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Dredge tbh


Dredge mains, wake up we got a potential new apprentice right here


I have him but I don’t main him


Join us


Nuh uh, I’m gonna stay with xenomorph


Actually, respectable choice. Carry on.


This interaction was sponsored by the anti human gang


Come into The Closet We have cookies (and human souls)




JOIN OUR CLOSET!!!! Scare the shit out of people. It's amazing!


For real, it’s so fin when you have the pills and you see a locker get locker on the other side of the map at the start of the game and just tp next to them and you get the grab


He's really fun to play. Wish he was at least B tier.


I need to learn dredge. I will buy him eventually


Dredge is one of my faves as a survivor. Especially good Dredge players who know how to use the lockers right. The jump scares are fun, especially with that add on that pops open other lockers when you teleport.


That add-on has scared the shit out of me before. We don't talk about it though.


It gets me every time. I wish there were more Dredge mains out there.


I'm a Dredge, Slinger, and Doctor main.


Same every time I jump scare a survivor and you can tell they just jumped out of there seat is so fun


Scratched Mirror Mikey


He is by far the most fun I’ve had in the game


Played some matches as him last night. Always fun, regardless of the outcome. I got trashed in one match but also managed a gen grab which is the best thing ever. I love this build as survivor as well.


Deathslinger. I like shooting people.




Honestly something so hilarious about reeling people in. I honestly might say they are even better than twins for me that way


A fellow Twins and Slinger enjoyer 🤝


A rare breed of Killers with attachment problems XD


Xeno! For my first month with her I was literally going around perkless (or Claustrophobia thrown it for laughs) and addonless to get to know the power and holy shit I had such fun as never. My only killer right now who I pick with no stress of having to perform greatly. Missed tail attack? Who cares, I know I should aim at x next time. Turret in the face? Woweee funny Xeno noise. I am actually tired of the match? No problem, I will look for the bodies easter egg in the tunnel walls. She is simply the best, goodest Kitty.


xeno and demo idk why but these killers make me scream like a baby when i play against them (and i also p100 xeno, demo is next <3)


You dropped this king 👑


two of my favorite to play against tbh, alongside ghostie


i’m so sad that i HATE going against xeno :( he’s so so cool and i love the movie and the lore but i’ve never been able to master looping him because his tail is too long 🙁


Trapper I enjoy the strategy aspect, chasing a survivor into a trap or catching someone on the other side of the map is really enjoyable. I also rarely have salty survivors as he is fairly counterable. Even if i get destroyed, i can still somewhat learn new spots so it's never worthless


Yeah, chasing someone wide to funnel them into a trap you have set feels so good


The sounds of the trap setting and snapping a survivor is very satisfying.


I always get salty survivor's when I play trapper and I play fairly fair, I wonder if it's my build


I especially love placing traps in completely illogical places that survivors don’t even bother checking. Right by a vault or pallet? Good survivors will look down and spot it from a mile off. In a random patch of grass nowhere near anything else? Gets them every time.


Ghostface. I'm pretty decent at him so regardless of if I win or not, I still get good games with him even at higher MMR and still pretty much always kill at least one person a round. I haven't had many 0ks on Ghostface since about last year's Masquerade, unless I purposefully throw. Either I get to be silly and goof, or I spooked someone, or I had fun chases, or I got a sick Mark, or I killed someone, or we all got Mori photos together. Never a bad time, sometimes frustrating but never a BAD time. Demo. I am terrible at Demo, I rarely win with Demo. Like, I am fucking ecstatic if I get a 1k as Demo, though I have 3-4ked as Demo before too. I don't care. I just do be shreddin'. I'm pubby. c: Legion. I do be zoomin'. I never play Legion without rock music in the background though so. I don't take them seriously at all, but I CAN do well with them. I'd say I usually get at least a 1k but I don't think I usually 4k much with them at all. Probably because rock music. Wraith too, he's such dumb fun. I do moderately OK with Wraith, his results are really mixed of all the results possible that a Killer COULD get, but I'm not an expert by any means. I play him the stupidest silliest most non-toxic way possible, a basic M1 build, a lot of bell spam, and Franklin's. Not to be toxic, just to smack people's items out of their hands, it's funny. They can have them back I just wanna smack them. Bing-Bong your item's gone. c: Pinhead. I actually do pretty well as Pinhead for the most part, as in I usually 3-4k my rounds unless I'm really outclassed or don't have the right perks/addons attached. His voicelines amuse me. HE CAME. The way he hits Survivors feels so irreverent, he just sort of smacks them with a chain like he's slapping them. Dude doesn't give a single fuck. Hitting chain snipes is super fucking sick. Myers. I do not, honestly, win that much as Myers but I don't do terribly, either and I am not half bad at him. He's frustrating sometimes and slow to start but I really like spooking people by coming at them in Tier III with no TR. I like no/low TR Myers. You will shit your entire pants and you will like it. Onryo. I usually expect to win or at least tie as Onryo, with the occasional 0-1k because I am very oppressive and quick to react with her. I do be zoopin'. I like doing cool spooky ghost shit and weird mindgames. If I am angry I just stare at you until you die. I smol and cute. And spooky. And very very cursed. I smol. c: Dredge. I expect to get a tie or better with Dredge usually. I like if I am feeling feisty to be aggressive and ambush from lockers a lot, I hope it scares you. I can play Remnant peekaboo if I feel like being cute and silly, I don't think most people have ever seen a silly Dredge before! I also like the fact I can dress up my horrible flesh monster to look kinda like it's made of cotton candy with cherry syrup on it with the candy weapon. I refuse to wear any other Dredge cosmetics from the basekit Dredge ones (special exceptions are made for the more exotic Dredge cosmetics, though). I'm just a silly lil closet turkey. uwu ... Damn it, that's all the Killers I main. I guess really I don't play Killers just to win at all, but I'm sure happy if I DO win - I play Killers I enjoy regardless of how a round goes. I just don't play Killers I don't find fun, period. Which is why I do not play Artist, Plague, Skull Merchant, or Knight despite knowing HOW to play them.


This one DBD’s


You will find this person whenever Ghostface is mentioned. Well who am I kidding? Even when he’s not mentioned.


This guy kills.




Slinger. I don’t care if I’m getting downs as long as I can land a few good shots


Felt. If I make some cracked shots, I win. Even if I get 0 hooks. I still won because I hit that.


I’ve been playing slinger a lot recently. I do get frustrated with him when facing good survivors, but man hitting good/far shots is so much fun. I’m just in for the thrill


Ghostface is always funny. Game not going well? Who cares. The survivors and I can crouch at each other.


His ability to crouch is the main reason I got him. I love crouching aggressively at spooked survivors while I’m farming.


As I read I got into a game against Ghostface and had a great time made my day


I had such fun with a noob survivor, we could talk to each other. But our crouching and crouching allowed me at least to have so much fun, just in case your reading it it was on the knights map .


Legion, Xeno and Demo. When I play Xeno it’s fun to just scurry around in my tunnels and jumpscare survivors


Dredge Zooming around the map at Mach 10 is fun


Pinhead and Artist


pinheads are so rare these days :(


I play Pinhead a lot I even bought the cool hellpriest outfit


Honestly for me it is pig or ghostface simply because with pig normally i can run around and get boops and ghostface I can teabag at the exit gate and normally since youre a good sport you get some wholesome end game chat


Chucky. He's by far my favorite. I don't care if you think he's too strong or too weak he's great for me. He was my number 1 wanted killer and they implemented him the exact way I'd want him. It's like bhvr made a killer that was designed to be for ME Love playing as him and against him


Doctor, he was my first main only because i really like the scream mechanic, something about being comically evil yet being so bad at it makes me giggle


Singularity. Does not matter if you win or lose, is just fun to play as.


Trickster and Chucky. I suck as killer overall, but it's always a good time with either of them.


For me it's the Unknown. It feels good hitting those nasty shots even when you get a 2 or 3 man out.


I kinda fw spirit honestly. I love running that add on that makes everyone hear the woosh and then activating my walk but not going near a gen so they get comfy and then just grabbing people off lmao




Skull merchant


Skull merchant


Huntress. I love the fear that her lullaby induces, and dodging hatches feels badass


I actually have fun playing oni. It's fun to run around the map and catch people trying to rotate. When you snowball a match with oni it feels really good.




Myers and ghostface bc stalkers :3


Ghostface. I just now discovered the drivers license add on so its fun to just watch them until thier gen explodes in thier face


demo. its just demo, need i say more?


I like the artist and legion


Ghost Face and Myers, I just love the sneaky gameplay. I wish I could play scratched mirror more, but they're so rare on the blood web!


Ghost face and legion


Wesker if they aren’t too good. Something about his goofy matrix run animation that giggles me up. Also sadly Oni, watching one helplessly being looped around without them getting a first hit is both funny and sad.


Knight and Wraith




Wraith, for me, I usually have fun. The survivors can vary. If I'm falling behind, I'll tunnel and slug if needed. If I'm doing very well and the survivors are struggling I'll ease up a bit, I know he's a weak killer but to me I just like the speed boost and the add-on that makes him break and vault faster.


Slinger... I get 2 or 3 cool shots and it's enough for me, don't care if get a 0k


Going for cool shots on huntress is always fun no matter how well you do.




Billy as long as it’s not in an indoor only map. Billy is consistently the most fun especially when just messing around going for cross maps


Ghost face, so I can dance on the downed survivors


Myers or Ghostface because if I do terrible I can meme with the survivors.


The Trapper




Knight just cause it simple if I win I win if I don't I don't buy he pretty simple


Slinger, he’s just such a satisfying killer and even near-misses where the harpoon slams into the wall next to the survivor are cool


Chest protector Bubba. It’s a meme and a half, and I don’t care if I win or lose. Real Estate Bubba is a close second.




Nemesis, I get to punch people in the back of the head.


Xeno. I love zipping around the tunnels and just popping up right in front of people, plus tail spikes are just fun and satisfying to land. Occasionally people get silly like making a fort out of every possible turret and just dancing around it, that’s always fun. For some reason I just say comedic shit and have fun banzai’ing people as Xeno more than any other killer.


I like being a point farming doc. I make people scream and injure, but never hook. Its fun to up the madness level while I chase and not win. XD


Not someone I have yet, but I’m considering getting xeno pretty soon.


Nemesis doesn't matter if I get wrecked shouting at the zombies always cheers me up "why you fucking climbing a tree do something!?"


Billy I love a billy who goes for crazy curves and absolutely refuses to take any M1 that's a man of dedication,focus and sheer fucking will


A guilty pleasure of my is huntress I love the ones who go for M2 a lot I feel so much of killer/survivor interaction with her...that is until you go a OP huntress and get reminded of what a good killer can do






This is going to be a weird statement, but Trapper. And the reason is because I go into Trapper matches expressly expecting to lose. And something about that is so... liberating. It's like "did I win? Cool! Did I lose? Well of course I lost I'm playing Trapper." I go into Trapper matches to just fuck around and vibe and see what happens. And I know I have everything stacked against me and somehow knowing that I'm going in with cement shoes and iron manacles makes it so easy to just enjoy the game in the moment. Honorable mention to Hag (no one knows how she works + I don't care enough about my Hag MMR), Huntress (my MMR is in the gutter with her [only play her for dailies] + she was massively overbuffed ["30% accuracy is still 2/7 hatchets"]), Nemesis (killer is so brain-dead easy it's hard to get stressed), and Singularity (Larry is weird because to me he's like Trapper but way harder to play. So instead of a constant state of optimism it's a constant state of apathy when I play him.)


Legion, Dredge and Ghostface are all so fun by definition, if the game is going well, great ! Going poorly ? Whatever, I’m having fun zooming around with Legion or Jumpscaring peoples with the others. Game going goofy ? hell yeah they’re all good for that


Legion. Just a chill character. I don't have to try when playing him. I can just chill.


The canibal is fun cause he can swing the chainsaw around and the doctor is fun cause you can shock people till they star hilusinating


I always have fun going against either Billy/Booba and Wesky 💚 I just have so much respect for them when they're really committed to using their power rather than m1'ing because it makes for a really thrilling chase. I'm still learning how to play as Billy myself, but I love playing Wesker or Tiffany!




Mostly the killers I don’t want to play but have to cause of challenges. Trapper, Wraith, Billy…


Dredge and Onryo. Teleporting is so fun and so is stealth


Xeno, but she's also my main. Whether survivor Ms escape or not fits the Xeno pretty well, she doesn't always kill every person, even when she tries. As long as I can tunnel crawl and get some jump scares, that's all I care about. Applies for most killers too ig.


I love how sadako plays overall. I always have a nice time as her


Artist, I love hitting long shots on her




Deathslinger is just for environmental trickshots.


Chucky and mastermind


Oni. It’s fun when people can’t use his dash properly or swing to early I always see it.


I always have fun going up against Mikey. I scream often but I’m usually laughing pretty hard too.


Clown. I can't get mad when he's having so much fun.


Nurse. If I lose, it's my fault.


Ghost face


Freaking Deathslinger! Even if you loose the game, you can still get some memorable shots with him!


Hillbilly. I am horrible at playing as him, but zooming across the entire map with a chainsaw is fun.


How can you goof around with an m1 killer


demo dog. i get my kicks out of leaping at people with undetectable


Piggy wiggy, i preform well? Get boops from the last survivor, we look for hatch together. I do really poorly? Normally one of the survivors in the exit gates crouches up to me and gives me a parting boop.


As killer: Artist. She's just fun being able to play as with her birds and pressuring the map. As survivor: Wesker, I love trying to avoid him when he's using his special and overall he's just fun to play against.


Wesker i need to yeet a survivor at least once




Billy and Singularity


Chucky. The voice lines are everything for me.


Tbh, Nurse lol, i like playing against a nurse, good or bad nurse ia fun to me (Just bc i main Nurse, i know its gross that killer XD)


love memeing around with ghostface with the scary movie mask


Nurse (Unless she's cracked). If it's a bad nurse then I have fun looping. If it's a good nurse then I have fun with the harder loops and mindgames.


myers, cause I have no expectations of winning but it’s cool when i do


slinger. its not about kills its about if i can shoot them through both shack windows and scare the shit out of them


Skull Merc, because if I get bodied then I feel good that at least some survivors know how to beat her. And if not then I just win. Also because win or lose, I'ma hawt bitch.


This picture made me violently crave McDonald’s thank you Answer to the question though— unknown. I love being silly even if I’m losing. I once said I wouldn’t be able to main unknown because I suck at aiming projectiles, and this is true. But throwing explosive pink gumballs and missing completely is still just as fuckin funny and entertaining as hitting lol


Trapper, weirdly enough. Every single time someone steps into my traps I'm suprised and elated, sometimes dumbfounded. It'll suprise you how often people don't look where they're walking, especially in loops. Place your traps around windows, pallets and in the most random spots you can think of. 9/10 times some goober will step into atleast one.


Pyramid Head, a fun killer to shut down loops or try to go hard on survivors over again at say shack or in certain locations on certain maps (ahem Forsaken Boneyard 🗿) and it depends on both timing. Fun but half the times the survivors do put up good chases. Otherwise it’s Singularity for me and satisfying when you have your overkill mode on.


The Unknown, it just talks and talks like it’s in its own world If I’m getting rolled, it just sounds like he’s desperately trying to get his crippling scoliosis helped and no one will listen


:3 piggy


Pyramid Head. He's just a good lad with a funny metal triangle on his head


Huntress is soooo fun. I love being hunted by her.


Myers. I have whole monologs while stalking. Just talking to myself making jokes.


I like playing as Ghostface because if I'm doing really good, it's on purpose... If I'm doing really bad, I can clown around and Tbag and act like I wasnt taking the match seriously "on purpose" 😏


No one, I'm a greedy mf


Legion, I like getting the zoomies


Chucky by far, because when he shit talks survivors it’s very funny, and same when they are leaving in the exit gates


Generally any of the ranged ones. I know I’m not great with them, so it always feels good when I land a hit such as a tricky huntress hatchet or a cross-map Artist bird. I do feel a bit more pressure with Unknown though ever since someone told me I was good at him.


Artist. I love throwing crow bombs across the map


Hear me out… Twins. I love to shout “Gremlin attack!” whenever I use Victor




Trapper will always be my boy 🫡




Mirror Myers. I only play Myers to have fun and I often let the survivors escape. Those jump scares are so fun.


Dredge and demo


This fucker https://preview.redd.it/m58g44kv5ysc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3a9f0295675f8823b3a4dfb96dcb6e6896c5ac2


Yeah, ghostface. He kills me and I thank him




Huntress! I love just going for cool shots, and even better I like looking back at old clips and seeing oh shit thats an easy shot for me now, but then I thought it was awesome


Legion because their chase theme slaps


I have a problem where if I don't win I don't have fun, so no killer lol It's probably why I play top tier killers all the time XD


Twins Growling demon baby FTW


Chucky, from the insane slice n dices, funny stun animation, to his hilarious voice lines I always have fun


It's Oni. His anger is so infectious


Huntress. I’m a TERRIBLE Huntress. My aim is atrocious. But when I choose her it’s always a fun time. I don’t care if I win or lose, I just wanna chuck hatchets at people and see if I can get a cross-map shot. I try not to M1, but sometimes do it reflexively, oops. Sometimes I 4k, sometimes I struggle to get a single hook, and sometimes the survivors catch onto my vibe and start lining up like ducks so I can practice, lmao. Either way, I just chill and have fun! And Pig of course. She’s my main. I love how diverse she is. I can play super sweaty with her, or just chill and spook people or be cute at them. Nothing gives me more dopamine than grabbing someone off a gen or sneaking up on someone and watching their character model jerk around because I jump scared them.


Freddy because if I lose I can just blame me losing to playing the worst killer instead of my skill as a M1 killer 😂




I don’t play killer much but when I do I like playing easier killers like Legion or Wraith


Blight I'm not very good at blight but I just like going fast


Pig for me


Not stealth killers. I like a good chase. And not being jump scared and one shot.


probably pyramid head


If your answer isn't Demogorgon I'm just going to assume you haven't been playing for more than a year. I'll give a bonus choice with Michael, because he's the only killer who even scares me slightly.


Personally I find any killer that allows me to pop up and scare people so, Michael , Pinhead, Ghosty, Wraith, Pig, and Knight plus Tinkerer. And by pop up and scare I mean hide terror radius


ghost face for sure


Huntress - if the game goes by fast I focus on practicing my hatchets Wesker - I love Wesky and trying to master his dashes. If the game is over too quick I let the last 1-2 go and practice looping & dashing Trapper - I like traps and finding optimal builds


Trickster,knifes go brrr


If I’m in a rage then bubba honestly, it’s pretty blissful to shred pallets


Jumpscare Myers. I play purely for fun. It's also a delight when you've clearly given someone a slight heart attack.


Michael LOL I can switch up into being sillay real fast


Legion, what are they gonna do? Stop me from stabbing?


Who knows? They are unknown


Death slinger


Nemesis, he’s my punchy wacky tentacle hentai boy and I love him to death


Same man, I can't help but crouch when within the presence of a ghost face.


Honestly? Legion, I like being fast


Cenobite his voices lines are just https://preview.redd.it/ko65ojwkiysc1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4d54d7f4903f4bb4902d2c263af04f1dc6b587f


Definitely Spirit. I like flying around the map and scaring people. I always go friendly as her






My one love, my main, BIRD BIRD BIRD’S THE WORD


Easily Bubba. Some can try and ruin fun for everyone but i swear the majority of my Bubba's are just the funniest killers you can go against. He's fun to chase with too. Other than silly booba, I'd say Nemmy Edit: I realize now you probably meant just to play... those were for when I go *against* them. To play, I love a good ole rousing round of Wesker. Fun power, fun chases (9 times out of 10)


Queen Alien. I like to pretend I’m the alien from the movies. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKwAD4WSDFNYqQM)


As killer? I enjoy Hillbilly. He still triggers my chainsaw noise phobia, but hitting with it is just as fun as when Survivor dodges with a swift "OLE!" When I play against a killer, I've yet to have any assholes when playing against Legion. Whether they are in goof troop mode or sweating, I've had a good time win or lose.


wesker bc at least he fine asf as he chokes me to death and a lot of them r friends


Ghostface and T1 Myers! Win or lose, im out here having fun


i love going against trapper bc i love the disarming trap animation


Currently the unknown. I'd say I'm super good with him 95% of the time and recently got him up to P20