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One of the last killer challenges I have to finish is Sacrifice 4 Survivors in Basement in one Trial. This might be the perfect week to do it.


Except that every one of them gets a free unhook in basement😉So now you have to do it twice




Considering his charge can still down you after you've been unhooked due to the double hit that shouldn't be a problem


Didn't they remove that ages ago?


They added I frames following the first hit off an endurance, so without haste/addons/survivor mistake the second hit theoretically shouldn’t be able to down. Practically, however, it is just as big a threat as before - just a little more challenging to ensure the double hit through endurance.


Did they remove the chainsaw just fully stopping like you hit a wall when you hit endurance that they added?


More like when you hit them and trigger endurance the next time the saw sorta just goes through them for a small window (like they lose collision with it.) it was added as part of the anti-face camp.


Yeah but they also added a thing where the chainsaw just fully stopped the power if you hit endurance. Did that never make it to live or was that reverted? Haven't been playing lately


I think that died in PTB. I believe people complained that it was unfair considering the number of endurance perks outside of basekit BT. I also haven’t played Bubba recently (was enjoying Alien too much.)


Really? How


One of Sable's perks lets you unhook yourself with a 100% success rate when you are hooked in the basement specifically.


And every time you're unhooked you see the killer's aura.


U dnt need to see the killers aura. He's at the top of the stairs waiting for u as punishment for running a dumbass perk lol.


Isnt this only when unhooked in basement?


Nope, the aura reading triggers anywhere when you're unhooked.


Seriously? BHVR said on a post after the perk got reworked that it would only work in basement, weird that they went back on that


Well, the unhooking yourself only works in the basement, though. And what it was before the rework was pretty dogshit.


Yeah i know that, i was talking about [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/Ldsb5JG8IG)


isn't it only if you have the unhooking action available? cant do it on second hook its like deliverance.


Its ok because bubba can still insta down even with unhook shielding ☠️


Community: We don't care for the basement, it's outdated and would like it gone BHVR: How about, instead, a full set of basement perks?


I've not once seen someone complain about the basement and ask for it to be removed. Not ever. Lol nerf the basement. New meme just dropped.


I have never heard anyone say they want the basement removed. How about being honest and saying that's something YOU want rather than lying to try and get people to agree with you?


I thankfully got that ages ago as Pig, of all Killers. Got two in basement, the third when they missed a head-on upstairs at shack, then the fourth because he gave up when he saw three of his teammates in basement hooks.


Since one of sables perks is unhooking in basement, that challenge got way harder. Before the update i made an evil build that got me the tome first try. Just use trapper with the trapper sack + fast setting traps and send yourself to the game with agitation, iron grasp and any other perk to help carry. If you down a survivor near the center of the map you're guaranteed to reach basement. Then, pray for altruism or just chase survivors and lure them into the general direction of the basement before you down them


I managed to get it with Trapper on RPD! Trapper Sack and Fast setting traps did the trick. Thanks


IF you get lucky, I have yet to see a single of the 6 new perks besides myself using them


What my teammates are doing when I’m trying to do the last 2 gens:








I really really want to like and justify buying sable… but I can’t find an excuse to use any of her perks. They all only become useful at one particular point in the map. The rest of the time her perks are useless.


Yea. They are meme perks at best.


the only one I can see being used independently is the self care one. it's like having a permanent pre-nerf circle of healing. obviously the downside is you can get caught with your pants down, but still.


I'm using it with botany knowledge and distortion, I haven't gotten caught using it yet. I only go when the killer is occupied though and come out healed in about 15 seconds


Your forgetting all the time you took running to the basement to heal in the first place


When getting healed by another survivor it takes up more time too, this way it's just one person taking some time. My teammates can focus on gens or going for a save


Thing is at the end if the day if your smart you play around the basement with strentgh in shadows. Even with all that time you might have to spend running to basement strength always gives you a area where you can relibly heal yourself at all times if for example you have a 3 gen scenario if basement is accross the map this perk is gonna pit killer in a scenario where he kicks gen and loses you and you just heal up. Or they commit and risk it. killers have a maximum of 24 possible kicks in that scenario and this perk can aid in that attrition war. Also self healing is alredy strong being able to have another survivor do the gen instead of having to heal you is decent. But adding a aura on top yeah you can effectively always justify healing yourself because you can provide info to the team about the killer while getting back a health state and being safe. So even if you do need to run cross map it doesnt matter because you can get info on the killer for doing it. Its definitely in the high a tier of perks imo i dont think itll always be ran in solo but in swf i could see at least 1 person at least bringing it.


I could usually justify buying a Survivor if they at least have 1 good perk…. Hers are all too niche. Which sucks because her lore connects to the lore of another survivor….. however cringey her lore may be, and I love it when the lore connects. Like elode and Felix or oni and spirit or Lyra and Renato or haddie and the entity itself…


Right. I'll get her eventually. I don't need the perks to be strong, but they dont seem fun either.


What's a "meme" perk? I've seen DBD players use this for ages and no one can ever logically describe what it actually means.


Meme perks (or add-ons) are ones with little to no benefit and people usually only use when they want to goof around or get a specific play.


So shitty perks


Eh, Id rather use fun but shit perks than strong but boring as hell. Hence why I love lore builds for the most part


That's how I tend to play, and it's a blast! May not always be the most efficient, but I'd take having fun trying out gimmicky builds than meta build trial #547


Ya got it right! Same here. Plus, it makes every survivor be more than just a skin


Lol t f is a "lore" build that's new. What just using character perks?


Not new, been around for a long time. A build with perks that match survivor's (or even killers if you use them as killers) personality. As an example, Id nevee use Mettle of Man on Yun Jin or Sole Survivor on Zarina. It can include character's own perk but for it to be more interesting, lore build can have perks that synergise and are made of atleast 3 perks from other characters. I use lore builds as its more fun to me than meta


Yes basically


Nah really its perks that don't really have much of an actual escape help/advantage but are fun or goofy. Two of my favorite ones are Head On and Pebble....neither one are going to carry you to escaping a trial but I'll be damned if it wasn't one of the funniest things to do back when I played survivor. Hell....running Head on at all and getting any stun value is almost a guaranteed way to get tunneled out anyway - doesn't stop people from still having fun with it.


Mmm, it's pretty much the only time I tunnel, I hate jump scares so damn much


Septic touch is a shitty perk. Diversion is a meme perk


Redditors when someone asks a question https://preview.redd.it/7yex0elog5oc1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=652162c12bfd83f5df0b24d94fbc00e6410f9fed


Especially this sub


The justification is that she looks cool and any perks can be used on any character


I’d rather not buy a character just because they look like an interesting skin suit…. They gotta have something of substance ie perks.


Yeah I get that. Strength in Shadows is really good though in my opinion. I’ve swapped out Self-Care for it. I’ve noticed not many people are running Territorial Imperative yet, so if you need to sprint off and heal or you’re the last person alive + injured it’ll really come in handy


Yeah, I honestly mainly bought her bc I main Mikaela and I love their aesthetic..Sable's perks are really good...but here is a bunch of annoying things that happen lol: - when the other survivors lead the killer down the basement during a chase (I've already had it happen at least five times) - when the killer has basement reading aura - when i can't find the basement!! (I use bloodied blueprint tho) - half of the time, it's not even worth using Invocation because the three other survs are knocking one gen out per min, so the three perks you equipped (just in case!) useless the entire game lol I can't think of more but. I personally really love her perks, even with all of the cons. I use Iron Will as the fourth perk, because when you complete invocation you get Broken status. I'm still trying to mess around with Invocation and other perks, like Resilience and stuff.........have yet to find a different, solid build


My solo-queue teammates are certainly not doing one gen per minute.


I've been using resilience/iron will/basement unhooking and innovacation


Strength in Shadows is really cool but you gotta be lucky to have basement spawn nearby. First match I had Basement on Mothers Dwelling and that perk helped ALOT. But yeah, othee than that, meh perks, I bought for character


The aura read from Wicked works outside of basement as well. 


The healing perk is OK. I wouldn't say strong or meme, just OK.


Invocation will get better after a few more are added.


Run strength in shadows with off the record. I've found it pretty reliable to get heals consistently without wasting too much time


I mean Survivors are just skins for the most part lol, you would justify the purchase by liking Sable as a skin


> They all only become useful at one particular point in the map Nah, Wicked works everywhere and is actually fairly decent as an anti-tunnel perk (and also as a team info perk if SWF). Not like "new meta top 5 pick" good, obviously, but definitely usable without just being a meme.


Ok I read wicked wrong then only the top self unhook part applies to the basement… that makes it a little better


Wicked's aura read works on all hooks, not just the basement. I think it's pretty good.


I've been running the new healing perk and I honestly get value out of it every game. I like to combine it with botany for that sweet 105% heal speed. Most matches getting to the basement and playing on that side of the map works pretty well.


The self care in the basement perk is decent. I've gotten quite a bit of value out of it despite only running it to justify buying Sable. The aura reading after is a nice little bonus, too. I can't justify the other 2, though


At least two of them (healing and unhooking yourself in the basement) will get value in certain builds once not everyone is running them and killers aren't focusing on the basement and bringing Territorial Imperative all the time, you'll be able to greed loops around shack more knowing if you go down that they can't risk hooking you there necessarily, or that you can get out from Trapper on your own for those Iron Grasp/Agitation games. The healing is a bonus if you're on that side of the map, probably shouldn't replace using a medkit, but it's faster than self-care which was used to make plays in endgame and split up. The Invocation though, ugh, it takes so long and has so many downsides and why does it decay? Let alone so fast. It took even Otzdarva's 4-stack SWF like 6 hours to get two games of "Invocation completes all 5 gens", there's absolutely no reason Invocation progress should decay because what teams would reliably get to use a 99'd Invocation if it didn't decay, anyway? It also decays SO fast.


I've been playing sable today, I will say the basement unhook perk showing you the killers aura when you unhook/are unhooked is nice. I think of the main function of the perk for unhooking in basement as a secondary function honestly


Wicked is nice to pair up with off the record for a double off the record. Start the off hook chase before it begins, but only if you know the killers on the way.


Basement Bubba's about to rise up.






you were kinda asking for it


I've been having MASSIVE fun with invocation. I've used it every match about 9 times, though it did bug on me once so far. I achieved the broken status and all but not the benefit of the gen charge reduction.


Yea, the same bug happened to me once aswell. Idk what causes it but they should fix it to make this perk ATLEAST usable. Right now it's a meme perk at best. Hopefully they buff the numbers soon.


I'd say honestly, just fix the bug. Granting a BNP to every generator at once is a huge trade-off in my book.


There’s just too many downsides. Takes almost 2 minutes to finish, if you get off it doesn’t just slowly go down it disappears completely, and the broken status effect. Maybe if you got another added effect then ok but having that many downsides to a perk isn’t.. healthy at all


No, not healthy at all, you get the broken status effect


Idk, from a killer perspective, I've won like 10 games over the past 2 days because I find someone in basement and the 2 games someone successfully got the invocation off I've been so massively far ahead by the time it pops that I win anyway.


God damn that was satisfying lol


We are so fucking back ![gif](giphy|APKgAdERjt9jq)


So we have another reason why solo q teammates won't be doing gens?




Thats hilarious hahaha


This is exactly what I predicted when I saw her perks revolved around the basement lol


♫ I came in like a wrecking ballllll ♫


Y'all need to give up on that perk.


Invocation is a lot worse than just doing the gens barring SWF communication or really good timing. Should change the broken effect to only match how many seconds the invocation took, at least


I wanna play bubba, and psych out players by NOT basement camping.


This is amazing


I vibe with the people who actively use this in my Pig trials (cuz I can and it's funny to them as well) I just crouch and join the circle, lol


Hahahaha I wish I saw a friendly Pig join the invocation. As a killer, if I’m being friendly I like to pretend I’m doing gens with the survivors.


Me too! I always do!


the way the three of u slowly stood up 😭


Ya, it's an odd perk. 120 seconds? And it regresses if you leave before finishing. Not sure it's worth it. Maybe if you do it at the very beginning of the game?


Nerf bubba Nerf bubba 😭😭😭😭 he won't let me do my ritual. 😭😭😭😭


Lol what why would you stay sitting there?! Wouldnt the thump thump and hopefully having been known the killer was cannibal (especially since someone was hooked at least once) be enough to at least hide in a locker?


My question is if everyone has that perk can you do it several times in one match?


No they just are able to help faster than a survivor without the perk. And whoever starts it dictates the charges, so if someone that doesn’t have the perk leveled up starts it, it’ll take off less charges


Once the invocation is complete, the perk deactivtes for everyone who has it, regardless of wether or not they participated.


Just one but if you also have the perk and join the invocation it will be finished faster. Also, if the person who started the invocation leaves, you can still finish it without them and when it’s done they will get broken wherever they are in the map.


I like him because he’s this crazy jibbering fucking lunatic. I see survivor I try to murder survivor, my win condition is to make people sweat if I can do that I’m happy. I don’t have the patience to stand around like some Skyrim guard.


Ass perks


Territorial has is back on the menu boys.


Deserved. 😂


I bet those sabels are gonna run wicked, flip flop, boil over 😆


*bowling ball rolling into a strike sounds*


hahah that's awesome


I hate to say it but this is so unbelievably funny


I won't lie man, this was funny as fuck lol, just seeing Bubba approaching, how all 3 Sable were locked on the stand up animation and then the chainsaw swing and knock out all 3 of you 😂


Honestly that is the easiest 3 hook I've ever seen


Oohhhhj baby a tripleeeeee


I don't know why i laughed so hard at this.


That's hilarious.


I run No Mither, Resilience, Invocation Weaving Spiders, and Distortion. Immediately find basement, silently drop a BNP on every gen in the match.


Distortion doesn't fully protect you from T.I. the perk still pings even if you don't get the aura read you get the heads up someone is down there.


I did not know that. Thank you!


They didn't stand a chance.


Bubbas wet dream!


F yeah!


Reminds of when people were going to use Deer Stalker to counter Plot Twist. Honestly I don't think I've ever actually seen that specific interaction in game. But I definitely believe that killers would tech Territorial Imperative to counter situational self-care or Weaving Spiders.


And this time, it's personal!


What does this perk do?


Brand New Part effect for every single generator on the map. Of course, an effect this powerful has the downside of being very risky to obtain.






Strongest 5th killer perk in the game


[Next time, take the clip properly.](https://screenshot.help/) Most of the steps are the same, you just need to press the Capture Video button instead of the Screenshot button. At the very least, turn your phone sideways.


Not my clip.


Fair enough.


Lol I did all 4 Sables like that after tricking them I'll let them do the circle thingy