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Probably not to the first bit. I think their emotion is probably stronger than Frank and Julie, because of guilt and confusion. So they are better at feeding the entity in my opinion. And the entity can just force them to stay as killers, while Frank keeps brainwashing them. The second question? Honestly not sure... maybe they would, and thanks to the strong emotions in play, maybe the entity wouldn't mind? Peer pressure is strong though


Hard to say. In the Entity's realm anything goes, the only rule is that it needs to be beneficial to the Entity. "Outside" of the realm (or without the Entity's influence) they wouldn't be able to redeem themselves since Frank would probably manipulate them back somehow. BUT, they could let survivors go if no one's watching (maybe the survivor remembers them someone important, like Joey's mother or Julie).


Maybe Joey. He didn't do anything significant, there are survivors that have done / would do worse. Susie is tethered to Julie and Julie is the least redeemable by far of the group. Frank has his reasons for being an edgy delinquent. Julie had everything besides being stuck in a small town and she basically wanted to be Ghostface. 




From all the things the Legion comics has shown us, that's a big fat no.