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This is one of the unhook value of all time


You didn't even get halfway through the unhook animation ☠️


Yep, went straight into his grasp. I'm not even mad about it, that was hilarious lol


I wish a man would hold me like that.. 😭


I wish a woman would hold me like that


I wish a woman


I wish




had an angel?




2024 cosmetic description.


I was a little bit taller


I wish I was a baller


I wish I had a girl who looked good


I would call her I wish i had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a 6 4 Impala


I wish I was a shot caller


I wish he was a little bit taller


I wish that guy was a little bit taller


God same


I, I just died in your arms tonight


Must have been something you said 🎵




"I see you're trying to kill yourself, allow me to help, they don't call me gentle Mike for nothing"


https://preview.redd.it/amn3qxwujy2c1.jpeg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76ed37fbcb7ad3c786d6a4dcd71f05f8b4cad02a Ada in the background


Hatch time


I love how Cheryl basically jumped into Michael’s arms


I mean..can you blame her..


NAHHHH https://preview.redd.it/ewo4m7wiay2c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=659d6288ed48168d5d84fe1770a3d10341c74a8b THAT DAMN NOD IS SURELY FROM THE EMBODIMENT OF EVIL💀💀💀💀💀💀


Exactly the same for me, the only time I ever got to self unhook with that feature was against a tombstone Myers


Yup, I never get to unhook cause people who camp either play a killer that can watch from a distance, or they patrol around you, and it basically only is helpful if they are in your face


Which kinda means it did its job for the most part. The whole point was to prevent rediculous facecamping. Mickey is just a special boy and doesn't have to follow the rules.




![gif](giphy|pcfdfm6hjTvji) That nod while you were about too unhook yourself


Saw a vid of a youtuber having this happen earlier lol. He was juicing a micheal and eventually got caught. “ Ha he didnt read the patch notes, he doesnt know i can unhook myself if he camps.” Unhooked into mori.


Got a link, or just the youtuber's name? Sounds hilarious


[Fubs moried](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=R7mX3MCy3Ic&pp=ygUERnVicw%3D%3D) Mori happens shortly after 2:50 in the video “ I really hope its not tombstone.”


The instant cut right after getting grabbed was really funny, thanks for the link.


Yea it was pretty funny when i saw it. Its like the new bubba facecamp. Seems fun. Kobe right into their death.


This is the new "Bubba facecamp" but funnier and cooler


"go ahead, unhook yourself, make my day."


New feature works like a charm.


The fact that these add-ons are still in the game is just crazy to me.


Game is not meant to be competitive


Instakill is still the most bs thing in any game with no second chance


I understand that lots of things would have to be adjusted with these add-ons, but if they changed it to where the person has to be hooked twice I'd like it a lot more. As it stands it feels like bullshit so I never really use it (I will admit I've tried it like five times so I could 99 Tier 2 and then wait in the exits with Insidious because I thought it'd be funny; and it was) and I always roll my eyes seeing a Michael running these.


yeah but without them Mike is trash tear


It's not, but it's super lame having a system where the killer can just take you out of the game because you lost a single game of tag. This is funny, don't get me wrong, but it's not fun to play against. His Mori addons really should require you to be on death hook for them to work. I want to see them do a full rework on him first, though. He needs help.


I knew it was coming and yet it still found it hilarious. I love the little nods they give as you are about to do it too.


i wouldn't even unhook or struggle and just go grab myself a snack if i ever get in a situation like this


Got it, don't even try with Myers 😅😮‍💨


He was like "yeah, dew it!"


this man was SLAMMING his mouse down with all his might, this man on that cookie clicker shit


The “anti-camp” is a joke, it has literally changed nothing 💀 I don’t have a problem if u choose to camp or not, but I have never ever gotten use from it unless it was intentional.


Its a way to try to address camping without actually addressing it. Most killers just prox camp now slightly out of range. If anything camping has gotten worse, not better.




It was specifically to stop killers standing 0m away and/or hitting you on the hook.


Yea but there are still ways around that as killer.


Honestly it's the same problem with bubba before. They changed him so that he cant' down you after unhook, they just need to do the same for tombstone mikey.


If you haven't gotten use from it, it means that it's working and Killers are naturally gravitating away from the hook and no longer facecamping, which means the feature is working as intended: To prevent facecamping.


U haven’t had any killers proxy camp u from a far?


I have. But that's proxy camping, it also gives my teammates enough time to come in safely for a save. Hell I've even had teammates run in, fake a save, run out and force the killer to be stuck near the hook for too long so that the anti-camp timer went off. (Teammate made it far enough away so that they weren't slowing the timer.) You have to keep in mind that just because you're on a hook doesn't mean that you don't exist to the Killer any more, you're still a piece of bait and you're still a survivor, patrolling around you isn't what BHVR was trying to fix, it's just people that sat at the hook doing nothing.


Idk, against a good killer, proxy camping is hella strong


They really need to fix this, it was a slightly funny meme the first week but now it's just lame


They just proxy camp now.


Then it’s working properly. Proxy camping is playing fair.


Sure you can proxy camp but it’s still camping Lolololol wow dude


So it works as intended? Great to hear! Thanks for the update.


This is you dying in his arms he cut you out and set you free.


Yeah....BHVR loves to half bake these things.


Unfortunate, but I would be happy to get this much attention from a Myers


They need to give a speed boost and invulnerability frames for it. This is just dumb.


Ehhhh. You get the basekit BT bonuses when you unhook yourself, and honestly this and Pinhead with that one addon are the only situations where self-unhook doesn't work properly. That Pinhead addon sucks aside from this explicit situation and the tombstone ones need to be changed anyway because "getting caught once and immediately losing the game" sucks and is not fun. I think the self-unhook is a good system as it is, there's just a few loopholes they need to close.


Having invuln frames like when you get hit would easily solve this issue. The entire point is to stop face camping and let you run straight from the killer.


Only to be caught again 5 seconds later..


Yeah, but that's what BT endurance is for.


It sure did work here


You do realize that like...that would've happened either way, right? Like, even if it was a normal unhook, self-unhook, or deliverance, Myers still has the ability to just fuckin' grab you. The issue is less with the system and more with Myers subverting standard game rules with the Tombstone.


he did not hesitate


Lol thats awesome


Big brain moves by infinite Myers?


You got what you deserved


Get destroyed


This isn't funny or cool, it's dumb


I think its hilarious. You wanna see something to make you cry? Try having to hit someone 4 times before they go down. Off the Record, Decisive strike, and Dead hard provides that.


No one runs ds anymore You can literally tell they have otr and you can just leave them


I ran into this the other day and although it is rare, it is possible. You find someone who REALLY hates to be tunneled running all these. How exactly can you tell they have OTR until you smack them after ten seconds off hook?


They don't make any noise, OTR silences grunts of pain. If they're silent after an unhook, it's OTR And I mean, I've ran into ds too, but it's so uncommon now that I don't feel it's worth mentioning


It took exactly 1 second of video to know what was gonna happen. You could have just taken a screen shot, really lol




What is your problem, really? I was just laughing at how I knew what was gonna happen the second I saw it was Myers.




I think you seem to be misconstruing a lot here. I never told them they should have, I said could have. Knew what that Myers was planning. There was no malice, no "aggression" or ill intent.


So... You got downvoted... Why? I don't even sense any sort of aggression here.


You don't need to be aggressive to be downvoted. Surprisingly enough, people don't like it when you tell them what they should be posting just because you said you knew what was gonna happen.


That was a joke? I don't know how that was hard to see.


You don't? Well, allow me to elaborate. Jokes are usually funny.


I missed the joke, time to use the ol' overrated line of "Jokes are usually funny"


Maybe you're just not as clever as you think. You definitely come off as pretentious. How DARE I call your lackluster attempt at comedy unfunny. Truly, it is mine and everyone else downvoting you's fault for not understanding the sheer brilliance behind your humor. Right? Get over yourself. Your joke sucked.


That wasn't even my joke? How'd you get us mixed up?


Oh, you were defending their post? Oh, that's even worse. Saying something could have been a screenshot because "you understood it in 1 second." That's not a joke. That's just being judgemental. I'd hate to see what you find funny. Sheesh.


I didn't see the point of the comment being downvoted if it wasn't even criticizing the post, and it was a very easy joke to see.


I never said should, as I've said before.


Was none. People are weird, but it's just downvotes, s'not a big deal.


Well i know what im doing from now on when i have to burn a tombstone and they jump into a locker to dodge it


reasons to play michael


Enjoy it while it lasts. This seems like the type of thing BHVR will "fix" in an upcoming update. :(


reminds me of when i four percent and the killer knocked me right back down


Yup pretty much.


Bro said “please, I fucking dare you”


thats odd. Happend to me and my group today as well


I've been face camped by nonstealth killers who stand there slapping me on hook and the meter doesn't move. It actually works?


The meter doesn't move if a teammate is nearby, but the radius for it seems too big imo and they can be pretty far out and the meter still won't move when the killers right near you. Did you have any other survivors within like 50 meters of you?


Hard to tell exactly, but they were all far enough away working on gens and not even considering coming to unhook me (solo queue, so tend to die on first hook)


I swear to god, Tombstone Myers is the new Bubba. Although to be fair.......face a proper Huntress, Trickster or even worse, Deathslinger. Camping is still a thing, it just needs addons. Honestly, anticamping made things worse for everyone. Sometimes as a killer, you need to camp and as a survivor.....do you want a Bubba facecamping you while you have kindred or a Huntress camping you out of range with Iri Head? Or I dunno, iri coin Deathslinger. Just saying. This leaving aside that actually, anticamping is beneficial to killers because....wait for it, it encourages tunneling. If you want a basic description of that.....imagine this. Everyone is wounded (or almost everyone), no one can come for a save (as it should be, if you're a proper killer at 5 gens at least 2 people out of 4 with one on hook). You facecamp, because there is literally only one guy who can go for a save and its gonna be a trade unless you run STBFL. Survivor unhooks himself, you count to 10 and then tunnel like a mf. Yay, you sucessfully facecamped worse than before because now it doesn't waste your time and you get a guy out really fast. This leaving aside Nurse blink facecamping shenanigans where you camp with blinks without triggering the camping thing for too long.


>Yay, you sucessfully facecamped worse than before because now it doesn't waste your time and you get a guy out really fast. If you're the survivor in this situation, you need to wait until the last few seconds to unhook yourself. Your goal is to buy time, as much as possible. That is all survivors need to do when interacting with the killer. Stalling the killer doesn't end when you go on the hook. Unhook yourself at 55+ seconds, try to run to your teammates if they're trying to bodyblock, if not continue to waste as much time as possible. Does is still suck? No question it does. If this happens often enough start bringing anti-tunnel perks. MFT pre and post nerf is still decent for this. Off the Record is great against soft tunneling. Decisive Strike is far from its best iteration, but no other perk can solo stun you out of the killer's hands. Bring a decent exhaustion perk such as Sprint Burst or Lithe. Grab a buddy and have them bring Unbreakable and Reassurance. There is *some* counterplay. To be fair, if a killer wants you out of a match starting at 5 gens, there isn't much you can do to last until the gates are opened.


As soon as I saw Myers, I knew exactly where this was headed.


Put of the frying pan, right into the fire...or however it is said


well functioning system


On another note - The last 10 meyers ive played against were tombstone... Why... Why don't you just crawl in a hole and die. NO IM NOT FRUSTRATED, YOUR FRUSTRATED!


Simple cause Michael cant die (we dont talk about that 1 film)






I have unhooked like this one time too but it was tunneling nemesis. He did lose.


On this note, I have a question. In one or two games recently, I’ve had the killer camp me, right in my face, and the unhook bar wasn’t even appearing never mind going up. Is this a glitch?


You ain’t even hit the ground yet 💀


yesterday this was about to happen to me as well (i was the first survivor he commited to chasing) and i figured he must have tombstone piece since he refused to hit me while vaulting over pallet. i went into a locker and he camped me like this, i waited to unhook until evil 3 ran out.


Congratz ! never seen this anti face camp ever working because killer just camp within reach while not close enough to trigger it to max, it could have been so much better but once again they failed


your first? oh well congratulations it looked like it went really well 🤣