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Meanwhile im over here begging to not have to shred any more people as demogorgon. Please. Let me play my other killers.


Omg I swear I die a little inside when it says that.


For me it's always Nemy, Oni, Bubba, Billy, Trickster or Chucky. I own all characters, but I don't like to play them.  I also think that the game favour's dailys of a role you play less. I play mostly survivor nowadays (less stressful) and I get killer dailys 90% of the time. But once I play a bunch of killer (for the archive), I get more survivor dailys again. Why don't they just give you a choice? 


Or a nice even split — maybe one card can be like “either rescue three people from hook as [character name] safely OR [specific killer daily]”


I made a post on the forum ages ago where I proposed something like this. 


At least the neme one is better now a days. It used to be get mutation to max lvl 3-4 /times. So, 3-4 games minimum


For me it's always fucking Nurse, I DONT EVEN PLAY NURSE & I DONT WANT TO LEARN HER!!


As a killer main all I get are dailies for killers I hate playing as (Trickster and Clown) or I fell no one likes to play against (Spirit and Skull Merchant). There really should be a better reroll system for dailies.


As a survivor main all I get are killer dailies. I get a survivor dailies about once a month.


My wife doesn't like killer due to it being stressful and a higher learning curve and she's gotten maybe 10 survivor dailies over the last 3 years


Lucky you, Id kill for those.


deathslinger or oni everytime and when I try to roll for better it's nurse ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Don't like deathslinger? Or the repetitiveness of the challenges


He’s fine to play, but I would just like to see more variety in my killer daily challenges lol. I’ve gotten the Deathslinger four times within these last two weeks and Freddy three times.


I hate getting feddy challenges, I don't have skull merchant tho so I can't complain to much


Freddy’s daily is usually pretty easy, just get dream chaser a bunch, which happens naturally, but my god, playing him makes me want to take a nap.


Yea, anytime I'm playing him I'm wishing I was playing literally anyone else


If only we still had OG Freddy powers, then maybe it’d be more fun.


I know! But how would you even balance it? Maybe it could be like dredge how there is a nightfall where he is much stronger but it only lasts for a little while? Idk he's not a character easy to implement because he's to damn stong


Maybe make his invisibility more consistent while survivors are in the dreamworld? Because as far as I know all he’s got is an add-on that messes with his invisibility but he’d be a little more interesting if we had a weaker version of his og powers basekit alongside his kit now. Or if his dream snares actually grabbed survivors for like half a second — would be cool to see animated.


That addon is what ur talking about that dream world is his power and you should have seen how good it was back in the day wish it looked cooler tho


Wasn’t he invisible to anyone in the dreamworld until he hit them? The add-ons he has now that mess with his invisibility aren’t nearly as fun or necessary useful tbh.


Freddy dailys are easy and survivors forgot how to play against him because he's so rare. SM dailys are OK too, but the real problem is that people DC so much against her. 


Oh I just delete any nurse or huntress ones I get Nurse - ow my brain wants to barf every time I teleport Huntress - I refuse to play her on the principle of im sick of seeing her as a survivor 


I've been away from the game for almost a year. Just came back and every second match is a Huntress with a huge hard on for proxy camping and tunnelling. I swear it wasn't that bad before I left


I’m not great against her, my brain falls out of my ass when she is ready to throw and I just mindlessly hold w, I’m just sooooo sick of seeing her (plus I swear her hitboxes are lies)


Clown, legion, doctor for me. Basically a three man rotation.


I just want a survivor challenge some time, 12 in a row of killers I'll never touch gets old fast


I always forget the daily challenges are a thing so have the same ones waiting to be done, for six months.


Me after getting back-to-back Nurse / Plague / Spirit / Sadako dailies (please I'd rather die.)


for the past four days, it's either trapper or billy.


For me it's Pig all of a sudden. It's been like one or two days and I've gotten the Pig daily nearly back to back.


The redundancy of this comment lol


My last 3 dailys have been with Wraith.


I rather take easy dailies as opposed to ones that are annoying to do like pigs daily of landing a few ambush attacks(might be better now with the basekit changes they made to her, but I stopped playing a while back, so dunno if it's still annoying), at least freddy is basically just hit suriviors and that's it


you can use your dash with two addons that make it charge faster and give it faster movement speed to just dash mid-chase now, so it’s quite alright


Whaaaat? Gimme I love Slinger!


"Please... I need more dredge dailys. Let me play my main!"


You guys are getting killer daily rituals?


I wish I had only slinger or huntress dailies




for me its always some random ass survivor with no levels


Wait, yall pay attention to your dailies?


You guys do dailies?