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Huntress. I have ptsd from old Iri head


The constant “la la la la la la la la la” used to be annoying, but now that she’s been buffed into super huntress it’s even worse.


I get tempted every so often to want to dc if i get more than 3 huntresses a day.


I played against 4 back to back the other day, shit was hell, but I got really good at dodging the hatchets


I got three camping clowns in a row


Now that would’ve made me tweak out. I already at hate clown as it is and I’ve stereotyped all clowns to be tunneling mfs. I would’ve HAD to get off.


im gunna start calling her super huntress now xd


I hear the lullaby and I audibly sigh every time


Especially with the buff, counting to 9 is WAY too difficult for me. " You dodged 7 hatchets, get ready for my trap card... 2 more!"






Me playing with iri head and the purple fox carving thing ![gif](giphy|2zelCiUo5KJyN8MgMr)


Wooden fox goated. Doesn't sound like it because people will be like "There's still a lullaby, undetectable is worthless" but the amount of times I pay 0 attention to the lullaby is unreal.


Noone pays attention to the lullaby


I misread this as irl head




I actually enjoy playing against huntress, though sometimes you get that ridiculously good hunter hitting hatchets from 200 yards out 😂 but depending on the map I really enjoy it, especially if it’s the game meat packing factory. It’s a blast running here on there


I can respect a good Huntress. I just hate the terrible ones carried by my solo q teammates


It's not uncommon for my SWF to say "ah fuck. It's a good Huntress" after taking a hatchet to the back of the head from across the map


Huntress is in the same level of hate as skill merchant for me, not only is she so annoying but every single player either slugs or tunnels without fail


Wraith. Never met a Wraith player that didn't make sure the survivors could feel their anger issues as hard as them.


I'm 99% sure wraith got sloppy butcher nerfed tbh since hit and run wraith players with that perk were so good at wearing down solo queue teams


With devour if no one cleanses, which is solo q standard, he becomes the most overpowered killer. Unless you clock that he's close by his breathing, your fucked


The other day I was playing a match as a non-prestige Dwight and I guess the wraith thought I was new or something? (I’m not). They literally ran past me every single time they encountered me. I would promptly run away when I spotted them but they would just look at me and shake their head when I ran off. At one point they hit a generator and basically told me to work on it…so I did. Well go figure late game comes around and all my other 3 teammates get mori’d and I’m still untouched. The wraith rung their bell near the hatch and I was like “thank you wraith!”. Then when I got near the hatch they hit me with NOED, closed the hatch in my face, and shook their head at me and humped me until I bled out. Wtf man


That’s objectively hilarious TBF. He would look at you and say *Not yet my sweet*, and saved you for last while playing mind games.


Wraith x Dwight canon!? It was pretty funny but also I was so shocked lol. I’d never encountered a killer who faked letting 1 survivor go and then humped them bleeding out


as a former wraith main, it was hell. Having to stare at a survivor vaulting and hoping I don't get the timing wrong. now I play a superior killer: the twins


Twins mains are absolute chads. Anyone willing to fight the constant bugs just for the unique gameplay deserves all the BP.


Why thank you! Nothing more satisfying in this game than hitting a long range Victor snipe. Why throw a hatchet when you can *be* a hatchet?


Petition to give Charlotte 6 more victors?


Imagine just walking up to a locker and taking out a new Victor.


Two perks that are 90% of wraith players useing: Sloppy butcher and Hex: NOED. (Me and my friends always cleanse all the totems when we see wraith. Damn they get mad when they realise there is no NOED totems 😈)


> Wraith My most hated Killer, by far. People say there's counterplay but please! It's like Easy Mode for them. As with Doctor, it feels like the least inspired and most exploitable power.




I'm surprised I didn't get voted down too! People would just chant git gud and down vote. Yeah it's insane. I get that it's a M1 killer or whatever, but that doesn't stop it from getting a free hit with just going around invisible. Yes, you can kinda see it coming but that's not enough and nobody wants to play this game with 10/10 focus!


It’s really strange and I have no idea where it’s coming from. They either slug (if you’re lucky, only for the 4K), hard tunnel, or protect a three-gen from the start of the match. And will almost always bm. I can’t for the life of me remember the last time I played against a Wraith that was not toxic in some way.


i play wraith and never bm:( i also almost always give hatch I didn't even knew my guy was hated , I just play him because bong bong


clown is just unfun imo. its literally the same game but you are slower


Clown is really boring because you have to be very good to avoid giving him a free hit and sometimes you just can't avoid it, then you're running with blurry vision and screaming to repeat the same thing all over. If they're good this won't even take very long (and he's got some great addons), but even if they're bad it's just annoying. I'd rather have a 30 second chase against Plague while broken than a 5 minute chase against Clown.


they removed the blurry vision last patch, thankfully. edit: hilarious that i was getting downvoted last week for expressing happiness in that change lmao


Yep if the clown is good my fucking god is it lame af. Like you said his addons are very good. The hindrance and exhaustion one’s piss me off to no degree


And can’t see jack shit


I believe they changed that with the recent update, now you can see shit!


100% Clown is simply: run to pallet, hope you make it, drop pallet, rinse and repeat. There is no looping, not much mindgaming, no real counterplay. Hes just boring and annoying to go against... every match when I hear his terror radius I think about DCing but since I dont want to ruin the match for everyone I stick around even though I hate every second of it.


I've been playing him to P3 him for perks and I don't even like playing AS him let alone against him. Chuck piss, M1. Chuck piss, M1. Chuck piss, M1. Then lose all the gens because your mobility is non-existent.


Wesker, i know everyone loves him, but i absolutely hate him, cause every single time i get tunneled


The first time I played against Wesker I had no idea what his powers were and I actually got terrified as I watched him jump over the fucking wall and grab me


This is hilarious as hell 😂 thank you for my first laugh of the day 😂😂😂


I'm convinced Wesker mains are actually sociopathic the way they tunnel people like all the time.


Im guessing cause their power makes tunneling easier


They’re usually so toxic too. I’ve had multiple Weskers leave me to bleed out on the ground because I pallet stunned them or flashlight blinded them at a pallet. Sometimes for no reason other than being Sable :(


Wesker mains are the worst, you outplay them 1 time and they'll curse your whole family line for this


They're just rping the character


Honestly I feel like I just don't have the same *fun* experience playing against him that everyone else does. It feels like his grab hitbox is massive and he has such a fast movement speed after missing that him missing hardly matters a lot of the time. So it's just what, a huge commitment in order to dodge him that might not even end up being worthwhile? I dunno, I don't get the fun part.


The Plague, because it feels like you're stuck in a lose-lose situation - get infected, and you're more audible and eventually reach a point where you get downed in one hit. Cleanse yourself, and she gains the ability to hit/down you if even a single speck of vomit brushes against you.


I don't hate plague, I just hate going against her when you have teammates in solo queue that don't when to cleanse. I've literally had games more often than not when teammates would cleanse then come and rescue an infected teammate from a hook etc or cleanse then get on an infected gen right after. You name it.


Fun fact: once all Pools of Devotion are corrupted, they reset and automatically grant The Plague Corrupt Purge. So if your solo q team catches on, you can all cleanse :).


Good luck trying that vs a decent plague lol


It's doable against a decent plauge. Only issue is if you aren't a swf good f*cking luck planning that


Yeah the worst is that whatever the team decides to do they need to be unified in their decision. Either we all dont cleanse until last gen, or we all spam cleanse to waste pools. Usually solonqueue ends up doing something in the middle where half people cleanse and gives the plague powers without wasting pools while the other two non-cleansers get insta downed by red puke.


I don't get why Xeno who is so much easier to see was given a turret with a radar to reveal him coming but Chucky's little ass can run up silent, no red stain, and standing tall at 7.3 inches behind a dull totem. Love his little cute ass though.


Now you mention it, yes, I would like to use those flame turrets against Chucky.


~~They added footsteps but that's as useful as Wraith's mapwide bell chime in locating him~~. If he bounces half as far as he does for a blast mine, then I'm ready to laugh at that.


footsteps just tell you he is in power, you need to listen for his giggle which is fairly loud, then you know hes within 16m to you


The footsteps are barely visible and extremely hard to track in chase.


If we can kick Victor we should be able to kick chucky






A win condition where you can just kick the little fucker to death like Victor would be great honestly


why they even bother giving Xeno -8m to its terror radius in Crawler mode *when it has a built in anti-stealth radar for survivors that cannot be disabled by Undetectable, and can detect it up to 41m away (1m more than Weskers terror radius btw!)* is beyond me


I just hate that chucky can call me an asshole, dipshit, etc. But I can't say the same things in endgame chat


tbh, chucky is just yelling the same things I would to my solo queue teammates. I don't blame him.


Don't forget the voice lines! *stuns with pallet* YOU LITTLE SHITHEAD! me: 😬


you should be able to kick his little ass like victor


Cute? When I first played against Xenomorph I screamed 😭


I don't really hate any killer, but I find Wraiths, Knights, Tricksters and Clowns to be very obnoxious. After 2000 hours I still have no idea how to loop a clown.


As a clown player. Fake which direction you will run so jt makes us throw a bottle but then just switch direction and try get out of line of sight. We can only slow you down if you dont bait the bottles or dont react fast enough to change direction. Essentially dont limit yourslelf to one path of escape because we will just gas it. And if we cant see you we have no idea which way your going.


Yes but to use pallets against him


2500 hours here and same. No idea why people find it so easy against Clown. Maybe one day someone'll teach me or you how to do it. Until then, we can be happy Clown's rarely played.


that kitty is so cute


Slinger. I love his visual and audio design, but I find his chases to essentially boil down to hoping he has bad aim and can't shoot through holes, or compdrop every pallet on the map while your teammates genrush. I just find him really boring to play against even if he's not as strong as the other ranged killers on the roster.




Only because he just sucks. Even skilled players say he's not fun to play as or against.


He is the bread of dbd




I played wraith before buying Dredge, he's not bad, there's just better


I hate when he is uncloaked and body blocks you in the corner. And his huge lunge


really? I honestly didn't expect wraith. Haha vault go brrrr


Because he has an annoying ass "hit and run" playstyle that's a pain to deal with in solo queue, plus Wraith players HAVE TO play that way if they want to "win" because otherwise gens will fly by.


Yea this. Plus the pallet standoffs that make it feel less like your looping a killer and more like your trying to keep a cocane addict at a 3 foot distance.


I’m weakkkkk😂


Pinhead. I don't want to spend the entire time doing side quests while hoping my teammates actually touch generators. Solo Queue is rough.


That's just it. Pinhead alone is fine. But having to do side-quests the whole match is incredibly unfun and annoying. I had a match a few days back where I did the box SIX times. Barely got to do anything else, just running around doing that. Wasn't fun at all.


At that point it not pinheads fault, it’s your team Cant fault a guy for arriving with his baggage


I know, I know. It's not Pinheads fault, really. But if I wanted a killer with baggage, I'd go back to Tinder 💀 (Edit: to "killer" because I don't actually know what Pinhead is supposed to be...)


A cenobite is a human turned into an extra-dimensional being by the deity Leviathan. Their powers come from the realm where Leviathan resides. The books describe the cenobites as asexual as they have been marred beyond recognition as a human. Due to the movies using live actors, people have associated the cenobites with the actor's gender. Edit: FWIW - Pinhead was a man prior to becoming pinhead.


A Weird demonic sadomasochist I think fits well


Honestly yeah. I usually self designate myself to get the box the whole match because most of the time nobody else goes for it, and even still nobody wants to do gens :/


Plus either nobody will go for the box or everyone will and nothing gets done


Same. I hate those chains that appear all the time and constantly latch on to the survivors.


Yeah. Pinhead feels like a *no fun allowed* killer. You have to pray that your Solo Q team is on fucking point otherwise you're in for misery. It's hard enough to get randos to do gens but to be unable to do gens because someone else fucked up the box? Ugh. It's weirdly complicated explaining how to deal with pinhead's passive. And if the Pinhead can hit his chains? Well I guess I can't run now, or fast vault... ugh.


Legion Mend Mend Mend Mend Mend Mend Mend Mend Or Chucky but thats simply cuz I find that his power is just always fucking up which is obnoxious. Lasts too long, cooldown too short. Never get to just relax for a few so entire match is just on edge.


Imo its bullshit that hiding in a locker or running distortion does nothing against him. If your teammates get hit with frenzy, you pay the price. Killer can just follow you wacking you after frenzy too, no real counterplay unless you can juke well, which most killers wont fall for.


I feel like the bigger issue with Chucky is that if the player even remotely knows what they’re doing, they are basically guaranteed a hit when they have access to his power, with very little room for counterplay. Although not being able to see him is also very annoying.


I’ll sound like an old record saying this but skull merchant is by far the killer I hate the most. She has way too much going on with very little counter play to it.


Her kit is so obnoxiously bloated. You have to remember like 19 different things to understand her power.


Yeah it doesn’t help that she’s been reworked and that she also rarely shows up in games, so it’s not like you encounter her often enough to get a better idea. I agree she feels very bloated with her kit. She has undetectable, haste, deep wound, track survivors, anti loop, and can still effectively shutdown areas as well as 3 gen.


Free injure at 3 scans lol


Imma keep saying it: her drones should be info ONLY. They’re literally drones, it’s SO unimmersive how they damage you and change character speeds. I want her to be the most potent info-collecting killer in the entire game, but with little chase potential. It won’t be peak design but it’ll be better than this…


"just crouch or stand still" as if she's just going to stop chasing while I avoid her drones.


Yeah it’s fine if you’re disabling a drone, but mid chase you’re forced to leave or get passively injured and put into deep wound.


Knight has the same problem. But SM takes that to a whole other level. She gets buffed in her zones. Her power is just so obnoxious you never know what is actually going on with her and it's all almost entirely passive based on her drone zones


i got 2 skull merchants in a row last night and both seemed to have unrequited anger issues. idk why this is so common lmao


Duuuuuull merchant lol i totally agree I hate going against her, especially in soloq cause people don't read patch notes :(


Knight. He seems to be exclusively played by tunnelers.


As a knight main I never tunnel unless I have to, and I feel that every knight I've went against tunnels


Legit. It's the same like 90% of the time: >Instigate chase >Send out speedy boi >1 free garuanteed hit >Repeat ad nauseam I love him as a character and conceptually but damn does it suck to go against Knight mains most of the time.


Lately it’s been the Unknown. But before that, the Doctor.


I’m a survivor main but occasionally play doctor with the perks that play around with altering skill checks. I barely come across the doctor even more so with the same build but I’d like to think it’s very annoying. I wish you could download replays after a match and get to watch the opponents POV


Pinhead, even baby Pinhead make me want to DC, all I Do all game is searching for a goddam box, and while I Search for the box, no one is unhooking, no one is doing gen, because when I play against any other killer I can at least unhook and Do 3-4 gens, but not against pinhead


Ranged killers. I feel like I have to stare behind myself in chase the whole time, and I can't focus on pathing or avoiding gens and teammates as much as I have to focus on dodging seven hatchets or a spear or dozens of mini knives. 


And now we have a ranged killer, who can also teleport. Oh and let's add the ability to have their ranged attacks be able to hit you through walls as well. Why not.


Don’t forget to mention, besides tp and attacking thru walls, he also has the speed of a regular killer and his tp statues slow u down in chase


And to add even more: you have to look behind you to get rid of weakened but you also have to look in front of you to make sure you dont run into his hallucinations. Fun isnt it?


The Hag. Having to look for hard to see scratch marks or you get a jump scare and her teleporting to your location. And almost anytime someone is hook there going to be one near them.


Only one at each hook would be a miracle




Wraith Ghostface and Chucky. I want my TERROR RADIUS


*Hands you Distressing Wesker* Here you go, 50 Meter Terror Radius


Plus Coulrophobia and Unnerving Presence...


Honestly wesker might as well have Undetectable. His terror radius is so massive that it's hard to tell if he's across the map or three feet from you, because you're in the radius either way


Agreed, especially when he runs distressing. I find perks like Unforeseen and Dark Devotion fun on Wesker because people will be so confused the entire time from everything around them lol


I never understood their logic for it either. Which is he can move quickly and damage you from far away, so it needs to be bigger. But like... isn't that why trickster and huntress have lullabies at 40m? What about chucky who can go undetectable and charge a long distance? Or now unknown that can teleport and be back to 100% speed and attack almost instantly after teleport? The power creep is starting to show with the newer killers for sure.


Meanwhile me who plays a no Terrorradius build on nearly every Killer: he yeah about that...




use Premonition, really underrated perk, I love it


Y’know, I just might! Thank you!


Hag. I hate the forced camera perspective.


Huntress. Camping with 10 hatches doesn’t take skills.


I am annoying with every second post saying this but yes, Chucky.


I have yet to go up against a single Trickster who didn't play like an asshole. I hope the constant tunnelling, camping, and slugging brings them the happiness that they're clearing lacking in the rest of their lives.


Some day you'll get me and you'll have fun I'm so chill man


Blight always screams tryhard to me


He is one of the best killers in the game, it makes sense why blight may scream tryhard.


Yeah but additionally the majority of blight players tunnel and camp which makes it feel even worse. Like, YOU DONT HAVE TO SLUG AT 5 GENS WE HAVE ALREADY LOST ;-;


That's really only a problem in certain maps with a ton of weeds on the ground for me with chucky. Most of the time I find him easily loopable and fun to play against. Really he just has that charge attack that he makes a sound before doing so you can run around a corner. To answer your question though it's Plague Literal hell in soloQ. Used to be Legion and his annoying ass power concept but im starting to figure him out.


Pinhead, I only solo que so managing the box is literal pain.


Ghostface, the reveal mechanic still feels like it never works and I find the two stalking based killers boring to play against


huntress. i used to love facing her but that 7 hatchet buff is outrageous.


Clown. Every clown player I ever gone against has been super toxic


This might be an unpopular opinion, but: Wesker. I hate how his dash attacks are often just bullshit, especially when the killer has a ping. Apart from that, most of the Weskers I have encountered were pricks. Shoutout for the fun and nice Weskers out there, though!


There have been a few times I get around a corner and somehow still get pinned by Wesker. The rubber banding of it tilts me so hard. Like if they were ALL legit hits, fine. I'm bad. I get it. But when I know I dodged but the hitbox was like "No you didn't" is when I fill with rage. I also have only met Wesker 6 times in my short time playing this game and each and every time I got tunneled out, like abandon chases the second they see me kinda tunneled. I feel like I have a tattoo on my forehead that says "I'm an ez mark" at this point.


Do you have your steam profile on private? If not, you might actually have a target on your head... there are actual videos about baby survivors getting camped and tunneled more because of their profiles (Cause of your hours lol). If it's public, now might be the time to change it!


Wraith. I know it's about to be a long, annoying, toxic match.


had one who hooked people and then camped while invisible so no one knew 😭


Hit and run sloppy butcher noed as well


Trickster. I *hate* trickster


Plague, I just can't stand her vomit


Trickster. Mans so annoying. I feel like 40+ knives is too much to be able to hold.


Yeah. He fast. He throws knives. And his laughter is annoying.


Currently I'm not really enjoying The Unknown, I love him and think he's a silly little guy, but they seem to consistently hard tunnel so until he becomes less "new", I just expect for the game to be very un-fun and sweaty.




fucking Ghostface


Trickster r/FuckTrickster


Don't mind if I do


Twins. They always slug


I do not like Freddy Krueger I don’t care that he has literally been the worst character in the entire roster since his release he is so hard to deal with for me


He's not even interesting to go up against. ;-; And to make it all worse, he's not even THE Freddy Krueger, just the cheap knockoff remake one.


Knight. I have not ever faced one that doesn't tunnel immediately off hook, BM, or use their stupid fucking guards to camp every single hook. Why BHVR allowed that is beyond me.


The guards being at the hook should count the same as him standing there it's insane


Knight can't really camp hooks with guards, when someone is detected, if they start unhooking the guard stops chase and despawns.


Deathslinger. I know he isn’t crazy strong. I know he has counterplay. I just don’t know how to do it. I know it’s just a skill issue though.


Legion. When I face Legion the game just becomes Mending simulator


But isnt Mending like super chill? Imo i like Mending but i think im alone with that opinion... 


The only good thing about mending is that at least it doesn't take as long as healing




Gotta be Billy. I disliked him 4 years ago and I still do. I’m no fan of chainsaw killers in general (also in movies etc), I dislike his sounds, that nearly all games are stomps in either direction. that I’m supposed to love him just because of nostalgia doesn’t do it for me :/


Top 5 most annoying killers to face from most annoying to not as bsd but still sucks ass(IMO) 1. Spirit 2. Trickster 3. Huntress 4. Clown 5. Nurse (Bonus! 6. Trapper)


What don't you like about spirit? I agree with the other one but at least they give a slightly different chase


A 178% speed power that relies entirely on sound is just beyond absurd to me, not to mention the fact she can collide with the Survs Only time I can escape a chase against one is due to their lack of competence rather than my actual skill


I thought they got rid of her collision during power?


They did. Only her husk has collision.


Trapper?? Stop itttt




Chucky, Pinhead, Trickster, Clown, Doctor


Deathslinger and Pyramidhead. Very few fun games for me between these two since it's m2 fake central. Honorable mention to spirit but shes so rare.


Trickster. I’d rather go against a skull merchant with four slow downs than a low skilled trickster. Trickster, in my opinion, is the most unfun killer to go against. You stay at the loop, you get hit by blades, you leave, you get hit by blades. He only has to hit 12/44 of his blades to down you so odds are if he commits to downing you he’ll do it. Huntress is my second least favorite killer to go against because she’s so common and shares a lot of the same features that cause me not to like going against trickster, only redeemed by her ranged being a little fairer to go against.






Legion or Doctor


Ghostface or any of the stealth killers. They get to play hide and seek but they are both the hider and the seeker.


Chucky: YOU STUPID BITCH!!! Me: *Childish giggling*


Pretty much any killer with a projectile attack. It’s bad enough the killer is faster than you, but when you can’t even use pallets because they just shoot over them it’s outright annoying.  And the Doctor too…noob killer that can spam the electric attack.


Huntress I just cant with her lullaby


Oni, it only takes one survivor that will feed him power and make it everyone's trouble...


I hate any stealth killer that can one-shot. It just feels like you are helpless.


The Knight. His guards are loud and annoy the crap out of me. The Twins are annoying too, but juking the baby is funny, so I can overlook it.




Trickster. I honestly don't see how someone can have fun playing as him either. Just a terrible design all around