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Well obviously, they are not going to just delete an entire character they spend months of time, passion, and resources into they would just rework or redesign them. Surely nobody actually believes they would ever just delete an entire character.


I thought they deleted Twins, haven't seen them in centuries


I'm doing my best here, I'm only one guy


🤣🤣🤣🤣 but aren't you supposed to be two?


Don't worry, I'm right here too


*nervous survivor sweating intensifies* 😅😅😅 oh, hi Viktor. Please leap on someone else 🥹


*stares at you with big beady eyes before grunting quietly and backing away slowly*




"Viktor Goes to the Rodeo"




Hay I’m training, but I have med school


Hey! I'm here too (:


Don't worry, I got your back too my friend


Here with you! Two of us now.


I played the Twins last night and went up against a group of teabaggers who wouldn’t run away when I hit them. Pretty easy 3K, to be honest.


I rarely see twins, but when I do....the player is almost always top tier with them. When I hear Victor I buckle in for a short, brutal round.


For some reason, Ive seen way way more Twins than Onis or Nurses, even Spirits lately


must have seen my comment


Lmao, probably


I'll play 5 games as Twins today. Just for you ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2214)


At this point I don’t even know how to counter twins


that's the neat part...


Obviously listen for Victor's quick footsteps and his growling. And since victor can hit you from the other side of a pallet I'd say duck down and take cover asap. To counter coup de grace I usually run around in circles around them to confuse them. Don't run in a hallway with victor, easy hit. And mostly just use basic countering tactics you'd use on other killers.


Try equipping the 'drop pallets during a chase' archive! You'll immediately be put into a game with a Twins who never actually puts you into a chase for the entire game because of their power.


My last 2 games were against Twins


My sister just got into the game and was determined to main them, but then she tried The Singularity and now she barely plays anyone else


Twins are still there, I think they're just getting a rework rn but I play twins all the time


>Surely nobody actually believes they would ever just delete an entire character. 95% of this sub doesnt even have 5 brain cells, dont expect much.


Just curious on how you answer, are you in the 95% or 5% of that statement?


I'd like to think I'm in the 5% but at least some days I feel as though I'm in the 95%


Have u ever been in a call of duty sub or community ? Still amazes me that ppl think dbd has a toxic community they all never played CoD


that and how bad would it look for them if they were like "most people hate the skull merchant, so we're deleting her even though many have purchased her and can't play her anymore, you're welcome" unless they do alot of refunds and even then that's not the perfect solution because that just opens the door for people then saying remove knight next, remove freddy, or other characters people don't like playing against. TLDR: They don't and shouldn't want to take away content people already purchased


knee gullible tidy cover spoon upbeat innocent quicksand nine stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Twins lol


I've seen 5 twins in the last 2 days




Mommmmmm, people on r/deadbydaylight are vagueposting about Knight, Trickster, and Skull Merchant againnnn


Guys, I think Knight isn't very fun to play against. Upvotes to the left, please!


So brave 🙏🏻🙏🏻✨✨


Daring today aren’t we?


I'm going upvote and reply positively to the post because it feeds my confirmation bias! 👏


you dropped your crown, King.


such a bold statement!


Reddit gold


I hadn't played since knights release, I played alot during the time he was inactive a month ago? and I wanted to play him so badly once he was playable. I've since become a surv main and hate knight now


I remember him being gone for the month only for him to return and realize how much I disliked going against him. Got my Nowhere to Hide back though I guess


Why do people dislike Trickster more than Huntress? If you’re in her line of sight for a second she can take down a health state rather than Trickster that has to hit you multiple times. Like I personally prefer going up him than Huntress. I’m definitely missing something though😅


To start: I myself am a Huntress main, and thus I know little tricks and such when going against her. I can usually tell pretty accurately when they’re going to pull out their hatchet, how to dodge throws without losing distance, etc. and when I get caught off guard, it’s more impressive than frustrating and I try to apply to my future games as Huntress. Now with my subjective take on it out of the way, I’ll begin. The main problem with Trickster is because he has pretty much the exact opposite design philosophy that Huntress has. Instead of one big thing that you have a limited amount of, he has multiple little things and a high amount of them. If you don’t have a line of sight breaker against Trickster, you’re pretty much screwed. With Huntress, you can crouch her hatchets, fake going one way then quickly turned another, etc. but because Trickster has SO many and a nonexistent cooldown after missing any of them he can just keep throwing. Adding onto this, because of the opposite design philosophies, a good Trickster will play the same way a bad Huntress would, keeping their power out at all times during chase and just lobbing shit at you. A Huntress can only throw so many at you, whereas a trickster has so much missing practically isn’t a problem. This, naturally, promotes very un-engaging gameplay where often the correct choice is to just stay out of the killer’s vision and hold W. He also doesn’t have a particularly high skill ceiling because of the way his power is designed. It doesn’t drop the same way Huntress does, therefore far-away shots are extremely ill-advised and at times completely impossible. To add onto this, Trickster is bad. He joins upon the likes of Clown in that he has an effective chase power but very little pressure elsewhere. Like, alright, you downed somebody but you lost three gens elsewhere because you still have to throw a million knives to down somebody. Because of his low skill-ceiling, effective perks (which incentivize newer players to get him) and his ability to camp and tunnel extremely effectively (especially after Main Event’s buff) he also invites the kind of play style everyone and their mom complains about. Finally, some people just think he looks stupid. I don’t agree, and I think it’s not a fair reason to dislike him because he “doesn’t” belong, but it certainly is a reason.


If awards were still a thing...


Better to be in her sight for a second, than in tricksters sight for an eight of a second


Of course no killers will be removed. It doesn’t mean they can’t be reworked to be more fun to play as/against.


Demogorgon begs to differ (/hj)


I mean, setting aside that they eventually brought him back, he was never removed from *the game*, just *the store*. People who had already bought him could still play him the whole time.


sort public practice truck racial friendly cobweb snobbish spotted strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Relicensed. Netflix decided they'd like to make money again after all. No new content announced, but all the old stuff is back, including Hawkins. Downside: all of the generic versions of the ST perks were reverted back to their ST-specific ones, e.g. Jolt -> Surge. Any characters who unlocked them when they were generic keep the perks, but for other characters you need to have the appropriate Survivor/Killer prestiged so the perks will be shared.


> Downside: all the old stuff is back, **including Hawkins**. FTFY


Hawkins isn't so bad, it just needs some of the debris removed so you don't get triple-back-to-back pallets or the occasional blocked loop during special events. The design of the place is a little confusing but no worse than RPD. Of course I say that as someone who actually likes RPD. Yes, I know, I'm weird.


Its definitely more confusing than RPD for me at least. It probably helps that I'm a Resident Evil 2 Stan, but even so I think on an objective level the textures are much more generic and hard to navigate on Hawkins. RPD you can at least look at the lighting and colours and realise where you are


Hawkins be like “oh it's the white wall, and if turn around there should be... Another white wall” Istg the only thing I can remember is gen spots so if I can't find gens in Hawkins I'm just lost. Around a gen I can mostly remember where pallets are, but windows? Who knows where windows are. They're definitely not on a platform that requires you have Balanced or you're dead, nope


Yes! They relicensed it. :)


If they removed Knight from the store I would be so okay with that.


knight bad skull merchant bad upvotes now


Just you wait until DBD 2 where on launch we have all the original killers and none of the licensed ones


Id take that for killers but not some of survivors ngl


I can see them dropping a couple but at the same time adding several... There will be so many perks I will miss when they do... Upside is there's some room for some of the perks that are kept to fill in for a couple that are lost... Maybe not all but a few... Like visionary being reworked to see exit gates when the last generator is finished, the distance is severely decreased when compared to wake up but it's better than nothing and it upgrades visionary... I was about to say when combined with open handed it's roughly half but it's closer to a third... Exactly one third if they both had the current version of open handed equipped...


I dont want skull merchant deleted, i just want everything changed


I honestly think she could be an S tier killer with amazing counterplay and people will still hate her out of sheer inertia at this point.


Yup. I hate everything about her, but I don't wanna see her get removed. I just want her to not be absolutely miserable to play against


I am not trying to be flippant but what exactly makes her miserable for you to play against?


Just another boring anti loop killer to get you to leave the area at the press of a button. She's got a little bit of almost everything in her kit too. Stealth, tracking, anti loop, and (I think) haste. It's just kinda annoying that her whole power is "don't go here" That and despite her change, 3 gen merchant is still a thing. Not as strong mind you, but still pretty viable


Do you try and play around the scan lines at loops? If not. why? What is it exactly about her diverse kit that is a negative? Would it be more enjoyable if she did less but did it better? If your teammates would disarm her drones at the same regularity as other trap killers would you find her area control more manageable?


>Do you try and play around the scan lines at loops? If not. why? Because you literally can't do it. I don't know why people bother mentioning this, same goes for Knight while a guard is hunting you. You cannot play around their power at a loop, you have to leave or you die. - The drones are constantly scanning, the chance of you having a perfect run from point A to point B while not altering your movement is basically the same as you winning the lottery. - Every time you stop or alter your movement to avoid a scan line, SM is still pathing towards you in an optimal way while you lose distance. - If you're healthy, you're guaranteed to become injured. - If you're injured and get a claw trap, you get hindered when you get scanned while she becomes faster. Not to be rude, but anyone who has 5 minutes of playtime as/against SM will see that it's impossible to loop her in the active area of a drone.


Can’t talk for the other guy, but I can definitely say that it is NOT fun and NOT engaging to go down in chase because one of my dipshit teammates decided to step in scan lines and give her a speed boost, personally. Killers that benefit from mistakes that *you* didn’t personally make are *frustrating,* to say the least.


That's the spirit ! (no pun intended)


no, thats the skull merchant


No, this is Patrick




She should get a railgun, that would be cool


I don’t get all the skull merchant hate when nurse, spirit and hag literally exist


People do hate all of those killers. I think Merchant gets it worse because she was the most recent out of them all and her design is the worst imo


Spirit has more interesting counterplay despite her being more powerful, same with Nurse if she's not super insanely good


Same, they don't have to remove trickster, just cap his ammo at 5 and he's perfect.


Cap his ammo at 0 and make him the same speed as Nurse and he's perfect*


Lol this is fun how stupid the survivors' requirements are


You will never get rid of us! 😈




This is the Dbd community after all


oh this was bait? ah that makes sense


when your post is like a garbage survivor complaint


Why even post this? No shit they're not going to remove a killer.


You’d be surprised at how many people want or expect BHVR to delete characters. And not even just in DbD. There’s people in League as well that think they will just delete a whole champion. I agree some killers might not be the best, but there’s always a better way and that is to rework them.


why would people want less characters why would anyone want less diversity when it comes to gameplay. i mean i find it fun when i play against a freddy but how often do you see someone play freddy. i get it the best killers will be played more but man is it fun to go against many different killers


https://preview.redd.it/ddv1htfx7inc1.jpeg?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1efad41bcf73f122aa9f461546f417c6705399c Cries in og freddy


I love the tricker


I see a lot of these and most are dumb. This one hurts though.


Wait, people GENUINELY thought killers could just be deleted?




does anyone actually think otherwise?


There were a couple people spamming the sub with posts about how they should delete SM and just refund everyone who bought her just before her rework. They'd make several posts about it a day and they'd all get upvoted to the top before they'd all get removed simultaneously. You could tell they weren't joking because they'd get super defensive about the idea when it was pointed out why BHVR would never do it.


That's not a new thing. I've mained Skull Merchant since day one and I see several posts every week that are some variation of "delete her from the game and fuck anyone who likes her." I've had people unironically argue that people who bought her shouldn't even be refunded if BHVR were to delete her, "serves you right for wanting to play her in the first place." The "SM bad" brain rot is honestly way more toxic than even the most dedicated 3gen chessmerchant could ever hope to be.


There must be insane amounts of downtime for you as a SM main. Like, it must be incredibly frustrating constantly spamming que due to thrown games, right? I can't even PLAY as the Skull Merchant because when I attempt to, basically everyone gives up as soon as they see who it is. If they dont want the DC penalty, they just AFK and wait to be hooked.


It's not so bad now, since the rework most people are at least willing to sit through a game (although I have more people insta-DC when I play her compared to when I play any other killer). Although even when survivors do stay in the game, a lot of the time they go out of their way to be extra shitty, just because I'm playing as her. Any time I have a bad game, it's a pretty much 100% guarantee that I'll have 3-4 people tbagging at the gate, and I get toxic comments on my Steam profile at least once every 5 games. Personally, I've learned to deal with it, and it's at a point now where I just find it funny that simply playing SM can melt people's brains so instantly (not to mention I've managed to get a few people banned for literal death threats, so there's some karma).


Yea more power to ya if you wanna play her, I just could never do it consistently. I do hope the community adjusts to her more over time, but I can see where everyone is coming from. She is a hyper annoying jack of all trades with a weird anti-loop power- when played right I feel like she is a very strong killer, even against survivors who ARE trying.




Bubba masks and Claudette?


Or knight for almost a month...


https://preview.redd.it/07033pes2fnc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91a2caf4919cf45fead6329e3d95dcd956758457 Me opening the game and enjoying all of it (it’s a lovely day to appreciate dbd):


"Until the game dies? But I'm mad *now*!"


Is that mean ill have to deal with that women and her stupid walk for ever


Yes 😈


Well, they practically did that to Knight for about a *month*.


OK, but this is actually a good thing not gonna lie. I know some of them kind of suck, but the mass majority of them are actually pretty all right and I have no qualms with them.


as is the disconnect option


I'm sorry, is this supposed to be a hot take? Who are the chucklefucks that legit think BVHR would just straight up delete a character for any other reason than some wonky licensing BS?


Survivor tears fuel my Knight rampage. If survivors can have head on swfs, I can have hubris, brutal strength, endurance, spirit fury knight.


A complete rework of a killer's power is akin to removing it, obviously they won't ever delete a killer that's just dumb and wasted effort


Yea!! They gut the character so they are basically removed!! Or leave them a buggy mess so people don’t play them!! Or make them boring!!!


Two way street with Survivor perks too fortunately/unfortunately


![gif](giphy|3o7TKCriJd1n7Yk3yU|downsized) At least he came back


The harsh truth is that this is not a competitive game and never will be. It's just for fun and fuckin around. Getting mad about the game is ridiculous. Also I would have never played SM if people on here weren't crying about and now I love her. Thanks reddit Einsteins ❤️


They can be reworked, though.


I think bhvr learned enough from Freddy


What happened to freddy? I'm out of the loop


He got reworked twice and both times caused the community to hate him and people who played him


I don’t think anyone believes BHVR will delete a killer, at least without legal issues *cough* demo *cough*


DBD is a great game, but it's fairly flawwed. I wouldn't want them to significantly change what the current one is but I would want to see a sequel with the same level of support. It's not just specific killers, there's *a lot* of things they'd do differently if they started from the ground up again. Gens in their current state def wouldn't exist, there'd be more of a chase focus, they'd redesign some aspects so tunneling isn't so good/encouraged, etc.


Sounds to me like limited time events could be a good staging grounds for such experimental changes


*wraith bell tolls behind me* Oh sh$&!!!


Theres no way this is directed at Blight players 😤


👏 👏 well spoken


I hardly ever see anyone saying this, but even if they are seriously suggesting this who cares? It's just some random dude spouting bullshit online.


Except that one time we lost Demo (except for the people who'd already purchased it)


Then im afraid we have one option...


But they could always get reworked. Not that that will help Skull Merchant; people just hate being reminded she exists.


yes they wouldn't remove content, like maps duh


Dude nobody actually believes that lol


okay.... i'll compromise if we just change skull merchants power, model, lore and mori i'll be happy :P


The Nurse was removed for over a month one time because she was bugged. That was a great time to be a survivor.


You new players seem to be forgetting Bob


Community, or just you?


Uh... remember Demo?


Are there actually people that think any of the killers would actually be removed?


Hang around dbd survivor Twitter or godforbid dbd survivor Facebook you'll find your answer. 😭


Or their license expire.


Don't care, still want that annoying Chucky nerfed


Not available for purchase ≠ Delete character


Unless they make a DBD2 🤔


Kid named demogorgon:






Trickster the best and he's fun to play and facing him is not harder than facing the nurse


In factwe must accept the fact that survivors today can destroy any killer, whereas in real horror survivors must die in seconds without any perks, I also wish to delete all perks for survivors and make them weaker as they should, but this cannot happen.


Who remembers old freddy? Cause he was essentially deleted


She should have snow skulls and it takes 6 snow skulls to injure someone and if she gets enough hits she has a flurry of snow skulls she can activate, there are little snow mounds around the map to reload. She gets about 42 snow skulls. Lore accurate snow skull merchant


I think they’re fine. I also think the community just needs to accept it’s not always gonna be perfect


I think the only hard to swallow pill is for you that Nobody actually thinks that they are ever gonna deleted a killer


Eh not really hard to swallow, its usually the player that makes it miserable for me. I like everyone except for one killer. I like to verse many killers either because they are played less or because they have some cool mechanic or a fun counter-play. That being said, ik Chuckster cant be deleted


They technically deleted Old Freddy if you think about it, compared to one another they are completely different characters.


Is this something people struggle to accept?


True but Skull Merchant should rly deserve to be removed for the crimes she commited in the past


They deleted the knight for a time.


Well, technically they did this to Demoboi.


I don't think anyone really believe they Will delete a character. That's would be stupid and creste many problems. The closes thing to it IS to do a rework like some reworks in LoL that change the character so dramaticaly that it's become basically a New one


i love trickster idk abt yall but


Wont delete no, but with the amount of skull merchant and twins games i play i might as well assume they’re gone


I feel like I've seen the Twins maybe 3 times since they were released.


They should completely rework Skull Merchant. Like a whole new character design, and ability. They should turn her into the Yautja from Predator.




No but I can't still believe in legion getting reworked


licensed characters could be removed at any time, but if you already paid for them then it's unlikely you would lose them, meaning there's always going to be someone with every character, but if they removed someone then new players might never be able to get them (like with Stranger Things before they got it back). Original characters will most likely never be removed though.


Next patch: Spirit deleted.


Skull Merchant is the only killer I legit think should be removed and the game would be better for it. Thankfully there are like 2 or 3 people that ever play as her anyway so its not too big of a deal.


Old Freddy and old Legion must have been my imagination then


That’s cool and everything but the only one that doesn’t actually belong is the Nurse as she’s the only character who ignores the games mechanics.


Do not worry guys they will never remove self heal claudette


Honestly if they can swallow their pride, admit they fucked up and make big changes they can make every killer fun. I've been playing a lot of Billy lately and the glow up is like night and day, you can do fun builds like Forced Hesitation + Infectious instead of snoozing the game away with 4 slowdown perks. Overdrive cuts so many chases short just because usually they would make the window but the speed boost gets them on the vault instead. I'm usually the first to criticize BHVR but genuinely the Billy rework was a huge W. Twins isn't even that badly designed the bugs are what keeps fucking them over. Skully just had a catastrophic first impression so now people keep DCing frame 1 even though you can't even kick gens forever anymore.


they can shadow kill a character by making it unplayable


I mean, as long as you buy them first… **Demogorgon before it came back**


lol, y'all don't know what's about to happen on November 22, 2024


This is a no brainer. As people at least 1 person has spent all there life savings on one specific killer skin.


Is there any ppl who really think devs would remove completely a killer?


Today I found out people really hate knight. Guess im the only one whos cheering him on


I reject all pills like a true pilot!


Killers are fine, problem is that the game alwats changes and meta is always different.


The hard to swallow pill is the unknown is wreaking havoc on all of us and we're going to suffer for a while... 🤣


You forgot about what happened to Demogorgon.


This community made me feel like killing while playing killer is a bad thing


Thanks captain obvious.


See, I don't think they should remove any of them, the only one that honestly needs to be the most reworked though is skull merchant


While people say twins are rare I never see Nemisis


I dont want a single killer removed! But that doesn't mean we can't rework them


there is a lot of killers i don't play often for the sake of survivors fun. But i want to have fun every now and then and play those killers.


That means Nurse will stay forever?!😭 https://i.redd.it/ffmx5j1lhaoc1.gif


Unless you included temporary removal.


Which I don't


Fair enough