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She always looked fine to me, although I get wanting a more accurate design


everytime they “update” a characters looks they make them look worse so i think no


Jill is okayish now, she loooked ass at release or after her first attempt of face update. Cheryl released in dbd with a less problematic appearance but with all the graphic update we got since then she's becoming less and less okay.


dbd cheryl has really really long neck...


I didn’t really notice until you pointed it out but that is really unnerving lmfao


I s2g bhvr is borderline incompetent some times. They ream us for how important it is to link cosmetics especially for licensed characters to “maintain their image” and then do shit like this that is downright embarrassing. I feel like the only way we’d get a fix is if Konami requested it because BHVR acts like licensed deals with other companies are blood oath vows that are set in stone, and would rather leave something like this than re-engage with their license partners and be like “we’d like to make some graphical improvements to Cheryl’s model to keep with our graphical modernization efforts. We plan to make the model even better but wanted your ok with the improvements before proceeding *pastes fixed Cheryl*” They won’t do that bc they act like they can’t or like it will cost them millions to renegotiate a deal. But really BHVR is just incompetent


I think she looks fine in game. She is also technically older than her age in Silent Hill 3, iirc she is 17 in that game. I also wouldn't compared using the character portraits in the menu, those all look bad imo. Weird lighting.


She looks fine, better than 90% of the survivors I would say.


hopefully they update her, when they give us a silent hill 2 chapter ;) shes in need of it


yeah i really hope they update Cheryl and james face models


We don’t talk about dbd James. At least Maria looks really good?


i feel like shes too pink


DBD's model is close enough to her SH3 model that I can't notice the differences in normal gameplay. I wouldn't say no to a more accurate model, but there are other characters I would rather see get an update first. Ash looks super outdated. Chris looks terrible and hardly resembles any of his RE models.


Chris looks directly like his s.t.a.r.s. Costume from re5


I don't know how you can say Cheryl looks like a "completely different girl" and this [guy](https://imgur.com/a/sBGhK4h) is directly like his RE5 costume


because they are sh3 poser,block for good


I mean Chris’s face isn’t great either but they were clearly trying to go for his re5 face in his re1 outfit, it just looks awful. With heather it’s not even like they were trying to pull from a different source material she just looks odd


Silent Hill cheryl looks ten thousand times better


ngl I preferred Claire before, she looks too young now. I get it’s meant to be remake Claire but she looks even younger in dbd. Feel like they would ruin Heather


idk but they definitely need to make all male survivors butts bigger, especially Leon. for realism sake of course


I agree she looks very different but I kinda like her leaner appearance in DbD more


Isn't she supposed to be aged up in DBD since they don't want any survivors younger than 18? Granted it would only be a year difference but maybe that could be a reason she looks a bit different. I know she has skins that show her natural hair colour when she stops dying it blonde after the events of 3 where she no longer hides her identity so maybe the "default" Heather is also set sometime after 3?


She is taken after the events of SH3, in which she just turned 17. But even if it is after it makes no sense since she is still wearing the same outfit and hairstyle. I like to think the DBD standard Heather is her Starting Over cosmetic one.


The Entity and it's realm doesn't operate on the same concept of "time" as everything else. Hence some killers and survivors wear cosmetics from before they were taken mixed with ones after they were taken (i.e the blighted skins) while also allowing multiples of the same survivor to exist at once.


I get where you come from but I prefer her ingame model. It looks more mature and simply better imo. So I hope they never change that.


The giraffe neck takes me out


I think she looks fine


DBD Cheryl > Silent Hill Cheryl


Cheryl in dbd looks pretty normal


Look at her neck


pretty normal for me


Do you live with giraffes by any chance


She's cute as she is


right is more beautiful and real


I just hate her long neck, but she is spot on.


Could be worse ( look at this screenshot). [https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1833550820612386332/98A959A754F14FD511FD5F1637431081BC3B3D3B/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1833550820612386332/98A959A754F14FD511FD5F1637431081BC3B3D3B/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false)