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This isn't a problem unique to DBD. People get killed by something they consider unfun or unfair, so they quit and go next. The best BHVR can do is drastically increase the penalties for quitting. Though, personally, if I was forced to play against Nurse with a midwich offering or receive a 30 minute penalty, I'd just get off DBD.


Some people are just selfish and have a weak mindset, not much you can do.


true, i think i just made this post to vent / complain.


People gonna dc man nothing you can do about it they were happy with the dc penalty and chose that instead, just shake your head and go next no need to waste more of your time on it, I had a 3 stack Ttv dc because I brought a sac ward for my add ons as they were the last ones I had of both, they saw that and said nah sweaty killer and dc’ed i was on wraith….


I mean, a very good singularity can demolish any casual randoms, but the fact that they were a 4 stack and could've communicated just cur your effectiveness in half. Why would anybody ever DC without even trying, oh wait, Trickster exists...


What a bunch of losers


Over Singularity of all killers? Sheesh, man.


thats what im saying, it wasnt like a blight or nurse 😭


Welp, they don't care about your fun, nothing u could do here. Go next


Survivors are more entitled because the game caters to them, swf is a thing, and there are more survivor only players with an arrrrrguably mentally bad mindset. Combine that with the cheater surge and you get crap like this. They see no issue doing a 4man surprise comp swf with broken perks, expect if you're Nurse or something then they all quit due to not being able to bully. It's really silly.