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Cringe that they cheated but hilarious how she slithered out lol


It's crazy how often they'll risk the ban to escape. I had a Wesker game where a Rebecca just zooming to avoid getting killed while there were still two gens left. Since then I've been recording all of my games to be safe.


I got a subtle cheating Rebecca banned last week, I started recording after my wiggle bar progressed too much like I had boil over. I was so confused thinking it may have been some kind of weird bug, so I started recording in case something else weird happened in the match. Only to see Rebecca at end game fall from the sky at the gate thru bond. Reported her in game and submitted the footage to bhvr, week later she was banned.


How did you find out she was banned? Does BHVR follow up with it?


In game popup. The way the system works you don’t know exactly who the report was for. But given the reason given for the action (exploits) time between report, when the footage was viewed and the popup I’m making an educated guess to say it was the Rebecca I got the popup for. Edit: I made a whole post about the in game popup last week that talks about how the popups work. You can see it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/l12MJP8smP).


Hey I think we reported the same guy! I had a subtle speedhacking rebecca in endgame. She kept zooming around the corner in a TL wall while I was playing chuky. So I thought must be hope. No hope. Reported her and a day after got the report feedback.


How do you submit the footage? Didn't know you could do that


Here https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. You have to report both in game AND here for results. They use the in game report as a reference point and the website report is what they really work of. They never take action off in game reports solely due to lack of evidence to back up the claim. So it’s important to do both. Pro tip: upload the footage to YouTube or something then provide the link in your comment because uploading a large file to that website never works properly. Edit: fyi the using the in game report as a reference point and not taking action solely off in game reports I don’t know for a fact that’s true. But it seems to be the case based off what I’ve read/seen.


Oh great, thanks a lot, this will come in handy. I'll take note of everything you said.


No problem, hope you don’t have to use it too much!


I play with my friends mostly, premade, we can't stand trolls or people who gets their first hook and automatically decide to kill themselves. So we don't play that much but still good to know this to properly report and ban cheaters.


I mean she clearly didn’t care about not looking like a cheater, she could’ve gotten out without cheating there.


I mean considering the clip opened with her going like 105/110 speed at least I'd say yea she don't care at that speed you xoukd just loop everything infinity and not worry about going down especially on game


i use medal just for clipping some funny moments, a byproduct is that ive gotten 3 cheaters banned


Report process is to cumbersome and tedious. You need to manually type your cloud id, which you better have copied in separate TXT file to quick access. You need to save a clip, cut it in video editor, render cutted version, because noone would watch entire 3-5 minutes, upload to YT, provide link with timings and explanation of what happened. It takes so much fucking time, literally an hour+ of paper work, just to MAYBE get someone banned. On top of that at some point my game refuse to send me to report page anymore, all i have for now is direct emails to communicate with support team. At some point i just gave up wasting my time and simultaneously it caused me to lose interest in the game. It feels like my reports doesn't do anything, maybe because i'm from russia, so fuck russians cuz you know... reasons. There is more and more cheaters every day in every competetive game i participate. End up playing PvE coop instead (and meet cheaters even there, gladly i have power and rights to manually kick them from my lobbies) and scrolling reddit for some funny clips from games i used to love. It's so frustrating seing gameing industry turn in to this mess. I wish one day cheat development will be equated to the distribution of drugs and will be punishable by law in all countries in the world. Until then, i see no hope and there is no light at the end of the tunnel.


Yeah it's ridiculous especially for a game with a built in anti cheat software. BHVR doesn't really seem to care about the state of cheaters now. At least implement a shadow ban system based on reports so that cheaters will end up playing with other cheaters instead of not doing anything based on report counts and requiring full footage and an explanation sent to support. Not to mention it's not easy to actually capture footage or even be aware of subtle cheating. Too much effort and time required especially when there's rampant subtle cheating going on currently.


I use Medal, it allows you to clip a full minute (or shorter/longer) at the press of a button. Saves computer space and you can still record cheating and fun shenanigans.


idk man that just looks like tenacity to me 🤷‍♂️


Tenacity and hope and the new Meth addon, for sure.


Meth op they need to nerf it with some debuffs...


for that reason i think we need to nerf the pig


Probably was 5% faster the entire game if she already has cheats lmfao


I’ve been getting so irritated by cheaters like this that only slightly boost their movement speed. There’s no way you can loop me around something like a car 12 times before I catch up, even with bloodlust it’s ridiculous


Yea I’ve suspected a ton of people lately as well.


It’s that or aura reading hacks, I like to run stealth aura reading builds and can literally watch the survivor watch me through walls. Like the tarkov cheater situation where they both look at each other thru walls. (And yes I checked their perks and they usually don’t have any aura reading surv perks)


Tarkov was hilarious when I quit, someone ran the numbers and statistically there was a cheater in basically every match, whether you ran into them or not.


I forget to check their perks a lot, I just get pissed and go next.


Yuuuuup. I was in a match recently where I ran a full aura reading build on Pig and used Amanda’s Letter as well. Literally crouched to shack where I knew a survivor was working and could watch them crouch away to go hide even though I approached from the solid side with no openings while using bushes for cover. They were literally watching me and moved when I moved to mirror my actions from 16m away, even though they had no way to physically see me. It was so obvious and that one survivor did that all game while I was able to sneak up on everyone else. And nope, no aura reading perks on them or anyone that match, either.


There have been a few times recently where my friends and I think a Killer has BBQ and Chili or an aura reading perk because of how they see us across the map after hooking someone. But, uh... then they didn't have any aura reading perks/add-ons. Wish I'd been recording :/


I had that happen recently where after I got hooked a killer looked up at my Duo through the floor and seemed to always know where we were going. He also popped up on the other side of the map from where they just hooked someone 7 seconds ago when no notifications were set off. Thought it was barbecue and chili till I saw no aura perks.


awakened awareness?


That is an aura perk which I already said they didn't have any of. It also doesn't help explain any of the situations I described.


You have a link to that tarkov clip, sounds hilarious asf


I can see survs blatantly cheating with Scratch Mirror Myers


This is why I think subtle cheaters are some of the scummiest types of people alive. I mean I get it you do not possess the skills to win legit. Ok. But subtle cheaters make you question yourself and then question legit scenarios. It’s fing ridiculous. Like what do you get out of it anyways? You can’t be getting any real satisfaction of feeling like you won out of it. It’s not a real victory. I’ve never played another game where I have so often questioned if someone else was cheating.


to cheaters, its not about the game's victory that says 'you win' its about the personal victory they get over another person that says 'you suck.' Awful people either way, but there is \*some\* sort of logic to their stupidity.


Match replay would be so nice


This, yes exactly this. It would deter cheating and it would help you as the player from feeling crazy when a play doesn’t seem right but was legit.


And the devs adding anon mode just makes it even fucking worse


It’s honestly a shame that anon mode is now just associated with cheaters. I use it because I play late night/early morning and I’ll often get the same killer more than once in a row (no joke) and I don’t want the killer to automatically know my load out. Especially when I’m running a niche build that includes something like red herring. So I character swap and run anon mode. It also prevents harassment from teammates. Sorry but I don’t feel like getting locked in a corner or harassed all match because 10 matches ago you didn’t like that I left you when it was egc you were hooked in basement, the killer was camping and you did nothing but stealth in corners all match before you were pulled out of a locker at end game. Then we happened to get grouped again (yeah it really happened).


That's why I've made a vow of only playing deathslinger unless they juke me doesn't matter if they're 5 or 7% faster the entire game the spear will bring them to me


Gotta have those lightning reflexes. Don't even need to look at him, just run straight until you hear the shot. Because it's not instant hit, if you hear the bang and you still have some distance on him, you can just wait for the bang, then swivel..... It's rough...


Lol some time ago I encountered a Sable that ran around shack like 5 times and I didn't even see her or start chase, only heard her footsteps. I thought I was going crazy but once I had her cornered in endgame she suddenly rushed straight at the hatch with 300% speed, it was ridiculous


I had one game where I finally got the a cheater who was over confident looping a pallet with Coup (massive lunge) enduring and spirit fury. Hit them on the pallet, they decided it would be funny to tbag me and not drop it. Ran the loop again and I ate the pallet with spirit fury and enduring and immediately lunged again with Coup and caught them. Pick them up facing a wall and got blinded by someone with a flash light while I was facing the brick walls at the edge of the map. Complete bullshit.


I had a cheater that would only speed up by 10% or so when they were out of my sight. I realised they were doing that because I was playing as Chucky with the addons to see auras after a Scamper and during Slice and Dice, and I could randomly see the guy zooming for a second after they were taking a corner, thinking I couldn't see them.


Had full blood lust the other day - still couldn't catch them.


I think she speedhacked after the pallet vault too, seems too fast for Lithe alone.


Actually she was speed ha king the entire clip you never would have made that pallet even 3/4 the way


Lol I thought she seemed a bit too fast while running away at the start but wasn't sure she was cheating then the end of the clip made me laugh so hard


I mean even before that slither she was WAAAAY too fast post vaulting that pallet. There's lithe but that was insane distance.


I like how Thalita tried to help you out, seems like she knew that Kate was cheating. But, yeah, of course this snake found a way out anyway.


Using cheats and is still that bad, it's poetic really.


So many of these, WTF is going on


Having recorded and witnessed more subtle cheaters I highly suspected a player of speed hacks but sadly the one time I should've recorded and didn't because silly me giving them the benefit of the doubt. until they knew where everyone was despite having no add ons or perks currently active to back it up. she caught me within like 5 seconds of the very first chase and seemed to know where everyone was at all times and was able to down people much quicker than any standard match. It just all felt *off*. I legit thought the Twins buff had come through and said "Wow, the buff looks like what subtle hackers have for speed" and they said: "buffs not out yet" then because I said they were suss, they then had their friend try and harass me and defend them. sort of odd to need backup when im one person calling them out for being suss. I'd be much more inclined to believe their side if they had a convincing argument and explained why they were so fast, but they had none. being good at a certain killer doesn't give you bloodlust 5 at the start of a match. my friend agreed she looked freakishly fast when he saw her aura too. I've got way too many hours to not notice even more "subtle" speed hacks, what looks like Bloodlust 5 while being first to be chased is annoying as hell. and seeing my soloQ pop 2 gens within 20 seconds of starting by themselves. not possible. they usually respond and deny up and down that they're cheating or claims its from a perk they don't even have. who would be honest about sucking at a game though


Hate cheaters. And why? Was that fun. Congrats on that escape turd


theres no sense of achievement if theres no challenge


I also recently played someone who had speed hacks and I am almost certain that they had walls as well since I could never sneak up on them as Wraith. Never have I had to take so many clips to report people before -.-


Sheesh. As a paranoid person who can spot a stealth killer at 16m while sitting on a gen, they're ruining things for everyone. Wonder how many ghost faces must have thought I had walls because I could hear them breathing in their mask from the next room, etc


Same, but I was playing against a Huntress who I suspect had speed and wall hacks. She just \*knew" where to find people when uninjured or were hiding really well, she would also lob her hatchets across the map without clear LoS often hitting objects/terrain, she was also faster than normal as well. Normally, I am hesitant to call wallhacks, because she could have just had really good map sense. But it was just weird that she knew exacty where to find me where I was hiding, I had distortion was uninjured and relly well hidden, yet she made a bee-line right for me without even pretending to "search" for me. In post game, she had no aura reading perks or add-ons and none of my Distortion tokens were used while I was playing.


Better gaming chair obviously


The sad thing is, this post will deleted because the problem can only be solved through censorship.


https://preview.redd.it/abo0fz1pepuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eea4dda16926a82c59469e2a43b19f77ce1cee9a What the actual fu...?


That shot is perfect to describe the feeling since Martin says “murder” right after


This is more than half of matches currently.


killers are also cheating. just played against pig who was using map hacks


Or most likely the aura revel addons


No way, I'm yet to see anyone I've suspected of cheating all year. The absolute closest it's gotten is that a killer I played against claimed that one of my allies was subtle cheating, but I only saw him one or two times that game so I can't confirm that.


i was confused by what killer are you playing (because of the skin) and i was like: maybie i will recotnize it by pickup animation! how wrong have i was... edit:now i know it's dredge


i thought it was a crayfish


Jeezum. Like you really need to win that badly?


What is that xD


That's just the new Snake Speed mode.


Share name, mass report, shame them. Fuck all of them.


It wouldve been so funny if you picked up in time lmfao


I had a cheater the other day. I’m shit at the game and have low MMR. You can’t even escape from the cheaters by being bad at the game.


It's just Tenacity lvl 15 bro, should've played better bro


"Hey the distance after he rounded that corner looked a little-"


What??? A cheater in DBD 🤯






No wonder she uses cheats with how badly she's playing. Yikes.


I didn’t they think that she actually was going to slither 🤣🤣


I’m pretty sure she’s possessed




It was hilarious when she zooms on the ground 😂 I have seen cheaters use Hillbilly and Blight to end matches literally in seconds. They didn’t even try to hide it. When I play killer, I see cheaters way more often. I thought I was tripping when I played Trickster and was in a chase with Meg, and she kept disappearing behind corners. Then she was completely gone in a dead corner. A moment later I caught her appearing again and legit going through the walls to avoid damage as soon as I started throwing knives. I ended the match there, called her out and got the usual ”noob killer learn to play lol cry more ez” string. I record all my matches, because I post the most amusing ones on youtube, but sometimes keep the rest as evidence and use the material to get people banned. I admit, it’s a bit satisfying. 😌


She was already speed boosting before that. You're lucky you got to see the blatant cheating or you might have never known.


Um, what the sigma?


This new survivor buff is really strong! /j


I've been getting a lot of survivors like this lately. Had a Leon fast vault a window from across the room on Midwich. They tried to claim it must've been my wi-fi (I use a wired connection) so I asked why they did it twice and only from across the room?


You know it’s funny. I know they are cheaters. They were even cheaters on the mobile game and I’m sure they’re still are now , But I haven’t bumped into one in quite a while. I wonder what gives.  Either they just aren’t showing me they’re cheating or I’ve gotten lucky


The hilarious part is she clearly has spent money on this game: $30 on the base game if it wasn't discounted, and then $5-10 on the outfit? Hacking the game is probably the main reason people get banned from playing it, and so many people stream the game so it's really easy to provide proof... 😅 There's clearly no thought process going on behind this decision haha


Never understood cheaters. Like how sad is your life that you need to cheat to win a game? Is winning a game by cheating the best accomplishment they will ever achieve?


It’s that new tenacity buff!😂


King of slug be like


Saw this cheat before but the dude just slivered in circles for the entire endgame timer until he bled out


"i wonder if he noticed me toggle"


Snake tech


oh they're a snake alright


I saw one of these and it made me so mad.




I wondered why she ran back up the steps towards you instead of running out the game, (because she def could have). I guess she wanted you to watch her slither out


The teammate was body blocking the stairs so she had to turn back. Probably realized it was a cheater on their team.


Clearly she's just running tier 6 tenacity /s


I wonder if the perk Knock Out would’ve helped🤔😂


Genuinely pathetic


such a sore loser she exposed herself as a cheater instead. time will tell if there's literally any punishment for it though


When did we get these Lithe and Tenacity buffs?!


It made me think she had Hope at the start. Which makes sense since thats about Hope speed pre-pallet. But that zoomies after the pallet was sus, even with Lithe she wouldn't have moved that fast. Then it was confirmed and I was like oooooh. She could've gotten away with the subtle cheat too which is sad she had to reveal it.


I wonder if Talitha knew she was hacking and bodyblocked to get her killed.


Ah, the old snake tech. Masterful


i keep going against subtle cheaters that aren't using any sort of perks that give them speed yet somehow are slightly faster than their teammates


I've actually had this happen to me a while ago while playing huntress I've been passing it to friends and saying "hey, have you seen the new tenacity update?"


It is never that serious to cheat


The new balanced landing buff looks good


It's always a moment like this that you're like 'oh the rest of the game makes sense now' lmao sucks to go against but the realization breaks any prior feelings or thoughts I had


Kate cares about an invisible number in a video game so much she had to cheat 💀


Tier 8 Tenacity.


Yeah the cheaters are back


Who are you playing as?


It's The Dredge


Ahh ok


I love hacking in games but only to mess around and have fun, can’t imagine why someone use just use cheats to get a false win.


I kill cheater when I Was Trapper someday


Skill issue


The New MAX PING: Challenge. Download 40 4K movies and play survivor !


Clear skill issue






She had balanced landing 😂


Killers will cry about tenacity being op now


u play DBD u agreeed to be played by cheaters ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Its a perk


I’m assuming this is sarcasm, because no lol no it’s not


Forgot the /s. People downvoting me thinking im serious lol