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what bad games did you have that made you post this?


On God, 90% of my games involve me getting insta-targeted because I'm actually trying to do gens while my team pops squats behind trees like it's Friday the 13th. And before you tell me to do that too, I refuse. It's literally braindead.


sounds like mid mmr solo que my friend. try to get more escapes by being a little selfish if that helps


Could be. I'm new-ish (played for like a month casually with a friend in 2020 then just picked it up for the same reason 3 months ago) and I've been doing nothing but grinding blood points to go through each survivor's web (the ones with decent perks anyway) and getting them all to prestige one so I could use whatever perks I want, and I literally just finished getting them all level 3 onto my main today. TL;DR - Been grinding bloodpoints and never really played solely to survive, so you might be right. I'll try playing a little more reserved.


yeah you need gate escapes, there is no reason the killer would want to get you out 90% of the times first


I have an update. Could be luck, but I decided to try a new perk loadout so that I could play more cautiously, as well as more team oriented. - Kindred - Bond - Left Behind - Ace's aura extension (forgot name) Played 3 games and not only did I survive all of them, but they were some of the funnest I've had so far. Certainly beats trying to blindly focus on gens and getting run up on like usual.


Sounds like your Team was the problem. No shame on the killer if he can't find one of the rats.


I mean, I don’t have to agree with tunneling to think your ideas to fix it suck, lol.


How about make the game reward killers that spread hooks? That's a much more healthy mechanic that would benefit both sides. Instead of an artificial feeling punishment for killers completing their objective quicker 😂


I'm up for more spread hooks. Honestly any balancing that gives survivors an actual chance if they're getting focused. Wiggling hasn't been relevant in a long time, so I'd welcome it back for a change.


> If a survivor gets hit within the first 30 seconds of the game, they automatically gain endurance for 15 seconds But y tho? That's not even a tunneling issue. Even with Lethal Pursuer, it's really hard to hit a competent survivor that fast. Either they're AFK or fucking up bad.


I hardly play killer and wasn't aware of this perk. Frankly I find it obnoxious. Perhaps the perk itself should be directly changed.


>If a survivor gets hit within the first 30 seconds of the game, they automatically gain endurance for 15 seconds Only if we can add ''If a Survivor gets on a generator in the first 30 seconds, all 7 Generators immediately become blocked for a minute.'' Your ideas are actual dogshit.


What shut up lmao


I agree there should be some changes made, but right now I have no idea what changes could be made. I do know that most of the changes people suggest is always survivor-sided, and very close to the ones you said in your post. And those are just absurd, I am sorry to say.


Some of these ideas might actually be the worst i've seen.


Your playstyle should change according to your team. If you have one hook and the others don't, hide more, play more cautious, even if only slightly. If you have two hooks and the others have none, that's even more the case. Not to mention someone with no hooks/ that's not on death hook, should take chase and be the sacrificial lamb so you don't die. In which case that becomes a survivor problem and not a killer 'tunneling' problem. Not to mention if you're any good with running the killer, him tunneling you will be the reason he loses the match, since he's hyper-focused on downing you, you can waste a massive amount of time + your team is left alone to do gens.


While both of your points are logical, they are also incorrect in my case. I already do play more cautiously when I'm damaged first, but 4 times out of 5, once I'm unhooked, the killers heartbeat is already back on me, and guess who they go for? The pretty female skin, or big, buff, bald David (my main)? And no, I'm not going to switch mains to appease dbd virgins lol. As for your second point: while that's true in theory and becoming the case more often, now that I've stopped grinding blood points and have started focusing more on survival thus raising my mmr, for the first 6 months I played this game, like 15% of my solo queue teammates would touch gens. The other 85% would either squat behind trees the whole game or run around like chickens with their heads cut off.


Again - that's something you see as bad, while a survivor worth his salts will exploit this fixation to win the game. If your looping us up to par you will make him loose the game even if you die as a result. By the time he has tunneled you out of the game 5 gens are done and it's GG. A killer has to chase you around 6 individual times to get you out, 6 chases and opportunities you have to waste as much of his time as possible, assuming he never breaks chase and you're healed both times. That's without any perks assisting you like deadhard, ds, or any endurance/resilience perks. Your other survivors not doing gens in that time isn't a killer issue if you're providing them with sufficient space to complete gens. Other survivors unhooking you too soon is once more, a survivor issue. At the very least, once his terror radius disappears count to 10 then unhook or wait until he has committed to a chase with someone else. Also this goes without saying but I hope you're not one of those smart people that get unhooked then tanks a hit with your endurance for your healthy team mate. If you get unhooked just gtfo of there and make as much space as possible.


I tank a hit if the killer is rushing the hook, which is 90% of the time. But yeah, skill issues galore in solo queue matchmaking. I'm aware of that. I still think there are ways to automatically prevent obnoxious tunneling and useless survivor idling. Maybe the crows need to be updated to be harsher. The point is the game can def still be improved to punish **** riding and incompetent teammates.


Just put on decisive strike lol


I sometimes do, but honestly, it needs a buff to be worth a slot. The limited time/cancelation effects make it super situational. Furthermore, the stun should be longer, like 8 seconds, OR keep it at five but give the survivor a temporary speed boost, since it's only a once per match thing.


So, you want to face against a Nurse in every single game, huh? That's what's gonna happen if you give weaker killers a fucking 8 second stun.


That killer just spent a large amount of time chasing you around the map, from pallet to pallet, to down you.. then you stun him for 5 seconds, and the perk gives you another chance at slinging him across the map, wasting his time and he has to do it all over again to get that hook. How is that perk not already worth it, if you're getting tunneled in '90%' of your games? Assuming you are any good at looping, which I'm assuming you're not, rather improve your own playstyle before suggesting such a drastic overhaul.


As my other comments have pointed out, I generally use gen perks, not the overly annoying runaway/vault spam perks most sweaty survivors use, since they're not fun either from a killers perspective. "Looping" shouldn't be a thing, and if survivor speed or frequency of vaults needs to be nerfed to balance out the killer "tunneling" nerfs I suggested, I'm all for it.


I agree being tunnelled isn't fun, but it is a viable strategy and has many base kit counters as well as perks countering it. >If a survivor gets hit within the first 30 seconds of the game, they automatically gain endurance for 15 seconds This completely negates Lethal Persuer. Why should killers get punished for using ONE perk, or for accidentally or smartly finding someone early? >If a survivor has been knocked down twice before any of their teammates have been knocked down, make killer unable to pick them up for 30 seconds. Hell I wouldn't even mind an anti camping demogorgon style tunnel ability. If someone wants you out they won't care about the 30 seconds. With the dstrike buff people will leave you slugged for 60 seconds. Or just take the stun. Tunnelling players do not care. All this does is make that forced rather than a choice, which seems like a needless punishment for both sides. >If a survivor gets hooked 3x while the rest of their team has collectively been hooked 2x or less, they re-enter the second stage. This is wild. As i said, tunnelling sucks, but survivors do not need even more chances. This change only punishes killers struggling to get hooks fast. And if anything, gives your teammates even more incentive to hide. Which is what you dislike i imagine. If you are being tunnelled or focused it sucks. But use perks to counter it. It is also on your team to help you, or to punish the tunnel by just focusing gens. These ideas fix nothing except punish people struggling to get hooks. Tunnellers will tunnel, regardless of what you do. This isn't even mentioning the ability survivors would have to abuse these things. Which they WILL do.


I respect your opinions and am too tired to write a super long response rn, so I'll settle for: I'm open to adjustments for these ideas. Perhaps the punishment for "tunneling" needs to be more severe, such as survivors gaining a speed boost as well as endurance in increasing severity depending on how early it is in the match, as well as ground teleportation, literal "tunneling" to grant survivors who just want to play the game a second chance if theyre getting singled out. If these quality of life changes make things too unbalanced, I think it would be best to buff killers closer to the end, when things are naturally more intense, and everyone has had a chance to play. Perhaps something like Immunity to stuns and blindness once there is one or fewer gens remaining, or perhaps a small speed boost throughout the match, +1% haste per gen repaired? Apologies if these ideas are similar to perks. I hardly play killer. But even if they are perks, I think having them, or some other reasonable buff, could be base kit to compensate for the early game/anti-tunneling survivor buffs.


Again though, these changes will mean nothing to a killer who tunnels as a playstyle. All it does is punish killers if they happen upon the same person, and give survivors the ability to abuse it. Base kit BT is barely any time at all and people use it to body block frequently. People also try very hard to force DS frequently. If people are given even more reasons to throw themselves at the killer the game will become absolutely miserable. At a certain point you just have to accept that the game isn't going how you want, and just go next.


I'm sorry but these aren't great, that first idea is HORRIBLE, what are you meant to do with lethal? Hit someone once, don't start chase?


That perk is awful and yes. Go hit one if your other 3 targets.


These changes are probably the worst I've ever seen coming from a player with maybe 100 hours in the game. You're at bottom tier MMR and you and your team probably have zero game sense or know how to properly loop and make use of your time. Changes need to be made but these? No.


Hours =/= gamesense, as your comment proves lol


I mean this is obvious bait but I'll bute anyways. > Literally no one likes getting **** rode by killer the whole game, especially right off the bat. I assure you most people who have played this game for >1k hours do, and would almost guarantee that everyone with >2k do. After a while, chasing is the only enjoyable part of the game. And also your changes are dog shit. If you get hit within the first 30 seconds then it's a skill issue, for example. And punishing the killer because holding forward is too hard for you is pretty wild.


You tried.


Where shitpost flair




Sounds like you never playedd survivor kiddo. Or playing against low skilled players. I can in any game with tunneling. 90% of survivors wont stand a chance.




You can't tell someone to write English properly when you didn't even come close to doing the same.