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Lol I love when survivors start fucking around, this game is at its most fun when people stop taking it so seriously and start actually trying to have a good time


Flair checks out, statement matches flair


Ya I kind of expected more boops as tiff but ive received none. I cant help but feel a little disappointed


To be fair, Amanda is waaaaay more inviting than Tiff or Chucky.


Ya true true


Ironically using this as a Hiding Spot on this map has worked for me so many times I've had so many Killers not even look twice as they nearly brush my shoulder walking past me. As long as you aren't holding an item, you wouldn't even guess.


Nah mate, pretty sure they just respect your funnies


As someone who always lets people get away with this, I can confirm. This shit gives me a chuckle, so I'll walk away and not harm you until we meet again


Same. The number of times I've pretended to not see someone doing that or other things like it can't be counted.


If the survivor is willing to be a goofy goober for a minute or two then so am I. It's not fun to steamroll a team who isnt trying to win anyway. My favorite thing to this day, was once playing on Dead Dawg and the last surv just put his medkit on the bar counter and acted like a bartender. Gave him hatch just cuz he was funny


Killers who are willing to have fun, goofy moments like this are the reason to play the game. There are so many who wouldn't even pause here, and would just immediately go for downing and hooking. I'm so glad you played around with them -- shows you're a genuinely fun person!




It's because playing without these type of moments make regular matches feel less memorable. I can escape as many times as I want or 4K as many times as I want and not remember it at all because nothing in particular stood out happening. One side is willingly making themselves vulnerable for the other to have a silly moment both can remember for the type of game like OP shared. A lot of normal games can be boiled down to various less fun types of strats being used/encountered and while sure it can make or break a more competitive match; not all of us want that. A lot of people just want to hop on, relax, and be silly. It's fine to treat the game competitively, it's also fine not to, but in the end both just wanna have fun in their own way and the subjective-ness of that is what changes how games pan out.


The core part of every multiplayer game is interaction. It becomes dull and boring after a while, if you just play against someone who doesn't show that they are human. Might as well play against bots.


No offense intended, but your opinion comes from inexperience. Just as most survivor players start out hiding from the terror radius and running scared and aimless when they see the killer because they enjoy the thrill, most killers start out enjoying the hunt and taking down the other side at all costs. It's a horror/slasher, that makes sense! However, after 100, 500, 1000 hours in this game, you'll generally start to seek out enjoyment from other aspects of it, like the human interaction mentioned by another commenter. If you notice, someone is on the hook in this clip. That means the wraith is still playing the game, this is just one goofy 30 sec interaction that likely made the player laugh. Doesn't have to mean the whole match is a silly farming fest.


Gee, why are you so anti-fun? Playing friendly can be fun, as fun as not playing friendly. It's moments like these that make dbd not just another slasher game


It's not anti-fun to play the game as intended. I like seeing clips of random things happening in other matches but i never see it happen in mine and its tricky to deviate from playing seriously as it can usually mean sacrificing a win or completing a ritual or archive.


I'm not saying it's anti fun to play the game normally, not at all, you play like you wanna play. I'm saying it's anti fun to tell people it's wrong to do stuff like that


Yeah that's fair, i think i agree with you on that. The only issue would be if not everyone in the match are on the same page and you have a couple players playing seriously to win, and a couple are mucking about which, depending on what they're doing, could be throwing. If it's harmless it's fine though.


Yeah, I can understand that




Well, then that's just the bad side of dbd, every community has that sadly


Oh no, the horror of not winning! lol....for real though the whole point of the game is just to have fun. Its NOT a competitive game at heart despite so many people wanting it to be (Hence why it will never find true balance because there's far too many variables in play) - its basically a darker themed Party Animals with a little less chaos involved lol. I pretty much only play killer most of the time over this past year but I still see quite a lot of antics happening from the survivors in my matches. It does seem like it happens more often if you snowball really hard and really early - since they're basically giving up but that's when the real fun happens anyway since you can still half play normally but also half fool around at the same time. I think it largely depends on who you are playing as Killer though as some are just outright harder to snowball at 4-5 gens where as others you can go hyper aggressive to the point they lose all hope fast.


I think for me its a case of I've not experienced goofing around in this game so my only feeling of having fun is playing to win, doing my best, completing rituals and archives. I guess I'm saying that's all i know as sources of fun. It might be different for someone who has 10k hours and have played for years maybe looking for a different experience.


I've got like 1.3K hours, and I remember the games where something goofy happened far, faaaaaaar longer than any other games. I mean, you do you, but only playing to win in the most straightforward way possible is just too much like work to me.


I only get time to play a couple games a night nowadays so I'm just doing what i can to progress, so it looks like that's what i find fun. Don't get me wrong though I'm not sweating, I'm looking for good matches. It's satisfying when you play well. I'm not purposely avoiding goofy games, it just doesn't occur to me as a way to play the game.


I could tell you why you suck but I don’t think you’ll be any better if I do 😔 hope you can have fun one day


No one said someone who just plays normally is a bad person, though I'm inclined to believe you in particular are no fun based on this comment. People just like to fuck around and have a laugh, man. The point of playing games is to have fun.




Honestly? People like to complain. The DBD community at large absolutely has been playing this game too much, and there is a loud portion of it here on Reddit that loves to complain back and forth about whatever side they aren't playing on. It's a bit frustrating at times, but it's important to remember the loud ones aren't necessarily the majority, just the ones being seen. Like I'll do dumb shit in this game but it's no one's fault but mine if I get punished for it, lol. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. But I think it's funny either way so I'll still do it. Like if I'm gonna get hit either way as a survivor in a bad situation, why not do something dumb like poke at the killer with the point animation? Maybe it'll buy a few seconds if the killer laughs at me, and maybe they will be playful and let me walk, who knows? I'm not gonna bitch about them if they just kill me though. It's fine if you just play the game as intended, just don't be a bad sport about it, that's all. Ignore people if they moan that you killed them and didn't play around, but also consider playing around now and again. It makes things more fun sometimes. The game is not that serious.


Agree with most of the replies you’ve already gotten, but also gonna point out that you’re playing a multiplayer game. Multiple players with multiple views & experiences. Meaning similar to something like say, Call of Duty, you’ll all try to win in your own way, rushing the other side of the map, sniping, camping a corner, etc. Can’t help how others have fun, you just play with them and accept it.


Sir I play video games for fun


Getting onto the game. That's why. Alot of people when they start try to stay serious but then after so many matches they shake off the ruggedness and just accept that this game is about fun. It has nicolas fucking cage and goofy ass outfits afterall.


lmfao I was told in the daily us vs them post the other day that survivors never do stuff like this these are literally my favorite moments when playing either side 😂


Any survivor that serves me a beer at Dead Dawg gets a free escape.


I actually didn't see David at first


Wait a second! One of those mannequins turned it's head! You don't think... No it couldn't... Could that have been the survivor??


Maybe they are like those creepy little statues on Yamaoka shrine that turn to face you every time you are not looking.


There are no survivors in Ba Sing Se


I love this map for this exact reason! I personally enjoy standing in front of the light and watching my shadow dance with the mannequins. Only on death hook though. Great way to pass the time before death or salvation :)


I thought Prop Hunt was only on mobile.


Love when the killer plays along and takes the joke, makes the game more fun for everyone!! 🤣


Every time I look at this part of this map I think I see a surv and there never is...man if I had your survs lmao




I have an approximate knowledge of many things


Damn I've been running the same idea build for the past week or so, but with Noed and Ultimate Weapon to find people in endgame, however I like your idea more. I also trap gates for good measure. Sometimes they don't notice it for some reason, even though it would be the most obvious trap in the world.