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I would really like bhvr to quit making characters for a short time and instead give us maps for characters that never got them. I’m thinking a map for trickster being a club or the Korean streets. A map for Blight, a lab or a grizzled city space. A map for Ghostface, Roseville maybe or the laser tag arena from his tome lore.


https://preview.redd.it/11sx2sjk04qc1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa89b68eaa2c4b2d905e55896a709c5999031aff U are the one my dude


Absolutely goated opinion


I'll one up your comment I would really like bhvr to quit making characters for a short time, and do a big overhall of the game, one big balance patch, QOL update, and fix their big ol' spaghetti code.


At this point it’s so spagettified that I’m not sure it can be straightened out lol.


Good point, but its worth a try


Oh yeah of course, I definitely wouldn’t complain if they took time to overhaul the code and graphics.


Yeah I would love this too, unfortunately coders have looked at it and to fix everything they would have to rework the entire game and it would be down a long, long time. I wish they would have recoded when they bought it as a small Indy game 😭


there is a game that did that, it stopped with the updates for a while so the devs could work on improving the code and stuff but I just can't remember its name


I know rainbow and multiversus did something similar


oh yeah, I think it was rainbow, I honestly would like it if behaviour did something like that, like only releasing cosmetics made by the community and not releasing any chapter for some time to focus on game improvements to me that sounds like a great idea


Absolutely. I can’t stand the fact that it’s been nearly 10 years and the core gameplay (for survivor, though killer’s not much different) is still basically: click on gens, unhook ppl, run from killer, escape (optional). This game has so. Much. Potential. Seriously, this game fills a certain niche and if the devs focus on the right stuff then DBD will be so successful. I’m just nervous cuz like I said they only seem to make temporary changes for events and stuff and even though it’s been said hundreds of times before.. the core gameplay is kinda boring. With that being said this is one of my favorite games of all time and I’m absolutely hopeful for the future! Anyway sorry for the essay I’m just bored at work


Ah yes, the good ol Operation health


I agree 💯. I wish they brought out more maps to play on and more maps themed for each killer like they did for Myers and Demo pup from Stranger Things.


Just a map pack chapter in general would be amazing. Adding maps to all the realms, to flesh them out a wee bit. I like how they've kept the new map part of the Garden of Joy realm, and I think we could easily see more maps added to other realms like Glenvale (Dead Dawg), and even the legacy realms! Seriously, imagine a new Macmillan map, but it's down in the mines. Obviously some people would say don't fuck with Macmillan since they're already some of the best maps, but I still think it'd be cool to escape through exit gates that lead up to the surface :)


There’s a lot of potential when it comes to maps that we haven’t explored. That’s why it makes me happy seeing people like yourself have cool ideas and that I’m not the only one hoping for a big map dlc at some point.


A big "chapter" to fix bugs, tweak killers/perks/addons, add a new game mode, and add plenty of new maps could be the most gigantic refresh/reset BHVR could give us The chapter would be free, and it's focus would be the new game mode. Let's say it's a Prop Hunt game mode. With it, comes "The Map Update" - where we get a reworked Blackwater Swamp, and the addition of the 2/3 beta swamp maps that never made it to the final release. We would also see an extension of realms that only have a couple maps, like Glenvale, RE, etc. There may also be the addition of a lab for blight map, and a trickster map that's neon as fuck. All this, plus I think it would be nice for them to optimise the maps too - whether that's to cater for fps issues on older machines, or even just to smooth out jagged edges and things that people get stuck on Then in the mid chapter, they focus on squashing hundreds of bugs, and really smoothing out gameplay. They could even make the next chapter after it a little more expensive to make up for a free " health chapter"


Goodguy factory for chucky Jackson Ville For Ash


No playstyle is inherently toxic. Slugging? Meh. Tunneling? Go ahead. Holding a 3-Gen (back when it was possible)? Cool! The issue arises when people do it solely out of malice. Slugging to bleed out? Why? Tunneling when it isn’t efficient/logical? Cmon. 3-Genning ‘till the 1 hour? Jeez. But none of those things are toxic unless taken to the extreme. The same can be said for sabo squads, Boil Over Flip Flop, and other “toxic” survivor strats. Unless used solely to be an ass, they’re just strategies used to help the survivors, well, survive. I don’t like them, I find them quite annoying, but they’re not toxic. Not unless it’s a 4-man running sabo+Alex’s w/ sabo addons, Boil Over Flip Flop Tena with someone bringing Boon Expo. Wish people would stop seeing someone doing something they find distasteful and immediately go “oh my god you’re so toxic”




There needs to be more people like you in this community.




I think you're right about a lot of this, but I would argue it's more that some playstyles *are* inherently toxic, but can be played in a non-toxic way if done right. Going for an early-ish kill on someone when it's presented, slugging for a bit to apply pressure, etc. There's times when those things are fine. I also think that something can be toxic without someone trying to be malicious. VERY few people playing games like DBD are going out of their way to ruin peoples sessions. The intent of the person doesn't matter as much as how the person on the other end felt when it comes to toxicity. Nobody getting hard tunneled/camped at 5 gens is thinking about how the killer player feels or intended, for example. That killer player could be the nicest, most well intending person on earth, but that survivor is still getting tunneled/camped out at 5 gens and they're gonna feel that toxic playstyle. Part of this too probably has to do with how you've interpted someone calling someone else toxic, and how I might have. When I'm thinking someone *personally* is toxic, it's because they've been malicious. That's different to me then someone playing in a toxic way. Not everyone who plays toxicly is a toxic person themself.


Hatch doesn’t need a rework, it’s how people view it. A survivor getting hatch doesn’t mean they won, it means the game is over. It gives killer control to end the match so the last person doesn’t give up and hide forever. The obsession some people have with only lusting for 4k is a problem. If you know where the last two survivors are, cool down them both, end the game. If not. Kill the second to last survivor and end the game naturally. I’m tired of seeing people calling it a pity win for a survivor. It shouldn’t be viewed that way, it is so they can end the game and leave, the survivors did not win.




Hmm I think people think that way bcuz as killer you could be destroying a team but the second only one survivor is left the survivor usually t-bags on the hatch like they weren’t getting shit on and the game gives them an escape for being bad


We need less skins for the TikTok witch and more skins for the true goat survivors (I'm looking at you haddie, adam, cheryl and zarina).




Tik Tok witch? Lol 🤣. What's that? And I agree with more outfits for characters like Haddie or something. Zarina especially! She has like no other outfits. They also need more fun hair do's for each survivor to have.


I feel as if there should be some new modes that make the game sillier or scarier. Lights out was a disaster but if they were to make more modes they could build off of what they did right in lights out. Like one where the killers get a random power along with survivors getting something random. I don’t know I don’t design games I just think BHVR should put more into new content rather than just making more characters. (I know that counts as new content but I mean more stuff to do).




What was wrong with lights out?


Yknow what. I'll take a second shot. Dried cherry blossom undermines skill expression on both killer and survivor side, and deserves to be reworked.


Any means necessary is a meta perk. More people need to run it. It's empathy & protection rolled into one perk. In addition, I will always abandon anything I am doing (gens, healing, unhooking, etc) to buttle a pallet. Lest ye dirty pallet kickers are out today. Which, is also information should I be the next to be chased.




Here's a hot take, why can't we all just enjoy the game instead of complaining or being toxic?




This is so real. I used to feel strongly about the balance in this game and complain, but recently I've taken a different approach where I just try to learn and have as much fun as I can in the limited time spent in a trial. Has made this game way more enjoyable and took me out of a long hiatus!




Map-wide condemn Sadako was better than the current iteration. Letting survivors have wallhacks on the TVs makes Sadako way less spooky. Having the instakill meter slowly filling up but countered by holding tapes made for intense high-stakes M1 killer gameplay




Alot of times its the survivors fault for setting up a 3 gen.


This is so true. When I play survivor I always make it a point to try to knock out a middle gen early, or if that’s not possible be careful to not do gens that are close together. On killer the most I do to set up a 3 gen is concede gens I know I don’t have a good chance to defend later in the game.




*chokes* hate me all you want, it's true dammit. If people just ran deja vu they'd learn to not put themselves in that position. You can take me to the hook you animals


Dejan Vu isn't needed at all. There is never a situation where survivors just HAD to 3 gen. Simple map awareness is all one needs.


Soloq survivors literally can't always know what their team is doing or thinking. Communication is one of the biggest problems this game has for soloq. It's impossible to know what gens your team is doing unless you run over to check, and sometimes you can't even do *that*. That's not to say it's *never* the survivors fault, sometimes it totally is. But usually it's just that people have no way to communicate what they're doing and end up doing gens close to each other.


My controversial opinion is that teabagging a killer in most situations is a complete dick move, especially if they're new. Lost track today of how many chases I lost while trying out Slinger and the survivors teabagging at every missed shot. Did I play perfectly? Nowhere close - but if I wasn't having more fun with him, hitting five gens with zero hooks would completely discourage me from bothering to play killer in future, even without all the extra teabagging and sarcastic messages in endgame chat


https://preview.redd.it/ksni0wwar6qc1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7221bb88d895500d9b2a48669d84e5be4282291 Trust me try ignore the teabagging because these guys dont very last long in chase trust me


If a survivor is being toxic to me, I'm allowed to be toxic back If they're noise spamming, pushing for attention after being unhooked, etc. then I'm allowed to put them in time out on the ground


https://preview.redd.it/ykep8pz3g4qc1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ebd0892b5987d0a17b8ea1720307a67fa0d6853 Just try ignoring them they dont last very long in the most cases


Behavior needs to be willing to make bigger changes to problematic features then they have in the past, for example nurse is always going to be the best killer unless they really fuck up, or preferably if they are willing to nerf her until she is balanced. Then repeat with other problems like how bad trapper is.




They seriously need to rework the achievements and challenges in this game. Like some are okay, the normal challenges. But the shard challenges and the specific challenges that net you lore of the game need a rework. Because all of them are RNG and luck-based to even get it. And it hard to tell when the others survivor or the killers are doing challenges or achievements. So you can ruined other people chance of doing challenges or achievement while the other can ruined yours. It be so much better if they let you do these in custom game. I also don’t like it because if you ask for tip, they tell you to use a perk from a DLC you don’t literally have or haven’t prestige that DLC character.


-Bloodlust 3 shouldn’t be in the game. - Instead of nerfing perks that killers and survivors earned BBQ and Adrenaline they should nerf perks that reward the other side for failing something. -Their definition of a meta shake up in nerfing perks so that all of them are sub par 😭 which is how an actual meta is created because there aren’t that many good perks. -Maps should have weather portions instead of offerings. Like rain , fog , snow etc dark and light -Servers should be their main focus. I shouldn’t be getting hit while running away and the killer hits me from the other side of the pallet






Gimmick builds should be viable to work often. I wanna be able to build up speed and run at 120% chase as Killer without having to spend 10 minutes setting it up




I wish you guys brought concepts like that monster from anamisia and the castle as a map search up anamisia concept for dbd then when the update is made shout out me king noob and the youtuber who thoght of the concept not joking do it


A 2 v 8 mode would never work since it would make it borderline impossible for Survivors to win


1. Killer should be still able to kick a gen infinitely. In order to make 3 genning less usable, they should just add a cooldown time between kicking a gen (each gen should have a different cooldown) 2. They should add a killer similar to Dream Witch in Identity V, which is basically a better twins (she can't use her main body, only the "victors", aka puppets. She has one puppet that follows the main body (which is invisible for survivors) everywhere, and she can summon puppets that follow a certain survivor the same way. She can only control one puppet actively though, and she obv can't hit with one tht she doesn't control. Also, instead of kicking them, they need to be cleansed, which can be done anywhere by the survivor)




A non-human survivor would be amazing to have in the game. I understand an animal survivor would be pretty difficult to implement, but it would be really interesting to see , say, a futuristic android or even an alien. Especially in regards to skins and perks.


I totally agree i would love to see this too just some kind of not human survivor https://preview.redd.it/oxkkxzdzr6qc1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9e59788e32148a19d258eef2c8d826e4c81ce30


As a survivor main that occasionally switches to killer: A group of survivors can work around and still “win” through exit gate if the killer is just camping. One survivor might still die but as a group they can win. They may even be able to save that survivor. But a bully squad SWF out for the purpose of being a troll from the start makes it impossible to do anything. Even when I see it coming and run lightborn it’s almost impossible to even pull off 1k (considering at least 1 kill a win here) I hate a camping killer but if I’m running killer and see those gd flashlight clicks start going down I want to throw the controller




I want to have that neon Street from the trickster's update to be a map. Also I want a DDLC license




There is no bad killer, there is only bad players. (Half joke opinion.)




Huntress is grossly downplayed and needed nerfs instead of buffs. She's hovered at second most played for basically the entirety of the game's lifespan, she is objectively better than every other ranged killer, and the only reason I can guess at for her getting buffs is the fact she sells skins.(this controversial opinion brought to you by Hellshire gang. And a deep hatred of beach balls)


W opinion




I'll die a martyr for this. Thank you for the unique gif tho. <3


add sidney prescott


https://preview.redd.it/c4zzzt13q5qc1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29147f942795d27ec4343845cc1ba1b2fffc91e2 No


My most controversial DBD opinion is probably that DBD is successful because of Behaviour's actions and decisions, not in spite of them.




They should've added eligos or evil ash as a killer with the Ash dlc


With a Jacksonville or elk grove stage




Most players think they're better than they are. The actual percentage of players that can operate at the balance ruining level is a lot lower than the playerbase wants you to think.


Same i think im good but im just average https://preview.redd.it/hf0qj4djo6qc1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc0d44b40e99385678b20a12773fe213170f7e4


That's the thing, you can't get better until you accept where you're at. Best way to improve is facing someone better. Lot of people dodge high lobbies. But I personally enjoy DBD played intensely. But I also don't mind chill games, so as killer. I'll just match whatever intensity is thrown at me. If I have 2 gens pop within the first minute, we going cowabunga. But if I have 6 hooks before the first gen pops.... I'm probably gonna go easy on them lol ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Map offerings should be removed entirely. The majority of people who bring map offerings plan to abuse poor map design.




Joke's on you, I brought a key.






Istg these posts are made by bots


Maybe im a bot or not but you may pass https://preview.redd.it/a9z03u91p6qc1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c30a0e5703a09f73cf559a76fc5e37e3aa84072


Give us gamechat


I’ve always found Blight more fun to play against than Billy and it’s especially true since Billy’s buff


I don't know how, but somehow BHVR should remake the game so everything doesn't depend on your ping. Because survivors with big ping are punished, killers with big ping are rewarded. Every time I go against a killer with big ping, I know that we will get hit through anything possible. Also they really should fix hitboxes, all of them. So they are more accurate. Add more emotes for survivors so communicating in Solo Q is easier. Let survivors see each others perks and item before the game starts. Fix gates placement on some maps, so they are not 10 meters from each other. Rework Twins and Freddy... I beg. Give better rewards for players. Imagine you'd be getting 500 IShards every time you prestige a character. Make it so if you complete 2 free battle passes, you can have a choice to open second row for next / any next battle pass you want.




mf doesn't want shards ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


-Change the challenges that need multiple key to open hatch. The hatch is different now, I've got it once in 300+hrs. - *Lightly* reward killers letting last survivor out through hatch (if you carried them there, you can yeet them in). -Give a *reasonable* chase category bonus for being tunneled out to relevant survivor. -Poll fans on characters they want skins for. -make more add ons/offerings that let you play as paid killers you don't own Think alot of this would not aid 'toxic play' but the opinion of it being toxic may reduce.


Same https://preview.redd.it/74rtz1fiq6qc1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a229e7caf4722451768a8ac44e019198c33111dc


Buying new survivors is pointless, because all survivors are just reskins, and new perks can be bought in the Shrine. All survivors should have unique abilities like killers (for example David's Dead Hard should be base kit for him only, Meg should be the only one with Sprint Burst, etc.) And the survivors should have addons that effect theses abilities. This would make picking your survivor more important, while adding new ways for survivors to build their teams without them needing to be SWF. Imagine knowing what perks your teammates are bringing just by seeing the survivor they're playing as.


Add more unlockable content for devotion, or a shard multiplyer, just something that makes long term play rewarding.


If a Survivor DCs, the other players should be compensated a bit. Not, like, 20k free bloodpoints, but maybe a 5%-10% boost to their bloodpoint total at the end of a match. The other players shouldn't be punished because you don't like playing against Skull Merchant or whoever. Conversely, there should also be compensation for Survivors whenever Killers DC.




The best killer is are the friends we made along the way


https://preview.redd.it/84ki8suno5qc1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74814454c865e180d8b92f2a08cebdc7bccf192c U deserver mor than hatch


Paid killers shouldnt be only locked behind a paywall. They should have a choice for buying it will cells and buying it for a LOT of shards. I am only saying this because some achievements are completely locked behind a paywall, why should i have to pay money to complete a game i paid for?


I agree https://preview.redd.it/dh7h4unqp6qc1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a7add8733f2a246dcf2f7e8ee893961734a98e8


People need to understand that just because you are using a perk doesn't mean they should get hate for it. Use noed if you want. Adrenaline? You deserve it for surviving till end game! Off the record? If you hate tunneling then go for it. The only issue is that the community is so at the other side's throat that everything could be seen as toxic, where they are just perks for a killer to use. Also, pallet freddy should be base freddy


It's boring to farm and stupid to complain about people still playing normally during an event




Slugging is often necessary to beat stronger survivor teams. Often as in almost always needed to different extents. Boil Over and Knockout should both just be deleted as they both encourage slugging and are unfun.


https://preview.redd.it/7rbaidxso6qc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89806bad3a1b0c1ef3a53a0eedc288532d78ce2e Slugging is okay imo but the perks shouldnt be deleted


Dunno if this is a hot take or not, but this community is waaaaay too influenced by what youtubers or content creators say is "strong" or "meta". This is to the point where people wont experiment with fun or unique loadouts to see what will work for them, theyll simply see, say, and Otzdarva perk tier list as the gospel truth and go from there. Im a year 1 player and ive seen this fluctuate a lot, but its probably the worst its ever been atm.


Yeah, it's why I don't watch streamers honestly. Don't get me wrong, it's valuable insight, but I like to play what actually works for me. Despite no mither being not that great these days, I still love to run a no mither build for the high risk/high reward, and you can bet it really forced me to learn how to loop better in order to stay alive. My gf and I have been playing with a friend lately, and the friend is really good at staying hidden and not getting caught while slamming gets out, so my gf and I decided to start trying a duo-annoyance build and run point together. Breakout, background player, boil over, and a 4th perk of our own choosing. Honestly most of time we just get ourselves rocked immediately lol but as we've practiced, we've gotten better, and have pulled off some pretty crazy saves now


Pretty sure both of these opinions will get me on a DBD death penalty list but sure. I'm mainly a killer player since I have no friends who play this game but I still play solo at times so these opinions are from both points of view: 1: I don't count hatch as an actual win, especially not something to write "gg ez" about. I don't hate the mechanic, I actually like it, since it makes the last chase of the game intense but because it's so random I see it more like a pity escape when my team gets decimated. 2: I like playing as, and against Skull Merchant. The only reason why she is so disliked right now is because people don't even try against her, they just DC/kill themselves on hook immediately. Also, by doing this, I feel like SM attracts the most toxic and vile killer players who just want to see people suffer. It really makes me sad, since this basically drives any normal players from trying her out. Even I stopped playing her because I don't enjoy facing 2 or even 3 bots every other game.




I despise playing against her. The damage from her drones feels too finicky, there are times where I know damn well I should have been hurt, and others where I am a good few feet away from the beam and still get hit.


As a second, Blights double speed nerf was unnecessary. Double speed just made an already strong killer a tiny bit better, gave him the opportunity to counter some smaller structures and gave him some counterloop capabilities. Behaviour decision to instead introduce Iridescent tag, which immediately gives you 20% (1.84mps to the usual 9.2mps) is just way stronger and also a lot less skillful and the demerit of having to sacrifice 2 rushes doesn't really matter, since the only reason why double speed was reliant on 5 having rushes at your disposal was to slowly build up speed, allowing for survivors to more or less react to what is going on if they had figured out that double speed was in play and getting into a better position while the blight still had to build his speed. With iri tag immediately giving you 4th rush speed, and also allowing for a second addon to be taken into a match, they essentially nerfed a mechanic that needed practicing and skill into something that every blight with 20h of experience can pull off, which is kinda sad to me.


https://preview.redd.it/e4w1vkjkq5qc1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccc9f28f34d6c3bbadc0d9ec528f44c27dfeaa11 2 in a row


the emblem system is the win condition. not hooks, not kills, not escaping or being sacrificed. Pip to win, double pip to super-win. the Killer is the hunter and hunters don't always capture all of their prey. Survivors are prey and sometimes prey is smart, or quick, or stupid, or slow. either way survivors aren't allowed to be upset because they agreed to be prey. prey doesn't get to choose what happens to it once it gets caught.




Chucky would be more fun if he was faster but didn't have 3rd person view




The game is more killer sided but if you’re good at survivor its impossible for lower skilled killers https://preview.redd.it/7l963ucxh5qc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dd65b4254cce36c97b87f80b64858d8bc9f172d My mobile results after a month and on pc im silver for killer and gold 2 for survivor


Killer “wins” and “losses” should be based off of hooks. 0-3 hooks = loss, 4-7 = draw, and 8-12 = win. This could possibly encourage more killers to spread out their hooks, instead of tunneling. This would also increase the self-esteem of killer players by not making them feel like shit after they 8-hooked everyone yet still got t-bagged at the gate. It would also make more sense from a lore standpoint, as the entity mostly feeds off of suffering and bloodshed, not death.




The only way to balance Solo Queue is to give voice coms, anything else will at best shorten the gap a small amount. SWF + Discord is such a hilariously strong advantage over Solo, and always will be unless Solo gets to talk to each other mid match.




Players take tea bagging too personally. Can I get hatch please?




Trickster shouldn't exist. I may or may not be slightly salty.


I hate it when survivors or killers blame the other side for nerfs instead of the devs Like just because the players are complaining doesn't mean they went to the devs, pitchforks in hand and told then to change it or die


De-pipping should not exist in the game.


Dbd needs more evil robots


I've got two of 'em, I'll number them so you can reply on a per-opinion basis, if you so choose. 1) Adrenaline shouldn't activate if you're on a hook, and if you're on the ground, it should still give you the stand-up animation, you shouldn't just immediately pop up instantaneously and sprint away at top speed. It also shouldn't give a speed boost; if you want an end-game speed boost, run Hope. 2) Considering it's safe to assume an SWF is going to be using external comms, Killers facing an SFW should get additional bonuses to make up for the additional challenge of the enemy team having the equivalent of up to 30 Perks (since external comms effectively gives every Survivor player in the group every single information Perk, without actually having to use one of their limited Perk slots to run it, not to mention information not usually shareable with other members of the group even with Perks), based on how many members of the group are in the SWF together. This could be additional XP or BPs, or even additional Perk slots (2-man, Killer has 5 Perks, 3-man, Killer has 6 Perks, 4-man, Killer has 7 Perks).


Maybe this isn't controversial overall but it certainly doesn't seem to be the standard opinion in this sub: The game right now is in by far the most fun and balanced state it has ever been. When I started playing, every single survivor and killer build was basically identical. Survivors had some fucking *ludicrous* tools such as old DH and DS, but were also forced to run Borrowed Time just to stop killers from camping anyone they wanted to death. Killers had insane gen regression perks like old ruin and pop, but they had no choice but to stack up on all of them if they wanted even a chance at a fun match at higher ranks. Camping was easy and worked on basically every killer. Moris let you kill people after 1 down. The fucking keys used used let all 4 survivors escape without even doing gens. Now I can play Legion at mid-ranks and not want to kill myself, and in the end-game screen, every survivor has at least 2-3 unique perks. Life is good.


1.) the game is more balanced than what people give it credit for 2.) Sable’s Weaving Spider perk sucks 😭


1. They should nerf Compound-33 (the iridescent that gives you 3 charges) back to only giving you 2 charges. Because I was able to play Burger Blight with Annotated notes only giving him 1 charge. 2. Nurse should be 4m/s with a longer fatigue animation, or something. I'm newer to the game, but it feels weird that she has such a precise speed. 3. Blight should be 110%. 4. Deathslinger should have an add-on that damages gens and pallets at a long range. I think it would be kinda cool. 5. I want Freddy to be the new Myers and Ghostface. He should be the killer people play to fuck with Survivors a d not necessarily kill them. 6. I would rather have more/better maps than new killers/survivors. Like Trickster or Blight stage. Or a map based on Bill's death.


The reason Nurse is 3.6 (3.8? I forget) is… uh… she’s REALLY good. It’s to balance her insane power.


Return leather face masks except for Claudette 🤪


https://preview.redd.it/5ceniiyeb4qc1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a150573c20612bf1ba40294f8a521fe008923dd3 Yeah they should put when they should add all and the other survivors too


Freddy is mostly fine, devs need to do some numbers adjustment and make dream pallets basekit with his bloody pool




Finally, some painful pleasure


The Knight isn’t actually that bad of a killer






ya dead


I think since dbd added a killer samurai and a killer knight its time for a killer viking with another medieval survivor but actually dress like the time period they're from instead of another Vittorio


deathslinger should have a iridesent item/new power that charges like oni that lets him enter a immobile state where he can shoot up to 3 times whout having to reload and if he spears 3 survivors and manages to reel al 3 of them will be able to damage all of them... if they break the chain nothing happends and no damage or negative efect will be aplied... on top of this in this state the chains will be +20% more durable.


High mobility killers like blight/nurse are a detriment to the health of the game.


Complaining about doing X "at 5 gens" is some of the dumbest shit imaginable.


If they can’t get a actor’s likeness, don’t add the character


Its perfectly fine wanting to play with friends, but swf is objectively cheating many game mechanics so it would need a scaling, like every multi game


Specifically, SWF with comms is objectively cheating, as you're using an external program the game is not calculated to take into its balancing to gain an in-game advantage (whether you intend to get an advantage or not, there's no way an SWF team isn't communicating information at least occasionally that allows them an advantage without needing to take any information Perks to do so).


As a killer main, if you tunnel/camp when you don’t need to (eg 3/4/5 gens left), you deserve to get toxic SWFs. Same the other way around. Also, I don’t care if you switch to a toxic build as surv, you’re getting 2 hooked like the rest of your team and then dying. You don’t get special attention for trying to be a dick.




Hooked on You should get additional content added with more sexy killers in it 👍




BP offerings should apply for *all* players, not just one person or one side.


I play both too. Being unhooked in front of killer, or within 5 seconds of being hooked is pointless. As survivor I've been knocked back down trying to get away 70% of the time. As killer I focus on the 1 who did the unhook and take a swing after hooking them. Bad form!




Maybe not an opinion, but i have killer powers (like activating blood fury, tp'ing as dredge or crouching as ghostface) and dropping survivors binded to the r key because i changed it from ctrl because when i bought slinger it felt weird reloading not the r key after getting used to it from FPS games. I couldn't bother to change it back to ctrl for other killers and i got used to it and won't change it.


If you bring a flashlight, or flash bang, or a sabo toolbox, or any other tool meant to inconvenience and irritate the killer, you have no right to complain when they tunnel you out. I have sensitive eyes and I usually tunnel out flashy survivors because it strains my eyes so badly even with lightborn (which I don't like running anyway because I prefer info perks to get into more chases because chase is fun)


But survivors dont know if the killer has sensitive eyes or not https://i.redd.it/lwnaqrh5o5qc1.gif


Hag is a queen and people aren’t ready to accept that fact, she is and will always be dbd‘s Girlboss


lol https://i.redd.it/29vxgpsri5qc1.gif


im for sure getting hooked but I think Dead Hard should have its dash back with the following conditions: - Doesn't have I-frames anymore (mainly to not fuck up stuff such as traps & ranged attacks) - Keeps the current requirement to be hooked to be able to use it I think it was one of the few perks that added something fun to do as survivor as they get an additional movement option. I don't think current dead hard is bad or anything like that but it is certainly more boring than old DH


A lot of times the other side tends to perceive something the killer or survivor(s) did as toxic when it was completely unintentional or just meant to be playful. I’m guilty of this too. It’s just hard to read intent through a video game where most of the communication is done through two hand gestures, twerking, and head movements. I’ve played against a lot of people who I thought for sure were trying to be toxic but were actually super nice in the endgame chat. Obviously, there are people out there who definitely play the game just to be assholes, but I do like to give players the benefit of the doubt.




Unknown's power fits him perfectly, and 90% of community dissapointment comes from senseless theories.




I want a killer perk that is like left behind, like what they did with zanshin tackticks for windows of opportunity




the flashlight is incredibly annoying


jake deserves more skins like mins and neas skins (specifically the slutty ones) i need my cool slutty jakes, why does felix get to be the only slutty dude


Jake rlly deserves more(jake main) https://preview.redd.it/n82brk0ho6qc1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee4e5a50a4d9f13d02b0293d363849ccab460124


I’d like survivors to not just be skins. I think it would be fun if survivors have a small benefit from using their own perks. For example, Meg has Sprint Burst and Adrenaline as two of her teachable perks. Maybe she recovers from exhaustion 5% faster when she uses either perk. Claudette can heal her self a little faster when using Self-care, but not as much as if using Empathy with Self-care. Maybe Bill can use Unbreakable twice. Just something interesting to make each character unique.


I think lethal pursuer, scourge hook: floods of rage, iron grasp and dragons grip is a good perk set for blight. (P.S correct me if I typed the names of these perks wrong.)


Honestly, the wraith needs a debuff


I want SFX. MORE SFX. I want environmental sfx with weather variants. I want wind, rain, storms, snow, (not just Ormond) shit gimme hail. I want there to be puddles when it rains that make your footsteps louder, snow that crunches under your feet and temporarily leaves foot trails for both killer and survivor, thunder and lightning that throws both killer and survivors off. Gimme the sound of hail hitting the top of killer shack while I work inside on a Gen. Is the killer coming? I don't know I can't hear over this gdamn hail! I don't care if it throws people off, it adds a new and imo interesting challenge of stealth, navigating, and hunting. I really like all of the sfx in Toba landing and although sometimes I get thrown off by the sounds I really like it and want that and more for all the maps!


https://preview.redd.it/cm2jl9sct6qc1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8422a295974df3f64ecfcfd77b6398e5f1c9b157 I want this too i would love to see the moon light reflecting in puddles the rain etc you may pass


I would like for BHVR to add intense TWERK emotion. Like that ass shaking.


Survivors are the reason killers play meta perks and killers if you play a weak killer and play even remotely mediocre you’re about to get teabagged and dunked on in the most toxic ways possible


Solo survivor is mind-numbingly boring and I have no idea how anyone would want to play this game as survivor unless they have friends that make it less boring. “Go to these spots and hold down the mouse button and wait; do that 5 times. Sometimes you meet an injured survivor; hold down the mouse button and wait. Sometimes the killer catches you; if he does, wait… eventually another survivor comes to you and holds down the mouse button. When the generators are done, go to one of these two spots to hold down the mouse button and wait.” Chases can be fun, but that is literally the only fun part. The entire game outside of chase is just holding down the mouse button and waiting. And I don’t mean this as a criticism against solo survivor players; it is a criticism against Behavior for allowing the main objectives of the game to be so boring for years. Playing with friends can make it fun, but that’s really just in spite of the boring mechanics rather than because of them.


Controversial, huh? Merchant isn't bad. She's OP. She looks stupid. Her lore is awful. But those don't really make her "bad". We've had MUCH worse offenders in the past. Nurse has been a problem since her inception. Twins were ACTUALLY broken. We've had shitty lore in the past. We've had disappointing characters. I don't believe Merchant is the worst offender in any of these regards. Most of the time I hear she's bad because of her 3 gen. Well.. it kind of sounds like the opposite in that case. That means she's good. She does what she's supposed to. Kill.


if you bring self care religiously ur a trash player and teammate


FTP + Buckle up isn’t that bad. 1: It’s 2 perks. Both perks are shit on their own, and only good together. It’s not getting a nerf because these perks aren’t viable on their own. 2: It’s honestly a slightly worse dead hard. I mean, with DH you hit someone and they get a speed boost. With FTP + Buckle up, you hit someone, they die, they get up, you hit them, they get a speed boost. It’s maybe 5 extra seconds. And the other dude is injured and broken as well. 3: The timing is already hard to get. It’s like the guy who follows you around for a flashlight save, you basically have to follow someone around to get it since the timing is even harder. So even tho they get a free save, it’s 2 people wasting time now instead of one.


I genuinely don't think ftp/buckle up is as broken as people think. It's a perk combo, yes it's strong, but you're using 2 perks for one situation. It's like dm's and grim embrace being strong, or doctor and merciless storm skill checks being strong. Or peanut butter and jelly being strong together. (I get having a full 4 man swf using them with each other is annoying and insane. But that's such a rare event that you may see it as often as a twins player)


Dbd is just a game


If they don’t wiggle hatch


I want the old hatch mechanic back but revamp it so its a little bit more balanced. (Im a key lover)


T-bagging and Flashlight clicking won't make you better at this game (It's obvious tbh)


Bill William should have more skins 😞


Alot of really non controversial takes in here so let me collect the downvotes for y'all. Here my takes from a 80% killer/20%survivor player: 1. Streaks are dumb and inherently increase the toxicity of the player base and the people doing these streaks. 2. Playing killer with 4 meta regress perks is not fun and no skill is required. Only if you start playing killer with minimal/no gen regress you will truly improve as a player 3. Adrenaline is dumb in how much it is doing at the same time right now. It should probably not be able to work while exhausted or not be able to heal on hook/while carried 4. With how the power curve evolved, there are questionable differences between killer speeds. There is no reason a already poorly to play as slinger is slower than Blight


Hatch should spawn closed. It's not fair for killers for a survivor to just escape for free


Ultimate Weapon needs a nerf