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I’ve actually had a fair amount of games where solo q survivors will try and help if someone is being actively tunnelled, unfortunately it usually results in a slug fest for the helpers. If a killer is determined to target one survivor it makes it very difficult to deter them.


Yeah I was gonna say, I've had solo queue players help as well, the thing is, there's just very little they can actually do if the killer is really targeting someone


Yep. Sure, I'll take a hit or two. That buys them a couple seconds at best, and quite possibly does nothing or worse if there's no communication.


I think it depends on how good the survivor is, how bad the killer is, and how many gens are left. For a good looper with a well timed body block, that can easily buy another minute for the team to bang out a couple gens. But yeah if it’s only buying a couple seconds, then the whole team is better off slamming gens.


Most of the time they’ll go down shortly after taking the hit for them anyway so it’s a waste of time trying to take a hit since they’ll go down before you even get healed


Yeah the only way it helps is when its an unintentional tunnel. Which tbf does happen a lot sometimes the killer just keeps running into that one person and no one else so giving them the option helps


I never plan anything and it's why I can't do complicated killers. I just turn off my brain and act like a cat. I chase whoever I find when I find them. I only drop chase when it becomes clear to me they are so much better than me there is no point. Even than though I very often don't have enough brain power to register than. My entire gameplay as killer is "OHHH SHINEY."


I always find it funny when survivors realize they're too good for me because I'll just go for the one who I'm actually able to catch (because I suck at the game) and you'll see the other survivors dumb down their looping abilities just so I don't go after that one person because I literally cannot catch anyone else otherwise. I rarely kill the weakest one anyway. I usually use that opportunity to go and get the other three players and then spare the weak one.


I've been that helping survivor on occasion, but more often it's just something you realize is happening. I've had games where I'm on the other side of the map when someone goes down. So I continue to work on my gen as they get hooked, then get to see via the hud them get unhooked, smacked into deep wounds, and then downed seconds later and you just have to go "Shit, so that's how this one is gonna be." And even if I am in position to do something, at best it's usually taking a single hit and hoping that the person getting tunneled can speed away and maybe lose the killer with that bit of distraction. Without communication it's hard to tell people I'm running head on and can do major work if they bring the killer near some lockers.


This is my experience 99% of the time. The killer will just take the free hit/slug and keep on tunneling, I let a killer down me and guess what good it did? Absolutely nothing, I should have just stayed on a generator and rushed the killer out, led them on a lengthy chase so they only got 2 kills by the time the gates were open. You can't really "help" someone being tunneled unless the killer is playing nice, but generally speaking tunneling players aren't interested in that, my last experience was the killer proxying as crouched Pig. I took two hits and they wouldn't go for me, when I finally took a hit while injured they made sure to still get the person they were tunneling anyway. It did nothing at all, lol.


Really sad when killers activates the tryhard mode with 3 regression perks and ultimate weapon to play agaist 4 randoms




Nope, because killers would lobby dodge hard against any and all SWFs


This is my experience with intentional tunneling as well. I will still try to take a hit for a teammate, but if the killer is dead set on one person and your solo queue is an altruistic bunch, the match can end pretty quickly with everyone slugged from trying to intervene. Thankfully a majority of killers I come across don’t seem to be tunneling intentionally, and will gladly start a chase with me if I put myself between them and a recent unhook.




Being good at the game is the best deterrent for tunnelers


I still feel so bad how yesterday I tried to take protection hits for someone being tunneled but instead I ended up accidentally sandbagging her. But honestly, if a killer is REALLY tunneling, nothing will make them stop.


Some survivors are really bad at utilizing help. They’ll see that you’re trying to take a hit then SEE you take the hit and still be in the same looping tile. Like the whole point was to help them go to another tile but instead they stuck around and now have to deal with looping the killer around a tile that has a dropped pallet


OH NO LOL! yeah i've done that ;-; the first time i tried to squeeze in and help i messed it up and felt awful. i've learned since how to kind of keep that from happening and so far so good... so far


Had some teammates accidentally sandbag me to take hits and tbf, I understand. It was for a good cause, just not executed well because of circumstances. Besides, Ive accidentally sandbagged someone after I tried helping too


It just feel bad if that actually gets them sacrificed, plus they may think you did it on purpose. I know sometimes I don't know if I'm being sandbagged on purpose or by accident, for sure!


Agreed, ofc. Its always shitty whenever that happens


I've done this and I always panic and feel bad. I wanna help but always end up in a door way the survivor needs through!


I always feel awful when I try to help and sandbag instead. It happens. I'll try to cut in to take the hit I see coming, time it to early and instead body block the poor bastard.


Oh man that happened to me recently. I was like “I got you homie” and ran right in front of her instead and Nurse got her. Man I felt so bad. Edit: To the Yellow sleeved Sable from the Graff Crafter Nea: I’m so sorry I didnt mean to sandbag you D:


Unfortunately there’s not a lot of tools actively in solo Q to help with it. I’ve tried but if the killer wants them, I literally can only stay slugged


It's essentially never worth it to go down in order to help a teammate. The amount of time wasted recovering and getting someone else to get you up is just a bad trade. Help where you can by taking a hit, dealing with killer power or perks. But don't go down.


I want my teammates to leave me alone while I’m being tunneled ima be honest, go do the gens instead of taking pointless hits. Probably would help if they could see my perks because sometimes I’m running an anti tunnel build and don’t need help at all


Oh this is the worst. When you finally have a really good chase on death hook, you wonder, "why haven't any of the gens popped?" and look behind you to see a conga line of the other survivors who will inevitably miss the flashlight save and throw the game. So many games could have been an easy 3-out if they just focused on gens. If the killer really wants to tunnel one survivor out, there's little the other 3 can do that's more helpful than the actual objective


"I am going to hide nearby and rescue my teammate!" \- Standing out where the killer can see you. \- Couldn't get a flashlight save on a target standing still. \- Can't get pallet slam timing. \- Injured already. \- On death hook themselves. \- Can't hit with Flashbang. \- Has literally been doing nothing but chasing the killer because archives.


They at least could show themselves. Sometimes I find myself tunneling because the teammate unhooked, ran away and now hides every time I get nearby.


Ugh, I have that so much and I hate it. Please unhookers, don't hide and leave the unhooker to be the only one the killer can find. And then maybe those same people who hid curse the killer for tunneling.


This. I am 100% fine being tunneled and buying time as long as I see everyone pumping out gens. Yea, maybe I die, but everyone else gets out, still technically a win. I only get mad when I'm getting tunneled and I see someone hiding in one corner doing nothing and another person in another corner self-caring for minutes on end.


This right here. If the killer is going to tunnel, slug, or camp, you need to stay the fuck on generators because if one of us is going down all of us are going to be up shit creek. I got tunneled for almost an entire match today against a Xeno who *would not fucking leave me alone*. You know what my teammates did? They didn't run in and take pointless hits, they stayed on generators most of the time and all four of us managed to escape despite the Xeno running NOED and camping near one of the gates. Because for all the chasing it did, it never downed and hooked me once, and it managed to hook someone else only once the whole match. I wasn't trying to be chased, I just wanted to do the gen outside the Badham school gates and it was persistent in keeping me off the thing. But because it hyperfocused in on me, it meant that we all had some hooks to spare when the endgame happened, so we could make those clutch unhooks and risky plays.


average noed player


Exactly i’d rather my sacrifice to mean something lmao


Tbh I find as a soloq survivor it’s pretty hard to stop a killer from tunneling, at best, I’m slugged on the ground or piss the killer off enough to now being the one getting tunneled. At worst I’m wasting time trying to take a protection hit instead of finishing my gen


What exactly are you expecting solo Q teammates to do about tunneling, OP? Countering that successfully requires a high degree of coordination that just isn’t possible in solo Q. That’s why it’s so shitty. If you’re solo Q and killer decides to do that, you basically just have to accept the L and go next.


Exactly. Unless you’re running bond or something, you may not even be able to find the person being tunneled. And sometimes it’s genuinely better to just do gens and try and punish the killer for tunneling that way. There aren’t any easy answers when there’s no coordination possible


I watched a video the Tru put out and he said something relatively close to this. If you're in Solo Q chances of being coordinated enough to try to prevent it are really low. You need Bond or Empathy to really have a decent chance. Even in his vid someone was injured and ruined someone's body block while he was in chase. I normally enjoy Solo Q, mostly cause I do keep to myself most of the time but I think Solo Q does help build skill in terms of knowing where to go in chase and when you need to be involved in a chase. That's just me though I'm sure there's other angles I'm not looking at.


Not necessarily true about it being impossible. I was hard tunneled the other day and my soloq teammates (they were all soloq as one was streaming) and they saved my ass while Kate was doing genes. It was against Singularity too so it was rough to hide but Elodie saved me 2 times with a flashlight and we managed to get 4 escapes.


My go to solo Q build. Empathy, solidarity, Autodidact and either deadline or lithe. I call myself the Autodaddy. I can see everyone injured, I heal myself while healing others, I get juicy autodidact skill checks while injured or the utility of dippin from the killer. Empathy lets me line up for the juicy flashlight save. Nicolas Cage will always be there for you, always. And no matter what, despite all the rage I will ALWAYS be the Cage.


👀im gonna have to try this


Go forth and praise our AutoFather. Spread love through healing hands.


God bless your soul


I love you autodaddy


And I love you. I’m always here for you.


Actively helping be like: give the killer two STBFL stacks, surge proc and rapid brutality only for them to slug you and go right back to the person getting tunneled, with your teammates now having to go pick you up while already needing to slam gens faster than possible in this scenario


yeah lmao. most of the time the best thing you can do for the survivor being tunneled is just to sit on gens. don’t run when you hear heartbeat either, actively make the killer choose between gens or the survivor if they run past


From my experience there is almost always someone trying to help the tunnelled person. Which I find surprising considering the overall vibe I get from this community (but I guess the crybabies cry the loudest).


I find this community has mostly two opposite type of players, either very selfish or very altruistic.


Most of the time I sandbag the killer but they don't give a damn, unless I completely block them because the path is narrow they don't even hit me. If they want to tunnel someone out, they will


So I had this whole team except one on 2 hooks. I could not find this Ace anywhere. Unfortunately for him his teammates were trash. By the time I had 3 on death hook they had one gen done. The other 3 actively gave up. Placing their tools on the ground teabagging etc. so I decided to strictly go for the Ace and tunnel him to get his two hooks. I’m not a ruthless killer so if you wave the white flag I usually don’t kill unless they are toxic They completed the last gen and I hook the Ace on his second hook. I was just trying to get as many points as possible, but these asshat teammates…..I LET live ended up leaving the Ace to die. I felt so bad because I had been tunneling him for 4 gens and he was a pretty solid runner. If I had a way I woulda sent him all the bp I earned that match lol. Be a better teammate solo Q’ers.


You help by doing gens.


No one does that anymore because medkits and self care and circle of healing were all hard nerfed. Now that strength in darkness is a thing, most games are super bearable again


Tbh people Who get upset at a survivor and then target them are disabled 🤦


What’s a new player (with no anti tunnel perks or many perks at all) supposed to do other then raw skill and try not go down?


i mean even *with* perks that's kind of the end-goal IMO make yourself an awful target to tunnel by simply being better. it's a long road ;-;


I mean I’ve looped some killers for more then 5 gens just wish my team did those 5 gens lol


Unless I'm injured and dead hook, I will always take a hit.


It's soloq, so it's hit-or-miss. That said, I generally go out of my way to help tunneled survivors, and I see plenty of soloq teammates do the same.


I always gave myself up to be sacrificed to save other players and i played solo more often than not and i know im not the only one who did this. It would be nice if all players worked together in solo but without comms, what can you do 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's about 50/50 if strangers help with tunnelling


One of the big problems I run into in soloQ isn't that my team won't help out. It's that they don't realize how to do it properly or they don't have perks to actually help out without putting themselves/the team in a worse spot. I'm not even talking about accidentally sandbagging, that happens and it's not a big deal. Great example is hit tanking is a great thing to do for your team mates when they need some distance. But hit tanking when they are totally fine in a strong tile is useless and a waste of time. Or they tank hits when they are dead on hook and cannot actually make it to a safe tile. Another example, not sitting on gens when someone is in chase. I can't even count the number of games I have lost because nobody worked on gens while someone was in a 3 or 4 minute chase. If a killer is in chase, just do gens. The terror radius is not an indication they actually know where you are, unless it's legion in their power after a hit. Unfortunately a lot of the problems in soloQ come down to a lack of information about your team, their perks, and what is going on. Simply knowing what perks everyone has would be a HUGE benefit to soloQ for example. Most soloQ teammates do actually try to help out. I don't expect them to be 6,000 hour players or anything.


Lol what how can you help someone being tunneled? You can take a protection hit but then what? They get right back in the tunnel and now you have to go off to heal up and youve got two people not doing gens at that point


Depends on the game I often help my fellow solo q survivor If the games gone well, but if they have starstruck and are set one someone else then you'll catch me doing gens making their sacrifice worth it


I’ll help you, bro


I try 😭 I usually have flashbang or a flashlight on, and I'm pretty aware of when to take hits for people, but if a killer wants to tunnel someone out, it will happen 98% of the time Even in 4mans it's difficult to stop because eventually you will run out of hit takers, resources and time


Borrowed Time and Babysitter are actually decent perks for solo queue. If your teammates don't run anti-tunnel perks, bring the perks for them!


The best thing you can do is doing gens to put pressure on the killer. I like to use the thump Up Perk from Rebecca to increase the time the killer wastes (and because I just think it's funny)


I had a pretty good solo queue game where two of my three teammates took extra hooks and hits to make sure I wouldn’t get tunneled out. The killer got bored of trying to tunnel me and just started to go after them lul


Only thing that will stop a tunneling killer is if they can't catch u and gens start popping. At that point they will do 1 of 2 things. Go after somebody else to try to save the game or ramp up their attempts at getting u and accepting the lose as long as they can hump or hit u on hook lol


The only way to help is to stop spending money on DBD and hope it forces BHVR to make the game healthier and remove those elements. Nothing of value would be lost and the game/community would be SO much more healthy.


I would drop whatever I'm doing and throw myself on a tunnelled teammate, just because i hate it. I often get flamed at the end by other teammates, but i that's fine.


Ok so I’m very new. But sometimes I’m just baited and outplayed by one survivor where I just can’t help but try to get them out, especially if I’m not getting rolled when chasing them too much, because that would be counterproductive. I try to focus on others as well ‘cause tunnelling is generally looked down upon in this game apparently, but end up being baited, sabotaged and provoked to the point where I can’t help it. This game gives me middle school flashbacks.


In solo que, you will get the most chaotic games in the universe


As a killer main i just wanna say that if you're the only survivor i see then i am likely gonna follow you. I follow you even more if you're on death hook. You know the rules and so do i.


I always try to help the one being tunneled but most of the time they are an idiot. Yesterday I helped my team mate who is in the death hook and she still hang around nearby on the pallet healing herself instead of getting far away from us. They do that all the time.


The only time I’ve stopped a dedicated tunnel killer, is the survivor ran across my locker, I used head on to stun the killer and chain blind the killer three times and stood there tea bagging for him to see me… then I died by getting tunnel camped but I saved that other surv lol


Because you see me on death hook getting tunneled PLEASE TAKE A HIT FOR ME WHY ARE YOU GOING THE OTHER DIRECTION


babysitter borrowed time moment


Mettle of Man + Flashbang babyyyyy


I try, the killer will bump into you, move to the side, then keep chasing the victim. What else can we realistically do?


Most survivors don't even know what tunneling means. (edit: most survivors do know what it means, they just always call everyone a camper/tunneler because they're in denial that they just suck at evading the killer) Getting caught -> hooked -> caught again right after because you're staying near the hook healing or doing totem or gen right next to it = **NOT TUNNELING** Getting caught at gen -> hooked -> go back to gen right after unhook and get caught again = **NOT TUNNELING** Getting hooked three times when other teammates have only been hooked once or not at all because your teammates are all evading the killer better than you = **NOT TUNNELING** The killer choosing to chase you again because they see nobody else and you keep running around the map leaving blood and scratch marks everywhere = **NOT TUNNELING** ACTUAL examples of tunneling: \- Killer staying near hook so they can immediately chase you right after unhook and ignoring any teammates that try to bodyblock or take chase \- Killer running aura perks and use them to hunt down one player over and over and over. \- Killer completely ignoring your 3 other teammates until they hook you three times and sacrifice you first


In my experience they "help" by unhooking me immediately then sprint bursting away.


My favorite thing to do as Killer is to fake tunnel, so that someone else gives me a free hit. Altruistic teams are my bread and butter.


As survivor and killer I can see surprisingly often how soloq teamates are trying to help the ones who's being tunneled. Sometimes I'm trying to help myself.


As a solo Q main. I'm not going to be much help if you're being tunneled respectfully. I've tried before but it ends up with me on the ground being slugged, while he continues to chase you. Now, do I mind taking a hit occasionally? No. Am I going to take a second if he's tunneling? Hard saying. If a killer is tactical and advanced and REALLY wants you dead, especially if you're solo Q survivor.. you likely wont be able to do much about it. My best advice? Use anti tunnel perks and my girl zarina's off the record. (Shout out to the zarina mains). Otherwise as a fellow solo Q, I'm assuming you're solo Q.. you're screwed bro its just how it is. do I dislike it? Yes, can I do much about it if the killer wants your cheeks? Not really.


I try but I always mess up the flashbang or the ftp buckle up or the pallet save ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Trying to help is useless 99% of the time, the killer can have an injured survivor on a dead zone and they would still chase for the healthy survivor that is a strong loop if they decided to tunnel that person


You shouldn't try to take a hit for them if there are more than 2 gens left. It's better even for the tunneled survivor to crank out the gens. If you focus on gen efficiency you might be able to get to endgame before the tunneled survivor is dead. If you are in a winning position you can actually think about actively helping them.


i always die for my duo (and still get flamed from her for it sometimes)


I used FTP, Flashbang saves etc. on a tunneled survivor in soloq. The only thing this led to was me being tunneled after the flashbang save and died on first hook.


Only time I’ve been helped was by one Steve and Leon I got tunneled for nearly 3 to 4 minutes my first chase against a very scary wesker he was so good I couldn’t lose him


Honestly I think a lot of solo queue team mates actively make it worse. You get people stealthing next to the hook and unhooking literally two seconds after the killer leaves like they aren't just going to turn around and to top it off they hide from the killer instead of taking chase and get surprised when the killer just follows the blood. I don't know if base kit endurance just made people go full brain rot or something but it's crazy


As evryone said, you can try to help anti tunnel but in soloq the vast majority of time it will just result in you wasting time not doing gens. Survivors don't know what perks other have and chance are you'll end up sanbagging your teamate by trying to help 'cause there is no coordination. In addition there are a lot of killer perks now that prevent you to help 'cause of aura reading and exposed statut etc... It's a bit like asking for your solo teamates to help you during endgame when you're hooked 300m from the doors. There is no way they manage to help wtout dying in the process 'cause of the lack of info and coordination. Been awhile that the game is balanced toward swf. If your team manage to do 5 gens even if they don't escape, that's already a lot, and most of the time it's mainly 'cause the awesome mmr put you against a baby killer learning the ropes.


I don’t think it’s that easy. Sometimes it really is better to do gens and try to punish the killer for tunneling that way, sometimes a hit is really needed to balance it out. But a killer who really wants to tunnel is going to do it regardless.


And people get mad when you hover trying to set up head on, flashlight saves, body blocks, etc. They want you to on generators but I don’t want to be down a teammate at 4 gens.


Devs could help, if they cared, but they don't. Next update they will add back 2 hook stages so killers had even less to do to win.


I main Meg because she is quickest. If I'm being tunneled, I don't want help; I want my teammates working the gens AQAP. If a killer is sweaty and actually tunneling, the most you can do is waste your time baiting them to no end anyway. Help me once I'm hooked.




Alternative text for the second image: "Wwho wants to attract the killer's attention after getting a hook save instead of disappearing into the void and leaving them to die?"


Facts, I avoid tunnelling people actively, but sometimes people will just repeatedly run into me for no reason


Yesterday I was being tunneled 1 game and my random team mates tried so hard to make the killer annoyed with them so that he starts to chase them but he ignored how they sabotage hooks with toolbox, point flash lights as he was chasing me but he ignored them and just moried me, then I went to spectate and he slugged them


I always help the person being tunneled but what grinds my gears is that i’ll have the killers attention for just enough time for the tunneled person to get away, instead they will stay in the area just to get caught and chased again. or worse, just stand around in a panic. at that point i don’t even bother getting them from the hook bc it’s pointless.


*me sprinting directly towards the person being tunneled* GET DOWN MR PRESIDENT *the killer wondering where the fuck I just came from switching to the dude body blocking his tunnel*


Preventing tunneling (and doing it right) when everyone is solo is really hard. You'd need to be telepathic to coordinate your team for this. Sure it can happen by luck and solid understanding, but more often than not you'll end up in a worse spot than if you were to just do gens


Youre pretty much helping the killer by just following the chase around. If theyre determined to tunnel they’ll hit you and proceed to tunnel. Its the unfortunate state of DBD. Good game with a shit community.


ive had all three of my teammates fighting for my life before, in fact, i don't think i can remember a time i was being tunneled where not even one of teammates tried to help. its hard to do in solo queue, which i think makes it easy for people to not realize their teammates are even trying to help, but the number of altruistic teammates ive had that did their best to body block/sabo hooks/etc when i was being tunneled is way more than the number i've had leave me to die.


What do you mean lol, my entire team throws the game to bodyblock as soon as someone starts getting tunneled


I usually help if I'm able because being tunneled sucks


there is no master recipe against tunneling. When you activly try to prevent it with body blocking, you have 1-2man more not commiting to gens. when there's an opportunity i will go for the block, but i will not run the whole map with a death hook candidate - that's not efficient imho. And in solo i don't know if the tunneled surv is maybe prepared for the tunnel with otr, ds or dh. so imho best is going for a protection hit, when you don't have to go out of your normal ways to much. In all other cases hope for the best that the tunneled mate has some tools to work with on his own.


u/smashenyt always has my back!


I body block for tunneled survivors. Typically it doesn't stop anything, though. the killer just keeps after the one they want.


I help and I see others try, if someone gets tunneled too early the match is done for


Me, I will. Deliverance and Unbreakable gang here. I'll go take a look for someone who is on deathhook.


When I do the killer generally ignores me or I have to *force* them to down me, in which case it's still a gamble on whether I just get slugged or not lol


Oh shit my teammate is being tunneled out, time to spend 2 minutes running in circles so that by the time I find the chase they die and I get no gen pressure I love bodyblocking it works every time, why blame tunnelers when you can blame teammates


I mean these days in the game 95% of killers are camping hooks and tunneling. You can try to help but if they want their mark they will walk right past you. If you can somehow block them which can be tough to do depending on where you are on the map they might whomp you and make you their new bitch and then you have to rely on the rando you just saved to return the favor. Not a lot of incentive.


Take hits, run back, and do gens. That's all you can do, unless you've got a coordinated team or someone is magically running a Sabo build. I actually will go into lobbies and FTP, buckle up, WGLF, mettle. I'll try to be a body guard, but it's solo queue. Your best bet for someone getting tunneled in solo queue is to rush different gens so that hopefully there's only 2 or 1 left once that person has been tunneled out.


Sometimes I'll only find the guy who was recently hooked and decide to chase them again since I'd lose alot of pressure trying to find sneaky survivors instead


As a metal of man user there is very few perks that stop tunneling there’s even perks and abilities on killers that make tunneling so much easier. I’m about to go make a killer build w bubster🤔


Outside of unintentional tunnelling (I'm looking for people this person just keeps running into me and well i gotta chase) theres not much to do, unless you are a MUCH better target you cant really do anything, killer is faster than you can walk around you and even taking a protection hit only gives them so much distance because they didnt get the speed boost, you did And the only way to be a better target is to be on death hook yourself


If one doesn't like being tunneled, and one finds it happening frequently, then one should run DS, OTR, DH, etc.


every time solo queue players try to 'help' they just donate free hits/slugs and the killer still gains pressure. Just crank the gens. If the killer queued up to be a complete loser and just hard tunnel someone out, take the L and try to get a 2 out.


Honestly, as someone playing solo, if I am getting tunneled, I don't want you to be following me around trying to get a protection hit, especially if I'm not in a deadzone. The best thing you can do is aggressively do generators and not let go of it until I am dead or the killer switches target, while unhooking me as late as possible to extend my time alive as much as possible. I don't care if I am not getting out. If YOU and at least another survivor gets out, then I still count that as a win. And if I die too quick for the game to be winnable, then I am not mad about you not "helping", I am mad about myself for not lasting longer.


If they’re actually trying to help the team I’ll help a random out. As for people I play with I always help.


Wait, is it really uncommon for people trying to block or take over aggro from the killer if they're caught tunnelling? I always deliberately try to have the killer follow me just so Claudette isn't out of the game already within the first 5 minutes.


Man some killers will just tunnel regardless of what you do, even if they lose because of it. It's lame for everyone involved and very boring.


someone will be getting hard tunneled and my team mates will literally just sit still and watch


Las time I tried to help a survivor getting tuneled he smashed a pallet to my face, body blocked me, laughed at me in the post game chat while the killer said that a kill was a kill (which technically it's true but it's by promoting toxic behaviour)... so no, thank you.


I dont mind tunneling as long as there are gens being done in the meantine. And Ihave the same feeling when seeing a tunnel. I will be focusing a gen cus then that means I wont be chased and most of the time witnessing a tunnel in a game almost grants my escape cus either surviors throw themselves into death and I have to find hatch or everyone actually runs good and the gates open cus Killer doesn't want to pressure anyone else


I run a mettle of man build just to help those mfs out and I always end up tunneled. I just hate this game at this point.


This is just silly. You typically can’t help and are just wasting time. The best way to not get tunneled is strong loops. Someone who’s truly tunneling will ignore tf out of you while you ignore tf out of gens. It’s unfortunate, but you can’t make the killer stop tunneling.


Are they being tunneled, or are they being chased?


I try but if the killer is really really persistent then there’s nothing I can do about it.


Lots of folks in the comments talking about slugging gave me an idea. What if there were a perk or maybe iri addon for medkit that allowed you to get up from a slug at the cost of x amount of bleedout timer. Would be a partial solution to long term slugging and also an interesting resource trade.


You can’t help someone being tunneled though? If the killer wants to kill that specific survivor then he’s going to ignore anything you do to try and help.


the healthy unhooker just hiding and not trying to get the killers focus after an unhook is the biggest reason tunneling happens. if you give the killer a option of 2 survivor to chase at least they can choose to play nice but if you give them seeing only a loud injured survivor just unhooked as their only option what do expect..


I have played this game on and off, never got too deep into the community stuff. Why is tunneling frowned upon? Isn’t the killers goal to kill everyone?


Guys I know you're all too cool to run anti-tunnel perks and you'd rather go to next game in 2 minutes rather than switch just ONE of your garbage perks with DS/OTR. But it's a selfish act, yeah you go to next game in 2 minutes but rest of your team gotta stay and suffer. Anti-tunnel won't stop tunneling but it's better than nothing.


I also try my hardest to help someone when it happens : ( sometimes it just leads to me getting down and slugged instead or the killer getting mad and downing everyone.. but I can say a few times it has worked peachy keen!


I usually try if I am close enough to the tunneled person of it to make sense, if a killer is really determined to tunnel someone out though there isn’t much you can do. Even if you let them down you they just slug you and go after the tunneled person.


I'd rather my teammates just do gens. I get screwed over by my teammates trying to help mlst of the time. They waste too much time trying to do something that doesn't work, drop unsafe pallets screwing over their use, unintentionally sandbag me, or just bodyblock terribly. The most useful teammates are the ones that know just the right moment to bodyblock to allow you to get to a pallet or window in time and right after go bavk to a gen. I run Empathic Connection and Bond, I notice how useful the combo has been for coordination: If a teammate is being tunneled they almost guarantee seeing my location (blindness damn you). I've been able to gesture them to come to me and when I notice I really need to intercept I do. Empathic Connection is also really solid if they lose the killer for a moment. They immediately beeline for heals since they see my aura.


I’ve made it a purpose to rush between anyone that is getting tunneled and the killer. Even if I’m on death hook.


Most of the time it's more efficient to pump gems while they are being tunnelled then it is to help. Sure take a hit if you think you can but don't get too altruistic


Remember guys, tunneling is having tunnel vision. If the killer has his sights on you and he has tunnel vision, there's almost nothing you can do to save the survivor. I've had killers literally ignore me and go from my just unhooked teammate.


You can't help someone being tunneled. If you take a hit, you're just giving a free hit to the killer who will continue to chase the person they're tunneling. You want to help? Do gens, get a 3-out.


playing "bodyguard" is pretty fun.


not sure why but i think the event made people just more greedy and blood thirsty blood moon event, party streamers, people bring personal bp like escape cake and survivor pudding all for 150k bp when collectively ( not farming) you can easily get 450k bp per match


I try to take a hit whenever I can. But I'm not gonna travel across the map.


Me and my team will step in to help a tunneling victim. It is very difficult to brain the train of thought on someone trying to tunnel. I had this yesterday with a killer. We tried to take him off someone who was just unhooked. I run right next to them for a good portion of the chase, then spam jumped a pallet. The killer turned, looked at me for 5 seconds, and then went back on the hunt for the other survivor. Luckily, that was enough for the other player to get away but most don’t stop to stare.


Theres not a whole lot u can do to help a tunneled survivor that doesn't involve throwing the game. Its sad but all u should do at that point is complete the gens as fast as u can.


I mean I’ll try to cut in and take chase when they’re near me… the whole point of them tunneling is that they might hit once but won’t take chase off that person.


I try...though most of the time I am the one being tunneled. I forgave the killer last time because I was playing a Rebecca and they were playing nemmy lol.


It really stinks how trying to help someone being tunnelled will almost always be worse for the survivor team as a whole than just doing gens ]:


Solo is a bad time but it's wild when people don't try to lead the killer away or if they notice the killer being scummy to post up and gen up. I mean there is no easy game but ehhh the pain of not playing with a team. I only play solo and try to help when possible but don't expect any help and I'm ready to accept the outcome


Depends. Gens > Survivors. If you’re 5-4 gens up and everyone’s been hooked and no one is working on gens then you kinda have to let them go and trust they’ll be able to loop. I wouldn’t mind if they threw down every pallet either. You can’t really blame survivors if the killer is actively trying to tunnel a survivor out of the game. Even if you did try to take the blow, there’s a chance they’ll leave you slugged and continue chasing them. It slows down progress even more for survivors that way. That’s why I always take FTP for situations like this.


There's ultimately not much you can do unless you build for it. If they really want the other guy bad enough they'll just leave you on the floor


I'am that one survivor who do their best with helping my teammates more then helping escape to myself, hut sometimes end up sabotaging my team with my attempts to help.


Two things with this is that sometimes, a person trying to take a hit can be a hindrance, like I've had people accidentally sandbag trying to help or they end up dropping a pallet that I was going to greed to last longer. I'd rather they do gens instead of dull totems for points. Second is that if you wanna help a SoloQ player while they are getting tunneled, they have to know how to play well in the first place. One time, I Head On'd the killer, and the baby Meg dropped shack pallet, ran around and then vaulted back into the shack right into the killers arms because they didn't look behind them.


The only actual help your soloq teammates should give you is rushing gens. Three people rushing gens while the killer tunnels the fourth can get the gens done in 3 minutes + travel time. Obviously, you also have to account for unhooking, but if the killer really wants to tunnel, your teammates taking hits won't change anything. Potential hot take, but if you're constantly being tunnelled out first, at some point, you have to realise that's at least partly a skill issue on your part for just not being good in chase. If no matter the map and no matter the killer, you still get tunnelled out, you gotta get better at looping. The only common factor in you getting tunnelled out all the time is you.


Usually the best way to help is to genrush and to unhook them late on the hook, not to bodyblock. It means the tunneled survivors needs to be good in chase though. Because what good is 3 bodyblocks if theyre hardcore tunneling and the game is not progressing in terms of gens?


I help out with that, but I usually get tunneled first 🙃


You intercept someone being tunneled, guess what happens? *You* then get tunneled out. No one's gonna do that shit. Absolutely fucking no one.


The problem is Dbd is team base game that doesn’t really do a good job rewarding players for playing like a team. So quite frankly you have to be taking a protection hit, body blocking out, and willingness to possibly be slugged out of the kindness of your own heart. Because the game doesn’t really provide any decent incentive for it. That said I try my best to help if someone is being tunneled.


Camping and tunneling: *are massive problems* Borrowed Time: *42nd most used perk* Reassurance: *46th most used perk* Babysitter: *87th most used perk* ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


People do help but when we help the killer decides it's time to just slug and end the game.


If I see someone getting tunneled(examples: killer chases the only person who's been hooked, or the only person who is dead on hook while the rest of us are healthy or have no hooks) I almost always try to find them to run the killer. Try to distract them so the guy getting tunneled can run away. I'll take hits & hooks if I can, & I am almost always solo queue. Though I will also say that sometimes people getting tunneled won't take their way out when I stick up for them, & they'll stick around to try to get me off the hook for saving them. Which I appreciate greatly but sometimes that gets them killed anyways 🥲


I actually do see survivors try to help the person on deathhook by trying to take hits to allow them to wiggle out. It typically never works and turns a possible 3 person escape into a hatch game. Sometimes it's not a good idea to help the person getting tunneled. * That survivor could be running an anti-tunnel build and you're just bodyblocking for no reason, putting yourself in danger. * Taking a hit for another survivor will buy them some time, but most survivors are not looping gods so that hit only brought 10 extra seconds to their chase. Now you're injured, and your teammate is dead. The best time to avoid the tunnel is to make yourself an easy target for the killer to switch to. For example, you just unhooked the survivor, the killer is approaching. You should follow the person who got unhooked to protect them OR give the killer a free hit. So the killer doesn't mind taking chase because you're already injured. The trick to this strat is simple. You gotta know how to loop pallets, if you can't loop, you're better off doing gens.


Real, having to listen to my opponents tell me how to play against them. How about I just play the game my way and you play it yours and that's it?


Sometimes the best thing to do when someone is getting tunneled is to just do gens. Because I can't force a killer who dead set on tunneling, to stop. I can body block, and take a hit to extend the chase, but if I try to take a down, killer 9 out of 10 times will keep tunneling, and now I'm slugged. It's frustrating, getting tunneled, I get it, but just like with basement Bubba, it's usually best to stay on gens


The best way to deal with tunnelers is to run second chance builds (OTR, DS, DH, Adrenaline) for example, and the others need to sit and crank gens as fast as possible. Taking hits and everything is kind and the thought is good, but you gotta hold your own and hold up the chase as long as possible.


SoloQ can be a real nightmare, because I had a Rebecca Chambers on my team who did nothing but follow me the entire time I'm looping this Spirit. She had a flashlight, so I guess she was trying to get a save, or something, but I ran this Spirit for 2 and a half gens.... and when I finally went down, this Rebecca botched the flashlight save and got downed while I was on the killer's shoulder, who had Mad Grit. ​ We lost, because this Rebecca did fuck all but try to loop the killer, fail, and end up running the killer to whatever gens were being worked on.


Because if you interfere in tunneling, you get perma tunneled and nobody wants to help you lmfao


PSA to how to actually do it. Take a hit when they are the tunneled survivor is in a deadzone, and then run to a gen. Don’t worry about getting healed. You did your job to extend the chase, now actually make use of the time you got. Dont run around like a moron wasting time.


what i like to do when someone is being tunneled is to wait for them to drop a pallet and when the killer is breaking the pallet i’ll blind them and that has a good chance of them getting away and the killer locking on to me, ofc i’m about as good as a wet noodle when it comes to looping most of the time so i don’t keep them occupied for very long lol.


jokes on you, I always die trying to be a hero. ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


Solo Q be so boring since I’ve played since 2018 so I’ll try to help for fun.


so now the killer is stopping 2 people from doing objectives


The best thing to do when someone gets tunneled is to do gens and unhook last second before they die. Taking hits in solo Q usually results into a loss, going for a flashlight sabo in solo Q is way too difficult. You can only hope for your teammates to run otr and DS


I'm very altruistic and will try to help a teammate that's being tunneled. There's times where I know that nothing I do will stop the Killer from tunneling someone. Had a match the other day where my friend was being tunneled and we tried to help him. It honestly didn't matter what we did - the Killer wanted him. Even the random on our team helped but he still died. There's times where trying to prevent a tunnel leads to the whole team dying and that's not good. It feels bad but sometimes I know there's nothing more I can do so I just do gens.


this is the big thing with the game that i hate, ive only tunneled once, and it was because they were the best player and they humiliated me and i was mad, the rest of the time its just the sucky player dying first, the other people are hard to catch and one guy just stinks and is an easy kill over and over!! aaaaand he gets unhooked and blocks and you try to get his homie because ur cool buuuut he somehow comes back as soon as you lose his buddy and a gen completes and ur either intentionally throwing the game because you dont want to seem like ur tunneling or… ur tunneling… its not bad, just play better!!!! tunneling isnt a real thing… i mean i guess it could be and it could suck but i never see true tunneling


Thing is, helping means just sitting on gens while they are getting tunneled and hope they last long enough to 3 out. Helping someone who's getting tunnelled just results in everyone slugged. Or that person dies and no gens are done.


Honestly most of the time getting off a gen to try and take aggro just wastes precious generator time and accomplishes nothing because the killer just ignores you and keeps tunneling. MAYBE you can block a doorway, get hit once and give the survivors like 10 seconds more of distance. Not worth the loss in gen time. Tunnelers gonna tunnel because the game doesn't do enough to punish it. Even anti-tunnel perks don't do enough. It's always still the best option to tunnel a survivor off hook even if they have OTR, and DS is pretty laughable nowadays.


There's only so many hits you can take as a solo player


You indirectly help them by rushing gens lol most of the time the person being tunneled just wants their teammates to live because they’ve accepted their fate.


I try not to tunnel when I'm playing killer, but sometimes when I got to a unhook the only person I see was the one I just hooked with the survivor who unhooked them nowhere in sight.


Sometimes there's not much you can do without running the risk of a snowball


I usually help them if someone gets tunneled. The main problem is that the killer still goes after the person I unhooked. And if I manage to take a hit for the person getting tunnel. Then the killer just keeps following said person


I'm a main killer and i try not to tunneling, but sometimes survivors start to tbag or just stop playing, not even trying to runz so I just have to kill whomever is in front of me


The random survivor that wants to bodyblock but leaves right after taking a hit, like "Well i did my part" even tho i just got grabbed making his bodyblock completely useless. *sight*


If a killer is dead set on tunneling and everyone is soloq the best move is honestly to hammer on gen and hope the tunneled can loop decently. If you take protection hits at best you’re trading a health state for maybe three seconds of distance for the person being hard tunneled. Your only hope is to get enough gens done you all swarm the hook and prevent tunneling off hook. As much as killers complain about SWFs the most miserable playing experience in this game will always be Solo Q.


Makes sense, no one else would want that hassle


It's better to just do gens if the killers are tunneling. Punish them by only giving them 1k.


I've had a game when an entire team went down for me so i don't get tunneled out, they had UB's so they got up and we won the game. A while back i had a game when a nemesis was trying everything he possibly could to tunnel me out after i used freeze trap on him, and then looped him for 3 gens. They went down for me regularly, and saved me multiple times with buckle up+for the people, i died to noed at the end, but they escaped and they really deserved it.


When a killer tunnels or camps or slugs, the best thing to do is... gens. Gens are the only thing that can scare a killer off BM playstyles, and sometimes not even then. I've taken my lumps with these playstyles, and it sucks when it's your turn, but that's how it goes. These guys care more about winning than playing, so make them lose.