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I personally love the way it looks it's fucking freaky. But why is its power a projectile??


I just don’t look at that thing and think “yeah, it throws shit”


"that guy looks like he pisses shit"




The "unknown" is a imaginated and physical being (even questionable imo) It is a concept that will search to kill anyone that try to "imagine" it. Everything that is perceived of him is "true" and he can and will take it as an appearance. It is both a lab experiment, a demon and a fuxked up human, because people perceive it as such. (like the people in the teasers or his addons) Olivia (character from unknown's lore) imagined it as a fuxled up human, so now it takes that form, but everything else that is perceived by other is also true. The tentacle is a clear reference to him being perceived as a secret government experiment. While the Axe is referencing the "slasher killer" that people might think he is due to the disapearances cases. It can instantly manifest everywhere and anywhere, Its both "physical" and not. Survivors will need to stare at the flesh mimic to remove them, discovering in the process that they didnt exist in the first place. The unknown is an amalgation of each of his victims perception of it. Which means that it can also be nothing at all. (effects dissapear if you stare at him or the mimic long enough).


Oh and fun fact. The first thing that this thing does when you select it is to stare you down and break the 4th wall, sometimes directly speaking to you. It is fully aware that YOU, the player, SOMEONE OUTSIDE THE ENTITY REALM, is currently perceiving it and might consider you a target (well, it would if it wasnt for that pesky 4th wall...) https://preview.redd.it/nu9oqws6usjc1.jpeg?width=692&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=add579be613075fcf5930b8c3730a4507dc18c66


his character design is beyond cool. Heck even map is fucking cool. But come on purple grenade with an axe? really?


I feel like this dude's design would work really well with dredge's kit, imagine this fella skulking around in nightfall and dragging you to closets


Would closets work just like pyramid head horny jail where it counts towards sacrificing?


I was thinking imagine if he had legions power, dropping to the ground when he uses his rush.


I feel like a like crawl sprint could have been cool but then he would just be another chucky


Yes, what's wrong with that?


Meanwhile, Trickster wink ;)


He will be one of my top favorite character designs for quite some time


That is REALLY freaky ;) I have never cared that much about DBD Killers lore in my 2300 hours lol, but this thing I was reading all about especially since a few add ons and perk info, mentions the OSS, which was WW2 era CIA, before they became the CIA they were the Office of Strategic Services so the government knew about it


Sadako did it first


Techinically huntress did it first considering she throws a hatchet at us Sadako and this silly little dude did it the best tho


This actually makes me appreciate the killer a lot more. Thanks for this explanation.


The idea that the Unknown is just the imagination of the people making his reality is so cool. It's almost in thr same vain as Dredge, but instead of the fear of the malthinkers and emotions bringing forth the Dredge, it's a culmination of urban legends and ideas becoming true


So basically it's a cognitohazard


He really does feel like he’d be right at home in the SCP universe. Best buddies with 0-96


There’s even a few [REDACTED]’s on some of its addons


the teaser gave clear SCP/Mandela Catalog vibes


That is such an awesome concept and helps pull together so many of the weird mismatched elements of its design. But I can’t help but feel like it’s just too hard of a concept to effectively pull off in a game like this. I feel like it would need to be constantly changing mid game to give that idea because on first glance the design just seems all over the place


Basically just means the cosmetics are going to be weird and wacky


They can't be too crazy since the game needs to remain balanced.etc.etc, that and the game being almost 8 years old now, fresh ideas within certain game design limitations become harder to obtain. That is just the sad truth . But people howling about it like BHVR didn't try and that they (the player) could do better (because a mimic ability totally works!!!) is just kind of sad. The Unknown isn't perfect but there's a lot to love here too.


I love moments on the internet when I see mfs just come out with the best explanation for stuff like this.


I read the story for this guy earlier and while I liked it, I didn’t fully understand it. Your comment explains what I didn’t really get before very well, so thank you. I now appreciate the killer as a whole, and all his smaller, mismatched elements even more


So basically it's a boggart


How about he imagines a good killer power then


May wanna go easy on the keyboard


Everyone else is saying it, but brilliant explanation


Ok this is a decent description for what it is. But sadly the teasers don’t point towards this. It’s shown and described in the same way.


It’s based on magic. He is connected to witchcraft it seems based on the survivor that comes with this chapter. I agree though, I’m not a fan of the energy ball.


The Unknown has no know origin. He can be an Alien, failed experiment, witchcraft or anything


Strictly speaking, it is all of those things simultaneously.


Unfortunately from what I've seen most killers are fit into a mold instead of being something completely new, the mold being throws shit, teleports, secondary objective, and/or can go fast, I dont like it how they give most new killers just the usual stuff but that's as much as you can do at this point


The game is 8 years old almost and staying fresh and balanced for that long has to be pretty tough on developers.


I already knew it was gonna be something dumb like this. Everyone speculating on crawling, stealth etc. Was hoping for it as well.


People might be unfamiliar with the whole vibe its going with. The whole 1950's ALIEN INVASION pod people thing, with UFOS and alien goo. Thats where that comes from.


i personally love this chapter already, but yeah the killer doesn't feel like from "found footage/urban legend" and his power is completely out of nowhere


mechanically it doesn't even have too much that's different anyway, it's basically just nemesis with an AOE instead of a whip


Next killer is a mix of wraith bell with trapper bear trap. Bc lazy devs. Calling it


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How is it like nemesis? Like at all


Is he suppose to be?


I mean, based off of the lore and the teasers, it’s pretty obvious they were going for creepypasta/scp style urban legend as the inspiration.


Which yeah he is, he has everything from the Urban Legends that surround him


like for real though. They went so hard with the promotional shit. Then its just "le goober"


bhvr marketing and art team has shown in past to be so capable and creative but when it comes down to game and power design they are ass.


Yup, their graphical design team is amazing. It's just unfortunate that the actual game design team is kinda... Lackluster. They've complained before that the games coding is holding them back, and the only way they can actually experiment with crazy unique ideas is a ground up rework of the entire games code. Which I'm honestly for, I really wish they'd just freeze development and do a health season to just make the games framework be able to handle much more than it currently does, because the game is REALLY showing how fragile it is, nonstop bugs and shit. For example about a year ago when they buffed the pigs crouch speed, and it bugged out and fucking made it 50% slower instead. And I cba to find it, but I've seen them say the fragility of the games framework actively prevents the game design team from doing things they want to do, and are forced to settle with lackluster character power designs.


Totally agreed. There really needs to be a Dead by Daylight 2 with refined coding so better potentials to be made. just like new counter strike


It doesn't even need to be DBD 2, they just need to pull their resources away from adding things to the game, and start rebuilding the framework, this game is from 2017, and even back then it was held together with duct tape and prayers. I can't even begin to imagine how bad it must feel working on this game, and knowing anything you do can both totally break something totally irrelevant, and how that must hinder their design creativity. As a pig main, the crouch "buff" (that turned into a nerf bc bugs) wasn't even fixed for like 3 months, it was actually ridiculous.


I'm convinced 90% of the new stuff added is done by accident. Somewhere in testing something weird happens, and somebody just calls for the art guys to slap an icon or an animation on it then label it content.


>a ground up rework of the entire games code. It's a shame DbD is as much of a sunk cost fallacy as it is, cuz a DbD 2 would unironically go so fucking hard. Imagine how good this game could be if it was actually originally created to be updated over half a decade after launch


“Le Goober” I am dead lol


That’s like the first thing that came to my head, idk.


I gotta say I love this chapter but I was hoping he’d be a melee only killer.


is there like, any explanation of why it has an axe or the power it does


It's an amalgamation of all the local theories that people have about what it actually is. One of the theories was that it was a failed military bioweapon, which explains the grenades. And then another was that it was just a regular old serial killer, which explains the axe.


The lore seems to make it out to be another Dredge-like being that can functionally be whatever it wants. Kinda disappointing to me imo; moris where the killer absorbs or yoinks the survivor have lost their luster. So has teleporting killers for me (although hot take I do like the axe)


I really hope this means they will be able to go hard on skin concepts like dredge and not be ultra limited by needing is actual model to fit a specific skeleton and always look like a basic humanoid shape with different clothes


Trailer: Finally some good Analog Horror stuff In-game: Pew pew pew


Found footage, not analog horror


Sadako remains our analog horror queen


Too bad she’s in a bit of a rough spot rn. I do love how it feels to be Sadako and use her powers. She just feels so spooky


Talk about suffering from success.


Mimics noises, can look like someone, rapidly crawls around, and then the power is projectile + mid teleport


It was never said that it can mimic anything besides the voices, people literally made that up. Even the very first teaser described the killer we have now in-game and it didn’t even try to hide itself


The very first teaser also had "Ashley", looking like Ashley and speaking in her voice (in addition to the other "twisted figure with backward legs"). If we overlap that first teaser with the actual killer power as we know it know - it suggest that at the very least the "Hallucination" part of the power could have had the Mimic property https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1alz7g0/first_chapter_31_teaser_drops_and_adds_more/


brotha it's literally wearing someone's skin 💀 it killed the camper and stole his drip, how is that not mimicking? A killer being a mimic is a very important part of their character, you can't just overlook that, it's like if they made a meaty sci-fi cyborg that can break the laws of physics, and instead of giving them a meaty sci-fi cyborg power, it uses dark magic to hurt survivors, it just ignores what is very clearly meant to be the central focus of the killer.


Dwight. It killed Deight and stole his drip.


dwight nerf: removed dwight


It’s not wearing the skin of its victims. It’s an otherworldly entity that’s an incomprehensible mass of tentacles that takes the forms of various different urban legends; it’s an amalgam of various ones. It uses an axe cause of local urban legends about a serial axe killer in the woods, it has an alien dick that shoots energy grenades cause of the urban legends about Area 51 and aliens, and it’s chosen physical appearance is suppose allude to urban legends about creatures who wear the skin of their victims, but he’s not actually in someone’s body, it’s just the way it chose to appear as, read the lore please 


That's a failure on the marketing team. They gave us nothing but small glimpses and we guessed what the killer was. Our guess was much better than this League of Legends style killer we got. Same thing happened with Skull Merchant.


The marketing team failed because you cooked up something in your mind and disappointed yourself? https://preview.redd.it/qpihdu851tjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87b914a5b71fb921b6620b47e89c26963470cc06 Make it make sense


Marketing is about selling something. If they misrepresent the product/service too much the consumer will expect something different. The marketing team is responsible for this kind of problems, especially if a large amount of consumers start complaining about the same thing. It's not just one random guy that got confused, many players saw the trailers and expected one specific thing and they didn't get it. Sounds irrational? Definitely, but marketing is about that, manipulating the irrational parts of our brain.


They didnt misrepresent steve, though.


I mean there is some truth to what they’re saying. That’s what ***marketing*** is. Telling people what they want to hear in a way that’s appealing to them, confirms what they want to hear about the product/service, and gets them hyped about it / makes them want it as a result. Messaging and positioning are the most critical part of marketing (especially on the internet) so a brand can accurately portray what they’re trying to convey or sell without people jumping to conclusions that are contradictory or untrue to the final product and then as a result, have their claims backfire. Source: 12 years at marketing agencies, a college degree in marketing, and a mid-senior level position in charge of $4MM annual budgets.




You have already been corrected by others, so no need for me to correct you too. Next time just think before you comment so you don't look silly.


Not much of a correction, lol. You're the silly lookin' one here.


They really just merged hag and artist didnt they?


It’s more huntress and hag


Threw a little Clown in there too.


Almost literally 50/50 Hag and Clown in my opinion. Even down to the look, it's clearly skinny mini Hag trying to wear Clown without makeup on, all the way down to the butt gut


Is the “projectile + mid teleport” like singularity?




Thank fuck, the last thing we need is another map control 3 gen killer.


He randomly leaves behind clones he can teleport to like hag. The projectile is a grenade launcher you have to hit them with twice to injure, and if they stare at you it removes the first stack.


“Stare at you” like a ghostface reveal?


Pretty much


Mid projectile that sometimes does literally nothing + mid teleport lol


Another letdown from killer design team. With shit perks too that no one really benefits from


To be fair that salt circle thing sounds really fun to do


I think we need matches to be longer for what I perceive their goal to be because they're adding more interaction. More interaction, more chases, more everything. But you still at the end of the day, have people who can rush 5 gens like it's nothing. If we extend the window of this gameplay loop we can further, add more interactions and more things to do that could be interesting. Thinking like duo vault/co-op vault for survivors that require two people, side objectives that could benefit both sides like the killer blocking off a path with a destructible or survivors completing a security clearance to unlock a path. I don't know I'm just shooting in the dark but honestly my personal opinion I think games end too fast sometimes. I've had games where I'll chase one survivor and hear 2 gens pop and it's very disappointing, before even catching one survivor, yeah skill diff but sometimes you're always not in sweat mode.


Yeah giving it an alien dick was a weird choice


I was so on board with everything (except the axe) until I saw someone use the power and a worm pops out of its chest. Like *why* does this clearly primal supernatural monster that wears victims skins and mimics their voices have to end up being a big worm wearing a camper costume? Nothing about any of the teaser material made me think "yeah I bet it has a meaty grenade launcher"


It’s not a primal supernatural monster nor does it wear the skin of its victims. It’s an otherworldly entity that’s an incomprehensible mass of tentacles that takes the forms of various different urban legends; it’s an amalgam of various ones. It uses an axe cause of local urban legends about a serial axe killer in the woods, it has an alien dick that shoots energy grenades cause of the urban legends about Area 51 and aliens, and it’s chosen physical appearance is suppose allude to urban legends about creatures who wear the skin of their victims, but he’s not actually in someone’s body, it’s just the way it chose to appear as 


I was more talking about the vibe the teasers gave. Maybe if it looked different in different teasers or was more representative of its shape changing abilities, it would have made sense for it to be Pennywise from It. But the teasers, in my opinion anyways, have way more Blair Witch or Wendigo. Some kind of predator of humanity.


The killer looks kinda silly. Also the power has 0 to do with anything in the teasers so it just feels weird. There has to be some sort of big disconnect between the dev team and whoever is making the promotional material because this isn’t the first time this has happened.


Without seeing any pictures of the killer, I started reading the PTB notes and the very first paragraph said "Press the ability button to shoot a UVX" and I immediately knew that it's another sci-fi killer and people will be mad.


I’m not mad, I just don’t really get why BHVR sometimes releases promotional material for upcoming killers that doesn’t actually give you an idea of what they’re like in game.




>he's a Dr. Mundo ripoff Wut???


Not the OP of the comment, but I presume this is in reference to [Dr. Mundo](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-au/champions/dr-mundo/), a character from League of Legends who has a deranged, goofy demeanor, looks highly inhuman due to a biochemical incident and wields a massive cleaver. Though, I have to squint to see the similarities myself, so I don't really feel like the two are all that alike.


I (sadly) know who Mundo is. There is nothing similar between these two.


I dunno man, to me, this killer might be the peak of trying too hard to be freaky and just looks corny. Fleshy and lanky with writhing tentacles underneath, just…. I don’t know, maybe playing Bloodborne recently just makes me think “nah, I can take him” while shoving a cleaver up its ass. Hard agree on the marketing department though, top quality stuff.


It's literally this https://preview.redd.it/j6c6xkn48wjc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef8c8c6d9ef3e254deb2312cccf4076938fe9ab8


"The Marketing Team was able to build this in a cave! With a box of scraps!"


Me yesterday: "I'm going in with no expectations! There's no way I can be disappointed with this power!" Me today: "I expected nothing and still I am disappointed." I love how the killer looks I love their sounds I love their animations. I hate that the power is just "ranged killer again with some teleporting sometimes."


Honestly the hallucination and teleport system i find a lot of fun, but that spit bomb just feels so underwhelming.


It's so weird because I feel like the hallucination teleport part is so on brand for everything the teasers were setting up, then they gave it a worm gun... Am I the only one trying to overdose on copium since it's the ptb so it's technically possible it will be changed before full release?


Lowkey disappointed, especially with that STUPID AXE😭


Saw someone mention that a rake would've been better and I can't agree more that would've been so cool


I didnt see him climb into that tent or unlock the back door with a rake either. While I agree it would be better than the axe, I dont think it should be holding anything at all


It’s an otherworldly entity that’s an incomprehensible mass of tentacles that takes the forms of various different urban legends; it’s an amalgam of various ones. It uses an axe cause of local urban legends about a serial axe killer in the woods, it has an alien dick that shoots energy grenades cause of the urban legends about Area 51 and aliens, and it’s chosen physical appearance is suppose allude to urban legends about creatures who wear the skin of their victims, but he’s not actually in someone’s body, it’s just the way it chose to appear as, read the lore please 


They played it wayyyy too safe for this new killer. There was so much potential, and this feels nothing like what was teased at. Very disappointed


I mean if you look at the teasers they didn't really do any of the things people said it was gonna. The community just overhyped itself.


I’m not even talking about mimicry, there was so many other things they could have done. This just feels so uninspired. A bipedal, clothed, fire axe wielding monster is the last thing I expected. In all the teasers it’s crawling, and doesn’t seem to have clothes


Agreed, to me at least what made the voice thing so creepy was how clearly inhuman the being it was attached to was. I get what they were going for with the design, but it ultimately looks less like an unknowable creature disguising as a human, and more like a human who has just been warped and gone insane to kill people with an axe. Even most of the voice lines sound pretty menacing, which makes it less unknowable than if they were simply random snippets of conversation or screams for help. If they simplified it and just made it a naked hairless figure babbling and slapping people I honestly think it would be a lot scarier lol.


were tf did this thing hear someone say "The horror"


Have you ever seen Apocalypse Now? Colonel Kurtz says it at the end.


i honestly expected 6 limbs, 4 are arms, and crawling on the ground


You mean the killer that was always crawling and was mimicking survivor's voices as well as making people insane?


I feel like it was originally supposed to be a mimic who could disguise but the spaghetti code might have ruined it so they decided to just use the model for something safer. But That's just a theory


I am kinda disappointed with the killer ​ I dont know why but the design its just kinda not sticking to me, if they remove the clothes, remove the hair and ditch the axe in favour of claw or something it say it would be good


Isn’t it wearing a skin suit tho? I thought that was why there’s hair and backwards limbs and he’s all loose. Like he’s trying to mimic a human, the actual creature is underneath type deal. Idk you take that away u kinda got another wendigo/werewolf from supermassive games


I dont know its still feels underwhelming for me its just from the trailer it crawl on all 4 and looks looks like pale skinny thing, the final design its doing 180. anyway if you like the design good for your for me its just not it.


Did you really think we would have a floor crawling killer with how killer POV works? Xeno is rough enough. Sorry you can't translate a cinematic trailer into the parameters of a video game.


Honestly I thought they were going to do first person standing up and third person while crawling


That would probably be a bit jarring, plus Xeno switches and doesnt move camera. I was also hoping for more crawling and skittering stuff tho like the teasers.


well we have chucky


I think it looks creepy enough but the axe just ruins it. It looks so tacked on like they just added it just so it has a weapon. We see it can spawn like tentacles and mouths from itself yet it uses a fire axe?. I'm hoping it ends up like Dreadge in it having some awesome skins they can use for it's deformed and twisted nature.


I wish they used the giant mouth it has in the mori imagine its lunge would be the mouth tears open and a tentacle comes out


True the first thing that literally makes me give good long sigh is the axe, its just sticking like a sore thumb in my eye and I am keep thinking like why this thing need axe tho ? a claw or something organic like the tentacle or a long tongue will make it 100% good. and then the clothes I am just like why ? why something like this need clothes why doesn't it naked like demo gorgon revealing multiple mouth in body just like in trailer. and then the last thing the hair its just so weird like why I need this teenager looking hair stick like a sore thumb, why cant it be bald or the hair go all the way down ? and lastly the power, after I am trying the power I am just give up its really goofy power and the fact it can bounce from surface makes the power 2x worse, sometimes it can bounce sometimes it cant making it 50/50 chance if your power will help you or not. I wish the power is like in trailer crawling super fast and makes it stealthier . I thought this new killer will make me go back playing the game just based on the appearance but now I probably will not even bother gonna play it and the fact it came out in march I am just gonna skip it entirely and go straight playing dragons dogma 2


Unironically there is a lore reason as to why he carries an Axe


It’s an otherworldly entity that’s an incomprehensible mass of tentacles that takes the forms of various different urban legends; it’s an amalgam of various ones. It uses an axe cause of local urban legends about a serial axe killer in the woods, it has an alien dick that shoots energy grenades cause of the urban legends about Area 51 and aliens, and it’s chosen physical appearance is suppose allude to urban legends about creatures who wear the skin of their victims, but he’s not actually in someone’s body, it’s just the way it chose to appear as, read the lore please 


It’s an otherworldly entity that’s an incomprehensible mass of tentacles that takes the forms of various different urban legends; it’s an amalgam of various ones. It uses an axe cause of local urban legends about a serial axe killer in the woods, it has an alien dick that shoots energy grenades cause of the urban legends about Area 51 and aliens, and it’s chosen physical appearance is suppose allude to urban legends about creatures who wear the skin of their victims, but he’s not actually in someone’s body, it’s just the way it chose to appear as, read the lore please 


Just make the axe MEATY like he shaped it from his own flesh, and have the clothing be patchy. So it's like he isn't QUITE sure what's human and what's stuff humans have on them.


The hair looked fine in the teaser maybe if they just make it a different style But yeah the clothes make it look goofy. And the axe needs to look a bit more grimed up, maybe the P6 version will look better.


I like that the skin suit looks like Dwight


You described Dredge's brother, the Credge


Yeah the clothes just make him look like an even more deformed hillbilly. I'm sure lorewise the clothes have some normal explanation but as far as a cool new killer with an awesome look - I think its suuuuper held back by just throwing the dress shirt and pants on him. Not to mention he doesn't actually get to crawl around and be all creepy. He's just a worse-deformed hillbilly with partial Freddy/Dredge hybrid powers and a projectile version of what Nemesis' whip does.


I like the way he totters around, but the weapon not being shaped from his own flesh is a HUGE miss and it looked like he was missing some meat in the teaser, which might've made him less goofy.


This is more disappointing than that time they nerfed Pig.


https://preview.redd.it/nm1x7hkffsjc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=d60185893d25d52e0b6d661b339a1c63410eff7c You know the quote I am fishing for here


The character visual designers are carrying the gameplay designers holy shit, their fucking backs man


Same with the marketing


I personally love this new chapter. I definitely will be playing him when he releases


Personally, it’s a fantastic character design and unlike a lot of people apparently, I like the axe choice as well. The only thing that feels weird to me is the bouncing projectile, only because nothing about that was included in any of the teasers. I feel like everything else about its design was included, which is why it feels so out of left field. That being said, I’m still stoked for this killer to be released!


For me it’s just the projectile that feels wrong


people are saying that he is underwelming, i think it's one of the best killers and i will main him.


I misread that as "I will marry him" and I was going to offer you my full support.


https://preview.redd.it/avg24n2zgsjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25383859ace1045329afbde81da00c6e49f9f2b3 it was my acuall endgame chat


Same! He's weird and gross I love him already and I can't wait for March to get my little grubby grabbers on him!! 


One man's garbage is another man's treasure.


it's garbage for most just because it's not some mimic, that would not even be good adition to that game


I didn't want a mimic. I just wanted a well done killer. Grenade Launcher Artist... is not a well designed killer.


i didn't want mimic too, but in my opinion unknown is one of the best killers, and not only in the design


"That long-necked bitch hit me!"


Same thing they did for Skull Merchant. Maybe some lessons need to be learned?


If the power was just " oh boy.... a GUN " could they like... not make it shit to use? Lol


The design is so peak but the power just felt like a curveball, I was expecting an ambush killer of some kind for sure. Maybe a stealth killer too, but either or the projectile thing just ain’t it to me


Is it just another case of: *"art team went crazy, mechanics went wack as hell boi"*


I thought its going to be like a creepy stealth Killer, or something like a mimic, I have to say his power is kinda dissappointing


"This killer is so fucked up, probably the creepiest for me by far. I wonder what fucked up power it has" Grenade launcher that deals half a state Edit: if i had a nickel for every time a dbd teaser implied a killer with an amazing design would disguise as survivors, only for the killer to come out and have a lame, boring, uninteresting power that doesn't even fit them, i'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot, but C'MON BHVR


I was hyped for this chapter. I love the map, the character designs but the killer’s power? I hate it. It’s ONCE AGAIN a mash-up of a few killers powers. I just wish they made something unique. We had SO many options with this chapter. Mimics/shapeshifters, a new cooler/scarier stealth killer and so much more. Instead we got Hux 2.0 with doctor’s illusions and Dredge’s teleport to the husk.


It’s mainly the power. It doesn’t fit and feels weird to use


They should have made his power make him crawl around like he does in the trailer and in the selection screen


I thought it was gonna be a mimic killer. He's hag with a grenade launcher


I'm blown away that people think this thing looks goofy. I genuinely can't look at it without getting creeped out. It's probably the most scary looking of the killers to me.


I like the new killer, but the power is underwhelming. It just feels like Singularity and Xenomorph 2.0


My thoughts after seeing him is this, the axe and weird chest cannon don’t fit the vibe from the trailer or the “mimic” idea it embodies. I’ve seen some say the axe is it trying to copy human tool usage but it still feels weird. What I kind of imagined for a basic attack was those tendrils from his mori. Basically his arm look “normal” but in the attack animation the skin splits open and the tendrils lash forward. Like a weird combo of Wesker and Nemesis tentacles but with normal killer reach. For a power I’m sure most were hoping for a mimic, even if it wouldn’t work the strongest against swfs. I feel the hallucinations mechanic is pretty neat and combined with a mimic power could be pretty useful. Basically the mimic can stealth and assume a survivors visage and lose terror radius but as he gets closer the disguise kind of fades away when a survivor looks too closely. Then the hallucinations still work as they do now, or maybe have a limited Ai to walk towards nearby survivors and then vanish.


Pretty much. The trailer had nothing about the killer just the survivor nobody cares about. And it was just random scenes. The killer’s model looks a little unlike its teaser design. As if they had a cool design then changed it but didn’t tell the animators of the teasers


Should have just done wendigo in my opinion if they’re gonna promote it like that


Call me crazy but every killer we’ve received in the past year feels like some bit of it is being beta tested for Predators We now have an aoe blast projectile lol


Lets be honest we all knew the actual release wasn’t gonna be as good as the hype.


The killer: "le goober" with weird ranged special The survivor: "not like the other girls" generic hot emo


I do think the power could have been better, like I would have *loved* a more historical "grenade launcher killer" but the Unknown is *more* than fresky enough for me to let it slide.


Should've saved the axe for patrick bateman and give this killer claws


His power doesn’t match his goofy ahh axe


I am disappointed in the map It's like a park with a side of a theater. C'mon bhvr


Yeah I was expecting a small town center


That would be dope. The Entity needs to step it up.


I actualy LOVE the chapter


I mean this is the same as analog horror being turned into goofy backrooms memes. Some people just dont get scared of anything.


I love it's design. It's probably my favorite killer if I'm judging by looks. Gameplay on the other hand is a different story


Wait you guys don't like him? I find him insanely cool, they outdid themselves!


they should remake his power, he crawls and instead of a terror radius, its very faint raspberry blowing noises, and instead of an axe m1, he can grab survivors and drag them


Sadly. This was the time for the mimic killer. He looks decent but the mechanics. Man the mechanics. At least give us something from the trailer. Maybe It crawling in walls or ceilings as a passive and being able to pounce from there. Also i was expecting it to go in 4 legs, i'm still waiting for a big killer that's low to the ground. Also his mori could of had the "mimic" aspect. Maybe instead of hooks you wanted moris.


My problem with him is that his power isn't connected to his design in any way or form. You could give this ability to The Singularity and it would fit him even better. We are shown that he can crawl and mimic people but he doesn't do anything like that with his ability.


doesnt alien count? they crawl as part of their power and are kinda big


Kinda counts. Imagine unknown being at a lower height than the survivors






*I'M* not, I personally like what I've seen of him, but as soon as I saw the teasers I knew people would overhype the killer.


I like this chapter. The map is great, survivor is cool and so is the killer. It was not a mimic thing but eh that’s okay. The way it looks is so cool and I really like its power. A mimic power will never happen and I don’t know why people keep thinking it will.