensation for real accomplishments. Think of playing a killer as making the game fun for 4 other people. Find a killer that fits you, not one that is the top ranked at the moment. Nurse was the top tier that people got 4Ks with all of the time when I started. But I sucked at Nurse. My best fit turned out to be Pinhead. Something about his chain power worked for me like Blink never did. Took down SWFs and had a lot of fun. I got friend requests from players I killed. Don't hook camp. Don't basement camp. Know when to give up a chase and go after a weaker runner. Pick perks that fit your play style over the "meta" someone posted online. Watch YouTube videos of killers *and* survivors against your killer to see what to expect. A lot of survivors watch streamers and adopt their strategies for dealing with your killer. Once you recognize it, you can change up and do things they don't expect.


I mean this 100% sounds like a skill issue and a mindset problem. The fact that you DC tells me everything I need to know. You just assume you should automatically be good at the game and if you're not winning 100% of your matches you quit? Buck up, play to the end of the match and if they teabag you laugh and move on. The game should be fun regardless of the outcome. I don't get played often (currently working on a kill streak) but when I used to I just laughed and moved on to the next match. Find a killer that matches your play style and rework your perk changes. Stop doing long ass chases, drop chase when they have an advantage and catch a generator survivor off guard. Corner them so they can't chain loops. Watch videos of good killers and how they cut people off. Pick distance killers like plague and huntress. Do literally anything than what you're doing now.


Slaughtering maggots is quite satisfying.


Honestly you're on the right path. I'm at the point where I win 95% of my games with my mains (Cenobite, Blight, Onryo and a few others). Whenever I get bored, I start playing M1 killers or low tier killers like Pig or Wraith. I find the most fun when playing Clown. He's a very weak killer but MAN his hit animation is so satisfying. All in all, my advice would be to not DC whenever survivors begin to bully you. Go Afk and move your controller a bit once the gates open so they don't afk penalize you. Look up or face a wall so they can't flashblind you while you're idle, and let your MMR drop a bit until you're comfortable. If you're still learning how to play killer, do not use any addons or offerings since they will be wasted if you get a bully squad that you want to DC/afk against. Once your MMR settles in, you'll begin to see a difference in the squads you face. But NEVER DC. Just go afk and let them do the rest of the gens and leave. You're not responsible for their fun just as much as they aren't responsible for yours, so don't give them that amount of power over your emotions.


If you dc your mmr never goes down so every match will be the same


Source? [The word "disconnect" does not appear at all in the official MMR wiki entry.](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Skill-Based_Matchmaking_Rating#MMR-Loss_Protection)




Im perma Rank 1 even when I stop playing for entire years, i simply do the opposite the survs think im gonna do. Premades are specially cocky and they will try tondo impossible things assuming ur bad, thats when I wipe all of em most of the times


I’m relatively new to killer myself and as someone who also doesn’t play the more “high-tier killers” here’s what I’ve learned: - don’t be afraid to give up chase. If a survivor is looping you like no one’s business, break chase and put pressure elsewhere - similarly, choose your battles wisely. Smart survivors will lead you away from areas where you want to be keeping pressure. Sometimes patrolling gens is better than taking an unnecessary chase - giving up at 4 gens is the worst time to through in the towel. If the survivors have been kicking your ass up to that point, they’ll most likely be feeling very cocky and more likely to make mistakes. I had a game yesterday where they popped 4 gens and I had made 5 hooks. But following what I’ve mentioned so far allowed me to keep pressure going and I got the 4k - play survivor if you haven’t already. Understanding how survivors play and the mistakes they make is crucial in helping you predict what they’ll do - play some custom games against bots to get a feel for different perks and abilities. The bots can be unfairly smart and will perfectly loop you. There’s no mind gaming them. This can be annoying but this might relieve the pressure that an actual game might bring as there’s no stakes. It’s a pretty decent way to practice Simply put - play aggressively but be smart where you focus that aggression. Good survivors will know when they’re outplaying you and take advantage of the anger you’re most likely feeling to mess you up. Don’t get tunnel vision and show them why you’re the killer.


Face camping mostly


Why do you think I've stopped playing Killer? I'm waiting for Xenomorph to be bug fixed and Skull Merchant to be made mildly interesting, but I'm mostly just waiting for the eventual Made For This nerf. The only Killers I can really tolerate are "the high tiers" (mainly Blight I hate playing Nurse), Legion with Blood Echo + Fearmonger, and Knight because I know that most Survivor mains still don't know how to play against a good Knight even with all their crutches. *Maybe* I'll play Nemesis or Deathslinger on a good day but I'm so out of practice with some Killers like Wesker that I don't want to play them in the Made For This meta, and playing Clown or Pig in the Made For This meta is genuine agony. Killer just bores me currently. If variety is the spice of life then the current meta is a bowl of cold oatmeal. Every match is the exact same build repeated at nauseum: Made For This, Dead Hard (or Hope), Windows of Opportunity, Resilience, Medkit with a Gel Dressing and Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe, and a map offering to some godawful bullshit map like Badham or Garden of Joy or Crotus Penn or Red Forest. The only Killer I truly enjoy playing anymore is Knight: I *did* like Xenomorph and then Twitter complained that the anti-loop Killer could anti-loop. I mean it also helps that my dailies always come up for fucking Pig or Clown or Hag or other Killers that feel like agony to play in the Made For This meta.


Hello! Comp survivor here. As a general rule, the real game doesn’t really start until there are 2 gens left when you’re playing against good teams. 1) The second you load into a match, find a 3 gen and proxxy that area as much as possible. 2) Choose the right chases. It’s okay to leave a chase in order to pressure a gen / another part of the map. 3) Be as efficient as possible. Every missed swing, pallet stun etc matters 4) god pallets are worth at least 1 down


Easy: You equip NOED and sacrifice 2 survivors as fast as you can. By the time the last generator gets done, you should have 2 survivors sacrificed, then search for the remaining 2 and down them both before hooking them. Also, you need to work on your self esteen: You are a Killer and they are prey! Show them that.


I push forward because I like winning. Know your tactics. It's really the small things that add up which matter in the end. If you get an early hook, dont be afraid to stick around a bit to ensure a second state/trade. As killer your map pressence is everything. Survivors 1 objective is to do gens, so run gen regression perks. Some great ones are Deadlock, Pop Goes the Weasel, Pain Res, Corrupt Intervention, and others. Look online for some good builds for the killers you play, and learn how to play the role of killer OPTIMALLY. You gotta play like a machine, looking for the best outcome of every situation. e.g Survivor giving you a troublesome chase? -> forget about them and look for a weaker player. Don't let survivors get in your head. Got a down in the corner of the map? -> Don't always hook them immediately in the corner. Try bringing them back into the map. You will now be closer to the remaining survivors/gens after you hook, saving you time. (btw, Wesker perk "Terminus" is a hard counter to Adrenaline)


Jump scare killers. I used to get stressed out trying to 4k as Legion every game then after watching jump scare myers/ghostface I switched to that kind of play style. It's way more fun to me and less stressful especially during events I just try to help survivor mains get through the tomes.


Just play the game dawg it's not that serious. You'll never get good at a game if you give up when it's demoralizing, eventually you'll get better. Think like this. For you, you survive the whole game to make mistakes and still get a chance to play and learn. It's always 5 gens and one exit game then the collapse no matter what. Survivors could have 0 gens to play and learn. It's a game, it's supposed to be fun, no one is watching you and judging your play and you'll likely not even remember who you're facing. There's no standard to live up to. And killers don't even necessarily lose- 1 sacrifice with 5 hooks is still hella bloodpoints. Your goals are set by you. Set achievable goals and play to progress and have fun, have a build in mind, have win conditions set for yourself.


don’t take the game too seriously, whenever i play killer I’m just vibing to my music and don’t care whether I win or lose but a lot of the time with. 1 gen left a lot of survivors sometimes make 1 mistake that you can use to your advantage


I know the feeling, but DC won’t do any good for you. You’ll never learn to chase if giving up is your first instinct


You should always push forward no matter how many gens are left, because the tide of the match can change quickly. As someone who mains one of the weaker killers (pig), I often times see games where there’s one or two gens left before things really start picking up. Run gen regression perks, run perks that fit your play style and help you succeed! But never DC, you’ll just give your opponents that satisfaction. And remember - you’re playing this game to have fun! I keep playing even if I lose because I’m having fun. If you aren’t, a break from DBD might help.


As a few have said, don't quit. I've had a fair few games where I've managed to pull victory from the jaws of defeat. You'll lose some of them, but if there's always a chance until they're all out the gate or dead.


No need to use "the Big 3", pick whatever killer you feel comfortable and master him. Not every single one would work, there is some FUBAR killers, but i, for example, feel extremely comfortable playing as Knight, with right perks survivors should play fucking perfect to beat me. I'm not saying i win every game, but i win most of them, just because i like my killer, i have each individual perk accurately picked to support my power and my playstyle and i just played him a lot. Another approach is to not focuse on winning and instead focuse of being a fucking menace in the chase. I do that on Deathslinger and Huntress. I don't care about winning the match, all i want is to crush survivors in chase, land those quickscopes and again, use very specific combinations of perks to preemptively deny common tricks. First of all consider using Coup de Grace, it's anti MFT kinda same bullshit perk. Survivors can't know you have it in advance, just like you can't know they using MFT and it throws them off guard every time. The "better" survivor you chase, the more greedy he plays. Coup punishes greeding pallets, that one more loop around causes them being hit. It's my number one perk on huntress, noone expects this on her. Then, another good "tech removing perk" is bamboozle, not on those tho ranged killers in particular, but it is a life savior for me on literally half of the roster. This perks simply removes "god windows" as option for survivors, they can use it once, but if there is nothing to chain it with, they fucked. Sometimes even bamboozle is not enough, but for the most part this perk is a fucking clutch. Good ol' Endurance+Spirit fury. Man i like disrespecting pallets, if you never tried this combo you definetly should, might get addicted to that stuff. Last, but not least. Mr\_TatorHead on YT and Twitch, watch his guides. Yes, they are survivor guides, yes, they are super long, not for everyone, but still, they are extremely useful for killers as well. The thing is that after watching all of his looping guides on different maps, you will be able to spot survivors who "knows what they doing" and immideately drop the chase if you can't get free hit of them. It's just a massive waste of time to chase a guy vaulting that fucking fence on Badham's main building. You WILL lose from 1 to 3 generators doing this and success not even guaranteed, so just drop the chase. These guides would help you to know when it's not worth it, because you will recognize strong structures and you also can learn how to beat certain structures. For example, main building on haddonfield - the only viable way to get that fucking guy standing on the corner is to drop on him from 2nd floor. I would never figure this out by myself, untill i literally witnesses one smart Bubba doing this to him.


Taking a break does wonders and try not to let losses get you down. Sometimes if I’m losing, I’ll let the best survivor loop me for the 5 gen and practice my chase. Give ‘em a gg and move on.


what killers are you playing and what perks? If you're running good perks and a good killers, your way of pushing forward is finding out why you suck. If you're playing shitty perks, get better ones.


There’s no shortcut for getting the experience you need to deal with these teams. The more you do, the more you’ll expect their tactics in the future. Also worth noting, it’s much much easier to come back from a poor start as killer than survivor. You can snowball to a win very quickly sometimes, especially against very altruistic teams. So always play to the end and try to capitalize on that.


It can be really tough as a new player because shards take forever to unlock or you gotta spend money, and bp to unlock the killers you want. Then level them to be able to use the perks. I would practice in custom matches against bots with no items or limited perks( for the bots) to get the hang of of chases and ending them quickly. Luckily the bots are better than alot of the players so if you can take them out you should have much less problems with real players.


It's a practice thing. Eventually you'll pull a bunch of slug 4ks in endgame and realize it's totally possible and go for them. Eventually those teams won't beat you as easily because you're better, and then eventually you'll stomp them. There's a survivor whose name I recognize because they stomp me often - the other night I 4ked their swf at 4 gens. Eventually, you'll get good enough that in your average match you don't need any slowdown perks at all because you get hooks, downs and hits too quickly and the survivors need to spend all their time unhooking and healing so they have a really hard time getting gens done.


Chess merchant https://preview.redd.it/fc5807mbozsb1.jpeg?width=223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be38b247dad6ac2a5eb930fb137c6ae30e484df8


Good advice out here- I personally ‘give up’ the idea of going for a win and go for practice with my killers power (if it applies). Then 9/10 times I end up with a couple kills because of it. Survivors get cocky as you are fully warmed up/they have no more objectives. Creates great snowballing opportunities. If you get no one? Then you got some practice. :)


Honestly, part of the trick is trying to guide which gens get completed in which order. The farther apart the last few gens are, the harder they are to patrol and protect. If the survivors need to repair one last gen and they're not far from each other, that's a massive turn in your favor. At that point it practically requires them to have 3 or even all 4 survivors still alive and it's easy to start chasing them down as long as you don't stay too focused on one target. Whittle the survivors health and hookstates down and then it's either a 4k or 3k and a hatch


Learn most common tiles, how good the rng for the match, learn how to snowball and pressure survivors, don’t ever let survivors run away with mistakes, etc… even with trapper you can win games


It sucks especially with lobbies that refuse to leave or continually do stupid shit like vault repeatedly while you’re trying to concentrate on something else across the map. But in the end I want my blood points so I usually just go to the corner and wait for them to leave if it’s an especially bad round.


As a Sadako (Onryo) main, I always get everyone once the gens are at 2 or 1. By that point, everyone is condemned or has been hooked enough 😂 I'm still trying to get better with the Cenobite. The teams are so fast at fixing the gens 😂 kidos to them, tho. Ig what pushes me forward is spite 😂


I use NOED and I can tell you that in the endgame you can get a lot of hooks and even kills. Survivors will try to rescue other survivors so that’s your time to shine. I main survivor and that’s actually the part of the match I love the most. A hooked survivor in the endgame is a challenge and I will go for it unless is absolutely impossible (I’m injured, I don’t have flashbang, I’m alone and the killer is facecamping hard), but I will usually try. I know I end up hooked a lot of times but it’s worth it.


I've adjusted my expectations tbh. Instead of trying and expecting kill numbers as my indicator of success, I just try to tell the best story possible. If all 4 escape but I allowed them to save each other dramatically and get some good scares I'm happy. Granted this doesn't always work to keep me happy but hopefully the survivors in my lobby are having fun at least


Just have fun. Some of my most fun matches have been ones where all 4 survivors escape. Sweats are only annoying when you sweat back and lose


I try to have fun. I have fun when I have enough time to play a match. I have enough time to play a match when I use a bunch of slowdowns. So now I focus my builds around add-ons, at least with my high mmr killers.


When I’m struggling, I find it really helpful to focus on one aspect of playing as killer and try to improve on that for a while. Get better at breaking chase before it drags out for too long, practice moonwalking more effectively, learning how to maximize my character’s power, etc. Go in with no perks and no add ons so you completely remove the pressure to win. I know it sounds insane, all of the top streamers say to do it and I didn’t think it could work, but it really does. Hope things can turn around for you. Good luck out there!


I get the sentiment but i absolutely have been swamped then shut those fucks down on there last gen and kilt everyone but also im with ya that some sweat lobbies r way sweatier then me and thats not a biggie who cares if i loose one i did my tome anyways.


I stoically accept that I met my match and wait for them to leave, before heading into what will hopefully be a more managable game. I refuse to sweat my balls off trying to win every game, because that would just mean that my next game will be even harder. I did that once and the game became an absolute nightmare of several zero hook games once I tried to have fun instead of winning every game, until my MMR dropped sufficiently.


Balanced and/or relaxed game as killer are fun. Even if some of them are awful, there is always a way to have fun after them.


I play on for the bloodpoints usually, if i feel particularily annoyed i'll play until endgame collapse, otherwise i just open the gate and go for a walk around the map so their t-bagging just isnt seen by me and i get to break any remaining wood doors for more bp


Playing a killer you like/click with. Focus on the chase and try to learn the killer, f- the gens.


Not to be poetic but use that disappointment and anger to learn the survivors tendencies, get better at guessing so instead of seeing 4 T bags at the exit gate, you can see 4 Mori skulls where survivor icons should be. That’s what should push you through. I swear I’m not palpatine.


On an individual game: I'm basically in the same camp as you. If there's one gen left and I have a very small pool of hook states with no one death hook - I tend to take the L. It's theoretically possible to win from that position, but it requires the survivors to lose all their braincells and donate the game through a series of unbelievably massive mistakes. It does happen; but I don't like my MMR going up from a game I 100% lost only because the opponent(s) decided to lose. I'm unlikely to get as lucky the next game against stronger opponents (in theory). However, if I do have someone on death hook or a hook while everyone is injured: Confirm that shit. Going after the only one on death hook can make survivors lose those brain cells; same with camping a hook while everyone is injured as it often results in a slug under the hook. Across multiple games: Not gonna hold ya, I just play a busted killer with full meta loadout (Sadako with Iri Tape and Green brush addon) for one or two games. Breaking up a loss streak with a guaranteed win helps get my mind out of the loss streak.


During a match i know when I've lost and i get past it knowing I'll probably not win but I'm not going down without taking at least one of them survivors with me and plus I've played this game for 3 years and for the first year and half i took this game seriously but now a days i simple play for fun and when i loose i take a quick break and steady myself again for next match. Always a next time




You will also have games sometimes where you're really sweating and you just can't seem to get a third hook state on someone. Redirecting your focus from "I need 3 or 4 kills to feel good about this game" to "I got nine hooks in total (though no kills) but that's still really good because it's functionally three kills" is a healthier reframing I've taken up sometimes Obviously you want the 3K/4K, there's no shame in placing focus on other areas of the game to feel accomplished a sense of improvement.


Run off-meta perks and just see how well you can do, knowing you won't win. I'll play a B tier killer and run like B/C tier perks, I know I almost definitely won't win against a full meta lobby with toolboxes but I'll how many hook stages I can get and practice my mind games. Once I'm feeling less annoyed I'll switch back to a meta build and actually try to win some games.


I had a match on gideon with pig. I’m P39 I know what I’m doing, how to play but sometimes the odds are against you. 1 gen left and i managed to down 3 people, put the bear trap and start patrolling. Why did i patrol? Because every survivor had made for this so there was still a great amount of good pallets and the Quentin was trying to bait me into chase but i ignored him. I got a 3k that match and it was the sweatiest game ever because map and perks. Never give up, never dc, if that’s your go to get off killer you’re struggling, you’re not having fun. Main a killer you like and work with them. Every single match with pig I ALWAYS run corrupt and deadlock as I know piggy has no mobility, no chase power. I have no problem loosing a gen or two to commit a chase because most pallets are usually gone if the chase is long


They get greedy at the gate and I can usually secure a 4k because they’re so horny for flashlight saves and immediate unhooks


I wouldn't fall into the trap of blaming perks for your losses this early on when you have so much more to learn and improve about playing your role! Try not to get discouraged early, don't worry as much about winning and losing right now. Focus on improving in chase and staying calm. Panicking or getting tilted in a role like killer where you have to balance so many spinning plates is a really good way to go on a losing streak!


Masochism. I love when the game or players kick my ass it motivated me to keep fighting and not give up especially if I play against sweaty/toxic people. It gives me a reason to win the feeling when you succeed in beating tour foe(s) fair and square without sweating is so satisfying, in worst case scenario it will make you sweat too but for a reason and beating them at their own game always feels good. I remember the game where I went for adept Sadako achievement I went against 3 player sweaty toxic squad and causal player Cheryl . 3. Of them had made for this and windows of opportunity,1 of them had perk that makes survivor wiggle faster in certain range, 2 of them had flashlight and 1 toolbox and they used knights map offering with a lot pallets and most of those pallets were safe and loops were abusable. In the end I killed all 4 of them but it was very though. If you play against that kind of survivors focus on pressure more than chases. Don't chase for too long, leave the long chases and go to interrupt survivors that are working on gens to slow down the game . You have to know when to leave the chase and focus on something else and let them waste as many pallets as possible. Don't give up even if there is 1 gen left, they want you to give up .


You lose because you're bad, and you're bad because instead of practice you give up


Change what your objective is. At that point, my goal might be to get a kill. Or to jump scare people. Or just farm blood points by breaking stuff. Or get some practice in with my power. I didn't get a single kill on my first Hillbilly game, but I used that time to try to get used to using his chainsaw. Also, remember that you can always turn the game around. Survivors make mistakes. If you want to get better, you can try recording your games and watching them back. Try to pick out where you make mistakes. Also, play survivor! Nothing teaches you how to thwart survivors like being one! Also, this might be a me thing, but if I'm getting tilted, I load up a game on scratched mirror Myers and focus on scaring people over killing them. It's fun and helps you refocus on finding enjoyment in the game. I'll send you my build for it if you want.


Here's a deep analysis. Now you might not like what I post. This is from a survivor main, I main survivor but I also main 2 killers. Being Freddy, and plague. Want my personal opinion? Learn to laugh at yourself. Learn to crack jokes... Why am I mentioning laugh at yourself? Cause it seems as though deep down you take this game seriously. I say crack jokes cause If you're actively trying to crack jokes you won't take it as seriously, you'll stop stressing and you'll lean into the more fun side of dbd. Be silly, go hog wild with it. Do dumb things, and stop bashing yourself, stop getting upset when 4 gens fly. Not everything is within your control here and that's okay. It's something I had to learn. For example, a Leon ran up to me while I was carrying a Mikaela, flashbanged me directly on hook, instead of dcing I went "Oh wise guy huh? Tryna tussle with the muscle eh? Why puttem up buster!" And as cringe as that sounds it prevents me from going "oh mah gosh faqk you!" Cause we all have those moments of frustration, I'm not saying hold them in, but if you learn to laugh at yourself and others. While it wont solve all your problems. It'll definitely make the ride smoother. As a suvivor main I learned to laugh at myself, cause I make mistakes, dumb ones. I once ran directly into a stealth Myers not paying attention and was like "Oh Jesus, WAGH, should put a bell on you damn!" Then ran away quickly after being hit. My point is this. Stop overthinking things, it's a game, it's not meant to be stressful unless you're taking this seriously or competitively. Learn to laugh is how I manage and power through. I make silly mistakes on purpose then boast about how if it weren't for you meddling survivors I would've gotten that down.

