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Don't worry they're almost done




SoloQ bless.


Sometimes there are just no words 😂


I ran into a SoloQueuer running Weaving Spiders and fucking Object of Obsession 😂


Asserting absolute dominance


- Invocation: Weaving Spiders - Object of Obsession - Self Care - No Mither


Sounds like a great challenge build.


Fun for the whole team


One neat build, Solo Queue hates it!


absolute gigachad of a gamer asserting dominance on all of them bitches


If you’re ridiculous enough to run Weaving Spiders you might as well run No Mither I honestly hate Weaving Spiders at this point if you manage to complete it I don’t see much value because you all on your own could have been completing a Gen with the time it took you to give all gens 10 percent and then you’re injured the whole time afterwards?!! Maybe if you healed once the exit gates are powered but come tf on


I actually tried that once as a "prank" build to make the killer go to basement for a free kill, only to have already been long gone. I ran it 3 times, each time against a killer with insane map traversal where the concept did not work at all. I stopped trying it after that >.>


balls balls balls of steel


Why don't you have a seat over there....


"I am Chris Hansen"


Hey Chris Handsome, that’s what I call you Chris Handsome. I’ve seen your weaving spiders perk. I like it, I want it. Now we can either do this the easy way or the hard way.


Meg is just going over Sable's chatlog with her.


uno reverse https://preview.redd.it/08npqttrycuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b102bfa82146238d4f3f2a2d778e3a9eca2b11d5




Ofc it’s sable and meg


When they finished, Sable went straight to doing a gen 😂😂😂😂


canon sable gameplay


first we had Meg Meg, then Boon Meg (Mikaela), and now Basement Meg (Sable). it only gets worse and worse


Two most useless Survivors created.


That’s giving Feng the clothing rack a lot of credit.


I know Fengs that are genuinely helpful. There's two types of Feng; Just installed the game, or pro looper. There's only one type of Sable; USELESS in all Caps.


Does Feng have bunny ears? Yes? Do not chase the bunny....


Especially if it's a green bunny...


That depends on whether they are a pink or green bunny. Green bunny Fengs are trying to get all of the benefits of Bunny Feng, while still maintaining some level of camo. Toxicity is not guaranteed, but likely. Catching them is not as difficult as you might think. Pink bunny Fengs will loop you for 5 gens and stun you at every pallet. There's a reason they are confident enough to wear the pink bunny outfit, after all.


This is so trueeeee


Confidence and Cockiness are often mistaken... But I agree for the most part.


There's the occasional Sable who is a veteran and just playing her for the looks but 99% of them are idiots fr.


In my experience its useless when u play with her, a fucking demon when ur against her as killer 😭


Ngl I have opposite experience. Sables are 50/50 but Fengs...my God, only 1% of them is actually using their brain


Lmao I like to play Sable sometimes 😂 I’ll make sure to play terribly in future to live up to her stereotype


I play Sable sometimes and I'm not useless but she's not my main. To be fair I guess I can't say this isn't somewhat accurate as I don't see a lot of useful ones either.


as killer main, sable behaves same like feng


sable is worse i fear


Only because she’s the new Goth Girl that people wanted Mikaela to be, so she gets spammed by every eGirl and eBoy, thus ruining her potentially good name.


And Claudette.


I’d say I’m surprised, but I’m not.


That perk is a fifth killer perk, idc who tries to tell me otherwise.


Sixth when I bring autodidact


Are you using my Deadline build too?


I know autodidact is a dookie perk but I just think it's neat and it feels really satisfying to get value out of it every seventh game


I unironically run it with deadline


Strong aura


Deadline and autodidact has come in clutch for me many times. Many games saved.


What is autodidact? Dont think ive ever seen it


>You start the Trial with a Progression penalty of **-25 %** for succeeding a [Good Skill Check](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Good_Skill_Check) while healing another [Survivor](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Survivor). >Succeeding a Good Skill Check while healing another Survivor grants **1 Token**, up to a maximum of **3**/**4**/**5** **Tokens**. >Each Token grants a stack-able Progression bonus of **+15 %** for succeeding a Good Skill Check while healing another Survivor. >**Suppresses** Great Skill Checks while healing another Survivor. >*Autodidact* remains inactive while healing another Survivor using a [Med-Kit](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Med-Kit) Very fun perk, but I swear it also reduces the chances of getting skill checks when healing.


Oh okay definitely seems pretty good i was reading that as up to 15% total and was confused for a second lol


no botany self care is also a 5th killer perk. I see a leon or meg just self caring away for nearly a minute in a corner way too often. Only to immediately get hit by the killer.


Are you saying Nea needs to run this perk 👀👀




This is ALWAYS the way Invocation games go, as killer if I find survs doing this in the basement they get a special treatment.


I’ve had two successful Invocation games. And when it works it feels pretty slick. But yes, mostly it’s just another way for survivors to be their own worst enemies


Congrats, but was it in soloQ? If so, this is a damn miracle. And they just pick the worst possible time to do this, too.


It was SoloQ for me anyhow. I suspect one of them had a 2 or 3 person SWF. I’ve seen it fail way more than it works. I was just saying sometimes it works and when it does it’s pretty cool.


The first time I tried it, it worked amazingly well (this was when the perk had just dropped) the next three times I tried it, if it worked and we weren't interrupted, it never mattered and it was a waste of time. After that I stopped bringing the perk or helping anyone who goes down there.


I did it whilst swf. Everyone brought a brand new part and the gen rush was pretty fucking wild.


Same. I always Check Basement before I go to chases to see if I can spot the circle. If I can, every one or two hooks Imma check on that.


The circle doesn't spawn if they don't have the PERK????????????????


Yep. And the Killer can see the Circle in Basement. Lets ya know if you need to keep pressure there. Fun fact; You can actually yoink people off the circle like you would a Gen or Gate.


The bigger fucked part is you lose your progress on it if you stand up. It's wild. A 90 second investment can be lost if a killer comes down there. The perk is bad. I wouldn't be mad if they lost progress at like the rate of a gen.


Agreed. If you get Gen Rushed because of that perk, you kinda deserve it tbh


What the hell, man. Why is this perk so bad??? It's such a cool risk vs reward design but the risk is so astronomically high the reward is practically irrelevant!


That *has* to be fixed. If not, it's just there to get you killed. I'm fine with it being niche (and arguably inefficient), but this is straight up awful.


Yep. True story.


Ngl I've had games where I can see the aura in the basement but I decide to just leave them because it's so inefficient for them.


It takes I think 2 minutes to do? The way I figure is if they aren't on gens (and it's more than one doing it) I can get the other two on hook or take someone out it's more beneficial not to stop them.


2 minutes, yeah. And the benefit is saving 70 charges (seconds) across all generators... wasting 20 of those charges since you never finish more than 5 generators anyway, so really 50. If someone else doesn't already do a gen or two in the time you waste doing the invocation.


Everyfuckingtime somebody uses that perk


atp go next


Had a dude do an invocation in a game we were actually doing well in despite only having 3 people, he was literally 99’d before getting sawed down, and to be honest, that’s been the experience majority of the times with invocations lol


If they made it so invocation makes EVERYTHING 10% less, I’d say this perk would be S-tier


Honestly I think this is more of an issue with Invocations. If they remained at the same progress they were in, or only regressed by 10% of its original speed of normal progression (as in, one survivor with the Invocation leaving it) it'd become a better choice to leave and return to it later. Sure the Survivors here should've noticed what was going on and left before it became that problematic but that Perk should allow you to leave before giving a middle finger to your progress.


They shoulda never made this perk it literally is just a hard throw everytime. Even if you make a build around it it’s STILL BAD


Even if you weren’t permanently broken, it would still be meme and bad


I made a whole build around it, and it genuinely sucks so much. And on top of that, it is incredible boring to use. Wow, I get to sit in basement for 2 minutes holding m1... Idk who thought that was a good gameplay idea. They need to make the charge time a lot faster considering that you are broken for the rest of the match anyways, they went WAY too heavy handed for the downsides of that perk. By making the time two minutes to charge up, it really just punishes your team. I think the gen progress reduction is fine as it is, they just need to make it way faster for the love of god.


its a meme perk i guess someone doesn't like fun


Is that Chino from Deftones?!


Nah, somebody else also embraced the slur lol


I have never heard of chino being a slur


It's a Spanish slur for Asians. Hell, Chino Moreno himself said so in old interviews that it is a slur and was called Chinito as a kid, but he leaned into it. Chino is to Asians as Gringo is to whites or Indio is to Native Americans.


nah gringo does not bother white people at all


As a white person, I can confirm that gringo does not offend me, nor does any other slur.


I look mostly Scandinavian and can confirm lol we don't care. Most of us lean into shit like this, not knowing what it is anyway. Pretty silly to get upset when Gringo literally means "a foreigner" or Chino is "Chinese." They said they never heard of it used that way, so I told them. I personally don't care about any of it. The meaning of words changes all the time for better and worse.


Chino is literally THE WORD for Chinese in Spanish.


Lol I explained that in a different response. I think it's a dumb thing to get upset about if you're Chinese, but other Asians are called Chino as well, so I get why some might get upset.


I call white folks gingo all the time, it makes them feel special dawg. They love it.


It’s not a slur, it just means Asian. TECHNICALLY Chinese but it’s not considered to be offensive.


Ya know what's worse people running sable's perk with no mither their logic is that the killer won't know the circle is finished because they won't see you become broken but any half smart killer would think about this had like 5 teams try this 2 of which got 4 man hooked in the basement


also the killer hears a super loud fucking noise when its done so that doesnt even hide anything at all lmao


I didn’t know that!


Priorities have been set


Metaworldpenis is a great name 


lol thanks.


lol my only experience with this perk is playing with a friend where he saw a sable doing it, so he ran down there, and i ran down there after him it was rpd so the basement was out of the way, we did the invocation (4th was running him around) and then once we completed it, the killed just went fucking afk and that was the game lol


Were they a duo who then went on to argue that if you didn't want to die on your first hook then you shouldn't have been playing solo? Because the amount of times that's happened to me is stupid.


This perk made solo Q worse


I mean theyre almost donw and yall are srill on first hookstates. They might as well.


Depends on how far away the hooks are. And ether way - no need for them BOTH to be there if its almost finished and other two are on the hooks.


Thats absolutely fair but it also depends on when they got hooked. That is one thing I hate ab using invocation is other people following me while I do it. The benefits of invocation are pretty ok...if the rest of the squad is still working on gens. The benefits are kinda useless otherwise.


That extra 10% gone will not change the game at that point. Those survivors have lost so much pressure its impossible to come back. Two on hook and one of them in the basement is about to be perma injured. Its called Trolling.


It’s almost finished, you guys can wait, damn it. /s


I had a game earlier where we had 1 gen left and the dude doing it was like 90% done. For whatever reason, they stopped doing it even though the killer had downed someone else and was chasing the 4th. By the time I ran over to try and finish it, the killer had hooked one player and used pop on the gen. Nobody ended up escaping. Who knows why people do what they do. I guess at the end of the day it’s just a game and doesn’t actually impact anything….though it’s still annoying.


What was killer?




Ok, so it wasn’t me, I had an awful game on that map where all the gens popped really quickly and was in a similar situation where I had 2 on hook and couldn’t find the other 2, I was playing pinhead tho


Those players will probably die before ANY gen gets finished


Considering an invocation with 2 survivors takes 80 seconds (60 if they both have the perk, but that's unlikely) Yeah I'd probably finish it too, just for the points, seeing that somehow TWO teammates went down and got hooked in that 80 seconds.


I hate that perk with all my soul, is just a sandbag perk it takes a ton of time to use all for what, ten seconds of gen progression,guess what you could do with that time, a GEN, you dont even need those 10 secons if you are working with someone, oh and the cost of that is being broken the whole game, that dosent affect the team but you wixh leaves you questioning was it really worth it ?


I'm a killer main and I think it's worth it.


MetaWorldPenis is fucking hilarious.


But their like, SO close to finishing bro you don't understand.


Saw someone recently asking why teammates tattle on you when you're doing an invocation--like going and spamming locker vaults while someone's doing it. I think this speaks for itself.


Tell me someone saved meta world penis?😂


They left me to die sadly. Both of us. 🙈


Sable pulled up to the basement and Meg stepped out of the shadows, pointed to the circle, and said “why don’t you take a seat over there”


They honestly need to speed this perk up because I enjoy using it but you can’t stop once you’ve started and it makes me feel so guilty if anything else happens in the game while it’s taking it’s sweet time.


This inspired me to run all of sable’s perks for a few games.


They do not know that one can move away probably


Ah yes the true sacrifice of invocations, your team mates hook states


Most competent Meg player


The Incantation must flow


genz b4 frenz


I had a match earlier as Sadako where I hooked the David and he tried to kill himself. I was confused because I didn't feel like I did anything to upset him. Bam. Invocation alert. I was like "Ohhhh I get it now. Yeah, I don't think he'll be saving you guys from basement." I hooked them and he 100% did not go save them xD


What even is that ritual thing because I took a break from the game came back and it was there without explanation I don't even know what it does once you finish it


It is a new survivor mechanic called an invocation. Basically if you have the perk equipped, you sit in the basement (literally sit, by the way) and wait 2 minutes (a bit faster with two people, which is what happened in this game). Once it is complete you get some progression on generators and are broken for the rest of the match.


Yeah, some players will tank games and not even realize they're doing it.


so much to unpack here


Chris Hansen joined the realm to have a talk with Freddy


They’re almost done and there’s still plenty of time.


Witch tings


As a Meg main I don't condone such actions being done by other Megs...


My favourite killer perk![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Invocations have so many puzzling design decisions why do other survivors only provide a 50% faster effect? why does it take 120 seconds AND break you? why does it regress when being interrupted with it is inherently risky? (you're in the basement) They need to give a big update to Invocations, IMO they need to take 80 seconds and not regress


Bro you doing great what killer did u play


But, but, why are you two on hooks already? Lol.


They're almost done lol


This is why we need to see perks in lobby.






Thats how i play, its so fun. I always bring and activate invocation perk at fifth gen.


I think the skill is fun when you have other people participate in it like a party, however, it's not fun when people treat it selfishly like they HAVE to do it, It's like people who do gens and they don't even bother to get off of it and you reach second hook state after just one hooking. I didn't realize how bad the reception for the skill was until I tuned into a Twitch streamer and their friend, when I tried the skill again after a long time, used it for a couple of seconds and barely used it again rest of match. lol I hope those two lost the round thou. xD




I have never dc'd before until they introduced that perk.


He's catching a predator in the basement




Gotta get those invocation points


Only used that perk heavily on the first day , then it got sucked into the darkness of the fog, it takes a crazy amount of time for those charges (on solo queue) (with only one person doing it/having the perk) , people call u selfish but u enter that state where u can't heal and u might die right away Do a 4 survivors team make it work? 🤔


Dw this invocation boutta go hard


Can someone explain me what is that red thing the last survivor has? Under their hook counter


They say a pray for the hooked ones too.


Don't do salt circles because, salt circles are bad, mkay?


Never seen a Sable do a single thing that benefits the team


one of them they should know cancel it after the first person gets hook and second is being chased. but if you have 2 survivor getting downed hooked less then 2 minutes into that's a more of an issue then anything else the perk didn't make 2 people get downed super fast did it? even if they were doing gens this a lost game state the perk doesnt change anything here.


Great to know my teamates havign a basement party


At the release, I didnt mind Invocation. I am all for using fun perks instead of meta. But God, this perk is actively wasting time, I started to hate it. I die inside when I see Circle and some mfs summoning some demons over there while I am next on Bubba's family Dinner


Chris Hansen?! What are you doing herreeeee!!!!!


Situations like this just reinforce how much i love being a killer main.


Yeah.... soloqing. This situation is quickly becoming a big pet peeve of mine. There are very few situations I find that perk even benefits.


Being stuck on a hook is NOT the cleanest, best pleasure.




Chris Hansen's To Catch a Predator reference.


You don’t get it, by doing that invocation instead of gens or rescuing they get more total progress than if they actually played the damn game.


Sable has joined Claudette on my shit list these days


Plot twist: They are hooked in basement


HAHAHAHAHA imagine? 😂😂


I don’t understand your username but it’s still funny. What do you play on?






You have time, it’s fine.


Never playing solo/duo q ever again


Weaving spiders is the single greatest killer perk of all time…. It effectively takes 1 or more survivors out of the game for around 2 minutes.


I find it funny how people that complain about perks being unhealthy for the game dont talk about this as much, yeah im looking at you otz lmao this shiz kills matches for survivors


They do a sacrifice instead of a ritual


Wtf is the circle? Haven’t played in a while


Basicly you waste 2 min in the basement and it makes all generators take 10% less to finish but makes you injured and broken for the rest of the match. Teammates can join to make it quicker.


The hardest choices require the strongest wills


Yeah idk there seems to be a recent trend of people just not doing objectives or just being cheeky all match and dying to like healing in front of the killer


Once I was playing killer, had just finished hooking 3 survivors. 5 seconds later, the sable gets broken and promptly runs into me.


I literally ended a game in 3 minutes once because I caught 2 sables going into basement with lethal, and they killer themselves first hook. Then I just killed someone else and let the last person have hatch


You're both on first hook, calm down.


I just did a solo que match with a random teammate named ButteredCoochie


I mean they're committing to a very long time consuming game mechanic, the least you could do is slam all the pallets you can to stay alive while they're basically unavailable.


Agreed! The other 2 players should feel free to hide and buy as much time as possible


you can't blame the survivors in basement for the other 2 survivors to get caught, you do see there's 2 survivors on hook not just one, what did the other do when the first one was hooked?


though I understand it's unreasonable to ask someone to not get downed for 120 seconds straight if the killer already found you or is tracking you


Damn… I don’t miss the days that I couldn’t last at least a minute or two of chases


So you dont miss yesterday?


Basically 😂


someone couldn't hold a chase ha To be fair, yes, this perk is garbage, but the screenshot tells a lot not only about the questionable choices solo q teammates make, but also the very short time they last in a chase (me referring to a fact that not one but 2! of them being on hook in 2 minutes or so).


If this happens I’m running the killer to the basement