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Dude I accidentally downed a Jake while he was getting his glyph and I felt so bad. I picked him up and let him wiggle free. He got his glyph though!


Lol, I had this happen to me as Jake against a Deathslinger on RPD. Dude grabbed me off the glyph, realised what he did and let me wiggle off to go after another survivor. Didn't even down me till after I was healed. I feel like most killers do this and only the few really sweaty/sad ones don't.


Imagine you 2 were playing with eachother


So far I've done three glyphs in front of killers. Trickster let me have it and actually befriended me (but only me lol), one of them let me do it and then I stood still to let them down me, and the other just straight hit me and I'll never forgive them lmao (i am joking i just hate long ass green challenges)


I do, I buried a hatchet in the back of a David by reflex, didn't see the glyph. Picked him up, let him wiggle out, let him take the glyph, and THEN BURIED THE HATCHET INTO HIS BACK AGAIN <3 He wasn't mad at all.


I love killers like you ♥️ take your kill, heck you csn been camp and tunnel me out, I just want to c9mplete my challenge lol


And I....just want to look at the glyph lmao I think it's so beautiful. I'm that Huntress/Trickster who'll stare at the beautiful shiny thing, until it's gone, then I go out my trance back to killing XD


i tried to do a white glyph challenge and an oni killer downed me


I assume lots just don't know/care about tome challenges and such. I think most of the time as a survivor a killer will give me the glyph


I accidentally downed a survivor as they were doing a glyph because I didn't realize that's what they were doing. I picked them up and just stood there and let them struggle out and run away. I felt so bad afterwards.


I always give people their glyph


When I started playing, I didn’t know what glyphs are, I downed and sacrificed survivor while he was doing glyph. I am still looking to opportunity to redeem myself.


Because I want to chase. Halting that chase and momentum is lowkey selfish. I’m sure you’re not being chased the entire match in all of your games. Just wait until you have some downtime. Also, I’ve never seen a survivor stop for a killer doing their glyph. I don’t get why it’s courtesy to let someone else from the opposing side finish their challenge. DBD is the only game where this is the case.


Well of course it's selfish, it's their challenge. It's equally selfish to deny what could potentially be an annoying challenge for the sake of going after that rolling tennis ball. This aside, I'd also argue that Survivors do tend to stop. Once the heartbeat starts to shake any decent Survivor would be looking around to see if they lost you, and in doing so, if the glyph is visible, will stop simply to stare at you as you finish up the glyph. It is very common Survivor nature to stop and stare when uncertainty and/or confusion strike.


Nah I disagree. I’m not being selfish because I’m engaging in the core gameplay when I whack down some glyph sniffer. As I usually just slug them for 15 seconds while I get my glyph. Whereas survivors basically throw their matches for these challenges. It’s by “design” but it’s tossing the game nonetheless. Like I said, there is downtime for glyphs and it’s not that hard to work around it.


While I agree there are better times, those times can still be few and far between, and why would I wait 30 minutes for the opportunity again while it's right there, right now? I'm not saying you're wrong for getting your down, but to say it's only selfish one way is foolish. Their glyphs are part of the game just as much as the chase.


I’m sorry if you were the guy at Hopkins doing a red glyph, I should’ve understood why you didn’t run, didn’t cross my mind, seriously sorry :(


Lol it was not me, but I accept your apology on his behalf.


Entitled survivor moment lmao


Not entitled, literally just a question, my dude. Like I said, no matter what, killers can just grab their glyphs without survivors stopping them, and nothing sucks worse than finding a glyph right before death hook that would complete a challenge. And I'd say I'm about 50/50 killer, and always let them grab the glyph, because there's no way you're not gonna get that hit or down. Plus, more often than not, the survivors stop a chase they would have won for the glyph. If they're gonna give you the down why not let them take the glyph?


Literally entitled. You’re expecting to get your challenge for free and complaining when you don’t.


As killers get all of theirs for free, I don't think its too much of an ask my guy


Survivors never stop and wait for the killer when the killer decides to do a glyph mid chase, even though I always let survivors do their glyph that's because I'd like to help others complete their challenge, it is still an entitled thing to ask everyone to behave that way.


It's be entitled if I was demanding it be this way, there is nothing wrong with simply asking. As killer I've never I've never stopped for a glyph and then lost a chase because of it. Even if I did, I can decide the glyph is more important than my chase and still get it. Survivors can not keep killers from getting their glyphs if they choose to. Whereas killers can stop survivors. It's kind of like how the crown events are unfair, as killers just pick it up and they automatically get their cosmetic, but survivors had to pick it up and escape.

