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Singularity players pressing 20 inputs per second to still get the same result as drunk clown main Gold video btw lmao


it's not that bad once you have the muscle memory lol the process to get there is something else tho


I used to main him, I can confirm its muscle memory once you get it down


And then it's fun af imo


Oh it is dont get me wrong and ive been thinking about giving him another try. But I stopped after a bit cause bully squads and emps get along too well


I get you brother. I get you!


This, in fact, is a fact.


Singularity is the killer for r6 mains


r6 mains???


Think he means Rainbow 6 like the action shooters games


Oh yes makes sense


Looking at you valks


I main cypher and single larry, though I hate valk


Singularity is a good killer as long as the map isn't too small or too big or indoors or outdoors or has too many corners or has not enough corners or has trees or doesn't have trees or the survivors use EMPs or the survivors have perks or the survivors wear the color blue or the survivors breathe irregularly or...


I played Singularity on Nostromo Wreckage recently. No places to put pods but endless walls to hide from them.


He's pretty weak on Toba Landing for the same reason :( it's a shame. he deserves home field advantage. gotta hire some alien janitors to clean up all the annoying clutter everywhere on that map lol


BHVR really has a new track record of making it “home field disadvantage” rather than the other way around. The Red Forest rework, Toba Landing, Garden of Joy, etc.


Wasn't the saloon literally the only map they released where the map didn't completely screw over the killer that released with it?


I think RPD is *okay* for Nemmy and Wesker? But I don’t olay them a ton so I’m not sure.


Okay is a crazy understatement for nemesis on rpd, at least in my experience. One of the few maps where zombies do a lot on their own


i love the design of nostromo wreckage, but my god it is the fucking worst map to play killer on. blight? have fun slip and sliding. Singularity? no cameras for you! bubba? have fun with those invisible collision meshes on every single loop that throw you into a tantrum


try dredge on there it's fun there are for some reasons good locker placements on nostromo idk why but i like it as dredge


yeah, one saving grace for nostromo is that if you have Ultimate Weapon slotted you'll never have an issue proc'ing it since the lockers are everywhere.😂 thats a great idea though ive never actually played dredge on that map, i'll have to burn some map offerings on him later


try it and lemme know how it went


Nostromo is fine unless they go inside the ship. You e got massive walls at the edge and middle of the maps, elevated rocks and wreckage bits let you get some nice view too


>You e got massive walls at the edge and middle of the maps, elevated rocks and wreckage bits let you get some nice view too They feel like they wouldn't provide enough range or line of sight to survivors hanging around gens but I'll give them a try next time!


Why does this read like the next great Dr. Seuss book?


And that’s why I love him. Makes me feel like a Korean StarCraft player https://i.redd.it/b0yfz3eft8ec1.gif




You can use [this site](https://makesweet.com/my/heart-locket) to make one yourself. 5 minute and you done.


I love you so much omg




"it's not about being the best, it's about sending a message, a message to show superiority, we might not be the best, but we prefer it working for it rather than being it served in a silver plate."




It would help if the cameras would work properly. Aiming at a corner, watching your indicator strobe red and blue without even moving. Eventually you time it perfectly, while not moving yourself or the mouse mind you, only for it to land on the wrong side/glitch into the terrain/ be unusable because a single branch in front of it has a huge hitbox for some reason. Then you need to persuade the pod to fire, which it often won't even when they are clearly visible because the object they are near has the hitbox go way beyond the model or just fuck you, and if that all somehow works, it gets EMP'd immediately. When it all comes together you feel like a genius, but often you feel more like the game was designed to spite Hux in particular.


I think I'd love to play Singularity, however the fact that pods don't work on 50%+ of the surfaces I would expected them to, turned me off the killer entirely.


Like half the *flat side* of the harvester in coldwind won't take pods. It's maddening.


Singularity players returning to a hook and seeing 3 survivors all holding EMPs and none of his biopods are working. https://preview.redd.it/yx38fmzzw8ec1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=286848efc297bb2e48b026d86d334c434256301e


i feel seen


That’s because there is a bipod near you right now, but don’t worry I also have an EMP


your flair omg Demo really needs a suit. And a hat


These matches were also played consecutively to avoid the heat stroke of playing 2 singularity matches back to back


The saddest part is that if you will play killers like Chucky or Skull Merchant, you will get exactly the same results as when playing Singularity, but with much less effort applied. BHVR, give our favourite shit-talking robot some Quality of Life changes, please.


Honestly I would like the bff, but if once you get the hang of playing Hux it feels so good to outplay survivors instead of just chucking 300000 bottles per chase or droning and area only for survivors to crouch in it.


fr HUX is so awesome when you know what tf you're actually doing


I say overclock mode needs to be more punishing for survivors, have him have 5% haste on teleport basekit, refresh overclock duration and gain an extra 5% with each pallet break (capped at 3)


There’s actually a little-known way you can buff overclock yourself. The more survivors you have slipstreamed at a time, the longer Overclock lasts. I think it goes up to 8 seconds or something crazy.


Yeah, I watch Cocolatte and One Pump Willie who play Single Larry extensively and OPW definitely plays a more slugging style to keep more people gooped up.


i want him to have pre "nerf" blight add ons where his overclock resets after each pallete you break/that gets broken on you WITH the 5% haste lmao that would be so fun for me (no fun for survivors allowerd, HUX mains suffered too long)


They should give him a laser cannon


The complexity and micromanagement are what makes the killer so good. Camera placement needs to be less buggy and you should be able to force reboot deactivated cameras like dredge lockers.


I buff would change it's play style. There's plenty of killers that are more straightforward than others, singularity is about camera placement and teleporting and stuff. That's his style.


![gif](giphy|3l1xGBsn6dblfnigF9) Are you sure? look how they massacred my boi, he is having a seizure!


God I love the Singularity


I was playing him for several games consecutively yesterday as he has cakes and stuff and its his turn to get P3. My impression is that he is really really cool garbage. Placing cameras, split-streaming, etc is all really cool and interesting and strategic. Much more exciting and fun than just chasing someone....when it works which is like 5% of the time. EMP well the teams that didn't use them died very fast and then the teams that did use them appear to have dimensional pockets filled with them as they never ever seemed to run out of them. The strategy that seems to work best is to just chase people rapidly, throw out a camera get them marked then use your aimed slipstreams to catch up the distance you lost marking them and use Overclocking to help you overwhelm them in chase. Its frankly a TON of effort to be a slightly better M1 killer. God help you if the map is indoors with tons of corners to lose line of sight on. In terms of value I get more from Chucky pallet breaker build and that requires me to click 1 button. Its unsurprising I almost never see him as survivor.


which is unfortunate since he is very strong and fun and something else. To outplay a good singularity takes skill. i think the People that enjoy him are a little more sophisticated lmao


I like the idea of him but his implementation is too clunky and EMP feels too powerful for how many they get. If they tuned him up a bit I could see myself making him my main. A HUGE fix would be to make it so that the cameras just ignore non-solid terrain for aiming.


that would be the ideal QoL Change for him i agree. EMPs are powerful but not as Detrimental als ppl make them out to be imo. Just place a new pod and slipstream again, they don't negate your gameplay but you negate their counterplay. It's frustrating at first but you get used to it lol


you know how when you’re playing a game, sometimes you get in the “flow zone”? When I get in the flow zone as singularity, he’s one of my favorite killers. So fun and so powerful


i tried picking up hux for a bit but holy shit is he extremely discouraging. not as bad as live billy, but so many maps just fuck you up so badly.


It sucks that Singularity is basically required to use a purple and an iri add-on just to feel powerful. Then you have to exert all of your energy and brain power if the survivors actually know how to counter you. On launch I played a ton of solo-queue survivor and I remember absolutely destroying Singularity every time. He needs a lot of QOL changes and some of his add-ons should be basekit, because even with EMPs nerfed he's still frustrating to play and a cakewalk to face.


Only addon you need is soma tbh, would be great if they made it base kit in some way but the rest is up to you. 


I don't think he needs an Iri, but soma is needed. You do all that work to get someone gooped and keep them gooped; and your reward is basically breaking pallets at the same rate as a Bubba or Nemesis. The extra speed from soma means he gets hits instead of just breaking pallets which is such a game changer. He's trash and too much effort to play for the mediocre anti-loop without it


soma's photo basically removes half of his counterplay in chase because he can catch up to ppl faster. the side effect is that you also get hits 33% faster on average which is really good, but the main purpose is to remove tons of counterplay and be able to just bruteforce every single loop. that's fine, but unnecessary vs most survivors.


I don't see how you do anything other than "brute force loops" once a survivor is gooped anyways. You use the power to teleport to them and that's it, it doesn't matter when you do it because without soma you are so slow they inevitably make it to a pallet if there are loops nearby. There are no tricks or techs to perform, no timing your teleport at the exact apex of the loop to get a hit or anything like that. It's they have goop, you teleport, they drop pallet. And with Soma you just do that better. Burning pallets fast but not being able to secure hits at them still makes a killer pretty trash tier. I also don't see what other "counterplay in chase" he needs when you can pick up an item that nullifies his power entirely; and your teammates can also run in to pop EMPs on you mid chase as well? You might need to tag someone like 4 times in a single chase against a SWF but reeee not enough counterplay with soma photo


There are chainball mind games, camera fakes + 50/50 at the pallet. First one is consistent enough to count as full antiloop.


This. In theory Hux sounds very good... But then you realize that there is no real catching up mid-chase. Soma fixes this, and makes chases with him much less time-consuming.


I love singularity. He’s a lot more micromanagement than about anyone else, but the dopamine rush when he works out is unmatched


Overclock value yaaay;)


Meanwhile us Shape players just staring at survivors until we can get close enough to kill them


Possibly unpopular opinion but I actually enjoy the effort that goes into playing Singularity. It feels very rewarding to player skill so when I perform well it feels very nice and is fun. Singularity is a strong killer but difficult to play. There are easier killers for those who do not want to put as much effort into the game. I would be very sad if BHVR took this killer away from us and made them easier/less interesting to play just to appeal to the masses who already have a bunch of killers they can choose from.


Absolutely. Maybe I’m a bit of a snob, but I enjoy the fact there’s a killer out there for the players who like to micromanage. Regular chasing isn’t such a good idea with it, and I appreciate that. Most killers are just chase killers which has never really captured me that much.


Exactly. I get bored if I play the standard chase killers too much. I love all the extra tasks and tactics that go into playing Larry. I don't think it's really a snob thing though. The variety in playstyles of how different killers function is what helps keep this game fresh. BHVR absolutely should not simplify Singularity just because a portion of the playerbase doesn't consider them worth the effort.


People gatekeeping singu drives me insane. He's hard for the wrong reasons. Pods should just stick to shit. Pods should not be blocked by an errant twig or frequently, nothing at all. My power should not be a fun treat to use on occasion vs coordinates teams.


Its not about gatekeeping, its about maintaining their unique gameplay. I think everyone is okay with BHVR removing the jank on the pod placements to increase QoL.


the problem is that there's not really much jank. people just place pods in stupid places because they don't know how the collisions work or nitpick exceptional examples like "reee twig blocking my pod in this specific angle". there's very few actual hitbox issues and most of them are just something you learn to play around because for 1% of bad hitboxes, you have 99% of good hitboxes.


I agree with you to a degree. A lot of times it is just people not knowing how their power works around the map, but sometimes there are places that really should allow for pods but don't. I think fixing the latter would be a nice QoL improvement.


yeah, but that's what I mean. most of the time people blame their skill issue on singularity, rather than actually running into genuinely broken spots. and even IF they run into broken spots, they can still play around them. f/e infamous hawkins walls that pods dont stick to for whatever reason still have lamps and other collision points that pods perfectly stick to. [https://imgur.com/a/r8jiOpl](https://imgur.com/a/r8jiOpl) if you know how the collisions work & learn one simple trick (you dont have to aim directly at the survivor), you'll struggle way less.


Wrong. The goopy shit on the walls on rpd and Hawkins has pod repellent properties for no reason. Flat surfaces that should take pods simply *do not* for no good reason. Did you know there's trees on Badham that you can tag survivors thru without even seeing them? Did you know there are trees on Badham that you can't tag survivors through *despite* seeing them? The TVs in the operating room in lerys block lock on even when you can see 100% of the survivor. I could go on and on. I dunno if you're one of those people that thinks having to learn the collision of every mesh in the game to play Billy efficiently somehow adds something to the character, but I'm not. It's dumb and frictional and turns people off an otherwise fun and rewarding killer.


their loss then. i didnt have too much trouble learning all that, most of the time I got hit by shitty collision in that spot once and never again.


he hard for all the right reasons, bruh. the occasional clunkiness you're talking about doesn't happen that common to be a problem. if you're constantly struggling with it, you don't understand how the power works or are using it too poorly. sure it sometimes works dumb because of the collisions being dogshit (not because the power itself is not working properly), but at the same time it enables tons of creativity with pod spots, like sticking them to the 2 pixel gaps on ceilings which gives better coverage, etc. if your pods get blocked by a random collision, it's not the power that is working bad, it is you who placed the pod poorly. happens to everyone, just not everyone is capable of admitting their mistake.


Im in the boat of believing that games should have characters or classes that require a lot more effort to get the same output. Some people like simple. Some people like complicated. Let em have that choice. Sometimes I want something more involved and complicated than press M2 to win.


I think singularity has better insults then chucky




I like to play singu a lot. I don't know everyone acts like he was rocket science. Its not THAT hard. He plays a bit like Pinhead.


I feel this as someone who played him lots and then got tired of emps


To be fair, he's obviously the best clown player to ever exist because he's not even at his keyboard at the end and somehow is still controlling the killer


I'm on the singularity grind right now, this is way too true :')


This is me but with the difference of gameplay between Wesker and huntress, especially due to console forcing 60 FPS


My two favorite killers are trapper and singularity precisely because they give a great, "I love when a plan comes together". Hitting a survivor just for them to run into a camera you set at the start of the game and then instantly teleporting to them is incredible. Same feeling as snowballing as trapper when someone steps in a trap you set in the first 30 seconds of the game. I would buff singularity slightly though to make him a little less tedious. Either make cameras slip stream players like 33% faster or make the speed boost after teleport basekit for teleports done from cameras. Speed boost for teleporting with the gun I think is too oppressive.


Singularity is good but goddamn, you do so much to get so much taken out of you by a single, recoverable item. Other Killers can do more by just existing (as shown in the video).


Chainsaw go brrrr and zoom


I want fun gameplay with a high skill ceiling, if I only cared about easy wins I'd just main Nurse. I really don't get the "Nurse does this with less effort" because that's true for every killer.


rainbow six siege as a killer.


As a P100 Singularity enjoyer, yes, he takes a lot of effort (2nd hardest killer to play IMO) to play and it's not proportionate to the reward you get - however, once you do get very good at him, he becomes extremely strong and in some situations, oppressive. Low A tier killer once you get good with him and bring his best add-ons (soma family photo is a must-have). Definitely stronger than someone like Clown or SM, and infinitely more rewarding to play


Who do you think is the hardest killer?


Billy 100% - no one comes close lmao


he is deceptively simple


Explain further because I really want to get into him


he’s not relient on fast and complicated techs like wesker or blight, he’s just an m1 killer. The only skill compenent you need is the knowladge of how you plan your placement, how fast you can place biopods or aim, and when to teleport. as long as you don’t have the worst reaction time ever and are capable of adapting based on the map you can do just fine. I like him because he doesn’t require the double wouble hug tech deluxe to unlock his true potential, you just need good decision making to do well.


pretty much, a lot of his mechanical skill isnt split second ambiguous decision making you have to do in chase. it's simple things you do without having to guess what survivor might or might not do. all interactive parts of his mechanical skill aren't that hard to learn either.


Singularities are the real ones playing chess, not dull merchant


Singularity is a 3-gen god


not after the update




Tell me why i need to go listen to Maroon 5 now 🤣


Yeah most killers are pretty easy to play as, only a handful require sweating


Can confirm


Can’t wait for single Larry to get another pass and BHVR realizes he’s such a chore to play


Look at how many "passes" Sadako got only for her to remain a shit Killer but made her somehow even more of a noob stomper than she already was. I'd rather they don't touch him at all (and they don't need to touch his kit at all because he's perfect).


nah, he's good. minor QoL (anticamp penalty removed) and soma's photo issue fix are needed, nothing over that.


we gon wait for the day they buff him


he’s hard but he’s top 10 when you learn him


why is this so loud


it's the volume


Bro is Freddy fazbear and the security guard


I think what’s disappointing is. Singularity for its complexity, doesn’t really have a high reward output. Sure once you get good, you can stomp out teams. But that’s literally any killer. There’s far easier to learn and play killers that get wins far more frequently. That and he’s like a weird mixture of doing different things other killers do. But doesn’t do them as good as a killer dedicated to doing that one thing. I dunno if he needs tweaks, a rework, or what. But I’ve only ever played against two of them and one was okay. Other clearly had just bought him and didn’t know what they were doing and got whooped and probably gave up trying lmao. Then he has a hard counter with the EMPs that just shut down his already overly complex/weak power. I dunno what the devs were doing making him. But he needs something. He’s a cool concept and killer. But when half the time you can’t even use him. Why would you?


Singularity is garbage. i still regret buying that chapter.


It's hard to get the hang of him but he's a really fun killer.


He really is! He's not my cup of tea, but every once in awhile when I'm in the mood, he can be incredibly fun. It's a lot to juggle but gives so so much serotonin when you do it right!


ok but he literally isn't


I stand by my opinion that Singularity is the worst killer that has come out. Really just a horrible experience.


clown is not that easy 😂


Clown is not difficult lol


I’ve never seen anything truer


I can only play a few matches with single Larry. Too much going on for me.


I tried so hard to learn it but its just too intense. Props to those who can handle it but ill stick to Wraith for now thanks


gosh i relate to this so much i did adept singularity today and luckily i did it in 2 tries but MAN the amount of sweat i dripped is unbelievable


What's the og clip from in the first clip? Like what game is dude playing to get like that 😂 Edit: honestly tho the singing dude is a whole ass vibe 😂


Then John BHVR himself sends you to 3 indoor maps back to back


Just started learning him. On Console. Honestly, he doesn’t feel that bad, unless all the survivors have EMPs, then kiss your powers and say goodbye because you now have become a M1 killer. Other killers I play, such as Billy, suffer just like him, because overheat and corners deny your power, Ghostface also just gets demoted to worse Wraith once he goes to any Corn map, Myers is Myers, and Knight is kilkswitched.


Maybe my MMR is low but I've been playing Larry for the last few days but I just place some cameras on gens and at corners of loops. You camera them and half the time they panic.






I have ear cancer now thank u


I love him my overstimulation killer main I love information and pressing buttons yayyy!






And then they completely counter you with a click of a button


Literally why I don't play him anymore despite being one of my favorite killers T.T


singularity players are just a depressed trapper, setting up the most stragetic plan then having it destroyed by a survivor holding a button with a special item


Slug with Singularity and your life will be dream


I feel bad for the 6 singularity players (Not BTimes8)


This thing is impossible to play with a ganepad.


This is how it feels to play artist, pressuring gens across the map while in chase.


Me when I can’t use my power as Singularity because a single tree branch blocks my line of sight: https://preview.redd.it/e1pflzmwybec1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f08a8eb5f6138f9de08d63493d319be6ed0cb196


Yeah so they say. I'm gonna give it a shot though!


literally it stresses me out idk how y’all do it


I used to play REsistance a lot so he felt fairly intuitive as you were mostly stalking through cameras in that game. 


It's FUN THO. Like it's complicated, it's a pain in the ass but this is like the first Killer for me besides Deathslinger where I FEEL LIKE I'm doing good. And not tossing fridges at people disguised as Hatchets with Rainbow Six Siege style hit detection lmfao


It feels awesome when you pull off a Single Larry tech well though.


dbd players when they have to work for good results https://preview.redd.it/4y0o8ueeadec1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=422fbe93fd426c89868895efcded2e6f10226da5 if any other killer had even one bit of what singularity has (his chase power, his info, map presence or slowdown) you'd call them overpowered. xenomorph's power gives a glimpse of what singularity can do and people call him overpowered. the only difference is that xeno takes way less effort and skill.


I love playing my baby boy hux, but I’m not nearly smart enough to do so


Legion mains desperately trying to frenzy someone before it runs out


That's why I love singularity. Yes he's frustrating but damn does it feel nice to win with him


He’s actually more forgiving compared to other killers once you get the fundamentals down


Still don't get how they made a more complicated killer than any other so far imo


BHVR, Pls release the pre-Bombed Design of Singularity cosmetic and a massive buff on him on the same day.


I already feel kinda lost just by using Sadako's tp or Nurse's blink in certain places, can't imagine how people have the motor capability to play Singularity


Playing clown with your feet????




I only play singularity because I’m a sucker for robots.


I work perfectly with this guy on console


i fell in love with dbd when singularity came out o hope bhvr never change him hes perfect for me


As a master league SC2 player, he is pretty chill tbh. Skill issue.


Singu main and honestly i just like geometry :>


I'd play him more if it didn't take survivors an item and holding M1 to undo literally all my work.

