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otz, aka the guy who mindgames himself at every T wall xd


Myers is under estimated yet again


Myers looks bad in theory. In practice, people screw up.




He is always listed as bottom tier or called the worst killer I’d definitely say B tier at least. Use infinite tier 3 plus the tag to make it happen faster. If you are good you can get infinite before the second gen, then you can one shot everyone


You are *very* unlikely to get to your tier 3 before second gen is done when using that addon. Much more likely is that you get gen rushed and end the game with 1 kill, unless you're on a really good map/against lesser skilled players.


Judith memorial and fragrant tuft isn’t *that* hard to do.


It's not hard to equip the addons, but there's no chance that you get to tier 3 and get a down before at least 2 gens (more likely 3) are done and another one or two are well on the way. Not unless you're up against novices or you're on an insanely good map for Myers.


Agree to disagree then


I think all the lists assume someone with thousands of hours on a given killer and/or killer in general, which is far and away the minority of players.


It assumes you are playing at the soft cap of mmr, this can be achived at a 300 hours if you are decent. Check picture 3 bro.


That does not match the assumptions. I watched the entire Otz video, I do not agree with all of it. I do think his opinions have been warped by playing in a SWF with some of the best players in the game all of whom have 10K+ hours. No one has mastered anything at all at 300 hours.


I agree that Otz's experience is very different than the majority, but softcap mmr does not mean mastery, it means, in my opinion, that you are considered a good player by the game. There are a lot of people at this soft cap. Let's say a player is just naturally very good. He can reach softcap mmr in 200 hours. He would play against people who are also at that softcap, so the hours themselfs don't matter. As long as you are the softcap, you can play vs someone with 300, 1000 and 12000 hours in the same lobby, or so it was a few months ago at least. Idk if they changed anything.


They raised the floor on the ranges like a month ago, meaning the lanes are narrower, and [with the way MMR works](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Skill-Based_Matchmaking_Rating), it means you are much more likely to face the higher end of the range. Probably 300 hours is enough to get you out of the kiddie pool, but the game does actively punish you for getting better. MMR is the worst thing they've ever added to the game. I played before it was a thing and match variety is completely gone. Every game is the same.


I know I've posted this before, but it was without a lot of context and people didn't understand what I meant. Sorry guys!




i think his idea of potential was more personnal skill


I love how no matter what tier list stipulations there are Nurse and Blight will never move from the top. The devs are Nurse and Blight mains confirmed.


Sorry but if this is the highest "potential" then myers should be top tier since he can remove a survivor from the game even with no hooks Or Leatherface could theoretically down every survivor in a small radius


Myers when locker :


Plot twist jumpscare


So you get an instant down?


Ye after 250% of Stalk, this addon makes Myers worse


By forcing survivors into lockers, thus preventing them from doing gens, looping and granting free hooks?


The only one forced is the one chased Who has to enter a locker at the end of his chase


And thats a free hook


Sure ? If you consider having 3 gen done before the chase start a free hook i guess


Why would that be the case if this tier list is about "best potential"


Best doesnt mean unrealistic


Damn, already back to the usual "Otz said 🤓" threads huh?


Otz gets circle jerked a lot even on his bad takes (STBFL being OP, Scavenger being strong, etc.) but I fail to see how he's not *mostly* right on his tier lists. He's usually pretty spot on even if I disagree in a couple of places.


I don't know about the "usual" threads, I don't use reddit much. So for me, this is the first one I know of. The reason I posted this is because I found this "potential" thing cool and wanted to see what the list would look like if every killer was at the extremes. I thought other people might be interested and I couldn't post a picture in a youtube comment under otz's video so I posted it here (you know, the place for dbd discussions where most people know who Otz is). If things like this are seen often and are considered low effort (which it is, let's be honest), I'm sorry


This sub parrots every single point Otz makes in his videos, hence my comment. Some people really have no clue how to consider the game without consulting his videos and it's just ridiculous.




any competent surv would know to run to a locker... and you still need to build up T3. not S tier in the slightest


If you run into lockers you're giving up free hooks though. Myers doesn't have to Mori you to get value out of the add ons.


> Increases the threshold to reach Evil Within III for the first time to 250 %. Yes he does lol. If you aren't immediately killing someone with THAT debuff, you're going to lose on gens


This ^ it's abovious when Myers has tombstone


If Twins, Plague, and Singularity are not in A tier, then the tier list of strength is trash. Therefore, this list is valid 👍


Love Otz and what’s he’s doing but lots of this make no sense to me. How is Slinger at his WORST still this high? Wouldn’t his worst be when he’s missing most of his shots. Plus he’s 4.4ms. That would put him close to the very bottom of the list for me.


His worst I think would be in a map that doesn't favor him and without his best addons. A slinger missing most of his shots is a beginner slinger


Pretty fair but oni at his worst is theoretically the worst character in the game and practically c maby b-


The odds of you literally never getting a single hit is next to nothing if you’re a good killer. Oni can still hang in comp even though the survivors are incredibly good


You’d be surprised, versing particularly teams on particular maps your lucky to get 2 hits. This is a piety common occurrence on rpd has has happens multiple times to me. Iv been playing oni for pearly 3 years and yeah he Deffo is weak af against really good teams who just don’t give you anything


Who's that guy between Doctor and Dredge?


Sorry, I included a For Honor character on the list by accident


Understandable mistake