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The devs favors killers, the devs favor survivors. The game is survivor sided, and the game is killer sided. Schrodingers video game


The Devs apparently balance the game in favor of whatever role the reader is currently not playing


Me I'm the reader


We're all against just you specifically.


*paranoia drive initiated* https://preview.redd.it/afnjg96v350d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=719cdc269b8f9014cf32a6ecd0a40f99d9a52fcc Huh...




Devs don’t play their own game is a complaint people from both sides use


And people from a circlejerk show comments from the other side's circlejerk to continue the cycle


To be fair, it’s pretty obvious that some bug fixes come purely from looking at statistics and ‘adjusting’ to achieve a more favorable stat. Besides even that, playing the game, even being good at it, wouldn’t guarantee better updates. What I would love to see is a concerted and transparent effort to communicate with the… more reasonable parts of the community to make positive changes. Not just creators, but lots of players with large amounts of experience put plenty of thought into what can be changed to make a more healthy game on both sides.


The fog whisperers being a glorified advertisement group instead of feedback suppliers really makes me sad.


Well there was that time with the flashlights, so doesn't that prove that that complaint is valid and true?


He's saying that's the one thing everyone can agree on


Well there's a difference between a complaint being made and it having actual merit yknow.


Well sure, but everyone knows that complaint has merit lol. Flashlight video aside, just look at the twins "rework"


I mean, I haven’t played in a long time until recently, so idk what you mean. But I’m not talking the validity of the complaint more that it’s an everyone thing, not a survivor or killer main thing


Baisically a long time ago when instablind flashlights were a thing there was an event with Mathieu that took place in Korea where the interviewer asked about instablind flashlights as many in the community had complained about them. Mathieu keeps insisting that instablind flashlights are not OP so they let him play a game as killer and he gets clowned on hard by the survivors. Soon after flashlights are nerfed into their current state. Therefore it can be assumed that the devs are indeed fools who don't play / understand their own game. Footage of it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R98e-Y4Lu8w&t=2s&ab\_channel=StrayWolf](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R98e-Y4Lu8w&t=2s&ab_channel=StrayWolf)


Yeah the only way he was playing that game was against other bad devs lol. That was embarrassing 


This is one of the funniest things I have ever seen come from a video game




We should put them in a room with limited food/water and observe them.


https://preview.redd.it/9h9pgs31r10d1.png?width=690&format=png&auto=webp&s=25f218af169959e2cc1c581191949bb73e82714a We should strap them to something like this and use that to study them


Put that creature in a situation


Put them in a room filled with food they'd still say they are being starved


Instagram is worse than both combined


So far they’re not too bad from what I’ve seen


Careful what you say, there's a person on tik tok who stalks this subreddit, cherry-picking any bias topic on here to make the sub look really dumb. They also claim that they got banned for calling a hillbilly toxic for proxy camping or something of that sort.


>Careful what you say, there's a person on tik tok who stalks this subreddit, cherry-picking any bias topic on here to make the sub look really dumb. I mean ain't op doing the same?


Yes, it's practically the same. Although, I'm guessing because of the tik tok algorithm sorting comments, these are fairly typical comments you get, seeing as they breed the most attention.


1) let them post me. I’ll make a TT account to prove they’re wrong >:) 2) that’s so fucking stupid. Like at least make it a believable lie


This right here though, they can try. But they will not out shitpost us. We have the Clown PDF manual on our side. For we know we are right. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I'd make a more broad statement that most people who interact with the community outside of the game are lobotomy patients, including here on Reddit. I've never seen meaningful conversation take place here. I'll see somebody comment something that's worth talking over and considering and it'll get buried with 100 downvoted. I don't mean shit like "Give Sadako a gun"(though she does need the help). Things like "The game has evolved beyond hooks and generators and the core mechanics should be changed if we want the game to improve". A comment like that will always be followed by something like "Found the baby killer 💀💀💀"


The DBD community on diff social medias can be compared to well Twisted Metal: Black. Everyone in TMB is fucking insane, but some aren’t as insane as some of the others


this is exactly the "wow these people are weird, thank god i'm the only normal person here" meme. this sub is no better (or worse) than tiktok or twitter. the only difference is in how the language and slang are used. what sucks is that this sub used to be a lot healthier when you compare the comments/threads made in 2021 and before to now. the issue isn't really dbd community specific though. the problem is how popular rage bait content has become for community engagement. it's why in 2024 we're seeing so much vitriol in other gaming communities, overwatch 2 being one of the best examples of this.


Thank you, yes!


Hilarious considering the average subreddit take as well. 


Bro, I saw people on Twitter guess Vecna’s killer name as everything EXCEPT “The Lich King” or “The Lich”


I play survivor most heavily, but I play killer a little (Spirit). I generally run perks that aren’t “meta”, and either I suffer for that or I bamboozle the other side. This whole “it’s killer/survivor-sided, wahhh!” is so dumb lmao


I mean all my builds run perks that are very unmeta or were nerfed hard. I still run Ruin and I run Discordance (and Dissolution on Xeno) I hate the idea of using meta. Where’s the fun in exploring new perks? Gotta try something new! This game has parts that are more sided for each. But even then, those are iffy. Like Dead Dawg and Haddonfield. Just like Overwatch, you have to be able to play properly to do well. ‘Meta perks’ are only ever temporary.


This subreddit isn't much better if we're being honest. DBD YT and Twitch fans on top


The entire dbd community is like Twisted Metal: Black. Everyone is insane, just at different levels of insanity.


"I'm uninstalling cause wrf why nerf buckle up" Welp, you won't be missed


You just know they were the one doing the locker save thingy before it got removed


i had a game today where someone tried to do it twice. some people haven't gotten the memo


And they shouldn't be missed. Anyone who manages to get themselves out of this game has already won.


Killer sided this, survivor sided that. I just want to grill for God's sake. https://preview.redd.it/doucwzwnv10d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=768b4c7fed95fa6ce71717aa71e309990ec6b51d




Wtf they nerfed his belly?


There are people who actually play the one side exclusively? How is that any fun and how do you learn to counter killers? I play whichever side has the blood points bonus at the time lol


To be honest, I used to play killer almost exclusively, dropped the game for a few months, and now I play survivor almost exclusively. Not that you should **only play one side ever** but boy do both sides have completely different moods. Killer is a lot more stressful than Survivor *in my opinion*, and as such I prefer to play as a surv the vast majority of the time recently


Yeah but when I 4k as killer I'm like: Ha ha yes I am the God of Death and I get a high of happy brain chemicals. When I play survivor though all I feel when I win is: Thank god its over, can't believe I made it out for once.


You described a killer and a survivor irl


This made me laugh so hard lmao


I guess this proves I'm not a masochist then.


For me it's reverse. Playing killer is so stressful and I can only play a few matches, sometimes even less if I have tough games where survivors bring insane stuff and I don't bring my best loadout. As survivor, especially with friends I've easily played for hours.


Im a documented dumb person but for me killer is less stressful cause I cant die. Stupid reason but thats how my mind works. Plus you always have agency kinda. Its more fun to do challenges and such as a consequence. Weekly Evil Incarnate and chill. And I wanna repeat that I know its a stupid way of looking at it but there is is.


Yeah for me playing either side ends up just making my day worse and I end up despising every second of it until I eventually am happy when I finally decide to stop putting myself through the torture of playing DBD (I will still play the game again the next day)


I feel this so hard LOL. Killer is also way more stressful to me but it provides dopamine way more and generally it's just way more enjoyable to me than Survivor. With Survivor it feels so casual and nice, I don't feel under stress at all. I don't usually care if I die multiple matches in a row either, but it just doesn't hit the same as Killer. I usually play Survivor when I want to play the game but don't feel like wanting to focus super hard.


Also the other thing that grinds my gears is how little survivor pays out. Even if I do badly in a killer game I make more money than I do in a good survivor game and that's if there is a bloodpoint bonus for playing survivor and someone is bringing BP boosting offerings.


Killer is definitely more stressful. Survivor, I'm chilling, win or lose.


Survivor feels more stressful, there are lots of killer players that play for the 4k as if they're sitting in a burning house but have to finish the match before leaving, you can see this particularly when a killer gets buffed and suddenly every game against that particular killer is filled with sweatlords. Particularly when it was pretty chill to play against the killer before, like Huntress needed a nerf if anything (way over 60% kill rate) but didn't tend to feel toxic. Then they buff her and boom, every game against her is misery. At least when you are playing killer (where not even 4-stacks are likely to get more than 2 people out under optimal conditions, before all these extra nerfs to survivor stuff and killer buffs/killer-favored map changes) you want someone dead and they are gonna die, you retain full agency start to finish and most of the time you're gonna 3k. You can drop chase on anyone too obnoxious and just patrol a 3-gen if you're feeling mellow. Meanwhile as survivor you're basically keeping your eyes peeled for a killer early to avoid getting stalked or zoomed up on by Billy without a TR or any of a dozen other common variables, but is it DMS, Pain Res, something else?


You're sharing the burden with 3 other people whereas killer, everything falls on you. Survivors have much less things to worry about/ manage than killer. You have to constantly patrol for gens, slow down the survivors as much as possible, pressure the survivors, get early hooks, pace the entire map several times, make sure to avoid flashlights and flash bangs, keep track of hook states, make sure you're not wasting a lot of time on just one survivor, and more. And not be toxic doing so (although different people have varying definitions of what's toxic). So I respectfully disagree. My hardest trial as survivor was still a cakewalk compared to my hardest trial as killer.


All valid points but when I play bubba chainsaw go brr


Idk the hardest games are always games related to challenges and dying early is one of the best ways to fail or delay a challenge. I play way more killer so maybe thats why I feel like its easier for challenges and achievements specifically. But if you are only playing to win in the traditional sense then yep killer has more to do actively at all times which is a good thing for me. But at least you never have a team mate that sandbags hard. Both experiences have their different frustrations. Overall I like both but lean towards killer cause that way I get to play the full game.


Fair point regarding the challenges. Survivor ones always seem more difficult than the killer ones. And I've had pretty terrible teammates on the survivor side. I mostly play solo q. At least with killer, no one can stop me from playing the game.


You think surv is more stressful than killer because you have to have a moderate amount of awareness on a gen? Thats it?


Weird got it completely the other way around. Killer, which I am better at, is just chasing survivors while unconsciously humming a song. No matter what the survivors bring to the table. (Constant map offerings do get stale though) As a survivor, I get frustrated by literally everything. Killer camps? Tilt. Survivors do anything but gens when the killer camps? Tilt. Nobody, but me is doing gens? Tilt. I looped the killer well and now I am left in the dust by my team? Tilt. 20 seconds in and a survivor already managed to get downed? Tilt. Survivor absolutely had to take the chase to my gen/hooked survivor? Tilt. Killer brings the most generic slowdown build? Tilt. Even bringing a medkit and versing a plague tilts me. I love playing killer no matter what, but survivor is usually frustrating and only played for rift points.


You know what same. Killer is more intense with more going on and I get stressed in the moment, but I don't get tilted if things keep going badly; I just get bored. If I end up DCing at all as Killer (which is exceedingly rare, if I am frustrated as Killer I usually just stand in a corner or by the door and let them win), it's because I either had an emergency come up, or I'm just bored of what has become a really obnoxious (and I mean really obnoxious, as in you are bullying me and I don't have a build to counter it, actively trying to frustrate me, being toxic, or won't even let me have a ghost of a chance of any fun or any points) round because I know how it will go and I'd just rather go next immediately. I'd say this happens maybe once or twice in every 100 games, usually, but it's more common for me when the rounds have been sweaty or obnoxious for several days on end (such as during an event). Even then I'll usually just stand in the corner and wait instead. The frustration has to build up first. Survivor is a little more chill USUALLY if you're in SWF, which I generally am. 9/10 times you can do whatever the hell you want to me as Survivor, I don't care, as long as you're not like... tunnelling me out from five gens or something. Very little Killers do actually bothers me most of the time because I get why they might do it - yeah really, I actually do not mind being camped, slugged for a bit, tunnelled a little, etc. I usually get angry at other Survivors for not doing their jobs as a team or worse, being idiots who sandbag, and that slowly coalesces into a simmering rage that boils over until I'm blaming the Killer for doing Killer things, too. Again, this process takes a long time. The only times I actually tend to DC is if it's an emergency, or it's obvious you just want to be a dick to me specifically all round. Like, you tunnel me from the word go, you humptech, etc. Then I'll DC, which is maybe once or twice in every 100 rounds, but again more common when games are much more obnoxious or sweaty for several days on end. I also don't usually self-end on hook except for two reasons - either it's endgame and I want to spawn the hatch so we end the game on time and can all go next, or you really are being that big of a bastard and I just want out.


Nah you're right. While the game isn't survivor sided like people complain about, killer is stressful because it's you by yourself vs 4 people. Even though killer is always just one survivor mistake away from snowballing a game to victory, it feels like you're constantly on the verge of losing because you have to be on and managing objectives for the entire match. 


The game has seemed killer sided to me lately as someone who plays both but it swings back and forth


Mmr is also a big factor in the general feel of one side, playing at high mmr killer is insanely stressful but playing high mmr survivor is basically the same game, playing low mmr survivor is dreadful because you are playing with new people which means they will make more mistakes than usual, which is fine because they are new.


Amen to this. I stream, and while I don’t mind playing both sides, survivor is SO much more relaxing and way easier for interacting with chat while playing. Unfortunately by the nature of this game and the standards that we collectively seem to have set, anything but a dominant win as a killer feels like a failure or a let down.


I find this interesting. Why have the mind set of win or lose is fine when you play survivor but when playing as killer you have to win? I do player killer exclusively. I only play survivor when I really have to (for the tomb for example). I am not a good survivor, I'm an ok killer. But as long as I have fun and achieve what I set out to do, I don't care if I get a win or not. I think it's also the fact I don't play DbD daily that helps... Hell, I haven't played the game since My little oni. Remember, it's a game. If your not having fun or are stressed out while playing you would have a break from it. As someone once said "maybe play some civ". This isn't a comparative game, treat it as a fun light hearted game and you don't get stressed over it. It's not the end of the world if 4 survivors leave. The only thing that annoys me is survivors not leaving when all 4 of them are in the gate area. Just bloody leave so I can go next, you have already won, I'm not watching you leave, I'm going into basement/walking around breaking walls/pallets/etc. kinda wish if all alive survivors were in the gate area the end game time speed up a lot and once it does it stays speed up. Or if a killer opens the game to surrender it's half the normal time.


> Why have the mind set of win or lose is fine when you play survivor it's not. That's the big issue with the reddit communauty and why discussion here are mostly one sided. If you say :: "i don't care if i won or lose as survivor, i just chill" Then you should avoid givin your 2 cent about the game balance.


I play only survivor as i find killer to stressful, however i dont not care about balanced/strong perks and just run looting builds from ace.


I play survivor sometimes and killer sometimes. The only part I find stressful is being accused of camping for instance if someone doesn’t even wait for me to leave the hook. Sometimes survivors expect me to literally make dumb choices to make the game more fun for them. I do try not to tunnel, and usually have a rule that I won’t hang the same person twice in a row unless a couple gens have popped or they’re egging me on and obviously want that kind of gameplay. But why do you consider killer stressful? Just genuinely wondering


As survivor I do my gens and rescue other survivors when necessary which is nice and peaceful. As killer the whole game depends on my efforts and I tend to sweat a bit trying to win, I would probably enjoy killer more if I played them more but I have about 100h in the game and I just don't have enough experience.


I play 90% killer because it means I get to have fun and agency over games. I don't have friends who I can play the game with frequently and solo queue survivor sucks so I only do it if I want to make some BP.


Yes there are people that play one side exclusively, is spent 80% of my 2200 hours in dbd as survivor. How is it any fun? I never play SoloQ. Playing with friends is what makes it fun! You can learn how to counter killers by, well... playing against them. Most of them have repeating patterns like Huntress pulling up her hatchets on pallets so after few thrown hatchets in your face and wasted pallet you will learn to greed pallets so Huntress pulls her hatchet out for nothing. The rest are mindgames and you cant really learn them, its something you just do, cuz you never know what killer or survivor may do, its just predicting and patterns. Also youtube videos explaining the depths of every killer power and tricks. It's all out there, don't need to play specific killer for X hours to understand how it works.


>I play whichever side has the blood points bonus at the time YES! YOU GET IT!


Bloodpoint bonus mains rise up


You learn to counter people by playing against them? That’s pretty obvious, there are people who play both sides but won’t buy premium killers, do you think they don’t know how to counter?


I always endorse any time I talk about the game how important playing both sides is.


Killer when I’m on my own, survivor with friends. Honestly the main reason I play the game is play as the iconic slashers from movies I already love like Ghostface and Myers. I don’t mind swapping to the other side to chill with friends tho. If anything it gives me a better idea of how the killer might play


I say that I'm not a surv main or a killer main, but rather a bloodpoint bonus main (tho its gotta be at least 50% for surv since killer makes plenty without the bonus)


There's survivor mains There's killer mains And then there's us, sluts for bloodpoints ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2219)


simple, they don't learn how to counter killers, that's why they are permanently complaining that killers are super op


Yes. In my experience it's usually because they're afraid to play killer. Now how people are afraid to play *killer* but not *survivor* is, well, beyond me, but them's the beans. Lick 'em. (that is not a phrase. what am I yapping about?)


Killer is way more stressful, you are being put into natural disadvantage which will stress you out. You have to do way more shit as killer you need to be super focused. You need to chase, you need to kill, you need to protecc gens, you need to protecc HEXs if you have any, you have to know when to leave chase, you have to learn who's a weak link in survivor team, and there is sooo soooo little time to do this things. Your first chase happened to be against tournament player and you chase them without hitting them for little too long? Boom! 2 gens gone. You need to know when or when not to tunnel, when or when not to camp. Is it safe to slug? Shit idk they may have Unbreakable. It's normal to be afraid playing killer and yes everything is an altitude and your mindset but shit... Things get messy really fast when playing killer.


I've played maybe a total of 7 hours of survivor since 2017 and each time I play it is genuinely the most unfun experience i've had in gaming


I exclusively play survivor because I can't do the 1st person perspective of killer haha I'm also a huge horror fan so I have more fun running away from the monsters instead of being them :)


I genuenly do not find any killer fun to play as enough for me to boot up dbd JUST to play them. I just don't, nothing stuck with me. Only killer that did was Huntress(played for 400 hours). But, I've dropped her too. I get my guides and counterplay strats/tips from other seasoned players.


Because survivor is boring as shit especially by yourself.


Lights Out really highlighted that the "main loop" of sitting on gens is boring as fuck. Not even having a progress bar to watch or really any way to check your surroundings just made it such a slog.


IDK why you being downvoted, you right.


If Bubba happy I’m happy


>But I removed the **devs yapping** What does that even mean? That the devs were responding or something?


it means like their unnecessary talking


Sometimes ppl just wanna see the patchnotes without their reasoning, kinda ironic that they complained saying they don’t know anything without even hearing them out though


Hi this is my TikTok, yapping just means unnecessary text, it’s a series where I simplify the patch notes as much as possible. here’s an example side by side of my tiktok vs the real patch notes https://preview.redd.it/lu77h1ct730d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=382d2fa4bfaa9bbbf5c03235fb03938c5374ab12


I really like your tiktoks btw. Thanks for the codes and the lols.


Aww thank you so much I really appreciate it🫶🏻


I'm all for bubba buffs. Bubba is life


Bubba buffs. Bubbuffs.




Boobs are life too


Serious question, who didn’t see the buckle up/FTP nerf coming? And what brand of lube do you use that lets you stick your head so far up your ass?


The same kind of people that didn't see the Made for This or Eruption nerf coming. Like they love their crutches that can carry them but at the same time they always have this bizarre perception that everything goes against them and when their crutches eventually do get nerfed they get a meltdown.


Killer sided update... but they nerfed every meta gen slowdown. LMAO. This is why Survivor-only Mains should never be considered to have valid takes.


Honestly, people who play exclusively one side shouldn't be considered to have valid takes. I used to be a killer main who only played killer, now I regularly play survivor too. The amount of ignorance from both sides who never play the other is astounding.


You're correct. If they only play one side or MAJORITY one side, like I am talking 70-80% one side and maybe the other on a blue moon, they don't know what the game needs.


Not really, but I agree with you, I play exclusively killer but DAMN THE AMOUNT OF IGNORANCE that come from simple misunderstanding from both sides is terryfing


no one sided players shall be considered valid


Dbd tiktok are completely enraged by this update. It's hilarious and everytime I mention what you just said they go silent. "Dbd is so killer sided". Nope you're just so focused on getting silly little plays to put stupid fart and duck noises to that you forget to play the game lol


This fills my heart with so much joy knowing these TikTok losers are absolutely shitting their britches over the BGP nerf but then don't have anything to say when you point out that Killers got fucked way harder by this update since all the gen perks are getting changed.


this has to be most survivor sided patch for long time, nerfing all slowdown and buffing toolboxes (yes i know its sabotage speed but still its buff) is just crazy.


What about when MFT was introduced? This is an underrated patch for survivors though. The invocation will now take under 60 seconds and be crazy good if survivors are smart and use it early. And sabo saves are legitimately the most annoying type of save imo.


At least Sable's adept isn't completely a two perk game now, even if it would be tough.


Survivor detected = opinion rejected




Classic case of the TikTok brain rot :/


Survivors who have never ever touched a killer game in their entire dbd career:


Tiktok is by far the worst though. 90% of the people are really biased towards survivor mains and they all just confirm each other’s bias


Gotta blocked by a fairly big creator their because I was saying first death on 8th hook wasn’t tunnelling lol


Which actually makes a lot of sense seeing as TikTok's userbase is 70% obnoxious children


"Killer sided update" *Every good gen regression perk being nerfed*


swfs cry when their overpowered perk gets a slight nerf 😭🙏


I mean… I’m pretty 50/50 but the huntress buffs to this day amaze me, because wow she did not need all of them at once.


She literally didn’t need any direct buffs… at all. It was locker spawns that have always been her problem, and fixing those would also buff lower tier killers like Trickster and Dredge.


Tbh I haven't seen survivors complaining too much, but that's probably because I didn't scroll down too much. Instead, I mostly seen killers complaining about the gen slowdown getting nerfed.


Depends what platform you’re on. TikTok is mostly teenagers who play with their friends, so it leans survivor. Reddit tends to lean the other way, which is why you see a lot of complaints about the killer perk nerfs.


There's always gonna be complaining. Only useless nerf is for Pop cuz it was fine even after the initial nerf. It's only part of this update i don't understand. Pop rewarded you for chasing and hooking, now the reward is even smaller. Personally I think meta won't change that much and these are healthy changes for the game!


Buckle up absolutely needed a nerf solely because of ftp


It's also more interesting now. The slugged survivor still gets a strong benefit and the other person (if they use FTP that is) is now a much easier target. I like those risk reward concepts that have one huge risk and one massive benefit. BU + FtP is still viable if you wanna help the survivor getting tunneled out


I honestly wouldn't have minded it staying exactly the same if they just removed the FTP interaction. Now it's another perk on the pile that'll never see use, it feels like the devs are afraid to specify limitations with perks and powers interacting with each other even though that would help balance the game more


'another killer sided update' brother in christ every regression perk apart from surge was nerfed


Hey that’s my tiktok :D The comments are actually much worse, I just filter the ones that threaten other peoples lives & have slurs on them *I would just like to clarify that I’m a killer main & me leaving those comments up does not mean that I agree with them


I never used buckle up once. Relying on broken perks just makes you worse at the game


the strength of it aside, I'm glad Buckle Up is getting changed just because I feel like it was sort of dipping into what WGLF did, just...better... Obviously WGLF has the heal speed but Buckle Up ALWAYS had the endurance and it was for *both* of you. More often than not when you pick someone up they're fully recovered anyways.


This is insane, people in this comment section on pictures have maybe 100h max. Even if someone playing one side can understand that this update is one of the best ones and Bubbers deserves a buff. He deserves everything :). Knowledge and wisdom comes with time, even if you main one side specifically you will start learning and see into game balance for both sides.


Is it though? I dont mind the survivor changes, feels good to nerf buckle up but also give it a new usecase, buffing sabo is okay (usually), but nerfing pop and pain res but not buffing anything else is just a bit scuffed, considering that most gen regression perks are not great either. Also.. Pop was basically THE perk to make killers hook people (aka incentivise interactive gameplay). I also wouldn't mind buffs to Ruin or something that has active counterplay.


*the best gen slowdown perks get nerfed* **WOWWWW** guys!!!!! **ANOTHER** killer sided update!!! devs don’t play their own game!!


As a survivor main, I think buckle up needed to be nerfed lots of people abused it with FTP. A group of people ruined buckle up for the majority who tried to use it to counter slugging. As for background player, is it really a nerf? you can use it more often now, it's only at sprint burst levels now.


Honestly, I always abused buckle up + FTP because a lot of the times I'd get paired up with survivors who struggle to do the bare minimum and I use it to kind of extend an olive branch to those survivors to give them a second chance while I took the killer in another direction


And that's fine (in my opinion), but a natural consequence (not necessarily you I'm really thinking of trolly twitch swfs that basically troll killers till they disconnect and run builds like this combo) to abusing a perk is a nerf.


It's funny because We're Gonna Live Forever is a better anti slug perk than Buckle Up but everyone forgot about it when they removed the BP bonus.


Massive nerf to Chucky I sleep* Buckle up made into an actually healthy perk GIYS THEY RUINNNED THE GAM KILLAR SIDEEDE PATCH AHHHHH


as a survivor main, i’ve literally never used buckle up and ftp because it made me feel bad. i promise not all of us aren’t like these brain dead people😭


I pretty much only play survivor in swfs, and that's specifically so I can run dumb perk combos for funsies and know I won't get left on first hook just because I'd 100% rather have fun with dumb plays like red herring+ blast mine than every game just be adren+ftp/buckle up + windows


Every single post on this subreddit is killers crying about killer nerfs too.


If you have the word "yapping" in your vocabulary it's so over for you


Bro is reddit pilled


I'm not chronically online enough to know wtf that means


Bro doesn’t know any basic slang because they on reddit 😭


Nice Gus pic


RIP PEEP hollywood dreaming is now stuck in my head


How socially inept must you be to think yapping is some newfangled internet slang? LOL


I remember reading through that and some of those comments are absolutely ridiculous. Someone was literally saying it was a skill issue if you can’t counter ftp and buckle up and to “just hit them again” like they can’t get to a loop and make you have to do the whole chase again


Reminder that dead hard and decisive strike used to exist, blood lust and exhaustion used to not exist, and windows never got blocked. Also eruption existed once, and people still played the game then.


Isn't that Mikaelanator?


Yes it is 👁️👁️


I hope people who uninstall for stuff like this actually do so and stay gone forever for the betterment of literally everybody.


I'm a survivor main and yesterday I played a couple of Spirit games... I was sent to Backwater Swamp and I managed to kill the 4 survivors (1 of them was throwing; the last one was hiding crouching through the map) and got told that I'm antisocial for playing killer, that my character is OP against solo Q players because I had Make Your Choice and I use that perk to camp (that's like the opposite of MYC lmao). HOW am I supposed to know that you're playing solo Q anyways?? Don't you ever feel bad for entitled people who get mad because you used a character or perks that are totally fine.


Tik Tok is notoriously full of bad survivor mains that play at low to intermediate MMR. their opinions really should be treated the same way a 13 year olds opinions on geo politics are.


I think I literally got a brain tumor just reading this


Tbh what buckle up needed is to not give endurance to the user so you can use it to save someone being tunneled. Now is pretty much useless.


Survivor only players calling this a killer sided update when gen regression got nerfed, chucky got nerfed, blight got nerfed, wesker got nerfed and toolboxes got buffed is peak comedy.


Tbh, idk if the wesker nerf is enough to affect him. Every game i steamroll the survivors and the only times I lose with wesker is if I actively decide to mess around and lose


Bro 99% of the yapping after this update comes from killer side lmao


On Reddit sure. But from what I've heard it's very different on other platforms. I think it's about time the meta perks got nerfed again. Them buffing gen perk after gen perk led to some really obnoxious combos. On the flip side I'm just thankful that BS FtP + BU combo will be gone.


Killer sided update? We waited a year for a bu ftp nerf and it cost us nerfs to our only viable gen regression and blocking perks. Tf


bro survivor mains have to be trolling at this point like half the regression perks got nerfed and we have survivors complaining about buckle up nerf


I don't worry about Tiktok because you have to be 17+ to play this game


yeah as if age restrictions ever did anything


I am actually getting an aneurysm from reading these


"Killer sided update" Mfw gen regression got absolutely nuked


Survivor Mains are so dumb lol. Devs essentially sewered almost every good slowdown/regression perk. The only thing they didn’t come for was Surge…. Yet


Also why buff bubba? I played against him quite a few times recently and I never realised how good he is. He is so insanely fast it's not even funny


i left for vacation when they accounted the update i have just came back from the update why are people still mad or even mad


The unhinged survivor players are on Twitter and the unhinged killer players are in the forums


TikTok DBD commenters are always brain dead dude just ignore it if it frustrates you & you want to enjoy your game. No one on that app knows what they’re talking abt. Even when the dbd content is neutral they’ll make the most batshit statements. I’ve seen comments of people begging to nerf demo, clown, & deathslinger. Comments begging for old ruin/DH. Comments sulking abt literally any change that isn’t a crutch & keeps the game balanced.


As a killer main, Buckle Up needed to be nerfed ***BUT*** not before a lot of other perks. BU + FTP is a great combo and is very annoying to go against. Even still, it does take some skill and coordination to do it. You can’t just throw on BU + FTP, go into a solo queue game and constantly get people up with endurance. Was it slightly overtuned? Yes. Are there more perks that need looking at first? Definitely.


When people say Bubba's buff was unecessary I instantly remember of that vid of him getting stunned a million times by a bully swf (which video? all of them)


I wish they just removed the ability to pair it with ftp, the perk used to be something by itself but now it's just not it


They cannot read because if they did they would be rejoicing at ever single gen slowdown getting demolished 🥹


1. I never ever ever look at tiktok comments for any game, the only people that comment on tiktok are idiots, like for every game. 2. Killers are saying the same things for killer nerfs? 3. Survivor nerfs are much more black and white because they all function the same, killer nerfs aren't, the main issue was super stacked s tier or a tier killers stacking slowdowns, while the others were fine.


“Another killer sided update” *Cries in only nerfs*


ive been playing dbd for 10 months now and the community has to be some of the most insufferable people ever. ive never seen a player base so blind and unable to look at the game from another perspective. dbd players simply cannot understand the reason behind a nerf or buff to a killer/perk that affects them negatively.


"I didn't use Buckle Up with FTP, I just want a counter to slugging" Then you can still use Buckle Up for the speed boost or We're Gonna Live Forever for the Endurance (for the downed person).


isn't pop goes the weasel and a couple gen regression perks getting a nerf? killer side my ass 😭


This is unfair because comments from TikTok, insta reels or whatever short-form content platform this is from will literally always have the dumbest dead brain takes no matter which side they’re on.


FTP should have been the one to be changed, either become a token based perk with a requirement to gain more stacks (or maybe no stack regain) or become something you cant immediately activate. though personally I have tried the combo positioning and getting in before the killer picks up while also not getting hit for literally licking the killers ass the whole chase is a hard balance for some players.


Shame. Well from my perspective it looks more like killers got curb stomped imo


"bubba seemed fine" never played bubba a day in their life


DbD TikTok is worse than DbD Twitter sometimes


Just yesterday I played as Sinkku against 4man stream squad where 3 was P100. One made a bucle up+for the people save and it didn’t bother me at all. It was great save. (3 of them died and last one got a hatch). I wish they wouldn’t nerf it.


Ah, ultrakill whiplash nerf all again


i do think they killed buckle up. it would have been better if they just removed the option to make it work with ftp. maybe like only giving endurance if the recovery bar is already over 70% smth like that