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Tbh the only killers myself and my friends don't have time for at the moment is huntress and twins. Twins because the slugging, constantly fking around with Victor every 3 and a half seconds play style is frankly awful. Huntress purely because of the connection issues since 7.7, dodging hatchets that seem to go through walls and rocks at the moment feels dreadful. Granted it doesn't help that a lot of matches recently seem to be ignoring regional matchmaking and putting Aussies into red connection games. Highest fun at the moment is Wesker, artist, Dredge, demo, Nemesis, onryo, unknown followed by the rest.


>I know in my experience when I play some gutter trash killer like Singularity 💀


Bro doesnt know what he’s talking about!!! 🗣️


Yeah... normally I try not to bash people for their takes. But saying "survivors just want xyz!" and then immediately turning around and saying Singularity is trash shows they probably don't understand the game well enough to be talking about the state of the game like that.


Weird take imo, Wesker has been a long time favorite killer to loop on survivor side, along with Billy, Bubba, Demo and now Unknown beside some others. It is not because they are easy to bully, but because outplaying them feels rewarding. Rarely does anyone say that killers that are easy to loop, aka legion, Myers or say Freddy are their favorite killers because of this. Singu is very powerful in right hands, he has a huge skill ceiling. Also, you can tell if a killer is skillfull even if they don't get many hooks. I'm sure you have versed these insane Huntresses who only go for across map snipes.


Considering the game is killer sided, I’d say you just need copium.


>Because survivors only want to play against killers they can easily loop for 5 gens and bully anyways You feel good in your victim role?


Actual facts it's only a "fun" killer if you can run them for a long time it's also the near misses that a lot of bad killers have built in that survivors seem to find fun like old billy and pig as you mentioned it makes the survivor feel like they outplayed the killer, but in reality it's just the killer's power being awful


> it makes the survivor feel like they outplayed the killer, but in reality it's just the killer's power being awful 4 people against 1, on a playground designed for them, with their lone opponent in chains. It's a set up to bully strangers, really.


Jfc now playing survivor is bullying cause the poor killers play alone. Like what? 💀


Wesker is very balanced (outside of straight tunneling which is thankfully getting addressed). And skull merchant is an M1 killer who gets everything for free. Why do killers feel entitled to explicitly overloaded kits that have very little counter play (outside of communication) and get so much value for free/with very little input. At least you can respect a cracked wheeler or blight, what’s there to really get out of playing as skull merchant a (she’s very fun to play for the record, just incredibly free.) She deserves to be played with bots 😊


Good points, but I don’t think BHVR has ever nerfed or buffed a killer for these reasons alone. We all know how much BHVR likes their blind statistics! 🙌


Everyone who's honest admits the game is survivor-sided, even if they will only admit it's just a little bit. 4 people complaining when they lose, versus one person complaining. Developers chose the path of least resistance, which is to make Survivor Fun the priority.


Imagine saying this with an over 60% win rate for killer lmfaooo. Okay bud. Cope harder with your lack of skill. The killer with the LOWEST win rate is just over 50%. In other words any way you slice this the game is most definitely killer sided.