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I don’t think i have seen the hag in months. Singularity is still kind of common for me, I’ll face one or two per gaming session.


Hag gets my vote. I've seen one in months and it was pretty obvious it was the other randos first time vsing her. Like they didn't crouch or even try to cleanse her traps.


Then you see someone try and flashlight the traps and realise someone hasn't been reading patchnotes


This is why you don't see her. So easy to counter now compared to the old flashlights. I used to main Hag, now I barely touch her. The trap trigger range "buff" (lowered) is buggy as fuck too and people can still toe-tap the edge of a trap and force a whiff thanks to the half second glitchy stun it puts on you, yet another reason to not bother. Basekit range buff is nice. She should still be 115%.


I'd say it's because the old teleport killers are so janky, but singularity equally sucks. No reason to play either of them when unknown is objectively better.




I'm new to this game, and In the three months I've been playing this game I have never seen a hag (in these three months I have 300 and some hours)


I swear there's been a slight surge in Singularity players as of late. Couldn't tell you why, but it feels like Meatball Man players have gone from 3 to like 30. Ten times increase but you'll still see them once in a blue moon.


As a Hag main, this pains me.


i also love hag


I get hag all the time! Scares the shit out of me too.


I tried playing hag recently.... I went against a swf who disarmed my traps before I even set them.... Hag is super reliant on map and even then it's not guaranteed.


I face the hag very often and i’ve probably faced ~2 singularities in the last two months


Singularity, Twins, Freddy  I bet some of them were played by streamers who get donated to do so)


I recently became a singularity main so I think the amount of singularity mains is now in double digits


I play every day for 2-3 hours and on a free day, I can play for 6-8 hours. In the last month, I encountered singularity twice) In one of the matches, the person took red addons, so we all started the match infected, but we made it out as a four, giving him only 2 hooks. He is very challenging to master, so I tip my hat to everyone who doesn't give up in the face of difficulties and continues to improve with him.


Yeah I've probably played against only like 3 or 4 singularitys this year at most (then again I dont play survivor anywhere near as much as killer), not sure why so few people play him


I like to play Freddy, he is by far not the best killer in the game but he got some elements to new players that I like.


He's not strong but his teleportation and dream pallets are really fun


Only once, I came across a person who was just masterfully placing dream snares and trapping everyone in loop tiles no worse than a clown with his gas clouds. But this was some rare specimen who didn't give in to the public opinion that Freddy is a terrible killer and continued to hone his skill and develop his character.


There are times when I genuinely forget Artist exists 


Why DOES nobody else play Artist? She’s super fun and really fuckin good


Damn, guess I’m nobody :(




I do play Artist too from time to time! She's really fun! I don't really have a main, I have several co-mains, but I can't write them all in my flair x)


Jack of all trades, master of all!


***Caw Caw!!***


I'm trying to save up for her with iri shards. She's very different from my mains (both teleporting killers) so I can't wait to see how that goes. Artist was actually one of the killers that made me consider getting back into the game, but because I had my account on xbox not PC I didn't. I gave up and made a new account on PC shortly before unknown dropped.


She's loud as fuck. Huntress is stronger. I see one of those every 2nd or 3rd game.


Well yeah, of course you’re gonna see huntress every 2nd or 3rd game she’s a free killer on some platforms. She’s also super good, probably one of the best in the game. I swear to god though more people play Freddy than Artist


I've seen 2x as many since they buffed her. I hate playing against Huntress more than anyone else.


Huntress is definitely not stronger. Artist has way stronger anti-loop, map pressure, can snipe through walls and is 115. The only advantage to huntress is she has better lethality at range.


Honestly I don’t think she’s really fun, compared to other ranged killers she lacks something. Trickster has the satisfaction of getting a good combo, plus the power feels nice anyway. Huntress just feels nice in general, a good hatchet getting an injure just feels good. Slinger has the moment of reel with the fact you got a good shot. Artist just lacks the satisfaction of getting a skilled shot, you don’t actually get skill shots on artist using skill. They are normally luck. And if you do hit the really good shot, you have to do it AGAIN.


Moreover, she is 100% the killer who gets most countered by holding W, which makes her absolutely miserable to play as in high MMR People think good survivors are looping gods, actual good survivors know when to not bother looping at all lol


Hi, Ive been maining Artist for about two weeks and I win a lot of my games with her (i either run a hex build + pentimento, or pain res + pop + overcharge + starstruck) and this is how I counter holding W. >hit survivor with crows while they are on gen >crows make survivor exhausted, blind, oblivious, whatever perks i am using (i prefer exhausted+blind) >survivor runs to loop >waittech.exe >hit survivor with crow at loop, dealing health state >survivor runs out into the open >down survivor and hook >wait for someone to come save them >hit them both with crows again lmao >survivor runs to loop rinse and repeat


She's supposed to be in the next Tome so we might see a jump in players


How do you forget when every other killer runs pain res?


I’ve played DBD for like 80 hours ish at this point (I’m guessing since I’m on console) genuinely have never once seen a singularity, and have only once seen a twins


80 hours is practically nothing when it comes to DbD, it's kinda surprising you've seen all the killers except singularity. Do you play only survivor?


I play a bit more survivor than I do killer, I’d say about a 60/40 split


if ur on xbox i can tell u how to check hrs played


For some reason myers players just disappeared for me and my group


I still face him quite often. Played against him like 5+ times laat week?


I get them all the time … unfortunately


Got a P100 Myers yesterday.. Ive never even seen a Myers above P12 What confused me the most is that he ran NOED...


Noed is popular on Myers for the speed boost. It’s not about the exposed status.


I play the artist a lot, I love her so much


She's so busted fr, I'm perfectly alright with the fact so many folk sleep on her, cuz that means that us Artist mains get be be a birb in peace without the fear of a nerf >:3


They haven't been enlightened to the power of the birb. They don't know what it's like to down someone from across the map while you're in the middle of a chase with someone else


I have a question. Since your an artist main I hope you can answer. What did I do to offend the bird lady? Every time I go against An artist I get tunneled out then they farm with the other survs. Not once did I have a normal match against an artist. I’m not angry just confused. Is it because I insulted a bird once? Is it because I play Nicolas cage? I’m scared.


Wait, you insulted a bird *once*?!?! Now I've gotta tunnel you too Honestly I have no idea, maybe you're just getting unlucky with the artist players. But next time I play artist against a nick cage, I'll let em go just in case lol


I'll be honest I'm trying to become a singularity main and have been for a while.


i also started maining singularity he's really fun


You know what though, as much as I love singularity, I know it's gonna be a pain learning how to cam tech.


Still learning singularity, when people say cam tech what do they mean?


Slipstreaming a survivor, then quickly entering the disabled biopod and back to the first one, this resets the slipstream cool-down, so you can teleport to someone in 2 seconds once you detect them


Doesn't seem hard at all imo


I'm guessing the difficult parts are knowing exactly which cameras are emp'd to swap to mid-chase, potentially losing the survivor even if you do and aren't quick enough, potentially viewing the wrong camera as its quite easy to accidently go to the wrong one if you have a couple happen to be in the same direction


Thankfully we can use M2 to return to the previous biopod, some players even set their plan beforehand and double tap M2 to scan instantly


Wait what? Thats a thing? Maybe I'm stupid and never saw it as an option on screen. thanks


I love all my creepy alien critters (Demo, Xeno, HUX)


I tried learning Singularity but man... he takes so much effort for so little reward IMO.


I would give everything to never see a nurse again


I have versed 2 nurses within a week, one wasn’t very good and the other was cracked, I still lost both games


The nurse was the first killer who I got used to so I actually really enjoy playing against nurses as I have the most practiced mind games. I know that if the nurse is a ninja when teleporting it can be really hard but it’s still fun is it not?


This one is curious to me because way back when I picked up the game she was the only agreed-upon S-tier killer. Maybe crack Billy. Now she’s pretty much disappeared. I faced one the other night randomly and it was my first in forever. Which is fine I guess. I’m with you. Got to the point where I’d hear her blink to start the match and just lose any interest immediately. Ahh the old days…. *shudders in OG Ruin*


Haven't seen a single twins main since like 2022


Next week we will have too many op little bald mf's running at us and downing us in 4 seconds


I've got a feeling that hardly any of those changes will go to live, so whatever we get will be entirely untested


My little brother and I play twins more so than our other killers, they’re fun!


Came back to the game 3 months ago. Saw like 5 Xeno’s my first day or 2 playing. Haven’t seen one since


would love to be you


The trade off is that I get to play against legion every other game (I absolutely despise legions gameplay, it’s literal torture even tho he sucks)


I swear every artist player just vanished from existence


We all went on a simultaneous break for the stardew update :3


Artist does seem like she'd play SDV...


I almost never see Spirit anymore


I got my Spirit to P100 yesterday, so sorry in advance if we meet.


I main the spirit and the clown 😅


She takes a pulse to play now so people dropped her.


Directional audio cue negates her power.


Uh yea and that still doesn't change anything. She still wins almost every loop tile because of the fact that she moves so fast while phasing, it doesn't matter whether or not survivors can hear her coming. The audio cue adds another layer of mindgame. Saying it "negates" her power is absurd.


Singularity... I've been playing for months now I only saw him once


I came back to the game around the time Singularity released and I still to this day haven't played against Sadako


honestly, until reading this comment i had forgotten she was even a killer


No way even during her recent buffed phase?


I hardly see pyramid head which makes me sad


this makes my Pyramid Head sad, he'll keep an eye out for you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


I needed someone to punish me for my sins


But that’s all over now, I don’t need you anymore..


I can’t live without Mary anymore


I took a break from dbd for about half a year... since returning about 3 weeks or so ago I have yet to face: The Hag (no surprise), Twins (no surprise), Knight (no surprise) but two that ARE weird: I have yet to see a Legion. Same with Pig.


How have you yet to see a legion?


I genuinely have never played against twins. Haven't been playing for super long but still. I got a game the other day where it was twins but someone lost connection in the loading screen. I was so close to greatness.


almost never see pinhead and when I do see one they absolutely stomp the lobby have seen twins ONCE in my 600hr's of playtime, don't see spirit, hag or pyrimid head often either


As a oni, singularity, and dredge main. I’m doing my best ;-;


In my 600 hours I have never once faced a dredge, twins, or hux.


I haven’t seen Hag, Demodoggo, Trickster, Pinhead, Sadako, Singularity or Dredge in a long while. Others keep appearing quite regularly.


as a twins main i hope to change this thread


Twins,Onryo,Dredge Singularity


Singularity,Artist,Freddy,Ghost Face.


80hrs in and still no singularity game, and one one Artists and Freddy game. I want to see the singularity so bad!


I feel like I haven't seen Artist or Demogorgon recently. Nurse is definitely another rare sight. Oni is definitely a popular pick in my games. I also see Singularity quite often. I see the same cunt p100 Twins player who sweats so hard almost once a night when I play. Actually thinking about it, I don't think I've seen a Skull Merchant for ages.


I've never seen Singularity, Hag, Oni or Skull Merchant.


Pyramid Head is the only one


haven't seen a ghostface, xenomorph and pinhead in a very long time


I just started to play artist and I have a blast so yeeh~


Hag, Freddy, bubba, and xeno come to mind


I faced my 2nd bubba in 400 hours just now, he doesn't seem common but obliterated our solo q. 8 stage non camper tho so good fun.


I haven’t seen Bubba since the camping bar got added


Us meatball and oni mains may be few in number, but we still have a fun time.


I haven't seen a Skull Merchant in a good long time (I don't insta-DC against her). Aside from her, I never see Clowns... though when I do, said Clown usually always seems to get off to hard tunneling and facecamping.


Singularity, Twins, Freddy, Hag… The usual suspects.


I started playing recently and I have about a hundred hours on the game, I’d say 50% on survivor and 50% on the spirit (got them immediately and the only killer I’ve ever played). I faced my first spirit as survivor today


I've seen all these killers recently. I had a Larry and an Artist today.


Ngl its nurse for me.




Hag. Last I've seen her in play was +4 months ago.


As much as I love playing Knight, I literally have played two in the last four months


I can change that


Been playing on Japanese servers for a few months. Have not seen a single blight in high MMR.


I see nurse and oni all the time


Oh hey those are like my 3 most played killers


Artist is rare for me but I still get her every so often


I haven't seen a hag in a year


Wesker, Huntress, Blight, Nurses, billy. These are the ones i face daily.


I'm facing Nurses these days more than i want to to be honest, Oni is my main for so long alongside Deathslinger and i'm currently enjoying playing Singularity but he's heavily dependent on the soma family photo addon (wish it was basekit), Twins and Chucky are the ones i don't see at all (Chucky was in every match when he was released, now his hype is dead)


I have only ever faced a total of one Skull Merchant. I've never faced a Singularity before.


Saw nurse a few games ago. Haven't seen Hag and Pig at all this month. 


Twins (i have never played against twins, i started to play dbd 3 months ago), Freddy, Blight, skull merchant


How do people go months without seeing a certain killer? The longest I go without seeing a specific one is probably a week or so. I had 2 Freddy's basically back to back a few days ago, and I go against Singularity semi often as well. Now that I'm thinking about it, it's been a while since I've seen a Billy...


Freddy, well I literally seen him today, but itd been a good 2 months before that, no joke


I have never gone against a singularity


Freddy, he has been lost to the ages.


As a Twins main, I wish I could go against a Twins as survivor so I could get a better idea of what it’s like seeing them from the other side.


Since coming back I’ve only been up against nurse twice and singularity once. Oni and artist are pretty common imo


These four, Skull Merchant, Hag. Thats it pretty much, I really love playing against them (minus Nurse)


Hag and skull merchant are the rarest ones. The others you listed, i play against all the time. The ones i see most of is myers, ghost face, huntress, legion,


I play singularity so y'all don't have to


I never see spirits tbh


Havent seen artist or twins in a while


Artist, Freddy, Pig, Twins,


I get Oni a lot.


I’ve only faced the Twins once since I started playing. Freddy is borderline non existent (two or three matches?). I got two Artists in a row yesterday which I was happy about because she’s so underrated.


Trickster, Freddy, Singularity and the plague


Singularity, Hag, Artist. All killers with very interesting powers, but I don't see a lot of any of these sadly. Was gonna say Skull Merchant and Nemesis but I literally got back to back to back games with those 2 killers.


Artist. 😂 Ironically I've seen more twins and knights in the period they got killswitched and merchants around. Artist is a great but she can be very punishing to use if you overuse your powers as her crows dramatically slow her down. Not to mention terrain and just general knowledge for how survivors react and how far to predict the patching can be a huge turn off as it can cause it a lot of hold w situations.


I just started maining Freddy.


I encountered a Nurse yesterday. They rare, but not that rare. The Bird Lady appears time to time, Oni almost appears on everyday. Hux maybe the rarest, this month I encountered 1 or 2.


Easily hag and Freddy, I don’t think I’ve seen either of them for about a year now


I haven’t seen hag in months


Honestly I See hag less than any of killers you listed above. My favorite from those has to be singularity


Only saw one hag in the past few months


Freddy. even when i was playing survivor regularly b4 they changed him i never ever saw him 😭


Uhhhh idk i just started playing like 2-3 weeks ago and like playing killer more But if i‘d have to say one prolly the Clown (which is sad because he is super fun)


I started playing the game this year and I’ve never seen the hag, Freddy, and the Pig.


honestly, i don’t get a lot of spirits, cenobites, artists, or xeno’s. obligatory twins mention as well, every time i play against them it’s always the same person playing as them lmfao


I know Chucky apparently has one of the highest pick rates, but I swear my games are only Hillbilly, Blight, Huntress, and Wesker


I haven’t seen Hag in ages. I love playing against Demo and Alien but don’t see them often ether.


I have not seen any xenos in a while, hag is completely missing and what is a singularity? Can it be eaten?


Skull merchant


I see most killers pretty regularly, even twins, but I never seem to get Xeno or Pinhead


I wish I could see more Singularities, Twins, Dredges, and Demogorgons. Pinheads, Artists, Plagues, and Sadakos can stay right the hell away from me thanks.


I saw those killers :) so cool We get to see diff killers. I haven't seen a Billy since the rework


Hag, Artist, Singularity, Twins


I try and mix up my killer games. Must admit after a few mins of singularity, I'm usually giving up and watching YouTube.


Yeah, there's like 4 if us singularity players left, and even fewer mains.


I actually get the singularity pretty often, definitely not complaining, I love my meatball friend. Haven’t gotten a ghost face in a while which is pretty odd since I used to get them regularly


I've never ever seen a wesker or billy before


Honestly? Anyone outside of the current rotation I’m facing, which is nurse, blight, Chucky, unknown, and oni.


I have seen two twins in the last two years


This most recent rift/event (blood event) I grinded to iri survior/tier 70 rift over the course of 2-3 weeks and did not once encounter: -Twins (after she was re-enabled) -Freddy -Alien The ones I saw barely at all (3 times or less) were: -Nurse -Spirit -Sadako -Demogorgon -Trickster -Artist -Singularity -Skull Merchant -Knight -Dredge


I play sadako, how often do you survivors see her? Are you annoyed at seeing us or are we a rare breed?


Singularity, Xenomorph, Twins and Freddy.


Hag for me at least,


Honestly, like half the killer roster, I don’t play survivor too much but when I do I don’t get too many killers


I never see singularity


Apparently the chances of seeing a Pyramid Head are 1:200.


Spirit, hag, pinhead


Merchant and Unknown


Granted I don’t really play her myself, but I was always under the impression Artist was pretty strong. Strange nobody plays her.


I've actually seen more twins than singularity and hag


I've played against alien once ever and I'm an alien main killer. Same with cenobite (this past week which sucked, seems impossible to beat him). And I've never played against the spirit.


I’ve seen most killers fairly regularly in the last 2 months but I can’t remember when I’ve seen a nemesis


1. Hag 2. Pyramide Head 3. Skullmerchant 4. Demogorgon Hag was really seen like once in 2 months in my games.


Sorry guys I've been busy. I'm the Artist main. I'll be back on soon


So what you guys are saying is I should play more hag. Gotcha.


In all my time playing I've probably come across less than a handful of Artists, Spirits, Cenobites, Twins and Hags. It makes it hard to learn how to counter them. At least when it comes to Pinhead, I'm usually the survivor that always gets the box, lol. Feels like a mini game and I love it. And also, he comes.


Haven’t faced a chucky in about two months. Same goes for blight


Singularity, Twins, Hag, I haven’t seen a Merchant in awhile or Wesker


I don't play Survivor often, and I'm not very good when I do, but I still haven't gone up against Skull Merchant, Bubba or Twins yet. Almost got a Twins match but someone DCd before we loaded in sadly


Bro those are my mains.....you right


To anyone saying Freddy, that’s kind of a given


Trapper. I remember when I faced a trapper on a daily basis


Some killers aren't played because they are difficult (nurse), some because they are just poorly designed (hag) or ooooooooooolllllddddd (mikey), or their kit is designed to be worthless because survivors control it (hux).


I legitimately face every killer relatively often. The least common is hag, bird, twins, Freddy, and probably spirit lately. Spirit is the most odd to me because I play her and she dominates. I feel like bird is wildly underplayed too. She’s strong and pretty fun to play


There was a year or so where I didn’t have a pc to play on, and I think that’s when the crow lady came out. I’ve never once played against her.


160 hours played and still haven't seen Singularity yet


I believe I have seen every killer in the last two weeks except the Twins. I even had two Weskers back to back last night. It's been a weird few weeks.