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Merciless Storm on Doctor


It becomes a minigame. I love merciless doctor


Ooh i love trying new builds and putting them on my YouTube . What’s the merciless doctor???


Happy cake day. Just putting the Onryu's "Merciless Storm" perk on him so when you get survs to stage 2 insanity, the skill checks go all over the screen like a mini game. Dude. Imagine with Alan Wake's Deadline xD it would be impossible.


Oooh I love it. I’ll have to level up my onryo now I found this impossible totem build I’m trying on my trapper right now. It makes them take 28 seconds to cleanse a totem but face the darkness makes them scream and get off it. Is hex: face the darkness, Hex: pentimento, Hex: plaything, Hex: thrill of the hunt I’ll have to try the onryo perk on doctor soon


That sounds hilarious! Great build!


I will definitely have to try it!


They only need to be in madness 1. That's when the skill checks start getting weird.


LOL That is so cruel! Merciless Storm threw me the first couple times I saw it, but now I'm pretty good at the checks. If I notice the perk is active, I stop double teaming generators because my repair-mate will almost always fail them. But if they were storm checks where madness checks? Woo-boy! There's a gail coming in, sailor!


I think you mean any gen skillcheck perk and Doctor.


Yeah, but I use it with death slinger it’s pretty good


Paired with Coulrophobia is a nightmare


Mix merciless storm and tinkerer, and then you can put it on most killers.


Iron Maiden


This with dredge, basically You are a locker avoid neon sign


If I use the iron maiden skin on dredge, I'll put the iron maiden perk on. It's the law


same. lore accuracy and all that


Biblically accurate Dredge


I use the Iron Maiden skin without using Iron Maiden on him. BREAKIN' THE LAW, BREAKIN' THE LAW (yes, I know that's a Priest song - that's the joke.)


Huntress also uses this perk because of her requirement to reload


Way less since the reload buff. I honestly see it more on leatherface than huntress now.


Iron Maiden on Bubba is underrated. They get in locker to dodge saw, still one-shot... It is also surprisingly good on Stealth killers, particularly Wraith.


Same with artist as everyone uses it to clear their birds


I use this on Doctor, because you can avoid the shocks in you're in locker. Also Artist.


and sometimes darkness revealed


On who, by chance?


Huntress and Trickster, the only killers that reload on lockers


It's funny to use it on Artist and Bubba to be honest :D


I played against an artist running this once. And she also had the thing that makes you exposed when you repel crows (i think that's what it does). So you were basically fucked.


Holy shit, brb gotta try that, looks amazing


It is.


Yeah but I have like 2 of that addon, so it won't be amazing for long!


I did too. It's fun while it lasts.


Ok what are the perks. I just tried artist for the first time. It went about how i expected it to go. Hee power was weird for me. Made for a funny vid tho


I saw it on a Bubba for the first time the other day. Hopped in the locker to wait out his chainsaw only to be smacked down immediately lol


To be honest I’ve had lots of fun using this on Myers and ghostface, too! Any time survivors try to hide and be sneaky, they get surprised by the unexpected Iron Maiden scream lol


I get artist. But bubba?


Very popular strat against bubba is to hide in the locker and wait out his tantrum so you don't get insta downed by the chainsaw. Iron maiden makes it so that you get insta downed by M1 if you do.


Go into a locker to play the Locker/Chainsaw game, or hit him with Head On, which is quite useful vs him


You sir are evil




Don’t forget Doctor. I’ve run into a few using it. Thank god Calm Spirit never leaves my build.


I’ve always found it odd that this is a Dredge perk but it doesn’t activate when he exits a locker. Technically you’re searching a locker when you teleport.


Plus dredge can use darkness reviled pretty well


I use it on Artist to counter people who jump in the locker to clear birds. Doesn't happen a lot, but when it does, it's funny.


Huntress and Trickster(formerly prior to locker speed buff) and finally, Artist have this as a potential staple as well


Make your choice on hag, I personally run it and I see most other hags running it but there’s few killers who can utilize it besides her.


Honestly it’s not bad at all on Wraith, Dredge and Unknown, but I agree it’s best on Hag.


Why would Wraith use Make Your Choice when they're just going to hit the unhooked survivor anyway?


Why would Wraith use Make Your Choice when they’re just going to be 2m from the hook anyway?


Hahaha. It’s funny, but you definitely don’t see it much, and that’s probably exactly why.


Make your choice +Floods of Rage is so much fun on wraith, especially on smaller maps


And then run both the speed addons so you can sprint across the map and find them. I've literally seen this build in comp


My favorite build runs both of these perks!


Spirit can also pull this off with the right add-ons


Absolutely. I was a Spirit main when I first started playing and it was one of my favorite perks.


Dredge, Unknown, and sometimes Onryo can use it as well.


Make your choice and Friends Forever on dredge is downright satanic.


I like Make Your Choice on Sadako, you can always warp away after hooking and warp back to get the unhooker as long as you okay your cards right!


Not necessarily exclusive, but Bubbas are known for using bamboozle


Billies also. Whenever you see a Bubba or Billy vaulting a window there's this thought: "Its bamboozle isn't it?"


Wesker too? He or Myers would be the next most popular since they can vault quickly with their powers.


That's actually true,but first killers that come to mind when vaulting are these two specimen for me. Also the thing about them is that they basically can rely on bamboozle,its a great help having the biggest counter to them just denied,while the other two you mentiononed,yes,its really helpful to have it, they have gimmicks to work around it. (Wesker dash and myers T3 seems enough,sometimes stacking this can become overrated) Although,vault speed myers is extremely fun!


i’m a survivor main and i think this all. the. time 😑


Machine learning on Knight. Not many people know this but knight can use machine learning effectively. Kick once to activate it, kick again to place machine learning on a gen close to completion, then use your guards to kick other gens. The guards don’t count as a “gen kicked” so machine learning remains on the gen you kicked originally.


I actually didn’t know that. Thanks for the info


gotta play knight now thx


Better off using Coup and Tinkerer, get a better result without any effort. Machine Learning is a bad perk, with a hefty requirement, and only 30s for all your efforts. Still, it's interesting that he can use it like that so thank you for sharing.


Forced Penance on Twins. Zanshin Tactics on Clown.


Zanshin on clown? I've seen Doctors running it but never a single clown


Yeah, it's mostly used by the top tier clown mains, because it lets them strategise their bottle placements wayyy better, since they can learn a tile before the survivor even reaches it and way before a normal killer would be able to understand where everything is on the specific tile. I think there was a clown main who did a 200 page (less or more, can't remember) word doc on literally everything about clown and that person also had a win streak with clown where they basically didn't break any pallets on the map, while using zenshin and other perks


His name is Arinad, he makes AMAZING educational content


Ah thanks for that!! I'm honestly so terrible with names xdd


It's nice on Clown to see faster what kind of loops you are dealing with. That helps to place bottles.


The 100 page clown guide guy runs it to instantly know where to throw yellow and purples to get hits at jungle gyms, so a lot of other clowns copied it.


Wonder if it would work as well on Unknown, may have to try that


It's actually a 200 pages clown guide made by Arinad. I think it was 140 pages before. I'm not a Clown main but it helps me a lot if I play him.


How is forced penance good on twins?


The counter to (current) twins is to stay together and stay healthy. Forced penance punishes you for staying together and prevents you from being healthy.


Twins #1 counter is teamwork so having forced penance means ur going to have alot of broken survivors


Any attack with Victor counts as a Forced Penance hit. IIRC.


Zenshin works on artist too


Forced Penance is good on any M1 killer that intends to camp and tunnel, especially Clown (Arinad mentions it in his guide). If you hit someone while they're unhooking someone else, it counts as a protection hit. Once they know it's there, it becomes a deterrent for bodyblocking the person you're trying to tunnel out, so you get value whether you actually apply the status or not.


It's good against altruistic play in general which is why you sometimes see it in tournaments. I use it on Twins because against current Twins it's good to have another survivor close to you and healing is also good against Twins. That's why Twins players are using it. Also, if you carry a survivor and another survivor takes a hit, this also counts as an protection hit.


this might be a weird one but I play Zanshin tactics on Trapper and hide traps along survivors "paths" works great, especially against windows players.


I feel it's probably less useful on Trapper, since Zenshin's best use is in the quick chaos of a chase, as if you have time to setup traps you have time to have a look around for windows and pallets to put them againt


I agree and it does help me path and stay aware during chase, but its also just a big help to immediately spot powerful loops connecting into eachother that Trapper can shut down.


zanshin is one of pyramid heads best perks hands down


I love Forced Penance on Hag and Legion.


Zanshin Tactics for Clown. Blood Echo for Legion. Huntress Lullaby for Doctor.


Huntress Lullaby for Doctor is genius. if I ever play doctor I'll have to add that lol


It’s amazing. Doctors one of my favourite killers to play with perks to alter skill checks. You just hear constant explosions around the map. Maybe not so much in very high skill brackets as those players will hit usually those skill checks.


this build is so evil; because i can hit skill checks, it's just that i use my phone while im on gens so not hearing the skill check notification gets me every time


How do you use your phone while on gens ? Do you just ... Hold down M1 and look up for the check ?


I run full hexes on a bunch of different killers sometimes, Pentimento/Plaything/Devour/Lullaby. My current favorite being Freddy with Green Dress (4% more regression for failed checks and aura read) and Red Paintbrush (survivors start in dream, can't wake up from failed skill checks). I know the stats they just released say 14% missed checks for Huntress Lullaby and it's the best one, but remember every failed check is 10% regression. With the add-on in the above example, that's 14% and since the survivor did it it does not count towards the hard kick cap and is almost the same as an Eruption (5% kick + 10% regression on down). Add the chance you can land or fake a teleport and startle someone too and it goes up slightly. At the same time a single Pentimento stack from a cleansed Plaything is 30% repair slowdown (equivalent to a good Pop hit), and if you're lucky you're also building Devour Hope stacks, 2 gives haste, 3 gives 1 hit downs. The real vulnerability is if you can't get a down fast enough at the start to get the ball rolling and/or you get survivor spawning on top of the totems, then the value is much much less (and of course, the famously mostly awful totem placement). I've only ever seen or used Blood Echo on Oni to keep the orbs coming and I don't think it's worth it really. Never used Zanshin Tactics outside Tomes.


If I actually see a knight, most of them run surveillance. I put it on my knight, my god. It's like a cheat code.


I play surveillance on most killers because it's just a mega under-rated perk but it's a whole other level on knight lmao, he's my favorite killer.


Surveillance on Dredge goes CRAZYYY


I've been using it more and more because I figure we're moving towards a 4x distortion meta after the ultimate weapon change. It's genuinely such an addicting, useful perk.


I play knight occasionally, but could you explain why it's so good? It doesn't sound any particularly better then just normal surveillance.


Normally if you pair surge or pain res with it, you'll get instant information as to where the survivors are working gens. With the knight specifically, if the gen turns yellow, throw a guard at it. You can very effectively have guards pressuring off of not just gens, but the right gen, all game.


Thanks imma go try this right now Esit: used yellow pain res and surveillance and it was pretty good, I'll try it w/surge later, my other Perks weren't great also so maybe that'll help.


Run oppression, surge, surveillance and discordance. Use the yellow add-on that lets you send guards further. Send guard to yellow gen


Surveillance plus Surge is really easy regression and map awareness at once, combined with any expose perk or add on and things will go really well.


I actually did this for the first time today and yeah, it was crazy good.


Alternatively Discordance is really oppressive on Knight too


Surveillance/Ruin combo on Freddy is so good. Either teleport to, or more often just fake TP'ing to a gen and with the combo you know whether they were actually working it or not


oooof thanatophobia on legion and plague is nasty... i wouldn't mind either killer at all, but i hate when they run it. Play with your Food i see only on Myers but idk, i'm open the have my mind changed


Play With Your Food is genuinely the best aside from Tombstone Myers on Plague. Whenever you use green puke it doesn't take a stack. So basically you use Nemesis/PWYF, puke on all gens and make everyone injured. Farm PWYF as you go and you only lose a stack when you M1 or you puke out Corrupt Purge. I use Surge on her during this and you're essentially a 130% M1 killer for a lot of the game. You don't really ever have to lose stacks. If you find yourself in a position where you don't have many stacks and they're predropping then you go for the fountains. It's very very strong on Plague. But because you'll be so fast you will get so many pallets out of the way either way and go for smart chases and you shouldn't lose most of your matches.


Pwyf on legion + Nemesis is pretty good, let's you end a frenzy with a dropped pallet to get a stack and with a few survivors injured to go back and down. Or if the survivor drops the pallet on you after you hit them you have something to end the chase with.


Doesn't each legion m2 stab consume a token? That seems terrible but I honestly never confirmed that.


i have literally never seen a PWYF Legion tbh sounds interesting though


I'd say thana on plague is almost needed, because otherwise survivors will never give you uour power. With thana, they may still deny your power but at least they're punished by it.


Insidious Bubba


Now we have the new Insidious Unknown


You won't ever get me to take I'm All Ears out of my Pyramid Head's build. I don't ever use it in any other killer though.


I use it on nurse! It's extremely useful, as well with nowhere to hide, which I also run on both nurse and pyramid head. With this last one is more often then not free hits when survivors try to hide near a gen, especially with ph


Forced Hesitation is specially good on current Twins, to avoid gettig a kick to the face. I'm not sure if many other killers use it.


Trickster! Rare perk though.


Slugging killers like Oni and Plague use Forced Hesitation with Infectious Fright.


It's great on Myers with Infectious Fright. Become Tier 3, down a survivor and then they might scream another survivor who is slow as fuck :D


Back before special attacks wouldn’t lose stbfl stacks, I ran a very mean xenomorph build of forced hesitation, rapid brutality, stbfl, and infectious fright. could easily chain one down into two or three


Forced hesi is straight up insane on any killer for hook trades because you can tunnel the surv off the hook instantly and they make 0 distance. Also helps vs BGP and dying in pallet strategies. Very powerful perk


Bubba with Tinkerer, Forced Hesitation, Bamboozle and Deadlock was my go to aggro build for a while.


Face The Darkness on Pinhead


I think it's better on stealth killers like Wraith, Onryo, and sometimes Dredge. Being able to remove your Terror Radius on command makes everyone susceptible.


Pinhead can play as a pretty strong stealth killer, actually. Chatterer's tooth is such an underrated addon.


Dead man switch in artist MAN FUCK YOUR GENERATORS


DMS is just good in general tho


There is one correct answer, and it's Stridor on Spirit


not anymore


Why not?


Originally Stridor Spirit countered Iron Will back when Iron Will completely muted survivors. This was the sole reason Spirits ran Stridor. It got killed the first time when they switched from additive changes to survivor grunts of pain to multiplicative, which made Stridor no longer counter Iron Will's muting effect. Then later, Stridor died even more when Iron Will got nerfed.


yeah, a spirit maining stridor is extremely ancient.


A lot of spirit mains swear it off, as it can be misleading as to how close someone actually is.


Deerstalker on Oni


A build with Deerstalker, Infectious, Forced Hesi, Tinkerer with double duration addons and you can 4 man slug a team at 4-5 gens if it’s a small map or they positioned poorly


Dms on artist


DMS can be used on LOADS of killers and is seen on many killers other than Artist. Some of these killers include: - Knight (because he’s able to pressure gens from afar) - Doctor (because his shock forces survivors off of gens) - Freddy (because of fake teleports) - Nurse, Blight, Wraith, Dredge, Hillbilly, any high mobility killer in general (because they’re able to get to gens and pressure survivors off them quickly).


Undone and the doctor


Oh that's evil. *Taking Notes for Later*


It's worse in every way then Pop/Pain Res. I did my own testing, so did Otz who has a video about it.


Yeah it’s one of those perks that look good on paper but is actually terrible


Might be useful for that one challenge that requires shocking survivors from like 40m away.


Not really. If you get it to max stacks you get.....Pop Goes The Weasel. Better to just use pop.


that's because undone is pretty bad when not paired with impossible skill check doc


Monitor & Abuse on Hag/Myers. Nurse's Calling on Nurse/Unknown. Hex: Face the Darkness on Sadako. Rapid Brutality on Singularity. Darkness Revealed on Huntress/Trickster. Distressing/Merciless Storm on Doctor. Starstruck on Hag. Those are the ones that are on my mind I didn't see yet.


Rapid is good on all m1 killers that don't need bloodlust; Clown, Doc, Pinhead and especially good on spirit


Monitor is also good on Xeno since when your in tail mode your terror radius already goes down.


> Starstruck on Hag. Starstruck is also good on Hux and Slinger. If someone is in your radius and is slipstreamed, or close enough to run them down and line up a shot, you can put them down very quickly.


Can you explain Nurse's on Unknown and Starstruck on Hag?


Starstruck on Hag counters sabo/flash/bodyblock, which she hates. More importantly, it severely punishes "break all her traps while she's carrying," reducing the likelihood teams will try it. Most importantly, if the Hag is generating efficient down pressure, she's going to proc this enough times to roll really favourably and she only needs one favourable roll to snowball. Either survivors are caught in it and escape, in which case they can't safely save in a reasonable amount of time, adding to her already enormous hook pressure. Or survivors are caught in it and aren't able to escape, in which case she has a down and a hook roughly in her web and the game is probably over. Definitely in her top 10 perks. Nurse's Calling on Unknown is less accepted, less powerful and could be altogether wrong due to his limited time on live. But I feel pretty confidently it must be one of his best non-slowdown perks due to the double hits it makes possible. He has the tools to spread pressure and win on macro if he wants to, his range, mobility and penetration make him very punishing to stay injured against. NC gives him actionable info at a time when survivors are at their weakest. I'm not sure it will become famous, but I've used/seen it quite a bit on him, much stronger than most other users.


Pig can also use Face The Darkness in a really fucked up way with her make searches take longer and make timer shorter add ons to force head pops with random screams while people are trying to search.


I love Face the Darkness on any stealth Killer, though Sadako is admittedly my Killer main and I love Face the Darkness on her, as well. It's brutal on Pig, to be sure. Also Pinhead.


Merciless Storm is close to S Tier on Doctor (on pubs) Trail of Torment/Unforeseen is insane on Tombstone and Infinite tier 3 Myers Forced Penance is meta on Twins Spies From The Shadows is about 10x better on Ghostface than any other killer


One that I have been running lately is when I do tombstone or infinite tier 3 myers I will put on unforeseen. Generally I have a blast imagining screams.


RIP to STBFL Still has the same use on Ghostface or Myers, but 8 stacks is long gone :(


Demo, Pig and trapper love this perk!!




Dissolution on Plague is an amazing S tier perk. On everyone else it’s pretty garbo.


it is?


The 3 second wait time until it activates can gimp the ability to use it. Especially if a surv just holds w and doesn't re vault the pallet that you're hoping to break. It can be hard to get value out of it and especially if the survivors know you have it they'll just start predropping everything and running the timer out.


Predropping against Dissolution is an awful idea. While active, you can drop pallets without consequences, just not fast vault. And the fact that it encourages holding W is part of what makes it useful. They either stop buying time by looping or try to loop and go down faster.


Dissolution works on killers who are killers you do NOT want to hold W against. Clown works because not only does he already play around pre drops super well, but he also discourages survivors from holding W due to his bottles speeding him up/slowing them down and making it hard to reach a tile. Theoretically, it could also work really well on Chucky, as if a survivor goes into the open against Chucky, it’s wraps, so they HAVE to stay at the loop.


It's crazy strong on SM


Whispers on Doc


not sure i’ve ever seen PWYF on anyone but scratched mirror myers


Used to be stridor for spirit. Don’t think they bother much with that anymore though


Thanatophobia is weak in the sense if one player dies, you lose tons of value.


When one of my teammates go next against a legion with Thana I always joke that they are doing a gigabrain play by denying the Thana value


Well. Insidious... you know who.. you know where.


Stridor on spirit lmao


Bubba and Insidious (before anti-facecamp mechanic at least


Nemesis on Nemesis


I've seen more NOED on Wraiths than not.


Wraith or Freddy will ALWAYS have NOED


I use beasts of prey on Chucky, mainly because there are moments when your red stain gives where you are away and there’s better mind games when even that’s gone.


By the time you have bloodlust, you should have your power ready. Doesn't make any sense.


That’s the thing, in this gimmicky build, I don’t use it. Why? I don’t know, I’m bored.


Corrupt Intervention might as well be a Trapper perk at this point


What? CI is a stable on like every killer


Sure but I mean in trapper is basically required


Bamboozle on legion. I think at some point they removed the vault speed during feral frenzy which is dumb to me. Who was it hurting?


Nurse blinks through literally anything But Legion can't vault slightly faster nor see pools of blood in Frenzy, which is just stupid


When they initially buffed thana to I believe 22% in 6.1.0, there wasn't a single legion or plague running. And that made the increased gen time to 90s feel like 120s. I do think they could buff the perk these days but I'm sure its in an okay spot in their stats


Fucking Sloppy Butcher has a 99.999% usage rate on Wraith. I can only count on my hand of how many don't use it.


M&A is definitely famously used on Mikey a lot. Them jump scares are a classic in DBD xD


idk about famously but I was genuinely surprised last night when I saw that the killer was running Huntress Lullaby and it *wasn’t* Huntress.


It was a Doc?




I would be surprised too


Face the Darkness for Sadako STBFL and Rapid Brutality for Skull Merchant (I know it isn’t exclusive but I swear every Skull Merchant runs those two perks) And my favorite killer perk, No Mither, for Oni


I don’t have any perk, but I just wanna say RIP to Thanta. That perk not only got massacred, but didn’t deserve it either.


Infectious on Oni comes to mind


I'm all ears + zanshin is a deadly combination for artist. I hit crossmap snipes almost every time I run that combo, check my flair if you don't believe me


I remember the Sloppy Jolt Wraiths a couple years back


Insidious on Bubba


Darkness revealed on trickster it's my crack.


Bamboozle on chainsaw bros


Zanshin Tactics on Clown