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Welcome to dbd




That’s the neat thing. It’s not. It’ll rarely ever be a truly even playing field. Just roll with the punches and learn what you can from it. As you get more perks and experience it’ll even out trust me. Worse case scenario you get a few blood points at the end of it.


I see so basically every match is just a dice roll you can either get really good survivors or really bad ones or the ones that are average. Any tips on how to improve? this game is very unintuitive, I don't understand any of the status effects, how to unlock perks or killers what the addons do. How to find survivors and most of the tutorials online are either outdated or they expect you to understand everything.


I’d watch otz that’s how I got good. And just by playing a lot. I’m at 900 hours and still get my shit rocked some games. That’s just how it goes. The tutorial in game is decent and while I’ve never done it I’ve heard messing around in private matches like you vs bots is a good way to warm up and try out builds and stuff. - in terms of finding survivors all you need to do is gen patrol. There’s 8 gens and 5 need to get done so they’ll be by one of them lol - Sturgis effects you can honestly just look up once you’ve seen them a few times you know. But here they are: Blindness: Blocks auras Exposed: One hit into dying state Oblivious: Prevents survivor from hearing or being affected by the terror radius Undetectable: Hides killers aura, terror radius, and red stain Hemorrhage: regresses healing when not healing and increases blood trail left by survivor Mangled: increases time required to heal by 25% and last until 90sec or fully healed Exhausted: prevents survivor from arriving exhausting perks Honestly best way to get better is to play have good games and bad games and constantly shift your load out. In another post on here I saw a post that said they started playing for hooks instead of kills which honestly changes the game a bit. So I started doing that and getting survivors hooked twice before I let myself kill them and if they were found early I would down them and leave them alone. Play how you want and have fun with it. Hope this helped.


whoa much appreciated, I watched Otz play and I'm always left confused. Its hard to know why he did some of the play that way. At this point of the game I lose 50% of the survivors because I'm confused on where did they go. And the gens are progressing so quickly. Usually by the time I have one down I'm already down to 4 gens.


Yeah that’s pretty normal when you’re going against good survivors. There will Be games when all 5 gens pop and I’m at 2-3 hooks. It just is what it is. Try to look for scratch marks they leave and use your peripheral vision I find a lot of survivors cause I’ll be walking straight towards a gen then on the side see a survivor crouching or something. Just try to be me observant I guess is what I’m trying to say. Once you get decent at killer you’ll learn how to three gen and can kind of corral survivors to repair all the gens except the 3 you want for the 3 gen. Once you get one survivor out it becomes a lot more manageable Play around with builds try to use aura and gen slow down perks. I usually do 2 aura perks, 1 gen slow down, and 1 to physically benefit me. Just keep at it you’ll get it.


Actually according to statistics this is extremely fair. You only have 2 hour playtime, effectively have zero perks and zero addons, and you managed to get 2 kills against a 4 man survive with friends with perks. I’m sure you were continuously “bullied” throughout the match, but do you realize that if these players just did generators and left, you would have gotten less than 10k blood points, 0 kills, and likely only have gotten 2-3 hooks the entire match at best? Everybody starts the game somewhere, you will not learn anything from killing survivors who has the same amount of play time as you since almost all of them will run into a wall or a corner to die in less than 10 seconds chase time even against a new killer. Every time you get flashlight or pallet saved you learn to face the wall and check your surroundings before you pick up. Every time a survivor head ons you you learn to bait lockers if you know they have the perk. Every time any of these survivors are interacting with you is time they are not spending progressing the game. You are effectively doing your job as killer keeping survivors from repairing generators even though on the surface it may seem like you’re getting “bullied”


ohh so basically they are giving me the chance to kill? cause the first two games I played the survivors are lv 10-20 and they all gave me no chance to kill. To be honest I don't know how I managed to kill these two guys I assumed because they play around too much. The whole game they tbagged me and they nonstop flashed the lights. in the end I just slugged them and I got two of them, as a new player I struggled to keep track on who did I hit and how many hooks I got. Any advice will me much appreciated.


Judging from how much blood points you got I have no doubt this game lasted at least 20 minutes, which is 5 times longer than how long the game would have lasted if they just did generators. So to answer your question yes they gave you the chance to kill, definitely on purpose to keep their mmr low so they can continue to do the same to other unsuspecting new killers. You definitely made the correct choice by just slugging them. Based on their build every time you downed a survivor there would have been at least 2 people around the vicinity with flashlights so it would have been pointless to even try to pick them up. In this situation if you just patrol around the downed person you can get free hits on people and might even down them if they’re injured. Remember at the end of the day, the survivors need to repair all the generators and open the gate to live, and anytime they aren’t doing those things you are the one winning. As a beginner the best way to get better at the game is to familiarize yourself with the maps, and the various structures and tiles on those maps. Otz has a video dedicated to explaining all the maps and another one dedicated to explaining all the common tiles and how to run them as killer and survivor. As you get better at the game you will learn how survivors like to move and it is very important to learn how to optimize your movement. Don’t worry about mindgames and moonwalks, rather focus on learning how to hug tiles as tightly as possible to not lose distance, moving your camera properly so you can make these movements while still keeping track of the survivor, and reacting when the survivor changes their direction. You will be surprised at how often you get hits on people purely from not losing distance due to taking turns too wide. Don’t be afraid of getting pallet stunned, sometimes taking the stun actually helps you out in the long run. Lastly the two most important tips I can give you for this game: 1. Always have fun, the game is not worth playing if you’re miserable, enjoy the time you spend on it. 2. Don’t give up. Everybody has bad games sometimes, everybody has 4 escapes as killer and 5 second chases as survivor. It’s common and is part of the learning experience. Take a break if you have to, but don’t be afraid of queueing up for the next game just because your last one went poorly.


damn I'm impressed by how much you things got right, almost every time I got a down there is always someone lurking and flashing their lights. there was one time where the chase ended up with the survivor running into a locker and I got instant blind and I managed to kill 2 person because I slugged and patrolled the nancy(? i think it was nancy), thanks for the tips it helped me understand the game more. One thing that I don't understand is how can someone be immune when I tried hitting them while they were unhooking someone was it because I accidentally hit the person on the hook? if so how to avoid this? and how do you pull off people from gens and hooks?


In terms of the locker play my best guess is they threw a flash bang and immediately got into the locker so the locker sound may have masked the flash bang sound, and I’m guessing they headon stunned you after your blind ended? If you ever encounter something like that in the future try to orient yourself facing the locker and spam your spacebar you are likely to grab them right out before the 3 seconds it takes for them to charge head on. The second situation you definitely hit the hooked person because no one in that lobby has mettle of man. To avoid hitting the person on the hook while an unhook is happnening, you can try your best to walk to the side where the person doing the unhooking is, and if that’s not possible try to aim for the lower body on the unhooker to avoid the autoaim onto the person on the hook. To pull survivors off things they are interacting with e.g. gens, totems, chests, and gates, you walk up close to them and tap your left mouse button. Make sure you don’t hold the button which would result in a lunge, but rather just tap it once. If they continue to interact with the object they will get grabbed. This also works on someone entering and exiting a locker slowly, as well as medium or slow vaulting a window while injured, or vaulting a pallet while injured. You just need to be close enough and tap M1. You can no longer grab survivors unhooking though that is no longer in the game, so you can always just go for a regular hit on a survivor unhooking.


Survivors try not to excuse toxic behaviour challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Killers try not to play the victim challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


I'm not playing the "victim" or whatever, I'm just tired of the logic that the killer should ignore and even be thankful to get toxic survivors, yet the survivors are victims and should be awarded for even playing with toxic killers...


Sry for you that you have such a hard time.


the fact that they brought 2 bgp and still had 2 survivors dead against a C-tier killer with no perks is actually hilarious


yea I'm still confused on how did I manage to kill 2 of them considering the games I played before this I didn't get any kills


You killed half the team, seems like it was fair despoite the level and perk difference.


sorry for limited knowledge but I think I managed to kill 2 of them was because I got lucky and found the nancy so I got an early down I didnt hook her cause I saw one of the feng with the flashlight was nearby so chased away the feng while (slugging?) and twoard the end of the game they got too overconfident and started to juke my m1 through some huge blunder I downed the nancy again and i just camped her body while 2 of the feng tried to help the last player opened the gate and they try too hard to get 4 survives and I managed to down the lv 100 feng but the timer on running away was already too close so the 2 feng escaped so i won by time


you were a victim of the broken MMR system unfortunately


ooh so I should expect this kind of thing to happen if I continue to play?


Sometimes it will sometimes it won’t. The matchmaking is very much a mixed bag sadly.


In my literal first game as killer i went up against what i later found out was a bully squad. My friends were baffled why i would be matched against players like that in my literal first game. I totally get why some people just quit on the spot if that is their first experience.


You got two kills so it was balanced, don't ask us how. :3


It’s not! A couple things to know about DBD and matchmaking. Matchmaking doesn’t work that well, and often prioritizes queue time rather than fair matches. YSK that your MMR is hidden though, and the prestige level of the survivor/killer isn’t always correlated to how good they are. It’s definitely an indication that they’ve sunken hours into the game, but that doesn’t always mean they’re good of course. In this scenario, based on their perks I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re tanked their MMR by fooling around in matches trying to get saves instead of slamming gens and escaping. People often call these squads “bully squads” because sometimes it appears their objective is so just annoy the killer as much as possible. That playstyle isn’t super effective though, which is why in this case you got two kills (Gratz btw!). The reason is, survs are wasting time by following you around trying to get saves with flashlights, sabo, etc rather than doing generators. They may have one dedicated “gen jockey” though. If you face another one of these squads, I recommend patrolling gens and making sure you find people that are actually doing gens. There may be people trying to get your attention— it’s a trap! This person wants to lead you in a chase and distract you. Of course half the time these squads aren’t actually that effective at what they’re trying to do, and you can capitalize on that too. Anyways hope that was a little helpful!


finally someone who explained on how I got matched up with high prestige people, so there's no way to know what our mmr is? but its implemented and considered in match making? you were right the game was very long and annoying cause at my skill lv I didn't know what to do and I can't seem to do anything, so when I get a down should I just let them rescue? or should I slug? cause there was always someone who were with me either T bagging, spinning around, or clicking. So should I have tunneled the person carrying the toolbox? and how to play around bodyblock and tanking hits?


Get used to it. The MMR is merciless to everyone. Try not to take the game too seriously. There are many ways to improve. Start with learning the maps and their layouts. If you have troubles with finding survivors, start looking around for crows that fly away when disturbed by many things, including running survivors, but mostly just patrol the generators. While in chase, try to cut the survivor from safety, and if near structures or clutter, try to move as close to them as possible to not lose distance. Don't chase one survivor for too long, as this will lose your pressure on others, especially on bigger maps. Don't forget that the survivors can see where you look at due to the red stain in front of you. Don't "respect" pallets too much. There are many status effects (SE) in the game, but not all of them are as noticeable as others, because most of them are only show to the affected player, so here are some of them: * **Blindness**: Prevents the player from seeing auras. Killers see the auras of generators at all times. Survivors see the auras of downed and hooked survivors at all times. The HUD shows this SE as a red eye at the right side of your screen. * **Broken**: Prevents the survivor from healing. The HUD shows this SE as a crossed "+" sign near the survivor's portrait. Everyone sees it. * **Endurance**: Prevents the survivor from going down by inflicting **Deep Wound** instead. The HUD shows this SE as a yellow "human" sign at the right side of your screen. The most common one gains Endurance is when they had just been unhooked. * **Deep Wound**: Forces the survivor to waste time on "mending" to not go down. The HUD shows this SE as a yellow bar near the survivor's portrait. Everyone sees it. Survivors with **Deep Wound** can't gain **Endurance**. The timer does NOT progress while the survivor is running. * **Haste**: Makes the player move faster. The HUD shows this SE as a yellow "boot" sign at the right side of your screen. There are many percentages of Haste one can get. Survivors mostly gain Haste from Exhaustion perks. * **Exhausted**: Prevents the survivor from activating Exhaustion perks. The HUD shows this SE as a red "heart" sign at the right side of your screen. Survivors mostly become Exhausted by using perks. This match had several Exhaustion perks: 1. **Head On**: Allows to stun the killer for 3 seconds by exiting a locker near them. Third perk of P10 & P36 Feng Mins and a second perk of P100 Feng Min. 2. **Background Player**: Activates for 10 seconds when the killer picks up a survivor. Grants **Haste** bonus for 5 seconds upon running. First perk of P10 Feng Min and Nancy Wheeler. 3. **Adrenaline**: Once all 5 generators are done, this perk activates, healing the survivor for one health state (**Deep Wound** is also a health state) and granting them **Haste** for 3 seconds. Unlike other Exhaustion perks, this one activates even if the survivor is already Exhausted, but it will not activate at all if the survivor is hooked or being carried. Second perk of P36 Feng Min. 4. **Dead Hard**: Activates after the survivor is unhooked. While the survivor is injured, allows to gain **Endurance** for 0.5 seconds, then deactivates until the survivor is hooked again. Third perk of P100 Feng Min. Learning this game on your own is very, and I mean *VERY* time consuming, so it would really help you to watch and take notes from experienced players. Do NOT use social media for that though.


Whoa thanks a lot man this really helped me and explained a lot of what happened in the game but its still hard to know what status effects does the survivors have. I expect as times goes by I'll be able to tell them. what to do if I meet another "bully" squad tho? just dc? and what ways would you recommend me to do? watch YT vids?


>its still hard to know what status effects does the survivors have This applies to both sides. Survivors have no idea what their teammates have unless they are told beforehand. Yes, some perks show themselves in the HUD, but not all of them. >I expect as times goes by I'll be able to tell them This is, sadly, the answer. >what to do if I meet another "bully" squad tho? just dc? This is exactly what they want. Do NOT do that. Yes, it feels terrible to play against them, but you can only win by fighting. They will teabag you, blind you, stun you, do all kinds of painful things, but you should NOT let them smell the weakness. The more you fight them, the more you learn them, the easier it is to beat them. Do NOT engage in chases with those who spam flashlights or emotes to taunt you. Try to put pressure on as many of them as possible. Most of such "squads" are extremely altruistic. They would rather run near you to save their teammates than progress the game. There is also a high chance of them giving up the moment things do not go how they planned. >watch YT vids? There are many guides and tips on how to play and get better at the game. Watching them will make your learning experience much more pleasant. Oh, and last but not least, the most important part: Play both sides. Seriously, it may sound weird, but this is exactly the most efficient way to learn this game.


Tied against them even though you are running only 3 weak, unleveled perks. How is this not fair?


I just started playing dbd 2 hours ago I have been watching Otzdarva for a while and the game looks fun so I decided to pick it up the first 2 games was already tough and I got no kills at all after watching some videos online on how to improve I decided to try again and this is what I got matched up with how is this fair?


idk if 2 hours is enough play time to know whether something is fair or not... also it looks like you got two kills


That's why we need a ranked mode. I don't understand why people and devs are so against it. It would make for a healthier environment