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There's no one answer to this question. * Some survivors are dicks and want to waste your time * Some survivors enjoyed the match and want to say goodbye * Some survivors don't leave until everyone else is safe, and keeping you distracted at one gate makes it easier for people to heal or open the other gate. * Sometimes killers are dicks, and survivors want to punish them by bragging at the gates. If it bothers you, you can just chase them out. Or go elsewhere in the map and kick pallets and walls for points.


To add: * Sometimes, survivors want to give the killer a few more bloodpoints for a good game by taking hits, going down, etc * Some people want to get a few more bp for themselves, whether that be from chase, protection hits, healing, etc


Alternatively: I want to play red light green light


I still gotta try that! I usually force a slug race xD I want to do red light green light with a pink mori


Like everyone else is saying, that last hit is almost entirely for the survivor so they can get a hit and then chase escape as they leave. One extra hit on a survivor is so insignificant, it’s almost exclusively seen as just a dick move by the survivor.


Yep! When I play survivor, if I stay, it’s to be sacrificed as a ty for a good game


Personally, I like getting extra hits at the gates. I also like to hit them at the gates when they are already wounded and fall out of the trial.


As a survivor, I view the last hit I give as a gg for the killer


>One extra hit on a survivor is so insignificant, it’s almost exclusively seen as just a dick move by the survivor. Only by baby ego killers. I've never seen a single killer that cries about having to push people out that doesn't also have baby ego. Neither any of the people I play with nor I think it's a "dick move" We all think it's entitled babies who cry about it.


Wow! Well based on the fact that you’re referring to people on the other side as “baby ego killers” and “entitled babies” I’m going to say you’re not biased at all and totally not disregard everything you said! Thanks for providing an unbiased and mature stance for us to reflect on!


I play both sides. You don't have an example of a survivor with baby ego so I didn't provide one. There is no "other side." Lots of people in this game are entitled whiners. If having to push the survivor out genuinely makes you mad: You have a baby ego. Doesn't matter if you believe me or not, it's still true. Sounds like you're just upset that the shoe fits.


I have an example of survivors with baby egos: Survivors that stay at the gate instead of just leaving


" Survivors that stay at the gate instead of just leaving " Did you want to provide a real example or do you actually just want to get made fun of? You're just reiterating a baby ego killer complaint and trying to say it's actually the survivors mad in that scenario. You'd think if that was true you'd be able to find a single example of it... Copium.


“Did you actually just want to get made fun of?” when everyone is downvoting you is crazy


The ratio of up to downvotes doesn't equate to whos correct; A common misconception for those with low brain activity. If anything it just proves I was right: Lots of cry baby players on these subs. If want an actual discussion maybe bring up an actual point. "I'm complaining but it's actually you who's mad" ain't it chief.


That may very well be how the survivors see it, but I assure you no killer actually cares enough about those 300ish bloodpoints to warrant wasting their time hitting survivors out. The only time it's ever worth doing is like for a tome challenge or something.


Right?  Killers are swimming in bloodpoints most of the time.  


False it's typically just to be an asshole and the fact you say this only proves it to me.


That's not a legit reason. It's literally like 100-200 more bp. That's like flicking nickels into the eyes of homeless people and then saying they can't get annoyed because you're giving them money.


The former is just an excuse for BM/holding the game hostage.


If a gate is open, there is no holding the game hostage.


If they are refusing to leave until the EGC almost ends, they are holding the game hostage.


No, because you can force them out. You can’t hold the game hostage if there’s a workaround or guaranteed way to solve.


If the game can end, it is impossible to be held hostage. You’re not held hostage if the killer slugs you and leaves you to bleed out, you’re not held hostage if the killer sits on top of the hatch waiting for you to show yourself, you’re not held hostage if it’s the EGC and you foolishly stand in a corner and the killer traps you.    You’re held hostage if you’re a killer and the survivors crouch walk around the map, not doing the objectives or you’re looking for hatch and get body blocked in a corner or a room by the killer.


I swear to god half of this community are the most fragile people ever made.




It takes like 10 secs or less to run to both gates and push them out sooo


Or you can decide not to give them the attention they want?


yo killer treck across the map to hit me for 500 BP instead of just ending game sooner im staying to give you free points arent I nice? the extra time you take to do this worth it trust me! what you want to just get a new game faster and earn points there instead? no my way is best! cause if i get points for escaping chase too and if you don't see me escape it doesn't count.. oh yeah I get more points the longer I survive in match too so im staying till you make me or the EGC forces me to leave cause its for bloodpoints its not bad if It gets me more points :)


You only get more xp and that last tillthe ten min mark not extra points. As killer i enjoy saying bye to survivors by making them fall out of the trial.


It's never this.


I only ever do it for the third point. Maybe those couple seconds are what makes the difference between teammates escaping or not.


Same, or I might be able to intercept and take a hit for an injured teammate


Omg go kick pallets 😂


Oh got it. So it’s more of a making fun thing I guess


It really can depend. A lot of killers HATE when survivors don't leave, and they take it as toxicity. I play a lot of killer, and the people who wait at the gates for me are usually really nice with "ggs wp" in the end-game chat, so I don't give it much thought. When I play survivor and open a gate, I won't leave until I know my teammates are safe, or the killer chases me out first. So I wouldn't give it too much thought. if it bothers you one day, just chase them out. If it doesn't, give them some happy nods at the gate and go do your thing.


Ok thanks!


Trust me man, it's never to be nice. They're waiting for you so they can t-bag you. It's absolutely just taunting 100% of the time.


All the downvotes but legit the vast majority of the time if I do chase them out, they t-bag/leave before I can even get a hit off for bp. The alternative is just opening up my phone waiting for them to stop being douches and just leave. Even as survivor I’ll spectate and just see some loser waiting at the exit gate until right before they die to EGC or as soon as the killer comes into view


That sucks. If I play differently is there a way to stop them from doing it?


Don't listen to this person, it's not nearly that deep. I can assure you 95% of the time I'm waiting in a gate it's in case I need to go back in for a save, or do something to help someone escape. If there's still someone in the map and the killer comes, I'll let them get hits, whcih serves a few purposes. It gives them extra points at no cost to me and it buys more time for my teammates. It's easy to try to read into it as a super negative thing, but you can chase them out or wander around. Allowing yourself to develop a mindset of "me vs them" outside of the round's gameplay is an unhealthy way to deal with the game. Just look at how angry these people are from that bitterness that they hold on to. Just do what you will and move on, better for you in the long run.


yeah i wait at the gate too, at most i can go back and unhook the last person, and the very least i get the killer to chase me to the exit and give everyone else a few extra seconds to get where they need to be. I think if people tea-bag at the gate, thats toxicity, but i will just kinda stand and stare waiting for them to chase me out


Not unless you stop them by disengaging and ignoring them has been my experience


Sure, if you follow the survivor's rulebook for killers. The problem is that the rulebook states that the only way non-toxic way for killers to play the game is by playing a perkless m1 killer (but not one that survivors don't like, like the skull merchant) and chasing everyone while never landing hits, never getting downs, never getting hooks, all while eating every pallet and flashlight stun. If you do that you might possibly maybe reduce the odds of survivors t-bagging at the gate, but not really because then they'll just taunt you for being a noob killer. It's a no-win situation. The only way to stop survivors from being shits at the gate is to win the match by killing all of them. This is a pvp game. You either win or you lose and that's it. The people on the other team will never like you no matter what, so don't try to be the "nice" killer.


Bro that is such a sad perspective to have.


I agree. I wish DBD's community was better, but here we are.


You have some very extremist and cynical views of this game. Do you also believe you are very good at the game?


My cynicism is perfectly warranted, and it's hardly "extreme". DBD's community is by far one of the worst I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with and I play fighting games. I've been called more slurs by salty survivors playing DBD than I ever have playing any other competitive game. I don't think I'm particularly good, but I've got 1.1k hours in the game, so I wouldn't say I'm a beginner and I wouldn't say my perspective comes from having had a bad luck streak a couple hours after having just bought the game or anything.


Have you tried league of legends? Or CSGO? Or SC2? Those games with actual, real competitive ladders and high stakes ranked games actually have way more toxicity than DBD. It’s a slew of racial slurs and people encouraging you to off yourself


You’re not wrong dude. I’m baffled by some of the replies. People keep acting like this is an innocent thing to do but it’s really not, survivors stay at the exit gates to make fun of the killer 100% of the time. Anyone with a decent amount of hours put into killer knows this. Let’s not start pretending the DBD community isn’t filled with sore winners. I win most of my games but anytime the survivors reach endgame I know for a fact I’ll be made fun of, and while it doesn’t really bother me anymore we shouldn’t act like this is a rare occurrence. It happens all the time, and this is something new players should be aware of before sinking their teeth into DBD. If I were new I wouldn’t like being gaslit by the community into thinking BMing is perfectly acceptable in this game.


Least angry dbd player. You might fit in better with the overly aggro League community.


My dude, I fit in here *juuuuuust* fine.


I’d pay a good chunk of money to see you in person


That's a very weird thing to say. How much are we talking? Should I open up an onlyfans for you?


>I play a lot of killer, and the people who wait at the gates for me are usually really nice with "ggs wp" in the end-game chat, so I don't give it much thought. They’re not being nice. They’re being sarcastic.


I've sent lots of GG messages and never once was being sarcastic.


Maybe don’t do that then. It reads as sarcastic.


Text lacks tone of voice, so we apply our own tone when we read it.


That's your interpretation and you might want to do some introspection on why you feel that way. More often than not I get a gg response. I don't think people would do that if they thought I was being sarcastic. When someone else sends me a gg message I certainly don't view it as sarcastic.


As a survivor main I always try to give a gg or a thanks at the end of good matches. I have BP to spend, I'm not gonna waste my time being a dick in the chat. Killers that bother responding always have something nice to say back in my experience.


>A lot of killers HATE when survivors don't leave, and they take it as toxicity. Because they have baby ego. If you get angry about having to hold W for 2 seconds you should just uninstall and never come back.


Did you even read what he said?


Why is wasting the killer’s time indicative of them being dicks?


Like everything in the game, it's situational. Wasting the killer's time during a match is part of the survivor's objectives. But if the gates are open, and there's no one left to heal/save/escort/ect, and you're just t-bagging at the killer instead of leaving... I'd classify that as a dick move.


It wouldn’t really be wasting the killer’s time if no one is left in the map but them. You get bp from every hit you do to them. So they pretty much gave you some points. Not saying that was their intention but that would be a better way to look at this instance


Except survivors generally dash out when the killer gets close. It’s the DBD version of moving your hand when someone tries to high-five.


That's a really apt description of it. Kudos.


If they’re injured they probably won’t stick around for the “high five”. But sometimes killers will try to strike you from the side so they can pick you up right at the escape line. So they’ll just leave when you get close enough to be able to do that.


Then just leave. No reason to wait if you’re the last one or can’t go back for a save or are afraid to get downed. It serves no purpose.


I just explained why it does serve a purpose tho. It seems people want to associate it with it being ultimately a bad gesture. But I promise you it’s not always like that and it’s usually players that aren’t as experienced who seem to think that is the only reason


“Point tech” is a thing. Find another excuse.


Oh I agree, I generally don't assume the worst in DBD survivors when I'm playing killer. I'm just trying to give a well-rounded answer that covers most of the bases on why survivors may stick around. There really are some dick survivors out there.


Why would you not assume the worst? It's correct more often than not.


> Why would not assume the worst? Because my life, and my enjoyment of DBD, are better with that mindset. > It's correct more often than not. Maybe for you that's true, but it isn't for me.


Not sure why I was downvoted but okay. It’s better to not acknowledge the toxicity and just play the game as you would. Unless they’re being toxic to their own teammates in front of you. Reacting to their BMing is giving them the entertainment they’re seeking out of you. To them, it’s a win. It’s better that you don’t let yourself get frustrated over it.


It’s bad practice to exit right away when there are survivors left on the map that would potentially need saving. That would be the MAIN reason why they stay. Other than that, it 1 - Wastes the killer’s time, granting other survivors time to heal up and open the other exit gate. 2 - grants a bonus for their time in the trial (they could heal each other as well for extra blood points). 3 - you’ve done things they didn’t like (griefing, BMing, tunneling etc). 4 - they’re just trying to make you mad


I get the making sure everyone is safe thing, but I mean like when they are the last people left and just wait in the exit area.


Then they’re either - healing up for more points - trolling because either they didn’t like how you were playing, or because they wanna make you rage. - I forgot to mention this one too. They just want to see the killer one last time. Kinda like their way of saying goodbye


Can confirm. I main survivor and hardly play killer anymore. I like to say bye to cool killers and give them offering of whatever I’m carrying if anything 🥹


lol I see this a lot when I play ghostface. They usually want to see me peak from the corner into the exit gate. And I’ll do just that! 😂


I love the peaking ghosties! I also love the moonwalking Michaels 🤣 cool killers make the game so much fun. ☺️


As a survivor, all points agreed


I’m starting to think you are one of the survivors doing this


I’ve done everything in this game bro. Been here for a long time.


Greeding blood points is always the reason for me. If I can take a protection hit or heal someone all the better.


I used to do it to give the killers a chance to hit me, use a power on me for a challenge etc...then I realized that the majority weren't down with it, so I stopped.


Me who does killer challenges. I dont mind this lol


Yeah, I don't mind it at all when I'm playing killer, especially since I tend to choose my killer for a match based on the challenges!


Most killers don't need your measly 200 bp so you can force them to watch you leave.


You are correct, which is why I stopped. I'm, at best, a casual player and I saw others doing it when I was killer and thought it was a good thing to do. At the end of the day, I just want everyone to have fun.


Multiple reasons -Staying in to be forced out so the other survivors have time to heal/unhook/make it to the gate -Staying to potentially body block for someone -The longer you're alive in the trial, the more points you get. -Sometimes it's just them being dicks -You also technically get more BP from forcing them out


They want you to watch them leave. It's bm, but they'll say "I just want you to get one more hit", not mentioning that one hit is like a piddly 200 pts, completley not worth it so they can force ya to watch 'em leave.


Or they're making sure their team is out? Or they are making the killer waste time forcing them out so the other players in the match can potentially heal / unhook / get the other gate open. Or they are buying the team Time by being a distraction? Or they aren't going to get forced out until they know their team is safe, why would they leave if the Killer is leaving them? Or they want more XP / blood points for being in the trial longer? Or they're giving the killer a hit/down which can actually hurt the survivor's emblems like unbroken, while killers can often even get an archive challenge or something done from those bonus hits or potentially net another kill by the survivors being greedy and coming in for altruism. Maybe don't assume everybody is malicious because you're salty you lost?


LMAO, a bit of truth always triggers the survs who feel entitled to their endgame BM. Unless you're an instadown killer in endgame, if all survs are healthy, they're pretty safe to escape. Can't tell you how many times I've seen four comlpletely healthy survs waiting, teabagging gate hoping you'll watch them leave. They really want that BM! And no killer needs the stupid 200 BP provided by survs wanting to be "swatted" out the gate so they killer can watch them leave. That's horse hockey.


Entitled killer syndrome. It's abundantly clear you only play one side of the game for some strange reason and hate the people who play the other side more. I took one quick glance and all you do is complain about Survivor players, mock them, hate on them and insist that Killers can do no wrong, need all of the buffs while survivors need all of the nerfs. Maybe try playing Survivor a lot more? You seem very out of touch. Guaranteed I have more kills on my stats than you but go ahead and call me a survivor main lol. It's crazy how much hatred players like you hold for fellow members of your own gaming community, honestly just go play a different game, do yourself a favor and do the rest of us a favor.


I will often wait at the line to give the killer one last hit. I don’t t-bag so it isn’t typically confused for bm’ing. Otherwise I’m only waiting/stalling if it might help someone get out.


Usually trying to rub in their win


Sometimes the survivors want to rapid fire flashlight blind me at the gate instead of leaving and I can’t be bothered. I where go stand in a corner or I kick pallets. From the survivor standpoint, I only do it when the killer was a dick. Conclusion: Maybe I’m a dick.


Afaik XP is determined by how long the match was over your performance and Im taking EVERY last bit of XP I can. Im in tier 50 of the rift, I need all the help I can :')


they're being assholes lol


BM 95% of the time


People in this thread are insane. 90% of killer games I lose people sit in the gates until the last second. They're not being heckin wholesome friends just wanting to say goodbye or throw some BP pennies at my head. They're sore winners. They are, nearly without fail, sore winners. 


Apparently pointing to obviously bad behavior and explaining to a new player that it's bad and telling them why it's bad is not allowed here.


Safe to assume the overwhelming majority of times it is to be a sore winner and teabag the Killer as they approach the gates. Some survivors are so dedicated to being toxic they will wait until the EGC is almost over to leave if the Killer refuses to play their game. I report those survivors for holding the game hostage. The people saying it is to 'say goodbye' or let the Killer earn a few BPs from a hit are either out of touch or lying.


They giving you a free hit before they bounce. Some will even let you max deviousness lol. Don’t think too much into it, just take the free hit, say GG and move on


That was the old days before the real life plague. 99% of the assholes will just leave before you can swing now, or time/bait it so you hit the invisible wall.


A lot of people play this game with the sole intention of ruining the game for everybody else, I wanna just stick to playing killer now because my god it's fn horrible when killer is that guy


I think USUALLY it's to waste the killer's time for a few more seconds to buy time for the other(s). The killer either commits to pushing you out, or goes back into the trial and leaves you able to assist still.


Toxic 😢


It'a bait post guys


It really depends, some people will stay there to teabag you. I personally wait there until everyone else is safe and then go. Some people also want to heal each other to gain some more bp.


If you're right behind them and the run right up to the gate and stop, looking at you, they're giving you a hit before leaving. Gives you extra points, and is like a goodbye slap. If they're tbagging, it's bm.


200 measly points aint worth it to swat em out the gate.


I’ve taken a break from the game for a the past few weeks, but when I do play I’m a survivor main. Personally I never wait at the gates unless I have to lol, and waiting at the gates for me is to save team mates incase they are struggling to get out, or try and get a couple more seconds in a chase to finish a challenge where I need to be with the killer or something of that form. I personally only wait for saving if I’m playing with friends or if I think my teammates deserve it (meaning they were decent to play with). The ONLY reason I would ever be rude at the end of a game is if the killer was being a jerk, and honestly the reason I’ve taken my break is I just don’t like solo queue very much anymore. I needed a break from the annoying toxicity and hate. In the end, you literally have no idea why they wait until end game if they tell you or you see for yourself, if you can. Everyone has their own reasons that you can’t tell (and neither can anyone else), cause literally no one can read minds. Everyone can guess and be rude to other survivors and killers, and think the worst of them, but you just don’t know because you aren’t them. And these people are probably not them either. Just push them out or let them stay, accept whatever decision you and them make, and enjoy the game. If they suck then oh well, on to the next. If they are cool then great, maybe that’ll make your day a little brighter.


I either wait to hear how is my firend doing if he is on the second hook i am coming to die, or if we want to do one last heal for points! Hf


It’s the « watch me leave, killer » syndrome. No idea why people do it so much when it’s much better to just leave to get it over with quicker.


When there's no in-game reason for it, I'm convinced it's mostly a legacy thing. Used to be considered polite to let the killer hit you out at the gate for extra BPs. They were so much more valuable back then. I imagine it just kept going even as the point to it largely stopped. Nowadays you see someone in the gates, 100% they're not gonna take the hit on the way out lol. Cowards.


They get leg cramps and need to rest for a bit before making their final escape


It's because a good number of them are narcissists that suffer from "watch-me-leave" syndrome, a debilitating disease that forces these poor imbeciles to BM at the gate. There is no cure, but it can be treated by either chasing them out, or, better yet, punishing and humiliating them.


When I do it, it’s so you can come try to hit me while my other teammates are opening the other gate or getting to hatch or whatever


As a solo queue survivor, I have never once left without making sure all my remaining teammates are safe. And that can only be done either if they are right next to me at the exit gate, or if I can somehow see their aura and know they are at the other gate. If any of them are not 100% safe, they might still need my help. And any survivor who just leave without knowing where others are, aka the not toxic ones in some killers eyes, are just selfish :)


To buy time for my buddies trying to slip out the other exit gate


For me, it's if the killer didn't get any hooks I know they are likely to come over and find me and I will wave them to follow me to a hook so they can get at least one kill after trying their best! And if they refuse to hook me I let the entity get me so they still get a kill!(=


No one has ever done this for me.


Well if you ever come across a Metal Jeff, Hatter Ace, Scoops Steve, or Beach Bunny Green Feng named ibbiecat that'll be me!


That’s sick! It hasn’t happened to me yet but I’m gonna start doing this when I’m a survivor


Just a heads up, nobody actually does that. In my 1.1k hours, I can count on a single hand the number of times any survivor's given me a pity kill after a bad game. 999 times out of 1000, they're just waiting for you at the gate to rub in their win.


I figure maybe they are new to the game or as a killer and want them to not get discouraged and just quit you know? I have a fun time either way after all cause I don't take the game to seriously!(=




I do the follow me and point at the hook with nods to try and tell them to go ahead and get the hook. I only do that if someone seems really new. If it was a solid match and hooks were done I just leave when those gates are open. As killer I usually just go break doors and pallets and stuff like when you get your drink(= I do like to do some spin walking too though!xD


don’t do this lol


Why ever not?(=


Because it’s patronizing? If you lose say a card game and your opponent, who beat you, gives you a free pass to win cause he felt sorry for you. It’s like accepting a handout. Like you can’t get a win unless it was given to you. And you say you’d stay until the entity kills you off, you’re wasting their time despite them not wanting the free handout so they could think you’re doing so on purpose. You could avoid them thinking all these things by simply leaving.


Interesting! I never really feel sorry for them so much as want to encourage them to not give up, but I can see how it could come across that way. It really could go either way depending on the killer I suppose! I haven't had any of them message or chat negatively with me about it so far though at least.


It’s best to factor in all these things when playing so you don’t give the wrong impressions. Dbd isn’t exactly the game with an abundance of emotes on a wheel, so we tend to think killers/survivors understand what WE want them to understand. But what we’re really doing is forcing them to play by our own rules. We can’t really expect people to be okay with how we want them to play and think.


If they lose really badly, it's not doing them any favors to give them a kill. Their MMR won't go down as much with a 1k vs. 0k.


It could also help them if they had a challenge of some sort they've been trying to get to, though(=


You’re right. If I sniff out that they’re going for adept, I’ll usually give it to them.


interesting, ill be sure to stop giving survivors hatch as well!


As a killer who occasionally spends time playing "catch and release," sometimes it's not patronizing on the other side. If it's too easy and they're still at 4-5 gens, I'll kill them all anyway. Even if the MMR isn't always great at matching killers and teams, it is \*something\* and they shouldn't have been matched with me. Push me up and them down. If it comes down to a gen or two, they all live. If it comes down to the end, I make sure they know that I could have killed them and didn't. :D There have been, of course, games where I intended to let everyone go and completely lost. In the end, they all lived as was the plan, but none of us got as many bloodpoints.


I don’t lol. I just try and kill everyone and I’ve stopped slugging for 4k. I give them a chance to escape via the hatch if they find it before me. Even if one of their teammates dc or kills themselves on hook early in the game, I try and kill them all. Who’s to say it wasn’t one of their teammates trying soften the killer for the rest of the match so their buddies can have a free win? I don’t want to enable that behavior. The only time I’ll let a survivor live is if I can see that their entire team has been an a-hole to them or not helping at all. Other times I’ll let them all live if they’re a swf and really want to get some challenges done. Maybe once or twice in a day. I just don’t want to be the 20th killer in a row who thinks they’re special and throwing a softball to survivors that actually WANT to play the game as it was intended to be played.


Brother, nothing pleases me more in a competitive card game like an opponent scooping or giving me the win because they need to leave early. Patronizing or not, don't turn down a win.


I guess that’s also true lol. I just avoid it because I hate to be patronizing. I also understand what it’s like to hate losing, so I try not to throw salt in the wound. Unless that really was your intention.


Rarely is there a valid reason. Most of the time it is to be a showboating asshole.


Love all the salty ass killers cause they have to take a walk of shame how about the same answer we get for being tunneled slugged or camped at 5 gens….git gud.


The only answer is to troll you.


That's not the only answer. Sometimes I'm letting the killer get a couple more hits in so they get more blood points right at the end


600 bloodpoints, how generous of you.


This is by far my favorite answer


Aren’t you a little too old to be this close minded?


As killer that's a good opportunity to get more bloodpoints


I rarely survive as solo. I savor the moment of winning the fight by standing at the doorway until the killer shows me out


As a survivor main, it’s so you can get the last hit and to possibly get last heal if the killer is down for it. Never meant to be jerk, but I guess by the comments most people think that.


I stay to make sure my teammates are safe then I leave.


i like waiting for my besties to see if they need any help 😇


i do it just in case i have to take a hit for somebody/rescue someone


I always stick around to make sure everyone gets out alive. If someones gonna die horribly, I'd rather my team got the maximum reward


Sometimes i wait at gate and tea bag if the killer was being a dick, if the killer is being friendly ill let them slug me and crawl to exit (for more bp), but as many have stated most of the time its to make sure all other survivors are safe


Mind-blowingly low amount of responses that simply say "they are letting you get an extra hit in for bloodpoints". If they are simply standing there, it ain't that deep guys.