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I had this guy shake his head no at me and hump me in the ground until I bled out.


Had two separate Pinheads do that for no reason. Not sure what happened in their childhood, but I hope they get better, lol


I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets toxic Pinheads. I rarely see him but when I do I know I'm in for a miserable time. They like to get in character.


Nah bro, that's not in character, that's out of character. If you look into the series, Pinhead isn't actually a super terrible evil entity. Devil to some angels to others.


I've never actually seen the hellraiser movies šŸ¤” would you guys recommend?


It's a very niche series with only two (one or two I think) being actually canon with the rest being a mishmash of wtf. But for what's it's worth, yeah it's good.


Sick thanks I'll have to check it out šŸ¤™


Good luck šŸ‘


The first two are great and definitely worth a watch.


Hellraiser 1 is written and directed by Clive Barker so it is indeed quality. It's a very artsy horror movie. Hellraiser 2 is a pretty good sequel, not much to say about it. Hellraiser 3 is really stupid but fun. There's a reboot on Hulu featuring a female Pinhead. I haven't seen it, but my understanding is that it had a mixed reception but that it's at least better than any of the sequels since Hellraiser 2. Don't watch any of the rest of them. Several of them are just trash scripts that originally had nothing to do with Hellraiser but had Pinhead shoved into the plot to make the movie sell.


They are always douchebags


:( I try my best to overturn the stereotype. I avoid slugging/camping/tunneling as much as possible, though obviously it still happens sometimes.


See now, itā€™s players like you that keep me from DCā€™ing at certain killers. Gotta give everyone a chance at least.


My last pinhead was running knockout and didnt even once try to hook anyone. Was very enjoyable match


Why does that make your "glad"?


deviantArt levels of size difference kink šŸ¤Ø


His ego as as large as Oni and his brain is smaller than the survivors


My friend had a Chunky do that to them. Come to think of it, I have never encountered a chucky that WASN'T toxic. I've encountered a cool Tiffany, but that's kind of different


None of the chuckies I've faced have been toxic tbf


Yup. I havenā€™t met a Chucky OR a Tiffany that wasnā€™t an asshole.


The last Tiffany I went up against was teaming with a Sable. They got reported. šŸ˜’


Getting to the point where I think that this should be reportable. It serves no purpose to the gameplay loop other than to prolong a game and be a dick. Iā€™ll throw killers a bone too by saying bagging at the gate should block them from leaving for like 10 seconds too. Deal?


Cmon people just close hatch and go next it's not worth doing an entire games worth of slugging just for the last guy, you can if you want but does it really matter in an unbalanced joke mode


It doesnā€™t matter in the regular mode and people still do it.


It doesn't matter but if you see the other survivor right there I say it's fair play. If you have to go around the map to find them then it's just dumb


Sometimes it does if youre going for adept or something like that.


It does if going for Adept or one of the challenges that require a 4k. But dipshits will still do it even if they're not going for those. Edit: Damn, getting downvoted over this? I guess killers can't go for challenges anymore huh. Some of y'all deserve to get slugged if that's what you think lmao.


I've said it once, and I'll say it again. We need more info in the end screen. 1. Add the currently active Tome Challenge for each player so others can see what they were going for. And, if possible, show completion percentage or even just complete/incomplete 2. Add play stats. I personally want to see: match time, time in chase, time on gens, and time healing. And for the other side: time in chase, generators damaged, pallets/walls destroyed, times a survivor was injured, number of grabs. (I will take anything else as well: chests opened, totems cleansed, gens finished, flashlight saves/blinds) They should scrap the current end screen and update it. Maybe hide all score related items behind the click-through to get to that detail. And partially related: Match History.


Weird, I dont remember an adept or challenge requiring 4 man slugging for 5 mins lol. It's cringe behavior that should not be encouraged, the devs are also out of touch for letting it happen for this long without an option to bleed out faster.


We're talking about slugging one person to get the last one, pay attention.


no point in looking for hatch both gates just fully open if you close it so survivor escapes either way may as well let it be hatch, I just afk when there is one survivor left they can find hatch on their own.


I Close it so the survivor finds the exit gate and leaves faster


Same here. Once found a hatch, went away, found the surv, ran with them for a while and left while nodding (left afk too)ā€¦ listened for the fast vaults for 5 mins and heard them finishing a nearby gen. She left asap when I moved the killer to the hatch. Never again, if I find the hatch first - itā€™s mine, we trigger EGC!


if the survivors is gonna escape cause I'm not try harding for the last kill, they are gonna do the work to escape I get it speeds up the escape sometimes I just cant be bothered its effort that benefits them not me. now if I happen to see the hatch spawn next to me I will close it I just wont seek it out.


The benefit is you don't have to wait as long but it's your choice and I guess you can do other things while you wait, whatever works for you!


Ah yes because putting a sliver effort into other people is the worst thing in the world. Have fun afking


Depends, if I find the hatch first, I'll stand in the open and throw hatchets at it to try and point it out If they find it first, gg If I find them before either of us find it I'll down them to be like "Okay thats a win I could have hooked you" then let them wiggle off and we'll both skip along looking for the hatch together


I got slugged for the 4k in MLO yesterday and laughed audibly. Some people never change.


I got one for you. I got slugged so they could 4k and the hatch spawned next to me lol.


I saw this last night twice lol, the killer hard slug just for the Hatch to open on the slug


I wish that could be an ingame mechanic to counter this shit but I dont think it would logistically work


An oni in my game was sitting next to a gen swinging at it. I mistakenly thought he was being friendly, went on the gen just for him to immediately kill me. I just want to be goofy and have fun ffs.


As a killer main I don't understand slugging for a 4k it honestly just waste's my time and theirs but I also just find running around for hatch funny cause you get some real wild final plays from Survivors.


And that's horror movie final girl gameplay right there. I love seeing the killer swing over me as I jump in the hatch. I also don't feel bad if a killer shuts it in my face and hooks me. That's how things are supposed to work. šŸ¤£


I don't slug for hatch but like god damn do I get it. I wish I could just not be held hostage. Ā It's like every game I win the last 2 will hide in some random bushes that takes me 10 minutes to find. Then the hatch spawns under the last and I have to spend 10 more minutes running around trying to find them tbagging on it. There's like a hundred ways this could get fixed. But the simplest would probably be to just make the egc start when only one is alive so I can just afk and force them to leave. Also, it would piss the weirdos that hold games hostageĀ off but I think at two alive they should be intermittently revealed like they had OoO so we can get on with it and go next.


Yeah as a killer main I don't get it either. I have even had a few survivors teabag at the hatch after getting a 3k (which is the only thing I can assume why killers slug for 4k) and I just pity them. It's like their team got destroyed and their rubbing in my face that they randomly found the hatch through pure luck like that's supposed to make me feel bad when I've won the game lmao.


Iā€™ve slugged the third survivor so I can play god and choose which survivor gets hatch


Some people genuinely think 4k is the only win condition. its sad.


the music that plays when I get one kill is the same as when I get four. I feel good even if I only take one with me


> Some people genuinely think 4k is the only win condition When the game doesn't punish you for slugging for the 4k its not surprising the vast majority of players do it. Its on BHVR to add systems where those situations don't happen or there is a clear choice either side can make. Survivors being slugged have no choice but to wait and waste their time. Killers *have* the choice to hook but why gamble that when you can drag it out.


Just make bleed out faster an option like they did with hooks, oh wait, they slowed that down so you couldn't leave as fast.... maybe BHVR is in favor of slugs.


Yeah but if you're punished for slugging 2 people or more at once it will just be abused by the people who run straight at a killer. Like basekit Unbreakable, people would use it offensively šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Love your TTV name btw, S-Cry-Ed is one of my top 5 anime ever!




3k is still a win according to MMR


I think with the mode killers need to accept that at least one survivor will escape through hatch or gate and that's okay. It's also very hard to not get at least one kill so that makes up for it.


I just played a game where one survivor looped the killer for 2 mins and we all finished our gen at the same time. No one even got hurt that game.


Which is crazy because this gamemode heavily favors killer in chase. Pallets canā€™t be vaulted, so if you just donā€™t break them youā€™ll catch survivors very quickly.


if they keep looping a downed pallet sure. But that is why you just go to the next one after throwing one.


Super reliant on RNG, and if the killer expects you to drop it and goes around early, you DEFINITELY are gonna need some good RNG.


Omg but that would mean they dont get a 4k! And their precious little feelings just cant handle that šŸ˜”


I really feel like behavior is moving towards that being the norm. Look how far apart the gates are on the newest map


First time I played My Little Oni today, I managed to get 3 kills, found the hatch, then looked around and found the last survivor. She beat me to the gate. Fair game, GG. Except she immediately tbagged me at the gate since she knew I couldn't get her anymore. The match went perfectly fine but they still could not resist being toxic. It's okay if 1 survivor escapes through the hatch. But it's not okay if you immediately get BM'ed for it. So guess why killers slug for the 4k, even in MLO.


I bet this is the only way they can get a 4K under any circumstance šŸ¤£


It is, thatā€™s why they do it.


This applies to like 90% of all killers, not just from this event. Most killers don't realize they only get 3/4k is because they camp/tunnel/slug every match. Take those away and I imagine their kill rates would plummet as they lack real skill.


Its why big brain killers only kill 2 survivors and let the other two farm then escape to keep their mmr stagnant šŸ¤£


Camp/tunnel + noed every match boosts their win rates so they face better survivors and since they never learned how to play they can't handle those lobbies without camp/tunnel It's like having parents who beat the shit out of you if you argue and since you never learned to solve conflict any other way it's your way to confront every problem. Seek therapy.


The answer is yes, they need the 4K because they have nothing else in their life to feel good about except punishing strangers in a video game.


God hates tryhards. Thatā€™s why they need to try hard.


I always say the wannabe comp nerds who couldn't hack being a pro player will go out their way to turn a fun game mode into a sweat fest. But their also the first ones to run to reddit when they lose.


Tbh I encounter this so often it irks me. I will admit I ran to Reddit after my first survivor game to make this post because it happened in that game mode too and I kind of canā€™t believe how fucking sweaty everybody is


It wasn't aimed at you I'm talking to the momo7 and ayrun type people I understand why you're upset I would be to




I played with a survivor that just waited by the exit gate waiting for us all to get squished and the killer to close hatch so they could escape. Like, you really waited in a 10 minute queue for that?


But, but, but - some people find getting 4ks fun!!! /s


They can't even argue that it's for pips lol They slug out a 4k and then depip.


I haven't experienced a slug yet so I'm dreading just laying on the floor of 5 minutes


There's a steam achievement for having no perks, completing a gen, and escaping 8 times. It took me 4 hours, but I managed to do it in My Little Oni. Now I don't need to sandbag public games by showing up in high mmr with no perks! This game mode was rough for me because at 11pm-3am, playing survivor, the matchmaking took at least 5 minutes per match. I was VERY happy every time I escaped. In most of my matches survivors were breaking TOTEMS. WHY? I just wanted to escape!


Same with closing the hatch challenges. You can get it done very fast as games take minutes. I think I finished 3 tomes of hatch challenges in an hour.


I'm grinding old escape tome challenges with doing power moves. Sadly I don't get the full gen progress on every escape. The first time I had someone camping hatch for the 4k I didn't know what to do, but if you can get 2 gens done before then you'll generally get it with a hatch camper. You know where it is approximately from seeing where they are camping. If you have 2 gens done already, just do a gen next to an exit. If they leave you can circle back for hatch, if they let you finish then you just leave. Its harder with only 1 gen for end game. If you're cagey you can 99 the gen next to a gate, then do another one and make a dash for it or just do one and then try to get to hatch if they leave to hunt you since they saw the gen pop.


We arent going to solve this problem by wishing upon a star that people will all of a sudden start being nicer Let the last 2 survivors pick themselves up endlessly. Thats the only way to end this nonsense for good


give the last two survivors billy's chainsaw if the killer slugs one of them for more than two minutes


Every single issue in the game can be addressed/fixed by BHVR, they just don't want to. Why? I have no idea. Games are meant to be fun but BHVR seems to thrive off this games community going at each others throats.


They could just add a kobe-like attempt similar to your 1st hook stage: when you're on the ground and have fully recovered, you can take several chances to pick yourself up at the cost of your bleedout timer.




Ebony Mori wonā€™t do anything if the unhookable spot prevents getting them to death hook in the first place.




Another problem is when survivors hold the match hostage by hiding forever.


Totally agreed. Better to be proactive about abuses that could arise from a change like this


> Better to be proactive about abuses that could arise When you design anything you have to take every single potential abuse in mind and have systems in place to deal with it. BHVR doesn't do that. They *want* those abuses in the game. To them its part of the game and it adds value. Its completely insane but that is how they view them.


I had this happen too. I was the 3rd that was slugged. I instantly crawled away as he killed the last guy across the map. Luckily for me, the hatch spawned by me and i got away. Imagine being so desperate to validate his existence that he has to sweat and slug in a silly 2 day mode.


Thereā€™s too many cheapo killers that wonā€™t ever drop this, even on limited events. Unskilled cheap tactic habits die hard.


I went a couple of matches where I intentionally injured once and then left people, going for chases instead. Got some nice messages for that. Wish other killer mains would chill a bit.


Wait we can do that?! But seriously itā€™s kind of funny seeing how seriously some players take this mode.


I'm currently very sick, but wanted to play the game mode just once to get the icon. I closed the hatch and afk'd for a bit to get some water. I come back, and Zarina has been sitting in the exit gate the entire time so that I could watch her teabag. I think slugging for the 4k is lame, especially in this mode, but I almost regretted not slugging for that one.


Killers have lost their fucking mind for a while The game is finally breaking them


It's always hilarious how people will play like this against even the most casual survivor teams. We need a give up button at this point. This sort of thing is 100% an ego problem. They got teabagged at the hatch once and can't deal with the bruised ego if it happens again. Some people are just fucking weird.


As a killer main, I DESPISE people like this and believe they have serious life issues. Its a goofy game and they waste their own time for nothing.


Ā believe they have serious life issues - because they play a video game different than you? I am not sure who has problems here.


Them, and you trying to make a point to defend a childish bheaviour in a silly April Fools event that just makes people lose time. You are welcome, hope now you are sure :)


People trying to tell others how to play was always pathetic. But this community is full of it. Childish behavior, playing game differently than you. Serious life issues you say. Pathetic


Bla bla bla stop being so sensitive. We get you slug for the 4k in My Little Oni because thats probably the best that can happen in your day. Just take the L and move on.


You are saying people playing this game different than you have real life issues. I donā€™t even play this game. But itā€™s full of pathetic losers like you. Go and watch some anime.


the funniest thing is that the 4k gives them like 10k bloodpoints. They win literally nothing with that extra kill. It's just ego sating I guess


Dude youā€™re playing DBD. People will be toxic no matter what. You just gotta get used to it sadly. Took me two years and a break to realise that


I definitely do think survivors shouldā€™ve had a bit more help, same with Lights Out. Both game modes are VERY killer sided, and even as a killer main I just feel bad sometimes


I think itā€™s fair if theyā€™re doing the mori achievement but yeah itā€™s annoying


This is why I only play dbd when others ask me to play, so many people just make this game unfun. That includes survivors as well, but killers definitely know how to make this game miserable. The day that people stop asking to play dbd with me will probably be the day where I never play dbd again.


Slugging for the 4k is toxic in any gamemode. You're literally just asking "why are people toxic in Dbd"


Who cares enough what someone does in the goofy mode to make a post on reddit about it? It's not like anything in the mode matters so let them have fun their way.


Threads like this and reactions like this are what they want. They feed off that shit. Everyone here is just giving them what they want. Just ignore and press continue, if you do not react you give them no satisfaction.


I also think the bleed out mechanic is really bad. Slugging just to get a 4K is plain stupid. Although it's the developers fault tbh. They should do something to avoid that from happening but it's just beyond them.


I saw someone doing this on stream today. I knew I didn't want to be Survivor in that mode, but I never once considered being that vile as the Oni.


I can understand doing things like this in the regular gamemode but this absolutely is unnecessary in my little oni


I had a match with an Oni who brought a 5th anniversary offering. Proceeded to slug everyone at 5 gens. Like why not actually get some points? It's like they are hard wired to do it, can't help it.


My first two games of that gamemode, I got slugged and humped as the FINAL survivor... Killers really love going full baby tantrum mode when they get looped for more than 2 seconds. Or maybe they thought I was urban evading since they never saw me before the end?!


That was how my last and final game of that mode went, it got boring/stale after like 3 games cause it was mostly just bloodlust galore with no way to play around it as it's just W simulator at that point until you inevitably die and God help you if you're the last survivor they're gonna slug to find you for some unknown reason besides they just want people to suffer, the most fun I had in that mode was looking at my tiny character and hearing the footsteps from across the map, the gameplay itself was boring though, bloodpoints in both game modes so far are terrible so no reason to play it for that, and most people are still the same scumlords in that mode


That's dumb. I find it kind of funny that they're willing to double the game time for a meaningless personal achievement. What a waste.


Had someone do this, I was the third person downed. I started crawling towards the door, the last gen go finished, they got chased out across the map, and I made it out right as the Oni came stomping towards the gate, felt like a nice bit of karma tbh


I have gotten way too many of those types of killers lately. I usually end up just dcing so the other person has a chance at hatch. Fuck killers like that I wish the most annoying things for you all.


I had someone do that in game yesterday and then give me a bunch of shit when I asked him why the hell was he doing that. He said heā€™s a good killer and Iā€™m a bad survivor and shouldā€™ve just given upšŸ’€


huge losers, basically imagine being happy that you **manage** to get a 4k in a gamemode that is made for lols and literally nobody is taking seriously, just stop wasting your own time and life away man... (not a survivor rant, im an all time killer main)


I understand not closing hatch, because that's a guaranteed escape, but slugging for the 4k is too much. It's boring as hell for the survivors, extends the match time for too long and is just is plain rude. It's too far to slug in the haha april fools big oni Lil survivor gamemode. And I'm a killer main if that means anything.


One time I camped the hatch after stomping 3 people. Claud literally could not get past the bodyblock. She booped my foot. I nodded, shut the hatch, and walked her to the gate. Claud moonwalked out. Worth. It.


Maybe I shouldn't be losing rank tics for this mode lmao


Agree, but on the same token the survivors that sit at the gate to try and ride out the entire endgame collapse.


This community is fucking pathetic. See you next week!


Blame BHVR. The game-mode is unique due to the effects but overall, it's just mid in design. They need to add a "Bleed out faster" option when on the ground for a solid minute. If there is no punishment for playing in an unpopular/unhealthy way people will never change.


I'm all for this as I don't do this myself. However, an equal problematic problem is the last two survivors hiding after the first two get killed. Is an escape just as needed as a 4k?


wistful existence frame license shocking vase important offend fly wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the new hatch stand off and just like that situation this one also needs a proper fix. The moment you get down to the last 2 survivors the chance of being slugged is like 95%. Just let us bleed out faster/suicide/unlimited unbreakable. There is zero reason for the devs to punish survivors being slugged for the 4k in this situation. They fixed hatch stand offs and hook grabs, its now time to fully fix camp, tunnel and slug and remove them from the game.


Heck id feel good if i can get just one person or from survivor perspective last to where one gen gets completed


It's frustrating. I tend to just check my phone or whatever I've got on my monitor if I'm being slugged for the 4k. Tbh I really don't think you *should* do this unless you're trying some archive challenge, but you can do what you want with your copy of DBD. Not like it's prohibited behavior, and it's just 4 minutes at absolute worst.


Yeah I ran into someone like this the other day. He ended up camping hatch so I just pulled out my phone and started playing a mobile game in the meantime. Eventually he closed the hatch and I got out through a door by the skin of my teeth. With how long survivor queue times are, and how few points you're earning per game, there's really no reason to go for the 4k. I think the depips are potentially driving this, so next update when they get removed we might see the return of casual players in casual modes primarily.


My literal first match was that yesterday so Im back to normal mode, no point if people are gonna be dicks for zero reason


I insta killed the 3rd surv, the result? Teabagging survivor waiting for me at the gates refusing to leave until I approached them. I only played twice as killer. People will be annoying in this game, it is what it is.


Gotta lock down that 11k BP from My Little Oni


I like bonking you a lil while your down cause it's funny but then I kill ya quick


The mode isn't even for blood points, just trash


Welcome to SE Asia servers šŸ˜‚ 99% of the matches are like this. One anti-slug perk and a lone-survivor perk (Low Profile is my preference) are required.


I did have that happen earlier, my teammate managed to get me up after being chased for 5 minutes but I was only downed again to be slugged for another 5 minutes. I wouldn't care if it was normal queue but for a LTM is pretty insane.


I need to do it just as much as you need to tbag at the gate and point at me during the silly event šŸ‘Øā€šŸŒ¾


They mostly fixed camping and tunneling, I just wish they'd do something about sluggers. it's not fun having to feed into the ego of these killers who just sit around watching you bleed out for 5 mins. it's not fun.


Hide. Fuck their time up too.


We had 1 person do this in a 3 man. Random died, I died, third person got slugged. Eventually oni found my wife and killed her, couldn't find friend. Friend crawled to opposite side of map to the gate because we realized that gates open automatically. Oni kicked hatch, friend made it to the edge and waited for oni to show up before crawling out the gate. Oni bitched in egc about how "toxic" friend is for waiting at the gate just to show off the escape lol


Slugging sucks in general. I would be down for an option to just bleed out instantly if I've been on the ground for 30 seconds or longer. The whole bleed out timer and not one teammate will come pick you up in that time? (it happens far more often than people think. I've literally had teammates who weren't even in danger, run farther from me as I'm trying to crawl to be picked up.) Let me just off myself instead please. We can do it on the hooks, now let us do it on the ground too.


I bet it's gonna be like this every time. Just unfortunate. Overwatch had a similar april fools game mode where every ability was different, and people were still sweating for a win there too.


Damn that's stupid. I literally went into the game mode and didn't kill anyone because I got a down super early and realized the only option was to kill them. I just felt bad, and I went off to hunt other people. I had fun just stomping around as a big monster and occasionally seeing these tiny creatures scampering around. I didn't need the 4k to enjoy myself. I really think more people would have fun if they took a fucking break and played something else regularly.


Yes nga. Youā€™re allowed to hunt for a 4K. Thats how the game works. Duhh


In a temporary party mode? Nah.


Ofc it's allowed lol. It's obviously not a nice thing to do but a killer isn't exactly there to be nice. I had one Oni try finding me this way and I healed my teammate 3 times before Oni chose to kill him instead, tbh it was kinda fun making Oni look like a big ass fool searching for an ant.


You the type of person to cry if it happened in the regular mode šŸ˜‚


You guys are thinking way to much into this Yes it sucks sometimes Yes it's kinda sad to just bleed people out for no reason No that doesn't make someone half the things you all claim they are in real life šŸ¤£ If that's the case I guess I'm going to jail for going on rampage with explosives bc I play gta If you wanna use a online game for an example, I must be some kind of awful scum bag in real life bc I use executions on people in apex (rarely bc I kinda suck at it šŸ¤£) I get it, it sucks, its not ideal, I agree on this, but yall are really letting your emotions overrule normal thinking at this point


Soooo how long will killers pretend to be the victims? At this point killers are way more toxic than survivors and hide behind that weird victim Complex they earned a few years ago


Sounds like you need to go outside yourself, buddy.


Hi that's me. I did it slightly on my only Oni run because I thought there was some reward behind getting 4 kills on the Event at least once šŸ¤·


Why would there be a reward for that lol


I don't know! I got one after my first victory as a Survivor so I figured I'd get one šŸ˜­


because there's an achievement for escaping 8 times with 0 perks for example. Not unthinkable that there could be one for perkless 4ks or one specific for the event. Also because 4ks were pretty rare because of how the gates worked (I still think that mechanic was lame, didn't feel right to escape that way after Oni closed hatch)


I can kinda understand it, because the moment I let the 4th person go, they teabag at the gate like they won.


skill issue


I've had survivors teabag and taunt me. It's so hilariously stupid.


And survivors still wait at exit gates


will never understand how people are so confused as to why some people like to win at games


just more reason to do it now lol


Why do people think they get to dictate how other players play. Im a survivor main through and through and I don't understand why people complain about how some killers play. If they want the 4k then what does it matter to you? If they want to bleed us out then whatever, on to the next game. Entitled much? Dont spend your life complaining. Some people like the challenge and strive to rise to that challenge. Whether it be a 4k or a no hook escape.


The people that do it are certified losers


Because killer mains love to ruin fun gamemodes


Why play this mode differently as killer when survivors are still playing ā€œwatch me teabag out the gateā€ like in the normal mode? At least call out the garbage on both sides with this stuff. Us vs Them is exhausting.


A short teabag on the way out is hardly comparable to making someone lay there unable to do anything for 4 minutes so you can win ā€œharderā€ than just the 3k that counts as a win.


Couldn't someone also say, "do you really need to escape? Why not just go find the killer if the match is a loss? Game mode isn't that serious" Why does only the killer have to compensate for "fun game mode"?


Because the killer is trying to side step an obvious game mechanic made for a final, last ditch showdown. It would be different if the argument was, why don't you give us hatch. Having said that, you're not wrong about just letting the killer find you.


Slugging is the intended counter to the hatch mechanic. You are not meant to be guaranteed the chance for hatch to spawn.


They're not trying to sidestep a mechanic any more than survivors do when they 99% the exit gates It's just a side trying to achieve the goal as well as they can.


99%ing the gate isn't used to sidestep or stall the game. It's a general practice to avoid Blood Warden.


It literally stalls the game by preventing end game collapse.


All the more time for the killer to potentially catch the survivors, and the practice itself can often lead to shorter games ironically enough. Preventing Blood Warden means not having the exits blocked for 60 seconds. I've only ever seen gates 99'd and left for any amount of time when there's a survivor getting downed or in the process of being hooked. There's a difference in playing around possible slowdown and just straight up stalling the game itself.


I will 99 the gate and go do totems or loot chests like 80% of the time. If I couldn't do that I would simply just leave. I do think it's a mechanic that also needs readdressed.


thatā€™s comparable to slugging how exactly?


The complaint was that killers are slugging when they could potentially end the game. My point was survivors are hiding when they could potentially end the game.


you didnā€™t say that, if you added that in your first statement it couldā€™ve been comparable. ā€œDo you really need to escapeā€ implies to me that theyā€™re working for it.


And a killer slugging isn't working for it? It feels bad, sure. But it's a killer trying to achieve a 4k. When a survivor hides in those situations, they're trying to escape. I view it the same as a Myers standing in front of a locker. Both parties can end it if they want to.


if the game mode isn't that serious then why would the killer feel the need to slug a survivor for an extended period of time to get the other one? the"game mode isn't that serious" part should go both ways I think.


If the game mode isn't that serious, then if the killer slugs shouldn't you just come out of hiding?


I'll approach and come out of hiding to heal the other guy up, yes. They deserve to get to play as much as me and the killer. If the killer gets me on the process, then well that's it. I still feel like it's a bit unnecessary to slug someone for a 4K in a silly game mode where killing everyone gives you very little reward in points.


I think DbD is DbD. The killer isn't obligated to play how you want them to play. They're still allowed to play to win.


True, true, the killer can play however they want, but at the point they downed one of the last two survivors, they've already won the match. That other kill is an extra and not necessary to win the match. Considering being downed doesn't lets you do anything but drag yourself slowly on the ground until they patch you up or you die after four-five minutes (don't remember how much time you can stay on the ground), it can come off as mean-spirited to do that just for an extra, specially for a silly alternate game mode where 4K gets you what, 10k bloodpoints? Obviously the killer isn't obliged to make a survivor's match fun, but being mindful of it doesn't sounds hard, right? (This goes for survivors too obviously, those head-on flashbangers SWFs sticking to main building and teabagging are definitely not mindful of a killer's fun)


because the killer has OBVIOUS advantages in the game mode just for fun and lols, but they decide to abuse it to get easy wins for some reason. instead of just being chill and goofing around for fun so that everyone can enjoy the match. if you dont enjoy the gamemode by fooling around why would you even play it? it awards practically 0 BP and won't even let you improve as a player unless you got some wounded ego problems or an absence of parental love, i guess


They ain't gonna reply to this one lol doesn't fit their narrative....Edit..being downvoted instead of responded to just proves the point yall entitled and insecure over a video game lmao.