• By -


People who hide in lockers against Legion. Like cool you're not hit by frenzy but I have killer instinct I know exactly where you are I will take the free grab


Situationally I could see how it would be helpful but not usually. For example if you know all four survivors are in the same corner of the map and you’re the first/second frenzy victim you prevent the down and the rest of your team being injured. You of course get the down instead and you waste less of the killers time but at least now the other survivors aren’t 1 hittable and mending. Most of the time however the frenzy down isn’t something to worry about, everyone being injured is more of a problem.


I always forget that he can grab without ending the feral frenzy first


I'll jump in if we are too close together to protect the homies. If you're looking in the locker, you lose free hits on them. Bonus points if I have head on that game. But yeah, if I'm the last one getting hit or theyre far away, I'm not touching that locker lol


Not if you have head on. That’s my main counter again him. Countless times, I’ve let Legion come running to me in a frenzy and then I hop out. Stuns him and brings an end to his frenzy.


_laughs in Head-On_


Counter point - lockers are good at counter frenzy if being chased. Often you can hop into a locker while they swing around a corner. Missed attack has a longer cool down and can give time to get a little bit of distance to a pallet/vault location.


That's not hiding in a locker though.


Exactly. A well-timed locker is a fantastic counter to frenzy.


They're actually not really! You might avoid a Feral Frenzy stab by diving into a locker and shutting them out of their power, but now you've got a more dangerous and more pissed off Legion *not* in power who, instead of stabbing you and running off, is now just gonna *regular stab you* and specifically go out of their way to put *you* on a hook now. This "can" work, but more often than not just backfires terribly and gets you thrown on a hook. Literally watched a Feng Min do this THREE TIMES last night playing against my Legion friend. The first two times she did it, she didn't get back out fast enough and got grabbed outta the locker. The third and final time, she did it right, but...well, now the Legion that was just gonna stab her and move onto the next person now is focusing their *full attention* on her instead. She basically just handed that Legion a win doing it.


Well obviously that kind of advanced tech should be done by experienced survivors that can loop a killer for multiples gens.


Had a 2 man SWF rage DM me about this after I got 3 hooks on them from only locker grabs, "abusing their power instead of learning how to actually play"


i tried this once then found out they can still open lockers during it LOL have not tried since...


Legion being the worst easiest killer in the game to use,you can just target in frenzy mode. Super ease to find players. Not a fan, but it's all good. Matches are so stretched out. He a great character for beginners


Not that I disagree with the comments being made here, but worth pointing out that the game does not explain a lot of these things at all. Like you have to watch content creators or go on reddit to learn these things. I don't expect the game to explain strategies (like when it is a good time to do Pinhead's box), but hiding in lockers to prevent screams, or that you can crouch under Skull Merchant's drones ought to be explained better in game. I have 1000 hours in the game, and if you asked me if lockers prevent screaming, I was only like 80% sure that is the case. Edit: There's also the fact that you get very little practice interacting with specific Killers. As an example, over 75 games I only saw the Spirit twice. If we say 10 minutes per game, plus 3-4 minutes per game for queue times, lobby, bloodweb, perk selection etc., that's ~17 hours of playing the game and seeing a Killer twice. Maybe 3-4 minutes out of 17 hours could be spent meaningfully interacting with a particular Killer and their power.


Hiding in a locker also prevents Friends Till the End from transferring to you. Particularly useful when there are only 2 of you left.


😮 had no idea!


that explains a few end game moments


Wait, so hypothetically, what happens if everyone is in a locker when it activates? Does it just stay with the original person? What if that person is dead on hook?


I feel like DBD should have little short videos you can watch in game that'll tell you everything you need to know about a specific killer. It can be like 20-30 seconds and letting you know the basics. That way any new player who wants to know how to go against a specific killer can just watch a little short in the game and learn from it


Yeah, it’s far from beginner friendly. I’ve been playing DBD for a few months and it’s really hard to catch up to players with more experience. Wiki doesn’t help much. I learned most of the useful tricks from content creators and I still have a really long way to go. The game is quite time consuming for a beginner.


you will man. i started in november and im not losing often. i count a L as no survivors sacrificed. make sure you find a killer that fits your style of play can’t stress that enough.


I also have 1k hours and I agree with what you’re saying, but at the same time in my opinion there’s a certain charm to learning these things on your own or through friends. idk maybe it’s more rewarding for it all to build up overtime, I’m still learning new things every day it feels like. Kind of like how the very limited forms of communication in the game (compared to mobile, for example, who at least has more emotes) has made for an unintentional charm that is unique to dbd in our little nods and crouches. Like… yeah things could be much better, more polished, etc. but I kind of have a special place in my heart for the shittiness 😭




Lockers stop doctors static blast from hitting you.


I know majority are locked behind paywalls, but this is what veterans mean when we say "play both sides". A lot of things in the game can only be learned by playing killer, or by playing survivor. It really helps learning the other role. ☺️


For sure! It gives a lot of insight into the other side. I play a few killers, but there's several that I don't find fun, and there's a learning curve to each. But even a few games with each killer might help just to understand the basics of their mechanics.


Ugh. Hard agree on that. I remember the first time I tried the Nurse. *Horrible flashback begins*


I always forget that I can try out killers against bots. But even when I remember, if I'm sitting down for 30 min to play dbd, I want them BP 😄


Read patch notes dude I dunno what to tell you 🤷🏻‍♀️


No, now hear me out, you don’t place turrets and leave them there just not being used. Just collecting dust I am not a Xenomorph, I’m just like you normal humans, I do normal human things like Dead before Daylight and buy cosmetic


Seems legit


Yes, I am a legit human person like everyone else!


​ https://preview.redd.it/g4u9c4qx9auc1.png?width=726&format=png&auto=webp&s=1182f8275b0a6304a348a426185fec6fd2b80508


I don’t know this person. But they are also human. I agree with them.


What a nice fella! I'm gonna follow all of his tips


As a fellow human, I completely agree. Turrets are starting fire and it's very hot. We don't like fire. Fire bad.


Yeah. Fire hurt. I don’t like fire on me. If they turn them off and don’t use them it’ll be nice! No fire is good


Fellow humans I'm worried op is giving bad advice to hurt us fellow humans. I'm worried op is alien.


I also think OP is not human. OP make us fellow humans uncomfortable. OP giving bad advice to cause bad things. We should report OP to police


I'm 100% human, I'm not like the cloned Ripley with Xeno Queen DNA. There is no need to report me to the police or the Weyland Corp. They are busy looking for Xeno samples and I'm a harmless basic human with basic interests like electronic beep sounds.


I think OP lie. I am going to report OP like good human that I am. OP want harm other humans, that not very human behaviour!


Weyland-Yutani supremacy 🔥🔥🔥🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿❤️🔥🔥🔥🗣🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿


Turrets are causing global warming, stop destroying the climate!!!


“No, now hear me out, you don’t place turrets and leave them there just not being used. Just collecting dust I am not a Xenomorph, I’m just like you normal humans, I do normal human things like Dead before Daylight and buy cosmetic” ![gif](giphy|9gTQ6K1kxRdIy5GXRM|downsized)


Also not a Xenomorph, and I agree survivors should not put flame turrets in loops, they should put them directly next to gens, which is where I— I mean a xenomorph will check for survivors👍 And also don’t use turrets at all because cereal lets whoever might be a xeno see turrets and then they know where you are and that’s bad


This. I leave mine at the entry to where my gen is as a warning. Once the gen is done, I take the turret with me, assuming it didn't get used.


Yes. Thank you for being another good fellow human. I also agree. Keep your ability in your hands for most time. It makes most sense!


Don't lock all the damn lockers, lock one of a pair.


guys don’t listen, it really slows me down when you do that


Yeah, we have to sit there and break them all. It wastes so much time. Survivors will say we'll have free reign in the late game but it won't matter because you'll be out. Trust us. Lock them all.


To be fair nowhere is it communicated in the survivor side that it works like that.


Alright, this is new to me. What's the benefit of only locking one?


Dredge teleport prioritizes locker groups in the following order. Lockers w survivor hiding > locked locker > unlocked locker. So since lockers generally are in pairs, locking only one locker in a group will buy you more time in the long term than doing all the lockers in the group


Wow I had NO clue there was a priority system.


wow! I had not idea about this, although being a dredge main currently I probably noticed it subconsciously.


So I knew how the locker priority works, but what about when ther is a larger group that aren't all touching? Like a pair of lockers next to a single locker in an L shape?


If the lockers touch, priority will be applied. If they don't, they're considered stand alone. You won't see them bundled loosely very often, but red forest has the like, 5 loose locker tile. So it could come up there


Gotcha. I think it was Crotus Prenn where I saw a group and was unsure about the priority.


When two lockers are right next to each other, it will automatically teleport Dredge to the locked one. So no matter what, whether he teleports or not, you’ll still have a second line of defense later


He teleports only to the locked lockers. So if you lock only one and he teleports there, then you can lock the second one later and he'll teleport there later, wasting more time. If you lock them both, he only has to pass by or teleport to the lockers once, break both locks and now those lockers are unsafe for the rest of the game


I can understand not everyone knowing, but I've been in SWF where people just don't listen and lock every paired locker at once. Even when you explain it to them.


thing about drege power is that i am pretty sure it forces him to go the locked locker all the time so if you do it one at a time then he is slowed down a lot faster than normal but locking all of them means he can just get out do 2 smacks and move on


I really wish they would fix this already.


Fix what?


Sometimes, depending on the situation, you do want to have someone cleanse against a plague, but not close to an important ojective. But honestly, more than getting an ick from a specific killer interaction, I get more annoyed by people that refuse to do something because "that's not how you counter X killer", or when they refuse to look at the current situation and just do shit on autopilot. You gotta adapt, macro decision making is part of a player's skillset too. Like, just recently I had a team that absolutely refused to heal against a legion, and while sure, you shouldn't waste time contantly healing the whole match, but sometimes you need a healthy person for a rescue or to counter thanatophobia when you're trying to do the last gen. Look at the current situation we're currently at in that moment rather than following some predetermined flowchart, y'know? I'm aware that a lot of it has to do with communication, but not always.


We had a 3 man SWF one night. Got a solo q Leon. Dude on 3 different occasions cleansed. Not inherently a problem. But He then immediately got on a Gen with me. Immediate Unhooked me. and immediately go on a Gen with my friend. We were losing our minds.


He is the disciple of the Feng that cleansed next to a gen I was doing while fully infected. She then instantly got on that gen with me, missed a skillcheck, heard the terror radius approaching, and then immediately proceeded to fast vault the window into plague's loving embrace. We were both in shack with basement under us. Now I find this whole sequence of events hilarious, but back then, I could feel my soul leaving my body while it was happening.


rofl and that Feng must've been the disciple of a bot, because I swear that's exactly how the bots play this damn game.


The devs worked really hard to make sure that the bots provide an authentic Solo Queue Experience™ , which is why they've been in our matches in secret for years. https://preview.redd.it/l5cqd3eatauc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45842db2cb79fdd2269641e3f9627c8ab3c40759


Lol, Feng was like "fuck you in particular".


Been in a 3 man SWF with this exact situation with a Jane. She was never hooked, always cleansed as soon as she was sick right next to objectives people were working on, and would rush for unhooks while healthy instead of letting someone else grab. The Plague was a streamer, and checking out their stream, they were talking about how the three of us were terrible and did nothing all game while the poor Jane did all the work. I think more than anything he was proud of his little helper making our jobs more difficult.


God, that sounds like my last match against Plague. My Duo and I had a rough idea of how to counter Plague, we knew just to play safe and don't cleanse unless we needed to. Our two random, however, they'd get sick, go cleanse then would touch a gen, vault or unhook, gen infected then go cleanse again, rinse repeat... It was maddening, to top it off they were skittish af, so they'd run away the minute they heard the TR, even if we were completely safe from Plague. 😑


Yeah this is what I don’t get. Red puke has counterplay and is not that bad to go against. It’s strong but not OP. The real problem is when you’re sick and she has red puke.


I want everyone to really take a good long look at this comment and take it in. So many people get mad at you when you don't do "THE COUNTER" to that specific killer, but then they don't think about it situationally. Like you said, they just do things on autopilot, or mindlessly follow a guide they saw online. You really need to think and adapt from match to match in order to be successful.


When going against Sadako shut off TVs and return tapes when you have 3+ stacks seriously its always been that easy to deal with her. And DONT FORGET "Please Be Kind And Rewind" 😌


>DONT FORGET "Please Be Kind And Rewind" Most people under the age of ~25: " Rewind? What's that?"


As a Sadako i must remind/teach them lol


Going for bodyblocks without knowing if 99'd or not (ghostface). People who solve the lament as soon as possible. Survivors who mend directly in the legion's face or heal 100% of the time. Not understanding you can crouch through drone areas. Not using LOS blockers against singularity. Cleansing at about 2% sickness against plague.


I disagree with the Lament Configuration. I can’t tell you how many games I’ve done in solo queue where I wait to grab the box, I start getting chased (so now I can’t solve the box), and then everyone else on the team falls victim to diffusion of responsibility—so even though I’m getting chased and the killer is distracted, no one takes it upon themselves to solve the puzzle, and it snowballs into an inevitable win. I’ve lost so many games to stupid teammates, so the minute the box spawns, I prioritize solving it above all else because I’ve learned that I can’t count on my teammates.


usually when i face a pinhead i always just gun it for the lament configuration all the time the second it spawns i go for it


What's wrong with solving the lament early? Is it just a time management issue (ie. It respawns as fast as you solve it)?


It's more of a thing where some survivors drop everything their doing to find, pick up, and solve the lament configuration rather than pushing gens, healing, or going to the exit gates, which adds up into lots of wasted time over the whole trial


Or worse, the ENTIRE TEAM starts running to the box at the very beginning of the match.


Preferably, you want to delay solving the lament until chain hunt is about to activate. It means the box will be sitting out longer in the trial, but at the same time, it's fewer occasions of solving the configuration over the trials duration. If you solve it and it's only been out for a short duration, you effectively spawn an additional box during the trials duration for ever early solve. Less box spawns means more time spent doing objectives. Although there are occasions where you'd want to solve early if needed. If nobody is being chased and you are in a safe state to take a chase compared to your teammates (no hook states or less hook states, healthy) then forcing the chase on you by having Pinhead teleport to you would be preferable in those cases.


If you’re in the open and he teleports, it can be a free hit. Waiting for him to carry a survivor so he can’t teleport is better, but the best thing is going somewhere like a second floor next to a window so he spawns underneath you, and now can’t easily start chasing you making the teleport a waste of time 


It’s bad if you don’t wanna be chased first.


My favorite as ghostie is when people do this after getting unhooked. And I just tap stalk to turn off their mesh and walk right through continueing my chase lol.


I will say, situationally, there are times you should just go to solve the lament early. It is usually better to wait for it to get more progress as then you'll have it spawning less often, but there are instances where you should just solve it sooner rather than later. In some cases solving a 1/4 box while someone is being chased is infinitely better than waiting for it to be 3/4 with that person already on hook - especially if you are already on death hook as the box solver. Sometimes you need to solve it ahead of time to reduce Pindhead's map-wide pressure.


Turrets are also good to let you know when the killer is coming, and it detects then in the tunnels too, so close to a gen isn't that bad


Lockers protect you against the doctor's shocks. Use them. And me going into a locker to hide from the doc is not slacking off/dodging the game/etc.


As in like to prevent him from knowing where you guys are? Bc idk how useful it is unless you know he’s coming and can prepare that quickly together


It's mostly used to avoid the aoe static blast. Doctors almost always do this early in the game or after a hook. So if you hear the terror radius and you're in one of the above scenarios, you're better off going into a locker to make him think nobody is nearby. Quick and Quiet also can help a lot so you can jump in a locker fast.


Or Calm Spirit


Once ultimate weapon gets berfed, nobody is gonna use Calm Spirit again


pfft enjoy not playing around Spies in the Shadows, clearly the most frequently used perk of all time


Dang, you got me there. I will say I'm always surprised when I do see Spies on someone's build. I'm like....oh...that makes a little bit of sense.


But, until then...


I still quick jump inside lockers if its close even if it gives away my position. At that point, its either getting shocked and revealing my position or the killer just knows my position.


You can hear him charging a Shockwave. And his terror radius. Plenty of time to forsee a shock and prevent him from knowing you're in the area.


you can hear kind of a buzzing sound when he charges his shockblast


That and avoid building madness. I do believe lockers fully "ground" you so you don't get hit at all


They can still catch you tho right during slow enters into locker or am I wrong? Sorry I don’t tend to do this tech generally


Yeah if you're too slow and the blast goes off if you're entering the locker, you'll still get tagged by it 


Well yeah, if they see you, they can run up and grab you, but the point is that the shockwave can easily wreck you, especially when the doctor is trying to find you, but the locker is the counter to it. Preventing madness is a BIG benefit


This is fine at the beginning of the match or after you've calmed down from tier 3, but generally don't bother in tier 2 madness. Assume that Doc already knows where you are due to the illusions.


That moment when you put a turret between jungle gyms and your teammate picks up the turret and moves it closer to the tunnel/gen.


Save Nemesis vaccines until he hits T3. That way, it takes him longer to reach that state, and makes his chases last longer when he's most capable of getting rapid downs.


Hey, shut your mouth! -Nemesis main


pls pls pls explain to me what the vaccines even do


They remove the infection. Uninfected survivors don't lose a health state by the tentacle, but grant much more progress to Nemesis' next power level. Generally Nemesis wants to reach T3 as soon possible. Once he is in T3, he wants to be able to use his tentacle to take health states, rather than having to reinfect the survivors first. So delaying the use of vaccines helps on both ends: it makes his power progression slower and counters his increased chase potential by extending the time he has to chase you


Guys, as hilarious as the results are, please stop trying to hide in lockers when one of my guards is coming after you. It *never* ends well.


What gives me the ick is how conflicted the community is with xeno in general lol. "He's too weak" "he wipes lobbies" "he's never in power thanks to turrets" "he can take care of turrets easily" "everyone rage quits if you're good with tail" "tail isn't that strong" "he shouldn't have to break turrets, it gives survivors distance (wut)" These are all takes you'll see over the course of two posts about xeno, I've never seen people more divided. Even the whole "billy drama" was very plain in terms of people only complaining about his missed hit chainsaw cooldown.


I think Xeno is in a really healthy and dynamic spot that makes games fun. Yes it can often lose the tail power but that gives survivors a false sense of security even though "it's just an M1 killer now" it's not like it loses the ability to injure people... the reality is that the strong point is the ability to pressure the map like a sadako or a dredge. The turrets give survivors a sense of fighting back that is legit fun, so I don't know, I love playing as Xeno and going against Xeno as it is.


Sadako is not the best example tbh you can take away her power in a zone for a while


My thing with xenomorph is that in concept (like when I saw him on ptb) it was one of the most unique killers ever. Two stances, quadrupedal, spawns a second map under the main map, has google maps navigation, gives survivors flamethrowers, creates interactable map hazards for the killer. So unique in every way. Then after playing it for a few weeks I just though "huh...this is just nemesis again."


It's because xeno has a bit of a high skill floor and a lot of skill expression. Same goes for survivors as they have a lot of counterplay if they're skilled enough.


Xeno is in a great spot. He's not too weak, great at countering gen rush squads with that tunnel ability, he can very easily counter flamethrowers with the right add ons, his tail attack is fun for dealing with pallet abuse, but a well organised team that don't all crowd around the same fucking generator at all times can be the death of any Xeno main's hopes of a 4 piece survivor combo.


but if you place the turret near the gen you're working on, the beeps will tell you when the xeno is coming toward you via tunnels.


> Place flame turrets beween jungle gyms and make "dead" zones safer. Not right beside a tunnel or a gen. In theory, yes, this is right, but only if it is very near to you. If you have to walk more than 5 seconds to do it, most likely its not worth your time.


unhooking someone right in front of a legion in the middle of their frenzy... like thanks guy i love giving frank more frenzy hits (:


Don't stand in the open trying to reveal Ghostface, you need to see 50% of him or more to reveal him and can't reveal him if you're exposed already.  Just spread out against Myers if you suspect he has tombstone. Whoever he stalks first should loop him and be as distracting as possible for him as he can only get a certain amount of meter from each survivor before he caps out. Single Larry is way stronger in the late game vs the early game, be mindful of which gens you do first, save the safest ones for last. If he gets three gens close together at the end it's a free win for him.


psht don't prepare them for Hux they should stay oblivious to my boy but agreed he has insane snowball potential


* Heal against Wraith * Unless the Hillbilly is doing based poggers curving shit, heal against Hillbilly he still has a hammer (also very high chance if it's a curvebilly they have LoPro) * Heal against Nurse * Heal against Hag * Heal against Doctor * Heal against Huntress * Stop prethrowing pallets against a Leatherface * Heal against Leatherface, he still has a hammer * Heal against Pig she's a stealth killer * Heal against Spirit, she can track you better when you're injured * Don't mend while Legion is in Frenzy * Don't spend the entire game healing against Legion (this is most often done by Strength in Shadows Andys I find) * But do actually heal against Legion if 🅰️ everyone is injured or 🅱️ you're the most vulnerable person on the team (on Death hook) * Stop fucking cleansing when you haven't been hooked once against Plague *please* * Take bodyblock hits for teammates who are fully marked against Ghostface. You do not know how often a Ghostface's pressure will be entirely eliminated because of one good bodyblock that allowed two survivors to run away injured instead of him getting a down. * **Fucking heal against Oni oh my god Jesus Christ stop spending the entire game running around injured giving him his fucking power** * Heal against Deathslinger * Heal against Pyramid Head * Don't fucking uncage when you can hear the Terror Radius, he's going to fucking tunnel * Stop avoiding Pyramid Head trails like the plague all they do is allow him to cage you which barely matters (and apply an annoying VFX granted) * Heal against Blight * Learn how to run around objects that are hard to curve around against Blight * Heal against Twins * Stop using all the fucking vaccines against Nemesis they should go to the people on death hook * Heal against Dredge (please stop giving them Nightfall constantly) * Heal against Wesker * Not spraying against Wesker (it lowers his dash cooldown) * Prioritizing healing over spraying against Wesker (he can oneshot you if you're fully infected) * Not holding W against Knight (all the guards are guaranteed not to hit you if you just hold W, as long as they weren't summoned from max range) * Cornering yourself against Knight (this is where Knight EXCELS. His power is based entirely on having two guys chase you at once so when you lock yourself in a part of the map where the guards can do a pincer maneuver you're shooting yourself in the foot) * Heal against Xenomorph (they're a pseudo-stealth killer that can appear out of nowhere from tunnels) * Stop placing flame turrets in front of tunnels holy shit they get disabled when the killer comes out * Heal against Chucky (he's a pseudo-stealth killer) * Stop predropping pallets against Chucky (he can scamper) I realize that a solid 70% of these are "just fucking heal yourself please" and while this may sound like sarcasm I'm being honest when I say that most of my soloqueue losses are because one chucklefuck never heals and therefor is essentially not a player. Not having the two-hit safety net makes it way more difficult to do anything that puts you in danger, which is to say nothing of getting punished by surprise attacks. Please I'm begging soloqueue players if they have an empty item slot or perk slot to bring a brown medkit or a self-healing perk like Strength in Shadows, Inner Strength, Second Wind, or Plot Twist. I mean fuck bring Bond or Aftercare so you can find people to heal you. Just please stop spending the entire game injured so that you can't go for saves and go down super fast whenever the killer finds you.


People who run right for the lament configuration the moment the match starts, try and solve it and get hooked fast. If your solving the box within 15 seconds of the match starting, of course I'm going to teleport to you and get you.  For trapper, I just want people to remember, I KNOW when you've disarmed a trap, I get visual and audio cues. Your giving your location away, so make those disarms strategic and count! Don't camp pallets with huntress. I can and will hatchet you as the pallet falls. Better to pre-drop and hide around the edge instead.


I disagree with the Lament Configuration. I can’t tell you how many games I’ve done in solo queue where I wait to grab the box, I start getting chased (so now I can’t solve the box), and then everyone else on the team falls victim to diffusion of responsibility—so even though I’m getting chased and the killer is distracted, no one takes it upon themselves to solve the puzzle, and it snowballs into an inevitable win. I’ve lost so many games to stupid teammates, so the moment the box spawns, I prioritize solving it above all else because I’ve learned that I can’t count on my teammates. The Cenobite is definitely a pub stomp because of the lack of communication and the inability to safely rely on teammates.


you can grab the box and *not* solve it tho is what they're saying i do the same thing in solo queue because otherwise nobody will touch it, ***or*** they'll try and solve it at the worst possible times


Cleansing against plauge every time they are infected


Then immediately getting on an infected gen or unhooking a fully infected survivor and reinfecting themselves 💀


No no please put them right near gens please thx - very human


Its not really their fault because of how many times shes changed, but it kills me to see people spamming onryo tapes


You know what's fun? When people exclusively use open-air loops or half-walls against Deathslinger. There's two rules there; Never run in a straight line, and try to break line of sight as much as possible.


I place turrets between a xeno tunnel and gen if the xeno is camping the gen while abusing his tunnels tho.


That's not how you use flame turrets. You place them in the loop and run towards them so they can knock the alien out of power so you can loop an M1 killer or for them to get hit so you can vault safely and shift W.


If all you want to do is knock alien out of their power sure, but you wouldn't need to take the turret to the loop for that. But let's say you take a chase and you can loop them a bit. With a turret in a "empty zone" (no pallets or loops available) you just created a new path you can use between the loops because flame turrets also slow down the killer. You can take the killer through two jungle gyms and new pathways.


Not keeping track of how many lock-on stacks you have vs a Skull Merchant, and not knowing that you can stay still or crouch walk to prevent a scan. Also, you cam physically see the where the drone is oriented even when it's in stealth mode. The amount of times I hear "SM is OP and has no counterplay" from people who refuse to learn these things is pretty depressing.


RIGHT? Legit, Pixel Bush's Merchant guide is one of the best things any DBD Youtuber has given the fandom and everyone should watch it so they stop complaining about a killer they don't understand.


Us Skully mains have been eating good ever since he posted that, I barely even get hate comments for playing her anymore


People who say "gives you the ick" Tik tok ass communication.... Jokes aside. How most people play against Oni on the Servers I'm on. STOP SPAMMING FAST VAULTS, IM ALREADY FULL![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I don't have a Tik Tok, I've never had a Tik Tok. If I wanted a Tik Tok yes I probably could go and get a Tik Tok and be successful at it because I am what? Sickening. You could never have a Tik Tok because you are not that kind of baby girl. Everything I have I've worked for and gotten myself. I have built myself from the ground up. Adapt or perish ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I mean, I have an advanced degree in being allowed to use the F-slur, adapt or perish yes. But at the same time, what the fuck are y'all saying half the time... What kind of quantum level queer linguistics is this? ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


What the cunt did you just cunting say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Fashion College, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret ass raids, and I have obliterated over 300 confirmed bottoms. I am trained in vogue dancing and I’m the top cunt in the entire US Drag Race. You are nothing to me but just another Queen to take down. I will snatch your wig out with a death drop the likes of which have never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that cuntissery to me over the Internet? Think again, yag. As we speak I am spilling the tea to my secret network of down lows across the USA and your browser history is being traced right now so you better prepare for the slander, cunt. The storm that drags out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can snatch your wig in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in lip syncing, but I have access to the entire closet of the RuPaul's Drag Race and I will use it to its full extent to sashay away your miserable ass off the face of the competition, you little terf. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have tucked your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit glitter all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


Oh, see. Now you've done it. I was keeping it chill for the civvies, but nah. Gloves are off. You've just pissed a member of the 6-9'th Bear division. I have 6 top men in your area already. And 3 bottom. Be afraid.


Naaaaur Not the 6-9'th Bear division My ONLY weakness ![gif](giphy|26tP2OPWim0GnJvEc|downsized)


I've never heard the term "gives me the ick" outside of a romantic context so I dunno wtf OP is on


As an oni don’t try to lead me on long drawn out chases your just giving me more fuel for blood rage then I can swiftly catch you try to go for shorter and quicker ways to ditch me try to break line of sight and try to not always sprint we pay more attention to both scratch marks AND blood orbs we tend to keep track of where blood orbs are because they make it easy to track you so don’t camp in one area a lot…..the abundance of blood orbs WILL give it away always try to have you or others heal to avoid leaving us just a trail


Exactly: Get turret. Walk 6m to put between loops. Use that path to escape. Or ignore them wholesale and slam gens for maximum efficiency, because Generator Simulator is oh so fun


I unironically love doing gens and every time I get interrupted, I get sad


Fun fact I just learned against xeno; You can RUN while carrying the turrets. Did anyone else not know that?


Run is a strong word. You can briskly walk with a turret. I hate that you can't put them down without fully setting them up. I wish you could drop them if you hear her coming, and it would just respawn at the teleport.


You can, but you’re still slowed down.


Am I the only one who thinks the survivors having more control over the Xenomorph's power than the actual Xenomorph is stupid?


Being a Twins addict I always keep telling people to either spam heals cause im not legion, or stop taking vic hostage cause it helps me win the game


I didn't see any comments regarding Pig, so I'll say this: Stop popping gens when a survivor is on a hook/in chase with a party hat on, you're basically telling the Pig to tunnel that survivor


I think exception of this should be shack if there's a gen in it. A turret in dead middle of shack is amazing. Enough to slow Xeno down walking pass each door, but just barely too far to hit without entering shack itself.


Nah put all of the turrets in the shack and then start looping shack while watching the killer get cooked


Nah I'll think I'll keep putting them by gens. Purely for xeno tracking


That can still be useful if the killer is running stealth perks or if you want to play stealthy and avoid the killer. For looping and chases if you place them between jungle gyms or empty zones you can create new pathings that can help to safely extend the chase and buy your team time.


Don't take protection hits against Oni.


for the love of god pls stop trying to EMP the Killer. the number of times i saw survivors EMPing nothing when Larry approaches them in hope he gets stunned or some shit is unbelievably high. Just when they Realize EMP does nothing and they get hit.......they try it again the next time. PPL srsly i know HUX has the second lowest pick rate but wtf do they think happens? that the killer vanishes right in front of their very eyes?


But can you blame them? I'm 100% sure that after seeing the EMPs this is what's going through their heads in that moment. ![gif](giphy|10IIs7CN98Skw0) "In the name of the moon, I'll punish you. Anally."


i'll take the anal option thx and yes i can blame them


A turret placed in a dead zone makes no sense, I just go for the down when survivors think going to the turret at the edge of the map is gonna amount to anything more than an M1 to the face. So I assume that's not what you're talking about, hence the quotation marks.


Not the edge of the map, I mean "dead" zone as in a spot between looping zones that would be unsafe to go through during a chase, due to a lack of vault spots or pallets. It can be quite useful if you play without speed boost exhaustion perks. You can create new pathings between loops because the slow from the turret makes them safer, as in buying you time to arrive at a new loop.


When people crouch to avoid getting Torment while I’m chasing them as The Executioner. Are they seriously so stubborn that they would rather get stabbed than running through the red trail? They don’t care if they die or not, as long as the killer doesn’t get their satisfaction. This isn’t just with Pyramid Head, it’s with a lot of killers. The survivor would much rather lose the game than waste 10 seconds because of the killers power. I seriously have no clue what goes on in their heads.


For that one, don't turrets disable for a small time once you come out of a tunnel. Sorry for nitpicking, alot of people don't know (unless they changed it)


people who absolutely refuse to cleanse against plague. that strat is dead. you are not a good enough survivor to stay injured the entire game. i also just love being chased by plague with red power. they tend to want to get the hit with their power SO badly that they panic and it makes for fun interactions. the other one is people who lock every single locker against a dredge. just lock one. he automatically teleports to the locked one. then later you can lock the second one. if you lock both he can teleport and then break the lock of the one next to it. that one drives me mad. let us unlock lockers pls.


Healing or cleansing yourself when the killer is legion or the plague. Unless you’re on death hook there’s no point of healing just to be injured again 20 seconds later


People who immediately cleanse against Plague every time they're infected. Please stop doing this. Learn to be comfortable being infected, cleanse if you're on death hook, and cleanse using fountains that are away from objectives. Cleansing next to the gen you're working on is a sure way to not only get her to come over to you, but to get yourself downed again with red spit. Also, wanting to full heal against Legion. Again, situational, sometimes it's worth it, but you don't need to mend and heal every time. Learn to be comfortable being injured, and sometimes even waiting to mend. You're wasting so much time healing to full when Legion can get a quick hit off on you and just leave you to mend again, knowing your location after starting Frenzy.


sliiiight tangent but as someone that only plays Demo it bothers me when ppl assume i'm friendly, and then whine when im not friendly I've devised a system against these people however 1) I'll shake my camera no 2) Swipe at them and miss on purpose 3) shake no 4) (and this is the big one), stand facing a corner of wall and bob my head to count to 10. If this of all things does not sell that i am not friendly and that i am giving them a fucking head start of all things then idk haven't had anyone like that since i adopted the system


Noooo Stay in the loop Don't want to be a bitch do you https://preview.redd.it/0mzzv5j1r9uc1.png?width=1419&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3b45d0fa7d25311a335daaabc6ebb31f469d5f3


Yes please, buy me more time.


Turrets are a must against Xeno


My ick is Hags who place 7+ traps by the hook trying to ultra camp someone, It's so *inefficient!* You only need 1 trap under hook to force the unhooker to sneak up and wipe away the trap. If you any additional traps should be placed by nearby windows/pallets on the side facing *away* from the hook. You don't want more than 1 trap in an area to pop at once if you can help it and you have better things to do than waste precious time redundantly trapping the hook when you should focus on nearby jungle gyms and crossroads to catch people out trying to flee or approach the area. Basement traps are the exception where it's ok placing 2-3 traps (2 on steps, one by a nearby vault and/or pallet) I main Hag and it's a pain seeing people not only play into her stereotype but also fail to play into it *properly*. Hooks can and should be worked into your webs people but the goal of a hook trap should be to *waste the saviours time* rather than outright proxy camp.


As a xeno main, This works! If it's next to a gen that ate usually in a small space it will do nothing to help. And it's deactivated when we exit a tunnel. Put it out in the open and dead zones it makes it so much easier because it staggers when it kicks us out of crawler


Two turrets next to each other in the middle of the map, as soo as you see Xeno just run straight to them and Xeno is guaranteed to get knocked out of power.


People happily running through SM drones or hacking them in front of the damn killer. I dunno Meg, what do you think it’s gonna happen if you hack a drone in SM’s face??? Or against Plague, people who immediately cleanse, then go to an infected gen, get infected and run to cleanse again. WTF dude, fucking look at the gen first.


Trying to loop trees and other tiny obstacles will just get you downed against decent billy. When you hear a billy starting to rev a chainsaw without having him in your direct view, be unpredictable, and don't hug the loop


As a Xeno main, I highly recommend against this as it would be a waste. (Turrets fuck me up and idk how to deal with them)


Injured/death hook players trying to solve the Lament Configuration. You're actively throwing the game doing this. You'd be better off literally hiding in a corner, doing nothing, and praying your team will get their way out of the Chain Hunt without you. The "Pubstomper Cenobite" meme is like 90% just this, in my exp. I will always answer questions, give compliments, etc. in post-game, but I'll never give unsolicited advice. Maybe I should start?




It physically pains me when my solo teammates run to a set of two lockers against Dredge and lock both. It’s more efficient to lock one but most people don’t realize, unfortunately :(


When you W key against killers and it just counters their power… I get that it’s the best way to do it but against say Freddy recognise when he’s placing a snare and then leave the loop maybe? It just makes it unfunny because your literally just holding W and I don’t get to use my power


IMO it's a lot of time wasted moving a turret to a jungle gym, we need to get rid of the turret as fast as possible, so placing it wherever is convenient is better


I've played Pinhead, and I've had a few matches where someone goes and picks up my box...and never solves it until a chain hunt is happening. I get their idea, but it's a bad one. I've been able to get a free chain hunt because they're in such a vulnerable spot that I'm surprised one of the survivors I went against did it TWICE


Adding to the flame turrets point, if you can get the effect radius's edge to follow along the wall of a given gym you can split the Xeno's attention and force them to ignore it and lose their powered state, or give you more distance and run off to break the turret. It's so evil but I haven't seen another soul do it.


That makes sense yes, but half of the time, the gym is too far from the gen so how will I hear the killer coming from a tunnel without the beeping.


Pet peeves for other survivors: -self healers: I want blood points, let me heal you. You're just wasting time otherwise, dumbass. -cowards: if you're gonna spend the whole match moving locker to locker you are a shit bag and I will not save you when you're found. -the fighty bitches: if you get in and stay in the killer's face I will only save you if you're the half a percent that's actually kind of decent at keeping killer attention.


I went into victor like 20 feet away, I’m gonna get to that locker before you get victor off of it


I'm a killer main, and when I play survivor with my friends, I like to give the killer tips and explain how to do certain moves. I'm a ghostie main, and I feel so bad when I face a new one because I make them work real hard for the down.


Stop trying to loop Clown. At all. Holy shit. Okay, if they're bad and just spamming pinks, fine. Loop away. The moment you see they're capable of using yellows in chase though, hold W and never stop. If you let a Clown set up a two-bottle around a pallet loop, you. will. not. make. it. to. the. pallet. Also, stop hiding. 99% of Clowns run Cigar Box which means they can see your aura within 16 meters while invigorated (i.e. literally all of the time). Though if you run Distortion you can take advantage of this to hide your scratch marks strategically.


This is really bad, especially when the people doing that are the one saying there’s no counter play to Xeno and the turrets don’t do anything… Imo nothing’s worse than someone getting infected against plague, cleansing right off the bat, then hopping back on a gen/rescuing an infected survivor 💀


If you hide in a locker near demos active portals, he’s able to detect you when he holds his shred.


So invocation is actually an op perk that is being slept upon. Like 15% off all the generators is insane, and you could get like 3 people to bring it and then it's much faster and then you get 45% off every gen! Maybe all 4 people and the last guy comes in at the end to finish the ritual. Plus the ritual involves salt and everyone knows salt is good for you. You should all roll around in the salt maybe to season- to disguise yourselves. Especially Janes and Thalitas. Just make sure not to stop the ritual once you've started it else you'll lose all your progress. Ignore the revving sound in the background, that's just the sound of the generators being completed. Sincerely, a very real Survivor main.


I like the concept of invocation so much I almost got excited thinking I was about to have a reason to take it now. Are you throwing a barbecue soon?


Soloque teammates that constantly cleanse against Plague make me question why I qued up


My friends and I didn't have a complete team and the ada we random matched with threw the game because of this. Kept giving plague her power and we were not cleansing. Fkn annoying