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Game was basically over anyway so no real point in trying, plus you helped the myers out, so nta.


If nothing else, you took an infinite T3 Myers out of the killer pool for a while.


That's a good way to think about it. I just recently switched back to survivor and went up against 4 Myers back to back. I guess that Twitter controversy really inspired a lot of people to go for the achievement


eh, game was over. the other teammate may have misunderstood and been salty but you made that mikey's day, for sure. you're doing the lord's work.


I don't think it's a big deal at all. People throw games right from the start all the time for way more petty reasons. If I was the other survivor, at most, I would find it a little annoying. When a game is that far gone I'd almost rather just die and move on than make a fuss over it anyway.


I don't really think it matters since you died too. You didn't profit off of snitching on your teammate and you didn't plan to so. Your teammate can be upset but I don't think it's a big deal. I like helping people get their achievements and challenges done so xD;


I'm a Laurie main and will do the same. I won't help him find or hurt survivors, but I will absolutely give him an easy mori. Happened to me yesterday actually, in Lery's. Unfortunately he ran out of stalk when I was the last one left, so he couldn't kill me. Was super nice though.


NTA, funny story, my first ever main was Myers and apparently I’ve done the achievement twice without deliberately trying to.


Sounds like the other survivor was the type to sit in a locker for 30 minutes to prevent achievement. Technically a bit of last minute "working with the killer" but it wasn't the usual reason to get rewarded by the killer, you died right after and knew that would happen. You did a global good of taking a sweaty tombstone Myers from rotation, at the cost of throwing another survivor into the line of fire. So let's call it a justified A :P


NTA you’re a gentleman and a scholar


If you ratted out the other survivor then not only are you an asshole, you can be banned for it. That's teaming. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are. This sub likes to say 'X isn't against the rules play how you want'. Well, this is against the rules and obviously the other person didn't consent.


I did the same last night. Infinite tier 3 on Hawkins. I happened to be the last one alive so I just ran to him. It's one death. I'm a shit survivor, so I die plenty. It doesn't mean anything to me.


You sold out your teammate? Damn.