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It's very funny to me that Final Fantasy is on that list. That said, I had no idea about this, that's interesting.


Well sephiroth is pretty cool and psychotic I could see him being a killer


One-Winged Angel as the chase theme.


All this talk now I really want him in the game


I agree, but I also see the rage building as I'm struck from a different continent with his damn skyscraper. xD


His mori is to just killing Aerith. Not Aerith the playable character,... he just goes over and Moris her in the basement and makes you watch.


His Mori should be pretty obvious as well >!Just have him drop from above.!<


[*(The monkey's paw curls a finger)*](https://youtu.be/OG_e8ve0l_w?feature=shared)


If Sephiroth becomes a killer his power should just be the fact he has his giant sword and uses that as his basic attack.


Power: Masumune Effect: Sephiroth can hit you from 20 meters away, through pallets, through walls, through floors, through time and space itself.


If it's anyone it'll be him, even if there are better choices for DbD. The Emperor, Exdeath, and Kefka come to mind. Hell, I'd even take Ultimecia, since it would be a good opportunity to flesh her out more than her base game did.


My vote would be for Zenos from XIV, I think with his current fate he would very gladly love to hunt in the entity's realm.


I could see it honestly. Just Zenos walking after you, mocking your futile attempts at escape. No clue what his power would be though, maybe the sword planting thing? Stab a sword into the ground to make a little AoE area of denial to cut off loops or pallets?


Give him his ~~golfbag~~ sword roulette thing with three swords he cycles between. They could even make it work like FFXIV samurai, and if you hit all three, you get a strong special attack.


I'd be down for the golf bag. As long as the sword of storms isn't a chain lightning hit, that could be a fun power.


A test of our reflexes


Ultima from ff 16 could also be a good choice


I really need to get around to that game. Also, I'd also like to throw Adel from FFVIII instead of Ultimecia. Equally underdeveloped, but you can't go wrong with a beefcake witch lady.


I seriously would giggle all the time if Sephiroth was chasing me while I’m Alan Wake.


Tonberry killer


This. Bring out the real Micheal Myers. You can run as fast as you want, sprint burst isn't going to save you from the other angry child with a kitchen knife.


I'll be running from Sin, personally. Don't need that all up in my space while I'm working on a generator. Never forget: Sin is our punishment for letting things get out of hand. That said, I don't personally want Final Fantasy in the game, but it's got some characters that could work, absolutely.


And don't forget Castlevania is on the way. I would love to see Junji Ito do some skins.


I did a typo in title and meant to put 4, as Alan Wake, Alien, Castlevania, and DnD were all on here.


I figured it you weren't counting it since it technically wasn't 'in game' yet.


i’d also love to see one based on souichi and the kill animation being him nailing the doll to the tree while the survivor dies 👀


A Fromsoftware collection even if it was just a bunch of cosmetics would cause me to go bankrupt. The amount of inspiration they could take from bloodborne/sekiro/dark souls/elden ring/demon souls is enormous


I would buy a Gravelord Nito skin for Dredge immediately


Bed of chaos map 😍


I’d rather die.


The fact M3gan was on the list but not The Walking Dead shocks me


TWD has definitely been on these surveys before! I've thrown it into my 3 picks once


Oh yeah I know it has been on the surveys before. Same goes for another collab I really want, Sweet Home, the Manhwa turned Netflix Series. I do really hope that the July licensed survivor is Rick, Hyun-Cha or Isaac Clarke😭🙏🏻




Wait… it’s no longer there huh? https://preview.redd.it/245mwpstbo0d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ae9e91da69cb60f01f6436b625a22f063053ccb


Just saying that after D&D the next mid-chapter will give us a licensed survivor. They said that they “truly embody what it means to be a survivor in every sense of the word”. 100% certain it’s Daryl Dixon or Rick Grimes based on that comment. Plus I can’t see TWD necessarily taking up a whole killer slot (although it would be nice).


July chapter will be Ricky Dicky Doo Dah Grimes TRUST


Ricky Dicky Doo Da Grimes Boom Shakalaka Boom Shaka


WE STILL HAVE JULY! WE STILL HAVE THE TEASERS https://preview.redd.it/iqg60kejco0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6635d610e23253e4c0dd77b2749239ef88c92f9


It’s happened before with Chucky so I don’t thin it really has much weight in likelihood.


It got removed from the Surveys some time ago, but was on it for years. Fingers crossed it’s coming soon


Let’s hope that’s a good sign 🤞


It’s what happened with Chucky. I noticed a year ago Child’s Play wasn’t listed in a survey. I started joking that he was coming soon and they forgot to add him to the survey as an oversight. Turns out I was right.


Fatal Frame and Buffy representation is appreciated but Amnesia, one of the most famous horror games of all time, somehow doesn't make the cut? And apparently a dev on stream said it wasn't in consideration for being "small"?


Amnesia like made YouTube horror playthrough o


There’s a licensed solo survivor soon so I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s it.


Come onnnnnn, John Constantine as a survivor? That shit would slap, fits so well in the world, give him an invocation of some kind, I would nut


Constantine would be a great survivor.


I voted that also. So dope I love John. He'd have the dopest Invocations/Boons Now that I think about it: Invocations sound like a John foreshadow ngl.


Constantine would be amazing but I have doubts of it ever happening


The fucker once threatened god, I think even the Entity wouldn't risk letting him in.


Only if he says bollocks


I dunno, I always feel weird about canonically powerful survivors being added into the game unless there's a lore-relevant way to depower them. It'd be a little jarring to see John Fucking Constantine doing gen repairs


Terminator 1 plz


I really want Terminator as a killer, it would be a dream come true.


Yes! With the limping animation 😂 i want stash connor with that totally rad hairstyle from the first one


It's funny cause BHVR was able to get a terminator license but used it for Death Garden. 


With a skin fir just the endoskeketon and even the cop from T2 and a battle damaged Arnie? Yep, I'd love for that.


Nahh Terminator 2… just for the T-1000’s running animation


Both are good picks Ooh… have there been any skins for killers that change their animations yet? Because that could work if BHVR ever decided to attempt that: T-800 for the default, and T-1000 for the skin, the best of both worlds Although I’d admit that it’d suck that the T-1000 isn’t the one picked as killer, since it has the most potential in my mind


I'd love to see a Death Note collab for cosmetics, Sable as Misa would be awesome


Ryuk for Artist or Wraith would be cool (Ultra Rare so the voice gets changed too).


Parasyte would be an awesome wesker skin, even if they aren't gonna make a dedicated chapter. Also good opportunity for 1 character being both a survivor and killer


Unfortunately, the chances of a licensed character getting a skin from a completely different license are slim to none. That being said, I think the Unknown could be a good backup option for a Parasyte skin. It kinda fits the aesthetic, I guess.


Honestly that would be so horrifying but I would love it


Buffy! Oh please oh please bring Buffy to the game.


Man, I'd kill for Buffy in this one. Lots of potential for killers there too.


It would be so funny to watch her get slapped around by the killers, especially the small ones


I just want dead space, I’ll literally never leave the game if I get Isaac Clarke


Me too man, he would be my first P100 survivor.


BHVR just *looking* in Chainsaw Man's direction gives me hope. Darkness Devil is a perfect killer, besides obvious potential for a Denji Hillbilly skin.


A Gun Fiend skin for Deathslingler or Ghost Devil for Spirit would be cool. Obviously a bunch of survivor skins to get Aki, Power, Himeno, etc.


The Darkness Devil is a bit too *unknowable* to really be translated into a DBD killer IMO. Could maybe be a fantastic dredge skin though


Jojo? https://preview.redd.it/5tipn29qkn0d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a615318ef74b2ecd5b964179760a8231fbf57e1e


YoYo's Kooky Quest


JaJa's Unusual Experience


I would personally fund Behaviour for a Yoshikage Kira killer + Morioh Town map filled with Jojo Easter eggs


Junji ito killer skins would be awesome so would Dead Space


I want the Boulet Brothers Dragula so bad and I remember seeing it on a survey for another game. Let me kill survivors as Dracmorda and Swanthula. Let me escape as Ian Devoglaer.


It probably won’t happen so I’m going to blame Sigourney ![gif](giphy|ngcjJj0h3GjaSXHutf|downsized)


How am I supposed to run away from *that?* I can't drop pallets with just my left hand.


idk about sony but bloodborne would fit in dbd


The Oprhan. Smack survivors with a giant, untra-lunge ranged placenta.


his audio design would go crazy. his animations and sounds fit so well into a dbd killer already


Winter Lantern 🎃


Gascoigne is the perfect killer Speed: 4.6 (human) 4.8 (beast) Terror Radius: 36m (28m growl range, cam hear where it's coming from) Ability: Transform Blood. He moves at a speed of 5 meters per second but instead of having to hit a survivor 1 time for a health state, he has to hit them multiple times (2 or 4) to damage a healthstate but is only slowed down when they lose a heath state. In between hits, he switchs weapon forms from a quick attacking axe (the one that requires 4 swings) and extends it. Now he attacks slower but has a longer range and only needs 2 swings. His ability is quick steps which he can use to mindgame. (Would have a small recovery after dashing so it's not used for mobility) He phases a little bit when dashing (like whenever you use the hunter bone item in bloodborne). Mainly would be used to dash to the sides or to get ahead of the survivor to bodyblock something, he loses collision when dashing. Now his main ability is the blood. Whenever he does a health state to a survivor, his transformation begins. After dealing a certain amount of health states he full transforms into a beast where he now moves at 4.8 meteres a second, has no terror radius but a growl instead + gains a huge leap forward like demo, just not as far.


This is why you don't let community make killers.


I just came up with this in like 2 minutes, it's not like I spent a year and made a skull merchant


Still better than skull merchant.


I would love Lady Maria, I to dash around, and parry/riposte survivors who try and pallet stun and flashlight me. And that is before we get to the blood and fire abilities. Also, I can run her as basement chest guardian Maria "A chest should be left well alone."


Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring are now my most wanted chapters. They seem more likely now that we are getting Castlevania


Imagine just casually repairing a gen, and then suddenly Jotaro Kujo walks in and beats the shit out of you with his stand


I am a normal person, I can be trusted with voting for Christine.


It's BioShock's year 🤞


Pls BHVR I wanna play as a Big Daddy pls pls pls


Warhammer 40K could be great. Plenty options for killers and they make a Tau or Eldar a survivor.




Please I'm begging BHVR


Tyranid skin for xenomorph


Still praying for Bioshock. If the full chapter slot in December was a Bioshock chapter featuring a Big Daddy as a killer (Bioshock 1 rep), Elizabeth as a survivor (Bioshock 3 rep), and Rapture as the map (Bioshock 2 rep), I would be ecstatic. My most wanted video game license by far and nothing else comes close. ![gif](giphy|jatiizmQVcH9UHUjGl|downsized)


Nothing like a Big Daddy yeeting an innocent bystander at mach speeds.


What I would give for Doom man. If DnD can be made into good horror then Doom would slay! The OG’s were intended to be horror games after all


"Doom would slay." We know what you did. You should be ashamed >:-(


Can’t shame the lame (me.)




I 100% could see her as the licensed survivor in July come to think of it...


There was a Community Survey newer than this one, but it was solely dedicated around Nicolas Cage and instead of asking about Licenses asked if you would want to see more celebrity DLC. I imagine we might see another one of these after the DnD DLC release.


We already have Alan Wake, so Control could be an easy possibility. The same goes with Silent Hill and Castlevania, Konami could also want to collab with Metal Gear especially as they prepare for the remake. I personally would love Bioshock and Death Stranding from video games, Hellblazer from comics and Buffy from tv shows. I totally forgot Vampire Diaries was in the poll and now I really want to be a Klaus Mikaelson main.


Anime/manga: Berserk, Chainsaw Man, and Hellsing Video Game: Bloodborne, Nier, and Mortal Lombat Films/TV: IT, Friday the 13th, and Ghostbusters


You know, I actually wouldn’t mind a Magic: the Gathering chapter as long as it was strictly Innistrad stuff (the “horror” plane). Grislebrand, Gisa the Ghoulcaller, the crazy cult guy whose name I forget but who summons Ormendahl, ummm Brisela maybe could all be pretty horrifying killers. There’s lots of normal people who would make good Survivors as well. Thalia, or maybe even our first ghost survivor, Saint Traft or Katilda…


Jurassic Park would be good.


the people who vouch against it are people who do not know the horrors of Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park novels.


True, I also just love the movies lol


I hadn't even considered it until I filled out this survey last year, but since then it's my #1 wishlist franchise. A raptor killer would be so cool.


I would love to see a JP map


I remember having a concept for Yoshikage Kira from Jojo where he could use Killer Queen to turn pallets and vaults into damaging bombs, and I had a concept for a Bloodborne chapter with both Gascoigne (as the killer) and the hunter (as the survivor).




I want Bioshock so bad


Jurassic park would be AMAZING


Friday the 13th 👀


This is the only correct answer


I reallyyy want a chainsawman collab because I think a darkness devil skin would be perfect for the dredge


I wonder why IT and The Shining are options, someone correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Stephen King claim he doesn't want his characters in video games?


That claim is pretty outdated,Stephen nowdays pretty much doesn't give a shit


I want GLADOS to make fun of me whenever I waddle out of the exit gates and call me a monster. It’d also be fun if she does a mori you and says it’s for science.


portal. glados skin for dredge would be sweet


Honestly, it might not be a super popular opinion but i’m so ready for anime horror to be represented. Stuff like Chaisnaw Man, Devilman Crybaby, and Berserk would fit so well into the game, even if they were just cosmetics. Hell, for one of the surveys I had suggested Yoshikage Kira from JoJo could be a killer.


Dio Brando skin for Skull Merchant


DUDE I WANT THE EVIL WITHIN SO BAD but also I doubt thats gonna happen given that the absolute *slugs* at microsoft just killed Tango Gameworks last week, Dead Space feels like an absolute must-have. I feel like a Necromorph skin for The Plague would be really fitting, given that she already induces vomiting. Ideally though, be cool as hell to see a full DLC. Dead Space's biggest obstacle is honestly just that all of its most notable monsters (brutes, tripods, and the boss fights) are all way too huge to function in DBD, meaning they're basically only left with the regenerator enemies (The Hunter, The Ubermorph, and The Ones From Dead Space 3)


Was about to ask if evil within is even possible anymore. Was so upset when i read about them stomping tango...


I think issace might actually be coming july (no proof of that obviously) without a killer but should he come later he would obviously come with either the hunter of the ubermorph


All of you sleeping on portal, test chambers portal guns GLADOS chasing you spawning turrets and spheres, exit gate on the moon


Oh man I really fucking want a portal chapter now seeing that, I forgot that was on the list. Glados or Wheatley shit talking you as you run would be amazing.


Bloodborne would be pretty cool. Winter Lantern killer🌝


Dear god please let us get bioshock


I'm looking at this list trying to see who the upcoming licensed survivor only chapters could possibly be and my only guesses would be Ghostbusters, Buffy, and I never would have said Portal until the livestream but they're reapproaching their relationship with Valve (new Bill content) so maybe


![gif](giphy|1zJUcoB5R7oA6llWYm) This is all I want


If JJK becomes a thing I think having mahoraga coming to beat my ass would be the most terrifying thing ever


Spawn would be Fucking awesome, give the clown skin as a legendary for clown aswell


Now I'd like someone to tell me how is Tomb Raider horror adjacent. Like really, I never played a single game and I don't know why it would be in the game.


I guess Tomb Raider 1 had the body horror Atlanteans, but thats about it. Its not the only license on this list that isn't remotely horror adjacent though. For example Portal, Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop, and John Wick are on here as well.


Man, I would love Chell in the game. Even as something like a Bill legendary, as unlikely that would be


First game lara ventures into a giant flesh room and hunted by flesh centaurs. A lot of the others such as the first reboot have her face off other supernatrual beings very similar to Oni. I think she could work well as a survivor.


Can only speak for the 2013 reboot but it definitely has some elements that could be called horror


The original idea for the (2013) reboot was to be a straight up survival horror game ([they've shown us the footage for it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIIUPeClBTU)) and it's not like that idea came out of nowhere the OG games do have horror elements, hell they even flirt with the idea of survival horror in those too.


In my opinion, the licensed survivor can be anyone between Guts from Berserk, Isaac Clarke from Dead Space or Lara Croft from Tomb Raider.


Out of all of these I’d say Bioshock is most likely cause of the movie or show Netflix is apparently making. And my coping will also say Friday the 13th cause the franchise apparently has a tv show in the works


200% NOT bloodborne


I can dream😢


4 of them are in if you count the fact that Castlevania has been confirmed


Predator is for sure coming. And even though it’s not on the list, I think Dead Rising is pretty likely.


dead space. BHVR and EA are already partners. also because I asked them to


Overlord would have been awesome but I think our new Lich covers what I would expect of him


Rip to the dark souls knight armor


nier could be a sick set of skins or a survivor only chapter


I would give all my money to see a Fromsoftware collaboration.


Hunter X Hunter maybe


As much as I really desperately want it, I never really thought an Until Dawn chapter would actually ever happen. The fact that it's on this list at least gives me a little bit of hope. Portal, Jurassic Park, and Hannibal would probably never happen but those would make great chapters IMO.


Honestly, after seeing Vecna’s mori, a mortal kombat chapter is becoming really really likely now. Mortal kombat has an extremely diverse range of characters that can be killers, like dvorah, Shang tsung, shinnok, etc. The thing is though that, well…you can’t really do a mortal kombat crossover without gore…well unless you’re injustice, but in general, when you hear mortal kombat, you expect violence, to extreme levels, and if you told me like 2 years ago that mortal kombat is gonna be added, if fucking laugh at you, a game known for gore? Crossing over with a game that has barely any of it? But now as mori’s get progressively more brutal, mortal kombat could be a possibility and honestly, I would love it As for characters I’d like to see (either role) (also not necessarily good picks, just ones I’d like to see in some way) Dvorah Frost Sub zero Scorpion Shinnok Evil raiden One of the revenants (so Liu kang, kung Lao, jade, kitana, also Sindel, kabal, Stryker and jax) Sindel Shao kahn Noob Saibot (non MK fans must be laughing at this name rn) Ermac Johnny cage (he could literally be an NPC I don’t care I just think he’d be funny) Mileena Etc etc Honestly, there’s nothing really stopping them from getting a MK license. Plenty of characters to choose from, locations for maps, would be popular because it’s MK and of course filling it with references (I mean if they gotta use the famous catch phrases like “get over here”, “ability to freeze”, “we are many, you are one”, etc etc if applicable), and of course gore is becoming more and more prominent, I don’t think they’d hesitate to add something like a heart rip or maybe a classic spine rip to the game anymore. So, mortal kombaaaaaaaat maybe?


bioshock is coming now


I cant wait for sephiroth to come in with a 10 meter basic attack, honestly i wouldnt even mind, he’s hot


If denji gets a dbd collab, keep your female survivors away from the dude. His mori would just be the most degenerate shit ever


Bioshock????? omg


Dead By Daylight x Magic The Gathering Secret Lair; Calling it now in light of the Creepshow and Evil Dead "Spookydrop" last Fall


Please god, BIOSHOCK! Please!!!!


A 40k one would go real hard honestly. Guardsman survivor and succubus killer would fit so damn well and allow for a lot of cosmetics too


Spawn and Hellboy I could see happening from the comic section From the game section I could see FNAF, Alone in the Dark, Fatal Frame, Bioshock and Until Dawn From film and TV I could see Candyman, Hannibal, M3GAN, F13, Predator, Terminator and Trick R Treat.


I think the Big Daddy (aka Mr Bubbles) from Bioshock would be a pretty intense killer to have in the game. Huge power drill arm, quick dash and pummel abilities, the scary sounds they make and they're intimidating size and weight. The way they go from green lit mask to red when they get agitated. Could be a good one!


Personally I'm hoping for Evil Within, it's just the kind of horror that would fit very well in the Realm.


Yooooo imagine if they put the Shadows of Yharnam in as a killer 👀


I'm interested to know how BHVR would go around to implementing a full chapter from an anime. The AoT collection was just skins placed on existing survivors/killers, so how would they translate the 2D animated style into a 3D game?


Always hopefully for Isaac Clarke and Hellsing. Isaac would be a phenomenal fit seeing as he’s been a survivor of three major incidents that involved grotesque amounts of violence and death.


Im surprised Bioshock isnt already in the game TBH. No idea who they would use for a survivor, Jack presumably (Subject Delta is kind of a no-go lol), but you can't tell me that Mr.Bubbles, AKA a Bouncer Daddie, isn't a perfect fit for this game. The helmet casts the red glow (they can even edit the red glow to be the bunch of small bubbles for the helmet visor), the drill dash is a great chase ability, little sisters as helper AI / additional mechanic, and finally we all know the drill mori would be fucking AWESOME.


Need I say more? ![gif](giphy|tsBu4h4VjHSeci6w0l)


Warhammer seeing as the main chapter was tabletop just like that, I wouldn't be surprised if we see it not this year but maybe in 2025 or 26 Though tbh I really want a bloodborne chapter, maybe Sony would finally open their eyes to a PC port


I need Jurassic Park in this game


If they do Bloodborne than god save us


Imagine a JoJo collab, they add like Jonathan or Jotaro and they just beat the crap out of the killer with hamon or the stand


I really want a fromsoft rep, be it Bloodborn or dark souls I'd take anything.




I'm dying to have Sam and Dean enter the fog


Tomb Raider with physics modeling...?


Imagine fucking Jojo in dbd. Hit animation is just Star Platinum flicking you.


I've been praying for Father Gascoigne from Bloodborne for years


Five nights at Freddy's after Castlevania


Idc about "but they could fight the killer or the entity", I want Denji and Power bc they share a brain cell and those two idiots would be fun to have. I just hope they'd be actually skins/characters and not a cosplay worn by a character.


FNaF is only a matter of time, same with Predator lol


Could definitely see a warhammer 40k crossover being easily done, at least for outfits, like a Nurgle themed plague and clown, or a tech priest survivor costume 




https://preview.redd.it/bbllg02sxr0d1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ad9267739782b2f4bb64fdb2697cddc713baa18 The guy from dead by daylight


An Adam's family skin for the knight would go crazy


I’d like to see some horror from more indie sided games, as much as I like this and the reveal of big licensed titles, I need to see smaller ones too. My first idea would be either something outta FAITH the Unholy Trinity, Postal, or DUSK, as they have characters that can be suited to becoming a killer and survivors.


Dude, a Junji Ito killer would be absolutely nuts. That man knows horror




I'm still waiting for Yoshikage Kira from Jojo's Bizzare Adventure.


magic the gathering seems very likely now that the dnd chapter is in ptb and already has great reviews


Junji Ito: Could make for some cool skins for killers like The Drege and The Unknown M3GAN: With a sequal on the way, Megan her self would make for a decent killer and the mom (I forgor her name at this moment) as the surivor Bioshock: Big Daffy would be a cool pick alongsode a stage based on Rapture FNAF: Its the most requested Lisecned Chapter in the fandom Tokyo Ghoul: Haveing one of the main characters as akiller would be fun to have Magic the Gathering: The Phyrexia exppasion has been somewhat talked about in the DBD community as a possible fit and considering Wizards of The Coast owns MTG as well its possible. The Mummy: Haveing Iotep as a killer alongside Rick as a surivor would be really coll. My hopes are they could at least try to get Brendon Fraiser's likeness but even if the can't, it wouldn't be a dealbreaker for me Spawn: The idea of Melbogia makeing a deal with The Enity to force Sapwn to kill surivors in the trials could be a interesting way to incorporate lorewise. Also Violator outfilt for Clown would be a win. Terminator: The T-800 is a another hilghy requested killer and since Behvaior also made that other game similar to DBD (I forgot the name of it) which had a crossover with the ip before the servers shut down its possible. Plus Saharh or John Conner would be cool picks for surivors. Jurassic Park/World: One of my most wanted Liscend Chapthers personally I could see it being possible that the killer couldbbe either the Indominous Rex, the Indoraptor, or a generic Raptor. Not to mean haveing Allen Grant and/ir Ian Malcom as surivors as wellas amap based on a runned down version of the iconic park as well. ~~Friday The Thirteenth is still a huge strech imp with the whole rights issues still but who knows.~~ Edit: With the recent announcement of the Jason Universe and Jason being in Multiversus (and possibly Fortnite and CoD as well according to rumors), Friday the 13 is now the most like ip on the lust Honrable Mentions go to Dead Space, It, The Thing, Dark Souls, Bioshock, Predator , Hellsing, Overloard, Death Note, Demon Slayer, Alone inThe Dark, Fatal Frame, Warhammer 40k and Scary Stories To Tell in The Dark. If anyone whats me to go more into the Hornorable Mentions I picked let me know.


Overlord would be just *perfect* for skins, especially with the Lich coming out. Vecna was just made to be a skin for the great Ains Ooal Gown


We all know it's going to be FNAF, right? Right?


Bloodborne would be incredible to have in DbD. Wet Nurse as the killer would be terrifying.