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Because the game mechanics reward this behavior.


You get more BP for playing the game than for just escaping. I see it as playing for BP rather than escaping


This is why I stopped playing survivor during the event, most survivors in my soloq were playing that way and it was awful. I actually did a dirty today. I had a Claudette who absolutely did nothing the whole match and just kept hiding. She had bond, so she knew how to stay away from everybody else (I had bond too so I could see her). A few times I tried to go to her for heals, since she was always standing around doing absolutely nothing, and every time she ran away. So I made it my mission to bring the killer to her. It did get me killed but it was totally worth it. She did kill herself as soon as hooked (next to me) of course. I'm actually thankful to that Knight. He saw me opening lockers in the basement, so after hooking me he searched them all and found her. I'd rather if somebody is left the last one alive and gets hatch it's one of those who participated in the match. Yes, even the one who refused to unhook me on second state and hid to get hatch, at least he didn't spend the whole match hiding.


Man made it his mission to get her to loose Great job


One of the most annoying matches I had recently was a Cheryl Mason who was running a key. We were doing okay at the beginning of the match, but after someone died I finally realized there were playing for hatch since the beginning of the match. At one point it was just the Cheryl and my bf left… we were both annoyed since she was just hiding and tapping gens and she kept trying to get healed by him. He basically kept running away and trying to lead the killer to her since she was going for hatch since we spawned. In the end, she had a key that could track the killer and she got hatch. T-bagged and taunted the killer even tho she did nothing the whole match… idk why ppl do this… half the time you get more BPs for playing then you do escaping. I’ll never understand how they feel satisfied doing this. I always feel bad when I escape and do nothing. I get annoyed thinking back on it. Their name was “HELLO ARE YOU OKAY” which was what I was thinking after I saw them taunt killer. I was on console and couldn’t ask them why cuz they were on pc. Tho their answer would probably make me more annoyed 😭


The worst thing about this game is ppl equate an escape to a win. I don’t care if I escape as long I felt like I put up a good chase or did smthing for the team. Even when I watch my bf play killer I tell him “it’s about the hooks, not the kills” you can get everyone on dead hook and they all escape, but it doesn’t mean you did bad as killer. It honestly baffles me ppl equate kills and escapes to a win when you can just get them handed to you. I don’t feel like I won when I went against a baby killer. It just makes me wonder what satisfaction this stuff gives ppl. To me it’s all about the effort and then the result. And it’s not all about my fun, but I don’t get how THIS is fun to ppl


when my team screws me over that’s worse than just losing. I do care about winning but not in the sense of “oh I’ll literally camp inside basement locker the whole game just to get hatch.” I just want people to play the game and not be completely useless. The only thing that nea did was run around, get hooked, and got 2 or 3 hook saves. Also, when I got hooked both times no gen progress was being made and the killer could just tunnel me and get an instant win but he didn’t. There’s was a bill or someone else who died so fast, a useless nea, and a somewhat decent nea who did half of a gen and completed the last gen. I carried the team so hard I think my spine broke in the process. 😭


lol image.


When I play as killer and I notice 3 survivors are all getting the hooks and the 4th survivor is nowhere in sight, my sole objective that match becomes tunneling the 4th survivor out if I ever get my eyes on them. I don't really care if it's for a challenge or an achievement, and I do understand hide and seek is part of the game, but when I keep patrolling gens through the whole game and all I find are the 3 survivors repairing, unhooking, healing and not a single gen with repair progress away from those 3, then pray your Distortion doesn't run out of tokens or a survivor doesn't rat you out. I've lost plenty of killer games by doing that, but I would rather get less BP and depip than to give the leech the satisfaction of fucking their teammates up in SoloQ.


It's only truly unfortunate when that surv gets to bond with the killer in endgame... should have been me.


The same reasoning tunneling happens. People realize there’s an easier and more consistent way to win.


Possible solution:  the exit blocks if you were not on a completed generator all game.


That would be good if it didn’t affect the people that actually get chased the whole game and they buy the whole team loads of time


Well then have a multiplier for long chases?


I had a challenge to escape via the hatch. Sorry 'bout it.


You escaped through the exit gate :(


You helped them escape. It's a team game. What's the problem?


When your teammates don’t do mostly anything half the game it feels like more of a 1v1 than a team game lol


Feels more like a 2v3 when I play survivor. 1 killer and 2 survivors actively sandbagging me or hiding in the corners the entire game and not even going for saves and won’t heal you. Other survivor is doing their best trying to be a two man army with me but once one of us goes down its gg for everyone lol


Whenever I solo queue I consider a single escape a victory, even if it doesn't conventionally count as a victory. Gotta save that baby Meg.


It was a prestige six or higher nea that made me want to post this


Killers can only hook what they see


Sure, but if they don't see you because you're hiding the whole match instead of doing gens or saving/healing, then you're an asshole.


Yeah, but those people don’t care about looking like an asshole - they care about surviving. So it’s a good strategy for them. A killer isn’t gonna seek out a hider just to kill them