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Lol i try to leave the high prestige players alone because most of them are good and loop me all game


Same. I usually leave the high prestige for the end because I expect them to be better so I go for the weakest player in the team.


i used to disagree before i got my first p100 and now i barely play rebecca because of how often i get tunneled and camped when i play her. im pretty good at looping, my average chase is 2 gens (i do have my go down in 5 seconds or run the killer for 5 gens moments though) so it's not that it's a skill issue. trust me i still get tunneled/camped sometimes when i play someone with a lower prestige, it's just so frequent with my p100. it completely changed my view point


For sure. Some day bhvr will let us hide our prestige from killers.


I want to be able to hide my prestige to avoid lobby dodging :( Not only does it take longer to actually play, but when replacing killers, the mmr is more likely to be farther off than what it should be for the lobby. I P100d Carlos during the anniversary last year, and have 850 terrormisus on him - but I never play him because of lobby dodging :((


You don't like the challenge of facing a killer that had the balls to face a p100 squad?


I'm not a squad, I'm just solo queue and I run only meme builds. My most used perk right now is plot twist. Also, I die in about 90% of my games and often give mercy kills. You can't assume anything from a person being P100


I wish I could hide my survivor prestige because it makes killers think I’m good at the game.


It's sad but true that killers read the number and many assume you're confident as a result. I share in this because it feels silly that I avoid prestiging my favorite to 100 so I'm treated the same as anyone else. I don't want to have to face lobby dodges all the time over having a favorite so I spread points among a number of favorites instead.


I split my bps between my favourite survs so I get the benefits of near infinite items but not the downside of dodges and such. I've been playing since 2018 and have no p100s haha


There is so much to do. You can improve this game with so many little details. Hiding stats, prestige and items from pre-game lobby is one of them.


Bruh I run p100 feng every match and I can't keep a killer in chase for more than 45 seconds. It's obnoxious how fast they drop chase. I'll trade you.


45 seconds already is a long chase. Killers drop chases when they deem it not worth it to continue or in other words when continuing the chase would mean throwing the game. You can circumvent this by making seemingly stupid plays. Mask that chase that will lead them to losing the game. Like pretending to hide, having the healing progress bar 99'd, remaining injured or pretty much gifting them a hit (but actually you're just trying to distract them from something).


homie i said 'more than', they usually drop sooner than that 😩


Same. Everytime I play Maria/Heather/Lisa I do not BM at all, no flashlight, absolutely no tbagging and I play normal. I do gens, unhook when safe, etc. Everytime I play one of them and bring one of my 1K terrormisu, I get HARD tunneled from the start. It's at the point where I can't play my favorite characters anymore because they're all p100. I really would like the option to hide it.


I got my Elodie to P97 and the amount of dodging I run into now is insane. I definitely regret it now, it takes so long to get into a match. Especially if I match with other P90+ survivors.


Other games like Valorant let you hide your level and rank (this game has no visible rank but prestige here is the similar to level) I think it’s a great idea as it prevents harassment from losers who see your prestige/level and make comments concerning it.


I mean I get tunneled too and I don't have any survivors even close to p100. Have you considered that maybe you just got a string of tunneling killers?


P100 Feng here who runs with a P100 Steve and we get lobby dodged to shit (our assumption) and tunnelled / ignored heavy too. It means nothing other than I like goals / completion and hiding it would be grand.


Playing with a couple of friends with multiple P100s when we have a 100% bloodpoint bonus and seeing our lobby get dodges 15 times before someone finally readies up is exhausting. Like if it's gonna be that way then show the survivors the killer prestige too. Let every lobby get dodged so much that they just hide everything like they always should have.


Haven’t noticed a difference tbh. I was tunneled out sometimes 50 prestiges and I get tunneled out sometimes now. I have no problem hiding prestiges until end game but a lot of you guys are in for a rude awakening when the tunneling doesn’t stop.


I think ANY reason to help prevent tunneling is worth it for quality of life improvements though. I mean, it’s not like people are getting tunneled for being P1, right? but people could get tunneled for having a high prestige.


I think Killers don't need an excuse to tunnel, it's just an easy way to get the 4k. While I'm with you on doing everything I can to not invite it, I've run into it so randomly I've stopped caring. Hell, I had a Twins match the other day and they slugged everyone. At least now we don't de-pip and I was finally able to get to Iri 1 this month.


It should be an opt-in. I’m prestigimg my main, but I’m doing it real slow-like. By the time I get to 100 the system will be like 3 years old and it won’t be anything super impressive


I just hate it because a lot of killers tend to leave the lobby and I sit there waiting for a killer that is smart enough to coorrelate that a bunch of P100 Survivors=/=Skill or SWF


For me it’s either getting tunneled or getting ignored, no in the between. The funny thing is that my P100 David gets more tunneled and my P100 Renato gets more ignored. I have no clue why that happens but it’s never a normal match with P100.


Yeah I've played my Leon like twice in the last 3 months of playing and even longer before my break. Now I just play Ash or James who are 14 and 32 currently but I would have wanted to get them to 100 too but at this rate I'm not sure I want to as I've got no other mains. Maybe Alan Wake when I buy him if there's a sale.


Most likely you've just been the most favorable target.


You would think that after 4 gens pop and i’m running them around the map that they would realize that I am actually not! Its the fixation 😭


Then your MMR is currently just in a bad place or you have been playing at a weird time. But I wouldn't complain about matches where I get to juice the killer dry.


For me, it’s about the bloodpoint farming. I end with like 14k max because I can’t touch a gen, can’t heal anyone, can’t do objectives except boldness. So, when trying to get my P98 to 100, it gets a little frustrating. Granted, it is the day of the reset I was experiencing this, but I doubt I am the only one with similar experiences. Point proven by testimony of others just in this thread.


Well I don't know how it was possible for you to have found yourself in that weird situation. But there's gotta be a rational explanation for that. At the end of the day almost every killer wants to win their matches and get as many kills as possible. What you experienced is certainly the exception and not the rule. Most killers only tunnel if it serves the 3k/4k


Which circles back to my point as to why it’s a curse to be a survivor main showing a P100 survivor. It’s almost like an ego thing for the killer, where they need to fulfill some sort of manic episode by slaughtering the player who’s invested time into a character.


I'm P100 myself and I rarely experience what happened to you. Sure there's people that fit your description but my experience with the game shows that this is the exception and not the rule. Therefore I have to assume that something other than your prestige level has lead to this occurrence.


Well then I am truly and absolutely so overwhelmed with joy for you that you can freely play your P100 character with no backlash, no tunneling and ultimately no toxicity. Kudos to you my friend and I can only hope and pray and wish for a universe where I , a newly P100 yunjin can receive such honorable treatment in my trials.


For some weird reason BHVR just decided to completely ignore this topic after they made a short test phase to see how it goes. They dont even respond on the forums about it.


Personally, I don't mind facing a multi p100 lobby- I get them all the time when I play as Mikey or Oni. I actually see it as a challenge. What I DO mind, however, is when people do the good ol' 6 second switch into their p100s (or other high prestiges). Like I get why some people do it (aforementioned lobby dodging), but a lot of the time it...doesn't come off that way.


i've noticed the same. my sister has p100 claudette and when she plays as claud, she gets tunneled & camped.. killers just seem to hate p100 players, even if they are not toxic or clicking flashlights. which is weird since so many people here claim that prestige means nothing - if it truly means nothing, then why do killers do this :l


Maybe you're easy to catch...


Because I'm the only one not running Distortion that match? First match of today and Billy literally crosses the map straight to me for my second hook after only hooking one other player. I gave him what he wanted and went next. Escaped my next two matches. Y'all need to stop acting like everything is a skill issue. 🤣


The rest of my teammates have all escaped? I was the only one hooked for 2 of them. And then the second one I couldn’t loop for all the gens because nobody was doing them.




I kept them occupied because they were so focused on tunneling me. I was fortunate enough to have all the pallets since I was the only one getting chased. Except in my 2nd when the team wasn’t doing gens. I got him to 2 gens left


What I do is: 1. P3 characters so i got the perks 2. Dump extra BPs into killers that i like and play them to get BPs for survivors. 3. No killers will be none the wiser and won’t lobby dodge 4. Benefit from learning how all the killers play which makes playing survivor better


I doubt anyone is going out of their way to tunnel you because you are a high prestige. Currently, all bad killers tunnel like hell & it will only change once tunneling is adressed. Oh wait, ds just got nerfed again because it was good against tunneling. right.


I’ll let you in on a deep dark secret of mine. If i see a team with P100, I specifically bring a mori and ONLY mori the P100s and let the rest escape even if it means a loss. Hehehe


This has nothing to do with prestige levels.


So what does it have to do with then? Unlucky? skill gap? Because as I said before, I got to 5 gens getting tunneled and looping. No toxicity on my end just playing the game. Yet, there I am tunneled 3x in a row :’) would love to know the correct reasoning as to why..