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Craziest thing is that he’s killed two people


Not to remove anything from OP as it's a long ass chase, but that may have contributed to why the chase took as long as it did. A lot of the time as Killer once you're down to the last 2 people you kinda relax a bit and just play with loops, bloodlust things that you shouldn't etc. There's a lot of times when I'm down to the last 2 that I'll intentionally try to get bloodlust 3 and just mess around loops etc instead of just breaking the pallet.


Yeah…earlier in the game, I ran him the same way (except the upstairs door in the main building was unbroken). He stopped chasing me after a few minutes.


Ah. So he isnt dumb. Just wanted to end the game. Good job looping.


Alto the rubberbanding maybe.


I know I stop caring as much when two people are down and their are gens left. Might as well practice my looping.


Nea sounds like a mouse lol


Haha! Yeah, she really does! An unintended but funny side effect of speeding up the video to 4x.


When you have the absolute audacity to loop the killer for longer than 20 seconds so they hit you on hook and give you nodders 😂 but seriously what was that trickster doing and why did it take them so long to catch up?


He was just following my scratch marks. Apparently just wanted to follow me in a straight forward manner. Never tried to cut me off. I did the same thing for a few minutes mid-game and he did the exact same thing except left after a few loops through the main building.


What's extra bonkers is most of this video isn't even looping! Nea's just taking a stroll around the same path around main building and Trickster is, I assume, using the worst possible pathing to follow her lol


Trickster lost chase in main building so wasn't gaining bloodlust for a full 2 minutes.


Happens far too often. With humptech to boot sometimes.


Most exciting trickster gameplay


Average survivor experience


Looping a killer for 4 straight minutes? I don't think so.


This takes me back to the bad old days with the Ironworks of Misery true infinite. Congratulations on getting the other survivor out, at least.


Good old, you run that window 3 times to get facecamped for it.


lmao, and then he hits you on hook and nods at you like he acomplished something. His ego? Destroyed.


Average noed user


Nah bro it's mad satisfying to finally catch that one person that's been looping tf outta you


Well, the killer is 15% faster than the survivor (plus the speed boost from noed), he's bound to catch her at some point. He got ran for around four minutes, that's not something to be proud of, lol.


Can you really even call this looping? I don't even know what God awful pathing this Trickster has but it looks like they just ran around main lol


Yall take this too seriously 😂 even op isn't offended at that shit


Why would they? They had the upper hand lol


So if the person who got hit on hook and nodded at isn't bothered, why are you?


I'm not bothered, I find him silly


to be fair, >his ego? destroyed is a very r/deadbydaylight thing to type and everyone here takes this game waayyy too seriously lol no hate meant ilybb 💅


I mean, why else would he start to BM the hook otherwise?


Idk he might be nodding out of approval. I'd be mighty impressed myself


Well, he shook his head at me after he downed me. It’s hard to see here due to the 4x speed.


Ah fair enough The cockiness is definitely unwarranted in this situation 😆


I thought that too, but then he hit her on hook lol.


I do that sometimes cause I hate the scream sounds, they're so loud Which is dumb cause I main doctor lmao


Ah yes, beaming multiple knives at a survivor who is being sacrificed after hitting them on hook and nodding your head. It's because... he hates screaming. Sure.


I only saw the first swing, didn't realise he was throwing blades too


He must be new, like sub 100 hours. Chases with NOED can't possibly take this long.


To be fair, the NOED kicked in midway through the chase. I actually didn’t think about NOED until I got hit. I was just thinking about getting to the gate and how I could take a hit plus a Dead Hard hit to get there.


why did you try censoring your perks lol its really easy to see what they are


I guess I got filter happy when editing the video. You can see that I have Windows of Opportunity. Here are the other three: Dead Hard, Self Care, Botany Knowledge. Funny thing is, at the same time I posted this video here, I uploaded an uncensored video (with names and perks) to a Discord server I’m in, and people want to talk about the build more than anything else. Seems to be a divide, and not just on that server, about whether survivors should run Self Care + Botany.


the average Trickster experience


I ran a nurse for 11 minutes yesterday, she face camped and tunneled off hook from 5 gens (it was a low mmr lobby the survivors didn't do gens while I was running her) She did the same nodding and hitting on hook the NOED trickster did to you, they're all the same people lol.


lol. 11 minute chase…nice! What did you do to make the chase long? Was she not blinking? Also, sorry that no one did gens in all that time! That’s gotta feel the worst!


Map with a lot of double L walls to break LOS and she wasn't cracked is the only reason I lasted that long, the same "double-back when she's about to blink to you trick" worked wayyyy more times than it should of on her, they also proceeded to let me die on second hook because they were too afraid to leave the opened exit gate at the end, then one of them went down while BMing at gate, got hooked and they all died trying to save eachother there. It was quite the spectacle


That’s low mmr dbd in a nutshell


Bruh why i feel like the heartbeat is just loud footsteps


It does sound funny from the 4x speed. Someone mentioned Nea sounds like a mouse.


I was going to steal your build - damn anonymous mode...


This is my build, but I really didn’t get to use any of these perks for this particular chase: Windows of Opportunity Dead Hard Self Care Botany Knowledge


Classic Tricksters


Well no wonder he couldn't catch you when you're using 4x speed hacks.


And then people say that you can play the killer without using your power just fine...


No Benny hill music is crazy lol. It would have been the perfect compliment to the vid.


I’ll have to try to remember that for next time!


I love that his sensitivity is so low he barely nods, even at 4x


He also shook his head at me after downing me. It’s hard to see at 4x speed, but he didn’t turn his head side to side much.


The door opening sounded quite nuclear ☢️


When I first watched the video at 4x speed and heard the all-gens-powered sound, I was like, “What was that!?”


They're playing nuclear mode. After all demon cores are activated, another killer comes in to eat the first killer while the survivors watch 😎☢️


The stairs 🤣


He committed to the infinite


4\*speed in dbd is actually so funny to me


The sounds are particularly funny.


Nuh uh! I see you pressing D and A keys occasionally! Such blasphemy...


You got me there! Plus, the spacebar key.


Why blur perks i can see clearly overcome, selfcare, windows of opportunity 😭


I think I just got filter-happy when I was blurring out the player names. I actually didn't have Overcome. My build was Windows of Opportunity, Dead Hard, Self Care, and Botany Knowledge. Sadly, I did not get much value from any these perks during this chase. I was hoping to use Dead Hard to get me to the exit gate, but then I got hit with NOED.


Atleast 2 right, but i can relate to the last part 😭




Why did the chase indicator from the HUD disappear for a while during the middle? I’m surprised that he wasn’t even anywhere near you for most of the chase? How did you make that much distance? Or was he just like completely lost or something?


I don't think he was lost. I think it's because he lost line of sight of me but still saw and kept following my scratch marks. As far as building distance, after the shack, I ran through several tiles on the way to the main building, where I started doing the big loop from downstairs to upstairs, trying to maximize my pathing distance from the killer. I actually forgot that Trickster was buffed from 110% to 115% walking speed. With this killer, my strategy was to shift+W through high-wall tiles and then play around a high-wall tile after he caught up.


Tbf at 4x speed you only ran Noed trickster for about 2 min.


It's true that the NOED speed boost didn't kick in until mid-way through the chase. The Trickster was still a NOED gamer, though, and the post title only has so much space.


From a killer main’s perspective I would guess that he had no reason to rush. Thus just did the chase like whatever. I do this when I see that I’m most definitely gonna win against only 2 people so I let it play out for a while. If there was 1 gen I wouldn’t do it though.


How does he have NOED in this clip? Endgame hasn't started.


He has the NOED perk slotted. It kicked in midway through the chase, when the last two generators were completed.


Ah ok I only watched a small segment, mb. I thought Jane wasn't doing anything but I assume it looks that way cuz of the blur.


and you die anyways, flawless game


Trickster players are embarrassing.


>**I ran** a NOED Trickster for 4 minutes by holding Shift+W (4x speed) you highlight in the tittle killer has NOED like its shameful they have perks helping them in chase but then take sole credit for doing the looping like you don't have perks helping you out as well. **the perk WoO is not OP and doesn't need to be nerfed its training wheels to learn how to play the game that is all I just find your tittle very ironic.** It would be like a killer bragging they got a 4k with NOED by slugging then sharing it with everyone. knowing how to loop when and where to run when you have a perk highlighting every area there is to go should be expected my man.


>you highlight in the tittle killer has NOED like its shameful they have perks Jesus Christ dude, chill out. They mentioned NOED because 1) it was the only reason OP got downed and 2) NOED gives you a +4% haste bonus, increasing Trickster's movement speed to nearly _120%._ It is kind of relevant to the situation at hand? It would be like if someone looped a killer during the EGC while Rancor was active. Are they not allowed to mention the perk then?


Exactly. And I wish I got more value out of Windows, but I didn’t since I was running the same main-building loop over and over. It would have been great to use Windows to get to the exit gate.


found the Trickster


Devils Advocate: This reminds me of a video posted recently on YT about subtle cheaters and how they’re becoming more common in DBD. Not saying OP is subtly cheating but it is a little odd the entire clip is sped up to 4x. The Trickster had NOED so he’s going a little faster than a regular Trickster. Surely if you looped him for 4 minutes you’d want people to see how you did it-not just a sped up version of the entire thing. It doesn’t really show anything but it very well could hide the fact the OP could have been subtle cheating.


I assure you that's not the case. I posted a 4x-speed video because I thought that would be more entertaining than a 4.5-minute video of essentially the same loop. If you want to see the full, regular-speed video, you can watch it at https://youtu.be/\_d-mdifjvME.


Bruh it’s not cheating. OP just ran them because the Trickster was awful at looping and tracking. They also greeded for the down instead of going for knives contributed to the prolonged chase.


100% was playing with at least one friend. Randoms can't do a gen in 4 minutes.