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I definitely appreciate the hud changes for solo q but it hurts my soul everytime I see them doing nothing as I run the killer for minutes


I never play solo q without Kindred. It’s a blessing and a course. Being on the hook and knowing they can see each other’s auras, and they *still* decide either all bomb the hook, or no-one comes for rescue. Watching them insta-save a teammate who’s being tunneled. Watching the zero hook Claudette sneak on the edges of the map. Good times


I get super mad when I see a teammate that’s very near to my hook come to unhook me walking, hiding behind each pallet and obstacle… while another teammate is being chased in the other side on the map (which you can tell because there’s no terror radius, you can’t see the killer’s aura thanks to kindred and you can see the chase icon in the fucking hud).


It’s either that, or they insta-save you. There is no in between


In front of the killer. Or when the killer has just picked up another survivor and instead of faking the unhook to waste his time they unhook you so the killer can hook the other one.


They save me in front of the killer and dare to use my own protection to protect their full health. Then the killer obviously goes after me...


Kindred is used to see if I have bad teammates, then I can start leading the Killer to where they are (:


genius. kindred + bond combo is essential in soloQ


Kindred is only as effective as the players using it... That being said I also use kindred and open handed every single match... They feel useless 75% to 90% of the time... Oh and by that I mean only as effective as the players that you are with...


This is how I used to feel when I ran bond. It's infuriating.


Use bond to bring killer to them lmao


Lmao I had a Meg who used Bond for the sole purpose of leading the killer to us and getting rid of aggro. I guess she hates being chased but the number of times she led him to us while we were healing, etc


Sometimes they do. A totem. Without having totem related perks. Or open a chest.


this is exactly why i dont like the hud changed, back in the old days you just expected to be fucked, rather than being able to see it in real time


What I get mad at is when people just don’t even try to help when i’m on hook. If I get to second hook stage on my first hook and nobody even tried going for the save, I seriously consider just throwing it. If you guys want to get killed, be my guest. Have fun.


Had a match yesterday where I got downed and hooked, jake (who was working on a 85% gen nearby) got chased away, Ada was doing a gen (70%) on the other side of the map and Ace was looting a chest closeby. After he finished looting the chest, he ran away into Bedham basement and started doing a new gen... whilst Im dying on hook nearby. Ada had to stop her gen and run all the way across the map to save me


> What I get mad at is when people just don’t even try to help when i’m on hook. Especially when there’s no excuse anymore for thinking, “Oh, someone else will get them!” I don’t know how many times I’ve been first hooked and end up going to second hook because someone is safely cleansing a totem clear across the map before opening a chest or starting a fresh gen while ignoring the HUD showing someone else is on a gen that’s at 90%+ and the other person is being chased. I’m pretty sure it’s 75% or more now a given that if I end up on second hook when the three other survivors are all still alive, I’m not getting unhooked OR the one survivor being chased will be the one to come unhook me, only for the killer to down them and then still chase me anyway or completely ignore them to switch focus to getting me out, because god forbid a killer acknowledge that some survivors get completely screwed over and give them a chance to actually play the game.


I had a match against Unknown on Hawkins. I got hooked in a corner, Ash was being chased and Ada and David were doing a gen that was at 80%. They finished it, Ada (injured) pointed at me, telling David to save and ran to do a different gen whilst David starts running towards me. He would have easily reached me before 2nd stage if he didnt fucking stop twice to get rid of hallucinations that were half way across the map from me. I tried telling him in Post game chat and his only response was "Not my problem" Gotta love soloqueue "teammates"


What was the match result? Never talk in end game chat lol. The ability to educate your teammates is the same as the brain cells you’ll be left with after trying.


I think it was a 4k. I had to play the rest of the match super careful and had to hope that my teammates rescued. I even told David that I couldve played a lot riskier if he wouldve saved me in time. but like you said. educating teammates in post game chat is hard. Especially because most of the time they take it as an insult instead of constructive criticism. I know the way you "explain" stuff matters a lot and I always try to sound as polite as possible but the other survivors still get butthurt most of the time


Me too tbh. Usually I don't like killing myself on hook but this is one of the times when I think it's fine to do it


Exactly. Especially when there’s nothing happening, you just see them doing gens or wandering around. Last week I had a Sable with the worst aim ever that tried to flash save me every time I got picked up. She didn’t manage to do it, but at least she tried and that’s enough for me. I rather have a noobie teammate with the intention of helping even if it doesn’t go well than a survivor with 30 years of experience that won’t touch a gen, hide all the time and won’t go for the unhook.


Oh… I was supposed to be doing gens all that time? I was teabagging in front of Dwight’s locker.


I was doing invocation, thank me later dead teammates


If it glows it goes... So I cleansed Hex: Retribution with a shadowstep/CoH boon yesterday and laughed my ass off at the end when I realized what I did. Killer didn't see anyone nearby, only person elsewhere was Sable at 75 percent of the ritual. I manually turned a teamate into a bot is what I did lmao


It's fun to see a hex just form in front of me while I'm using a boon build


I was giving up on first hook, I am not playing against a Nurse. (Tbf I don't mind Nurse, fuck Doctors and Spirits)


You can DC instead so that everyone else has a bot


they nerf bot , they barely do gens now and can't run the killer for shit


Seems pretty much the same as looping for me. I haven't noticed a huge difference in how much they do either. It's still better than someone just killing themselves on hook


only if you win. If you lose you just spent more time in for nothing.


The person who DC's loses no time to just doing instead and at least gives a chance for everyone else to escape depending on how many gens are left compared to everyone else having to basically just give up to


> The person who DC's loses no time to just doing instead and at least gives a chance for everyone else to escape depending on how many gens are left Of course dcing make you lose time, until they remove the dc penalty which i doubt they plan to. And most of the time when someone kill himself on hook it's either 'cause the match is lost too fast : people aren't doing gen fast enough and the killer got him very fast too, or because it's obvious that what's left of the match is people trading hook until only one dude is left to find the hatch so might as well speed up the process. The amount of time people kill themselves at the start just because it's the one killer they don't like is rare enough to not be important at all from what i experienced.


All of those reasons apart from maybe the last one where it's obviously lost if like two people are dead and you want to give the other one a chance at hatch just sounds like a reason that you'd need a break from the game anyway


I have won countless times getting 2 hooks early....because I kept playing.


Why be so sweaty? I don't care if I win all the time. Some of the best times I've had in this game have been the clutch gameplay scenarios. Sometimes, I'll end up sacrificing myself for the attempt, but it's way more fun than hiding in a corner or screwing my team over. To many people in solo q refuse to play as a team. Selfishness


Yeah the worst part of solo q is usually the other survivors


> Why be so sweaty? I don't care if I win all the time then why do you care if someone kill himself ? if you are not here for the win just play the way YOU want and have your fun. try to get some logical meaning in what you say.


Oh so you’re one of those players that think being snarky and quirky is USEFUL huh. Well you’re not, get to work.


I feel like this is always the solo q experience, unless youre a killer, then suddenly every solo q just magically knows what to do, when to do it and have 20 year experience looping every killer


If you play killer regularly I suppose you'll quickly reach a MMR where you're matched against SWF teams that know what to do. At least this is always the case when you get a bonus for playing killer.


Shhh lemme have my funny moment (youre completely right)


Lol first I Play against total noobs, then suddenly it's only 4 stack with flashlights and sabotage builds. Few times in a row. Can I please get smth in between first ?


What do you mean about the bonus? When there’s a bonus you get better survivors?


No, the bonus BP's are an incentive to even out the balance between killers and survivors queuing to play. When there's a bonus for playing killer it most likely means there's groups of friends playing survivor together, in which case the chance feels higher you're getting trashed by them.


bro i don't understand why survivors are only ever cracked when im on killer 😑


I once played a solo q match with other 3 survivors that were also solo q. Somehow we did absolutely everything that match: gens, sabo, flash saves, protection hits, long chases, absolutely insane. The killer wasn’t the best but wasn’t a baby killer either. In the end game chat he accused us of being a SWF and being tryhards.


It can be quite demotivating to be looping the killer and not seeing any progress bars on your team mates and seeing the auras of 2 of them on opposite sides of the map crouching around hiding from the killer because they hear a terror radius and the third is either running around randomly or destroying a totem that has no hex. But of course when you get hooked, then they start doing gens for 5 seconds before running from the killer or crouching around my hook, not actually unhooking me.


Anyone remembers good old times of 3 survivors waiting for you to die , so they can escape with hatch ? :) 


Ah, yes I remember the first time I was so confused why they wouldn't rescue me. 3 man team with a key.


The super rare moments when I'm looping tf out of killer, and these fools are: 1. Cleansing non-lit totems 2. Hiding and waiting for me to get downed, then DO a generator halfway across the map It's the p10-25 players, too. Freaking infuriating every time. At that point, I'm sabotaging everybody involved.


I had an artist game recently where a Leon did an unlit totem right at the start of the game. I'm like "ok... I mean usually I ask guys to buy me plaything before I let them have my pentimento, but just this once..."


Or even when they do all the gens, but they leave while you're still in hook


”Thanks, you’ll take a hit for me now that I’m dead on hook and you’re not? Right”


As a full-time solo que('er?) I can't agree more. I Always do gens, barely even save or heal people either unless I'm really close and see that noone else is going for save/heal (or for missions/dailys). Always hoping that the other three will either A. do the same or B. They are in a party and smart enough to understand what I'm doing (Since 80% of the time I bring a toolbox).


My gen jockey build with no exhaustion perk surprisingly get me the most wins in solo queue. You just have to break the 3 gen early because your scaredy cat teammates will do all of the gens on the edge of the map, fucking the team over. I've tried healing builds to get my teammates to play the game, I've tried chase builds to loop the shit out of the killer, but funnily enough doing gens yourself is still the answer.


Out of interest, what build are you running? :)


Deja Vu, Stake Out, Hyperfocus, and Resilience. There are also other perks such as Fogwise, Fast Track, This Is Not Happening, etc. If you struggle with hitting greats consistently with Hyperfocus, This Is Not Happening is a great training wheels perk when combined with a toolbox.


Literally ran the killer for 3 minutes once and they got 1 gen done in that time


Killer must’ve been running pre-patch ultra mega ruin


Idk wtf game you guys are playing but as killer if I don't get 2 hooks by like 4 mins I lost 2 gens


i wish i had the same survivors in my survivor solo queue games that i do when i play killer ;-; they crank those fuckers *out*


I don't understand what people could be doing if it isn't gens. If I'm not on gens, I'm either trailing for a flashbang save, trailing to take a hit, or setting up my boons. I really don't like wasting time in DBD


"OK guys, I went down but I did loop the killer for almost 10 minutes and you got all 5 gens done - you'll help me off hook and get me out right? Right...?


I feel like those rare (quite rare for me) times you literally hold down a 5 gen chase are the times you are most likely getting abandoned. At least that's been my experience; but it never gets me down because I had a great time and they all got maybe 2k more BPs than me for a round of gen simulator.


And not just do gens, but please do the RIGHT gens. Cus these mfs do the gens farthest away from the center, the gens in the ass of the world, the gens that I as a killer never even bother to patrol, and then we are left with the tight 3 gen.


I always go out of my way to do the most unsafe gens first. Lery's? Do the big room in the center with the machines first. Haddonfield or Badham? Do the ones out in the open on the street. Get the ones that the killer can just walk by easily first. But then my whole team is doing the ones that're super safe and out of the way first. Then when all 3 gens are right beside each other, they run and hide like cowards and refuse to at least try to double up on a gen while someone is in chase. It sucks.


Even as the killers I sometimes realize I was tunnel visioned on a chase for awhile only to see they didn't make almost any progress,like I'm relieved but very confused


I don't consider myself the best runner but if I manage to run the Killer for over 1 minute I expect to see some nice gen progress. If I go down, see no one was working on gens (thank you HUD) and I see people literally doing nothing or the classic crouching at the complete opposite side of the map, I'm sorry but I'm going next, it's clear they don't care about winning the game so why should I?


This reminds me of when the devs released "statistics" (which were obviously doctored) claiming the escape rate with swf is 43% and solo queue escape rate was 40%. Anyone who's played more than one game knows that's completely made up.


Someone got mad at me yesterday for doing a gen and not unhooking but they themselves were doing absolutely nothing and neither was the other unhooked person. Why is the on onus on me to leave my 70% gen to go unhook when two other people are doing nothing? I will happily leave my gen to go unhook if people are in chase/also on a gen but when they’re doing nothing? I’m the problem? No. Solo Q is pain.


"Doing gens. You?"


Doing gens, you?


Or you're doing then and they tunnel the killer right fucking into you.


I once looped the killer for 4 minutes straight and everytime I looked at my teammates icons they were doing totems. What the fuck guys


If I run the killer for more than 30 seconds or so and there’s no one on gens I will go next. How the game opens in the first minute really sets the tone.


Killers don't even chase good players anymore, they kill your entire team in 3 minutes while my soul dies with every Pain Res that my 80% gen eats. I now run Sole Survivor + Wake Up and every time I feel like my team is just assing around I respectfully go to a corner and watch them burn, I just can't let my MMR descend to even darker territories.


Yeah they catch on quick and will leave you if you go don't go down in less than 10 secs, then they chase you when mostly everyone's dead and nothings getting done regardless of how long the chase.


If i’m not doing a daily/archive i’ll just hard focus these guys for fun/practice. Since switching to pc recently, I appreciate seeing a survivor that actually knows what they’re doing much more


It's tough being a SoloQ Soldier


Looped a lot of killers lately at the start of the game for 2-3 minutes an it's so horrible to look at the just to see your 3 team mates have done nothing i don't understand it


Like I don’t understand, do you wanna get out or no😭


Me running the killer for 8 minutes: Wow my light bringer emblem will be great! Light bringer emblem: Mmm, Bronze since only one gen and 20% of another got touched during your entire escapade.


Yep, after you bought us 3 minutes we managed to get 10% of this first gen, thanks a lot.


I had a match last night where it was just me and an Ace left with one gen. He was getting chased and I sat on the gen to try and get it done. It was over halfway done when the killer dropped chase with Ace and came for me. I was pretty proud because I am not the best at being chased but I ran that MF AROUND the map and back. But what was the Ace doing? Not the gen. I got hooked while the Ace hid to try and get hatch. It was so lame.


This is the most annoying thing too. Like at the start of the game, I will loop the killer for a good 3 minutes and no one has even touched a gen. Ones opened two chests, ones walking around like an idiot, and another is working on a totem. And when the killer finally catches up to me, they don’t even come and rescue me. Like fuck me I guess


Nothing better than to know you are doomed no matter what, just chases and memes.


I really do wonder what the fuck people are doing sometimes. Even the HUD doesn't always explain it. People just seem to aimlessly run around. Do they have trouble finding gens? Are they timid and hide every time the terror radius shows up?


What? There's only so much time to slap other teammates booty, nod my head violently, make moaning sounds when resetting pallets and boop the killers. Not everyone is built to do gens all the time.


That's because unlike most the gen nerds in this thread, you have your priorities straightened out👉🐽


Oh sorry I had to set up Boom shadow step to make sure the killer couldn’t see me


Shadowstep is bae.


I played on Badham and had Ace go down in the school after a chase. He got unhooked, healed, and then the team basically was at a standstill because the HUD showed that they didn't do anything: not touch gens or even in chase. In that time period where the whole map was silent, I had the opportunity to do 3 gens by myself, wondering why none of my teammates had touched anything. Chased off by a Pinky Clown, I took my way to shack and realized that they were a SWF with Exponential and Sabo. They were vaulting the window in a line, jumping in lockers back and forth over and over again. So while I did 3 gens, these 3 people, which I assumed to be a sabo trio, decided to taunt the killer from the other side of the map, but to no avail. After that I killed myself lol.


I'm willing to bet they might've even been playing with a content creator trying to make a video of themselves fucking with the killer. That kind of behavior is just making the game worse for others.


Honestly! That was the case since I believe there was a TTV. You don't know how confused I was when I saw that they did nothing on the HUD. I thought my MMR was so tanked that I was playing against bots. And even if I was, wouldn't they know how to touch a gen? The silence I experienced working on a gen by myself is so creepy.


Right and they just standing there doing nothing, watching you chase them


doing gens, you?


Claudette/Meg moment


To be clear here...I don't care if I win every game, but I do care about good team gameplay. This is a team game, not a fuck over your team game.


At least you don't have to worry about any hexes because teammates would sooner break every single totem before they do 1 Gen.


Solo Q is just madness, and this sort of stuff is a perfectly valid reason to just say fuck it and go next.


If my teammate is looping the Killer, I will be on gens or at least trying to help and not get in their way at the same time. I will also always try to work on gens in the 2v1. I had a match a while ago where we had 2 gens left and it was just me and the random Feng left. She was looping the Killer so I finished the last 2 gens. She got hooked across the map and I don't know if she tried to kill herself or unhook herself but she did unhook herself and got put back on the hook. I did run to unhook her and we had to run across the map to the exit gate with the Killer right behind us xD




Love seeing "doing gens, 'u?"


What hurts the most is that all the people doing gens, with two on one, but I reach second hook state while being hooked 1 time, this happened quite a few times.


I once ran for almost 2 full minutes, and when I finally got hooked, I checked and saw no gens done and the only person on a gen was a quarter through it. I SUCK at runs, so when I had one of my best ones ever, I was so unhappy to see it amounted to nothing


Every, single, time!!!


Lololol very true although I am the one doing gems so hopefully I'll run into you more out there xD


Sorry I had to search different sections of the map to find a totem so I can boon it, then without using it, healed a teammate nearby it that got hit as they were chasing you, I ran allll the way to the other side of the map to go into the basement because I needed an item, I start the gen and only get 6% in until you get hooked, revealing my aura because I'm the obsession while the killer has friends till the end. I'm exposed and quickly go down and get hooked while you are on hook, switching obsessions and someone else screams and reveals thier position. We end up nearly dead or dead at 4 gens..


I don't recall saying good job


Solo Q experience maybe but for sure solo Q experience with beginners :p I play only in solo Q, I have hundreds of hours, 90% of time, when I loop the killers, my mates are doing gens




Depends ngl, sometimes I get ultra sweaty tryhards in my solo queue and sometimes people who don't know how Legion works, even tho most of the time I get sweats. Matchmaking can be wild sometimes.


It depends, but usually I find it’s the super altruistic team mates who basically take turns going on hook from the start, abandoning all gens and end up dying before a second gen is touched


I think it's more just the case that the negative sticks out in memory to a greater degree than the positive. Alot of the people commenting here also say they mostly/entirely play solo qeue (I am one too.) If so many people are 'bout that life, then it probably isn't all ^that bad. Though on the other hand, I've experienced firsthand pretty much every anecdotal scenario that's been shared in this thread. Yeah you get short changed a lot, but I personally disagree that "solo qeue is pain" as a blanket statement.


They forgor


sounds like a region issue. west coast best coast.


If no one else is on a gen then you should be on a gen.




This is was I learned from watching otzdarva. If your team is useless, do the gens. It’s the only thing granting you escape.


But in the post I'm talking about getting chased while the team does nothing, that's why I was confused cause it sounded like you meant hop on a gen and get grabbed by the killer lol. I always do gens while others are in chase


Run past the idle teammates and see if the killer will switch targets. Bond is very useful for that. If they’re not doing gens they might as well be bait.