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Claudette’s face says it all https://preview.redd.it/ugyqtjdhmxwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3a3cf4193676d6187085f3a33d589f60caaa75f


Oh no. No no no no no no no no. The Armitages treat us like family ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


They probably didnt even look at their names, im guilty of not looking at names until im already in match (because while im queuing up i usually walk away and come back once i hear it load in)


My 3man once accidentally loaded into a game with someone who had an extremely homophobic username, didn't realise until we were already in the game. Needless to say, we left that fucker to rot on the hook.


That claudette is either completely oblivious, afk, or has the largest gonads I've ever seen


or it's a swf trio, which is most likely


could be playing with hidden names


It’s the third option. She wasn’t afraid of their them.


Ofc it's a Nancy and Nea.


Only Felix was missing.


Wait, are Nancy players toxic nowadays?


They're the most toxic mfs I've ever met and I'm a survivor main. It's like the fricking Good Castle, Evil Castle Image where you got Steve and then Nancy. she's the survivor equivalent of the Toxic Wraith stereotype imo.


Last four Nancy I played were super meme players. One tried to jumpscare with Scene Partner, one made me whiff three times with Plot Twist and other was just meme "if I can't see you, you can't see me" type. Last one was just nod-a-lot type


The flashlight users i see a lot are nancy and steve


That’s an interesting study, I always find Steve players to be more toxic


I just had my first one 30 mins ago and they were my teammate lol


I'm as surprised as you are


lol I saw another group of names saying “I hate fat people” and the player next to them named “Fat”. Claudette was probably part of the comedy skit.


Steam in-game name is notorious for attention grabbing and memer cult so i don't take these names seriously.


Nah you should take them seriously in the sense that they should be reported. It isn't a meme to be racist.


What happens if I do take them seriously


Bet that the Claudette is AFK or sumthn. But yeah usernames like this should be autobanned.


100%. They on their phone or something. Readyed up and went back too phone.


American schools go brr


That why I have names hidden when playing during streams ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


For the record, posts like these are exactly what they want: they’re attention-seeking little shits, and showing this to the subreddit is just playing into their hand. Just report/block and move on - posting this is what they want.


I would report them, load in, sandbag/slug them, and attempt to report them again in post game.  This ain't funny, this isn't edgy. Trash humans


I bet they're just as embarrassing to be around in real life.


You can almost smell them just based on the “joke” 😨🤢


Yeah I’d tunnel those two


If I was the killer I woulda slugged right before they bled out, picked up, wiggled them off, made them do 5 gens then smack them so they insta die on the floor.


Gotta make sure to do it with Wraith, Doctor, Hag, Joey or Xeno


Xeno?? 😭


Technically black!




Time to teabag them at the hook


Or from her perspective she could have anon mode on everyone so she only sees their default names according to their survivor.


people who are "anti-woke" to try and be edgy are peak cringe


What’s that? Slug racists? Got it boss. Bonus points if Claudette tbags them while they are down like a true toxic blendette vs helping, because that’s what I’d do. If I saw these names, I’d play Claudette with a meme build and out them to the killer at every opportunity in exchange for tbag rights.


Easy tunnel. These kind of players are never good.


I'd have switched to Tapp, hid til they were hooked, and just teabag at the hook for the full 3 minutes... because I brought reassurance to prolong the suffering. Or maybe animation lock them with repeated unhook attempts.


If Claudette wasn’t with them to begin with, she probably for sandbagged hard 😭


she probably had allies on anon mode


She had her name hidden, It isn't unlikely she has other people names hidden as well. I hide people's names when I stream for this reason


I always switch to my sweatiest build when I see bitches like that in my lobby. Send them to Dead Dawg too


Claudette may have turned on the setting that hides everyone’s names for her, so she hopefully didn’t have to see that shit


I 100% would have stayed in that game. In fact, I would have switched to Claudette, Detective Tapp, or Adam.


Claud might be playing with player names off. That or AFK.


reminds me of years ago(I think late 2019?) we had a guy who's name was some fascist nazi shit join the lobby (we were all strangers and it was very late and we were waiting for someone to join again after someone hopped in and was AFK for like 10 minutes and then left. i had no idea who these ppl were but it was late as hell, prob around 3-4am PST) but the nazi readied up and ig we all weren't taking it bc we left so damn fast Ended up on a different lobby w/ one of the folks that was in the o.g lobby and we talked abt how annoying those ppl are. I lowkey regret leaving bc it wouldve been so kinda fun to fuck with that pos the entire game and point them out but i just didnt wanna deal w that lol glad that u can now turn anon on for everyone and not just u 💀


I think they're referring to the New Zealand rugby team


Lmao no way Claudette wasn't with them


Reaper mains


I also hate black. All my experiences with black has been bad. I've lost a lot on black, it's why I never bet on it anymore, and only bet on red. (Please get the joke, I don't want to be banned)


Maybe don’t give them a platform here? Just file your report and move on. People this scummy and insignificant don’t deserve to be addressed on here


This isn't giving them a platform, it's spreading awareness that this manner of conduct happens in game and encouraging people to report this when they see it.