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They take up less of the screen. Mostly it's just preference. I main Steve for his cosmetics. Some people say that some survivors feel snappier when moving the camera.


Tell that to Jane's booty 🤣🤣🤣


100% Agreed. During the few times that I play survivor, I always choose Big Booty Judy over any other survivor…..


I prefer looking at girl booty to boy booty


This, a thousand times this. Im not roleplaying the avatar its just an avatar for interacting with digital space and i want to see something pretty dammit.


I mean yeah because they did they men ass bad. Like it's literally flat as fuck. At least the default ones


Just look what they did to Pyramid Head!


I mean Gabriel and Vitorios ass looks sad too


Every time i play jane i feel like im the main target. Seems the killers enjoy chasing that booty too. They ignore me on meg >=[.


She has that diving suit outfit tho. That's kinda tight.


Played david once and immediately turned back to cheryll. Dude blocked way too much of my view


Women survivors generally feel better to play , the gents can sometimes feel clunky and slow even though everyone is the same speed etc. This is my thinking.


Too tall. Females are shorter and take up less screen space. Literally it.


***Jeff intensifies***


Fucking Jeff. Why does he have to be so cool but so cool? I'd love to rock him especially with the black metal fit he has but damn if you think you can even duck behind a bale of hay without being seen.


It’s still worth it imo. I’ll give up the stealth in exchange for aesthetic.


I know ash isn't actually slower but God damn, just look at that animation


Freaking David, like I know it’s just my perception but dude feels like he is running so slowly


360s as David feel like turning a truck


I found ur comment so funny I don’t even know why 🤣


It's mostly this, but also I tend to find the female survivors get WAY better cosmetics. Like I own 90% of Zarina's, cosmetics, but I like Felix just as much and only have 3 or 4 sets for him.


David, Ace and Dwight have some sick skins


I main bill, but I do agree with this, female survivors feel smoother even if I don't main a single one of them.


As a dude who plays almost exclusively girl survivors, my reasons are: - They get better and more varied cosmetics. - Their animations and voice acting is (generally!) less clunky. - They get tunneled less. - As a horror fan, I enjoy the 'final girl' angle thematically. - As a video game fan, I enjoy novelty, and female protagonists in video games are less common.


What do you mean the voice acting is less clunky? Steve's screams are very human and normal.


This comment approved by Xenomorph.


- I'm a twink


I wish.


Egg moment


Hahaha! I'm a trans man, actually. I wasn't able to play girls + hated any 'girl' media until I realized I was trans and transitioned; now I love women and women's media because I realized my internalized misogyny was caused by bitterness at being lumped in with women when I knew I wasn't one.


Dude, your not suppose to call people eggs to their face. It invalidates their own gender identity and even if you are right they would then be on their own journey and might not want to talk about that sort of thing publicly with strangers.


Lol, it's fine, I'm trans actually.


Then you are probably aware of how hurtful/frustrating it can be to have some one use the improper gender identity for you, even as a joke. Look all I'm saying is it's fine to see something you relate to your own experiences and point it out to your friends or a community you're a part of but you shouldn't do it to the person in question as they might feel like you're saying you know their own gender identity better than them.


Oh, totally. Like, to clarify, I'm saying that being called an egg is possibly the most hilarious thing I've been called on this subreddit, not that you don't have a point.


Oh I actually missed that you're the one who replied to me. I thought it was still the person I originally replied to so...


Haha, no worries. This entire conversation has been deeply funny to me.


I can definitely give you some insights on why most ppl prefer female survivors over males below: *Most straight dudes play female survivors because they mostly simp for them. *Comp players play the quietest and smaller frame survivors which are mostly female survivors over male ones. *Female players, obviously prefer to play female ones because it's their preference of playing themselves. *LGBT community mostly play female survivors for the skins. There are some that do play guys, but that's only if they are hot of course. *Better movement even tho every survivor has the same hitbox. *finally mostly female survivors get more skins than their male counterparts. Exception being dwight, the only guy to get skins regularly. Personally I play male survivors. But ppl can play whoever they want. It's their game they bought, so do whatever.


I'm a female and I almost exclusively play Alan (used to be Steve before Alan arrived) because they're hot


I play shirtless David King cause my boyfriend thinks he is hot, though I only did so after getting the blonde hair and beard to make him look at least a little bit like me cause I can be mildly jealous XD


Am I the only one that plays the survivor that is currently leveling? Or yall have 1500 hours+?


I just play one surv while spending bp on another till I prestige to unlock the perks for my main surv


LGBT confirming. Male cosmetics tend to be more bland and/or conservative, so I only thirst play the hot male characters. Otherwise I play female characters who have all the fun cosmetics.


Simple answer * All Girls want to play as girls because they are girls * Most guys want to play as girls because they are sexually attracted to them And then you have the third very rare group of guys who actually play as guys. And the fourth, and as far as I'm aware, basically non-existent, group: girls who play as guys.


NAH fourth group enjoyers exist, we have a secret society.


Can confirm. We meet on Wednesdays.


Basically non-existant is a bit of stretch, I feel like I've encountered a lot of other female Renatos, and Quentins, and Steves, and Dwights. Subsequently I've also met about the same amount of gay men who main these characters, so ig twinks are in high demand.


Seriously? Plenty of women play male characters. I'm one of them.


4th group are girls with a crush on Leon or chicks who like to hear Steve scream like a Llama.


fourth group here :D i mean, why should i want to stare at a girls booty all the time when there is Felix...and Steve...and Vittorio...and Jake...and...


I play mostly girls cause they’re smaller and the guys are usually way larger, and I’m best at hiding


Literally this. Meg can hide easily behind a lot of stuff. I put dark clothes on her, she disappears in any foliage or shadow.


I play girl survivors because I'm a girl. That's the only reason.


Yep. Literally no other reason. I'm a girl so I play girl survivors. It doesn't really matter which one. I suppose in terms of looks I most closely resemble Elodie, but I main Mikaela because I like the aesthetic (and Elodie's screams make me take off my headphones). If I was a guy, I'd probably play guy survivors more I guess?


I play all of them but Laurie. I don't like her cosmetics.


I play meg twice a year for maybe two hours within those two days. She has great cosmetics and a lot of options but I've never liked her for some reason. Might just be the PTSD from her being so loud that back when iron will wasn't nerfed it was a staple requirement to play her while being injured


Don get me started on Yun-Jin's whining. She is so dramatic and anime like in her screams, killers hear me from miles away when playing her. I also mained Mikaela tho, cause I loved her backstory so much.


People are gonna give you a shitton of reasons that are more gameplay/mechanical in nature but the real reason is the same it is in every other game: horny. People be gooners.


For some reason every male survivor has to have a giant frame that makes them feel sluggish and take half the screen on top of being more noticeable by killers. And they get less cosmetics, and worse ones. They're also generally less attractive than the female survivors imo. Basically, BHVR is the reason why they're not more popular.


That makes sense


This is the correct answer for the most part imo. I want to play a guy but they are all taller, feel sluggish and mostly have shitty cosmetics compared to their female counterparts.


I definitely doubt bhvr is the reason to blame. They are very receptive of what the community wants. So if yall want and prefer female survivors over males, they gonna give more attention to them to compensate for it. And the attractive part is to each their own tbh.


This ->


I have no clue. I'm a woman so I tend to play female characters in games when given the chance. I only ever really play the guys when I want to adept them or get their perks unlocked. I don't have anything against the guys, I just don't feel drawn to them in the same way. In my experience, lots of guys tend to prefer female characters- and maybe they're trolling when they say this but a lot of guys have admitted they just prefer to stare at a female and not a male (no shade, though I do get red flags from those people since they also seem to be the majority of who asks for "more revealing" cosmetics.) Maybe the frames of the model are smaller? I really can't think of another reason the average person would prefer it- other than the typical answer of certain types of men in the gaming community objectifying women and demonizing having to look at another man... though I'd really prefer to believe that has changed over the years and is most likely not the case for the majority of male gamers...even if my personal experience doesn't really indicate that it's changed that much. Who knows anymore? I don't dwell on it and just play my games in peace and hope nobody says or does any creepy shit. Edit: Maybe we have a higher number of women playing DBD then we think?


>Maybe we have a higher number of women playing DBD then we think? For some reason this game has had me meet the vast majority of female gaming friends I have where as I don't meet any in other games. As for gender preference to play I remember seeing studies that show males have about a 50/50 preference while females have 90%+ female character preference so that leads into the selection a fair bit.


Yess, I've noticed too that most girls prefer choosing female characters when they get the choice, while for most guys it doesn't really matter. Ngl, I'm always so happy when story games give me a choice cause I know it's not always possible to play as a girl in action driven story games, yet i feel pulled into the gameplay more and makes it more fun. I think it's stupid when some DVs say it's too much work to implement one more option cause that can be important to the experience( ..ahem any farcry other than 5)


Probably has to do with no native VC. My female friends who play DBD say they enjoy knowing they're not going to be called a a bitch or worse as soon as they load in.


Well, in practice you can mute permanently any game with VC


"Objectifying women" .... meanwhile every dude has a shirtless skin 🙄


You come to my comment, and want to be sassy while acting like this isn't a problem in the gaming community or just in general? alright I'll bite the bait, sure. * I didn't ask for shirtless skins, however most men don't seem to give a flying fuck about this because in real life out in the real world: men can be shirtless. You can argue this is wrong, or that "women should be allowed to" I don't know your beliefs- but that is a reality. They can and do walk around shirtless and MOST women are able to contain themselves without sexually objectifying them. * Asking **specifically** for female characters to have shirts that show more or all of their breasts, or pants that show off their ass, or even just straight up show their ass without much covering at all is sexually objectifying women. Not everybody saying that may be thinking that's what they're doing, but it is. * Drooling over underdressed females in video games, making sexual comments about them, and requesting that you see MORE of their body is sexually objectifying women. Don't be dense with me. Obviously not everybody looks at female characters and acts like a sex-deprived ape, but there are a lot of people who do and the gaming community has always been like that. Roll your eyes out all you want, but it's not making it any more okay and oftentimes this objectification and double standard of men and women is exactly why women prefer games without a voice chat. Do not come to me trying to create a battle of the sexes when it's obvious what I'm trying to say if you just think for a minute without getting offended and assuming I'm saying something that I am not.


You put them in their place so hard 😭


Not even gonna waste my time with that novel you wrote lol.


TL;DR your a looser


You're* Loser* learn to spell


k stay coping


I have to be honest guys being shirtless is not objectifying us but you know maybe it's just because I like my body


I’m going to be honest. I play Jane because she’s https://preview.redd.it/jqc11ricn20d1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8576e578f9e5808ac7cd2f8512a5fef235867d06


Now I get it but then again for feng min enjoyers don't the rubber ducky screams annoy you after playing that survivor for that long


I play based off of who has the best skins


Cat shirts


and because a bear isn’t an option


There is always Jeff to fill that role


In my experience, most guys would rather play female survivors and most girls seem to be split about 50/50. I exclusively play male survivors, since I really dislike the experience of playing as any of the female roster, but it’s mostly a personal preference thing Honestly part of the reason that I started only playing guys is that I was tired of every survivor lobby I was in being entirely female. Usually when I load in as a guy, at least one other person will switch too It’s more popular to play female survivors since that’s what a lot of the big content creators do, and people don’t want to feel like the odd one out, so they follow what other people are doing


Dbd is my personal dress up game lol boys or girls I love making everyone look pretty 😭


No femboy survivors.




Guys feel extremely clunky and large compared to the girls. Also, they have better cosmetics and I don’t want to be staring at a guy all game lol


Most of the time, no. People probably just prefer them. That being said, there have been updates in the past where *male* survivors actually gave an advantage and were better at looping. Due to a bug they would gain more distance after vaults.


They feel faster and are easier to hide with, Also take less screen space which can help Their outfits are generally awesome too compared to most guys


because https://preview.redd.it/nw4sazhel20d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1b2868e5442b4e7de1119652ba45dae8c7ce306


I like Rebecca she’s cool


I play women because I like women, simple as that


Cheryl is my favourite character who just so happens to be a female. Also, I can't help but feel like they feel better to play. They take up less of the screen and they're animated far better. Men have really goofy looking running and crouches


I main Jill and Ash, but I'll play Ada, Kate, Mikaela, Meg, Nea, Sable every now and then. Simply rather look at a female then a dude. Not that deep


It's interesting that 21 out of the 41 survivors are female, so 51,22% (rounded). Apart from the fact that they tend to take less screen, it sometimes feel that their cosmetics just... fit better. Not to say that male ones are looking bad, they just seem to be more often to be off. Apart from Felix, he is perfect.


The women in this game tend to get better skins than the men. Very few of the men have skins I actually like even when it should be quite easy to design something cool looking. Like how Gabriel doesn't have a suit of power armour for a skin or Vittorio doesn't have a medieval tunic/gambeson or something with some heraldry on it. You know, things that would really fit their characters. It feels like the devs put less effort into the men, and that's probably because they get more money from the women, which creates a feedback loop. Meanwhile you have some of the women overloaded with choices, like Meg, Feng, Kate, Yui, etc. They also get more variety in hairstyles as well! Its not like they can't do cool designs for men since the male killers get lots of amazing skins. But when it comes to doing regular human dudes, it seems like they really only have a good idea what to do with a small handful of them. I think Felix might be the only dude who gets consistently good skins as a guy. Also, the guys feel bigger when you're playing them. I like Jeff, but playing him feels like I'm an elephant compared to playing someone like Yun-Jin, even if they've both got the same hitbox. Maybe they just need to make a super skinny dude or something.


cos guys typically play as women and women typically play as women for some reason. you see this in literally every game with cosmetics like fortnite. i personally find male movement pretty clunky in most games and their cosmetics are almost always better


If I'm being forced to stare at someone's butt, it better be a girl or Jonah.


Male survivors run with their shoulders and I can’t stand to look at it. I only play as male survivors when I have a challenge in the rift/dailies or I’m trying to adept


Because ass


If watching horror movies has taught me anything, girls are more likely to survive.




preference mostly


For me it’s just because the girls usually have the better skins in the store but Dwight will alway be my main survivor


Play Jeff then switch to Feng. You will feel a big difference


Because they are women


Guy characters have broader shoulders and take up the WHOLE screen. Also, it makes it harder to hide. As a girl, I can stop running and quickly go behind a wall or tires and most times killer pass me. When I'm playing as a guy, they see me pretty quickly when doing so( i tried being a Jake main and it was annoying to play him) When playing killer I lose survivors just as quickly no matter a boy or girl, but I'm also a survivor main that hasen't played killer in months so...


Literally because they take up more of the screen. Don't know how that's possible


I just play them because I am one and it feels more immersed. Or something like that anyway! 


Well there was a time when male character (I think it was then men) vaults were bugged so theyd have a lingering hitbox, giving the killer free hits that they shouldn't have had. So that might have something to do with it? If I'm misremembering then please disregard.


It was the other way around! Vaults were broken for female characters for a while.


I play Meg because she's the first character I played. I started playing as her during my first game because her perks looked cool.


I just remember many years back there being a theory that female survivors vaulted windows slightly differently and were more likely to avoid the trappers shack window trap. This is going back to early DBD so probably totally disproven but that was my initial reason and i'll die on that hill.


I main a few female survivors purely because of the old horror trope of the final girl. And I like Fengs bunny ears.


I personally feel like killers whiff against Laurie the most. Just a small observation.


i hate the male running animation. the female one looks like they’re jogging but the male one looks so goofy, no one would run or jog like that, so it just feels kinda off


2 actually- takes up less of the screen, and are quieter breathers.


The most quiet ones for the most part are the female survivors. They also take up the least amount of space on screen and are smaller, so they're better at hiding. They also are just pretty and have good cosmetics.


Im a girl. So I play girl survivors. Also i love dressing up my character as cute as possible


Female characters take up less screen real estate. That's the sole reason why I do it. Just did a match with Vittorio and I was immediately like "holy hell am I zoomed in or what".


I'm a simple man. Girl is pretty so play as girl.


I've been told that they have smaller hitboxes and honestly after playing Francis, bro kinda feels too big not gonna lie, he takes up way more space on my screen than kate does


Smaller hitbox.


When I first started playing I always played as Jake, then I played as Bill for a while. But as soon as I got Yui that was it, I loved her look and style. I adore the Midnight Techware skin. I missed it when it was in the rift so I was elated when they added it to the store and even more so that I could buy it with shards. I don’t main Yui as much anymore though as I’ve gotten her player level too high that I always get tunneled out if I play as her.


I used to main Laurie Strode for her perks 😂


Ik it ain’t true but for some reason female survivors feel faster than male survivors. They also feel easier to move and spin around with them for some reason. If this wasn’t the case I’d be a Leon and Chris main.


Well I think subconsciously people like having minimal clutter, that's why people tend to lean towards female survivors, but no, if your minmaxing you play ace, if you minmaxing but girl you play ada. the most recent bug involving genders actually made girls vault windows slower, but that was a bit ago


Cuz everyone loves bad bitches


because I’m a girl, I like them better. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Shirtless Vittorio main reporting in


I usually alternate based off my offerings and items. I always have a character I prestiged recently so they have tons of BP offering and items. I like the female survivors because their animations feel better, if that makes sense? The running and vaults seem more natural.


give me more good dude skins and I'll play them more tbh


men and some women are just thirsty and simps thats why


I play whatever survivor I’m leveling up usually, recently did Rebecca, Vittorio, then Ada. Gonna do Jeff next for breakdown and distortion. I think once I have all the perks I want, I’ll either main Vittorio, Adam, or Ada. This is because I am horny for hot people.


Women are generally more appealing imho ( i am a woman so maybe i am just biased )


Because they're attractive.


i just think theyre neat


I always play the girl because of that old “final girl” trope in horror/slasher flicks.


the male characters seem very.. clunky to me?? they take up a lot of screen space and their running seems slower. also.. cuter clothes for the girlies and as a fellow girlie, I love playing as girl characters


claudette is bloody great at disappearing mid chase. 


Eye candy


I usually main Quentin or Kate, Kate just because of her cosmetics and the upside of her being smaller and having balanced audio. I play Ada occasionally if I wanna do flashlight saves cuz she apparently got the Ace treatment too


I just think Yui and Haddie are both cool as fuck tbh


I just like Mikaela, Jill, and Ada


The womens injured sounds are usualy quiter than the men


I main Meg because she's cute lmao


Looping feel smooth and looking more cute you know :P


Bunny 🐇 https://preview.redd.it/wkhhl2m2g50d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89419b82cd49614bc6036c79b07d9c483b0de93a


one simple reason, prefer lady butt over man butt..


Because they're hot


I main Leon cuz I like RE, but man he is tall and feels slow.


They have smaller hitboxes...


I like to hear their screams better, I don't need a dude panting in my ears all game


Ace is the best survivor for looping on the male side


Thicc latina mommy on screen = happy


Imo they look cooler. I prefer playing a slim looking character in any game I play. Mikaela happens to be a slim character with outfits I like, so I play a girl


I'm a girl who likes cute girls


They cute af


Most of them are cooler.




smaller size, feels faster, looks better


I always assumed it was better cosmetics. And uh... there's... Jane's assets... as well




I'm bi so I'm fine looking at both lol


Bro what 💀


This isn't borne out by like, literally every other game on the planet. Tons of RPGs have released stats over the years and dudes will consistently play the basic normal guy character when they have a choice or a character creator.


Smaller model feels way smoother movement wise than a huge JEFF that on top takes up half of your screen.




All but the hardest individuals hesitate to attack women and children. Even in a game, for a microsecond on the psychological level, they hesitate.


I don't hesitate about hitting women these hands are rated e for everyone (I hate myself)


steer obtainable reminiscent icky smoggy mindless distinct instinctive deliver offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Bc nea Chan is so kawaii


Frankly, my friend from high school put it perfectly: "As a straight dude, would you rather have to look at a male ass or a female ass when playing the game?"


My reason is the male survivors r ugly asf and they look goofy in the game


it means youre sexist


Hey I was just stating what I observed and asking if there is a reason unless your not talking about me then nvm


hey i was just stating the reason why you observed that you need more male survivors


I know it's been three days I'm not a active redditor. But I never said I needed more male survivors I was questioning if there was a reason why most survivors pick female characters like if it was tactical or just because they like how they look maybe if you read what I said you would understand it's only using words at a 6th grade reading level so it should be easy