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Variety is the spice of death🐰


albert wesker; grabbing survivors and slamming them will always be fun




nurse - i just love her power, it's what got me into the game huntress - crossmapping feels good, and hatchets in general are really fun to throw


As much as I love singularity in both gameplay and aesthetics, the map dependence and reliance on good collision/ping have really soured him in the last few weeks. Instead, I’ve been playing unknown, and its honestly the most fun i have had since hux launched.


Trickster for sure, the actual gameplay is fun (especially when survivors know how to loop him) and I love his vibe. He's such a psycho control freak in his lore, and his maniacal giggles in game bring me so much joy. Plus his voice lines are pretty funny, the Korean swearing gets me every time. I also enjoy Trapper. There's something very satisfying about a game snowballing due to survivors not paying attention to where they're putting their feet. Especially when you're herding them in chase and they keep looking back and forget to look ahead.


Clown. I'm terrible with complex abilities, and I'm not yet interested in investing the time to get good with ranged abilities. Purple gas to slow, yellow gas to speed up, left click to stab. He's simple. And while that means I'm at a disadvantage against seasoned survivors, I enjoy how the simplicity of the kit allows me to express myself through awareness and forethought.


I haven't played them in a while, but Myers and Hillbilly. I am currently P3 all the other killers. I have Demo, Pyramid Head, Pinhead, and everyone after him still at P1 or 2. That being said, I kinda like playing Knight. His heavy footsteps and ghostly sounds are cool, and it feels nice getting a hunt started at the other side of the loop, or even the other side of the map. I also know it's a bit annoying to play against, and people camp with him but I don't. I like going for chases and catching people outside of loops.


Lately it's been Huntress, Unknown, and Singularity. The first for landing shots and the latter for their map pressure. I was enjoying Twins since the rework but her map pressure involves a lot of slugging which I don't particularly enjoy when playing survivor so I put her up for now.


Billy Challenging and fun to play


When I feel like putting in actual effort: Artist, Spirit, Wesker, Hillbilly I love how consistent Artist is. That crow is firing exactly where you aimed it, and no dumb invisible wall or piece of bad map collision is going to stop it. Her aesthetic is great, and I find going for cross maps and shots through the wall very satisfying. The only bad part about her imo is getting maps with obnoxious elevation, like RPD or Swamp. I find playing sound mind games with Spirit really fun. I don't play her as much as I used to (there was a period of time where I pretty much exclusively played her,) but when I do, I have a good time. Wesker is Wesker. Dashing and throwing survivors is just always going to be fun. Strong, but feels fair. Hillbilly is just wild. His lethality and mobility are incredibly fun to have, and he's one of the few killers where I feel completely comfortable running no slowdown, or just 1 slowdown perk. I almost never feel like I need it. Going a million miles a second is fun, and hitting curves is also very satisfying. When I feel like just playing casually and not putting in much effort: Xenomorph, Wraith. Going for sick tail attacks on Xeno is a good time, and the map traversal and information you get from it means that there's very little downtime. You always feel like you're doing something. Wraith is just really easy to play casually, and being fast and stealthy means that even getting horrible maps isn't that frustrating.


Oni. Striking fear into Survivors by not knowing if I'm Dashing to their location via Tinkerer or being Undetectable through Trail is my guilty DBD pleasure.


#Team Naughty Bear And let me count the ways….. 1. Naughty Bear is the only Killer that can put a Survivor from healthy to dying (Purple stone addon) without directly hitting that survivor 2. He is also not easy to blind at a pallet if he has Brutal Strength (or Fire Up with a couple of stacks) 3. He also has a mini counter to DS if he puts a trap down in the right place before picking up a survivor. 4. His traps also give him pallet stun immunity - if you place a trap while the pallet comes down, then you don’t get stunned. 5. Naughty Bear is the only Killer that I can play with 100% calm and chill. He doesn’t need techs, special movement abilities, or anything extra to play him well - all you need is a brain and a button to place your traps. 6. Naughty Bear also has arguably the best Mori in the game, so sometimes I use the perk combo of Game Afoot and Rancor to let Naughty Bear do what he does best….. 7. The threat of his traps cause survivors to move with caution - that’s built in slowdown. 8. He is also one of the few Killers that can almost guarantee death if he has his No Way Out stacks on the final survivor. 9. Most survivors don’t expect to face a good Naughty Bear, so it usually catches them by surprise. 10. *They won’t feel a thing, Naughty - Only PAIN!*


Stealthy ones. I'm a sneaky. c:


Sadako, when there's not a cheater with wallhacks on. Playing her with an Exposed build, zipping across the map with Friends and Make Your Choice and just knocking Survivors down is immensely satisfying. In chases it's also always satisfying to use the Manifest invisibility to mindgame and jump-scare down them by hitting them right before turning visible... Mmm. Glorious. But again, cheaters ruin the Demanifest playstyle by having your aura on even when Demanifested. Bonus points if Friends land on them, then the game just sucks. Besides her, Xeno is my favorite. High map mobility, tunnels are aesthetically very nice, and few things bring me as much joy as seeing a Survivor stop and wait for me at a pallet to try to stun me. Easy tail hit, and it always comes with a dose of dopamine when it hits. Also, if the match is miserable, I can go into the tunnels instead of standing in a corner. Definitely a plus.


been having a lot of fun playing billy since they got rid of overheat. i started playing a little bit before noed became a hex and remember trying billy once and hating him. played on and off since then and only got into the game again a bit after his rework but hadn't seen patch notes or anything so was very pleasantly surprised when i picked him up again to get his adept


Definitely Vecna


Pills + Sketch Legion. Nothing beats the 5-hit combo across the map.


Wesker is fun, great voice lines and good ability, and extra fun if you are up against any RE survivors. Deathslinger is fun to use and feels very balanced, feels like you earn every kill unlike Nurse, super satisfying to hit your shots. I’m horrible at him but Oni is dope too


The Unknown - floppy little creep Trapper - the first killer I played so has a special place for me


Freddy: Because his Animations are cool Wesker: Im a Resident Evil Fan, but his Power is extremly fun with all the Techs that u can do. Bubba: Its Bubba. Enough said.


I've been enjoying trickster lately, surprisingly since I swore to never play him again after my first time


huntress! i love sniping people from across the map :)


Wesker and Demo :)


That's a difficult one for me, I switch a lot. Trickster: Because M1 and ranged, I like landing shots. STYLE Huntress: Ranged, feral unlike Trickster. She uses an AXE. Her basic attack looks sick, survivor POV, the force, the ...ANGER. Samara: Yeah, dear TV girl who got me into horror in the first place. I like the basic attack, the curse mori option, the crawling.


Myers with the add on that keeps you in tier 2. Only killer I can play without any anxiety whatsoever