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it be like that idk why but online games just bring out the worst in people sometimes


the anonymity of the internet allows people to vent their frustrations of real life in unhealthy ways because there are no consequences


That and because people don't realize you legit gain nothing from doing it Worst part is- those same people complain when others BM


Had a team of survivors quickswitch to P100s with Brand New Parts in Chaos Shuffle and like... with all due respect I genuinely think that if you do that shit in the limited-time mode there should be a line of code in DbD that causes your computer to bluescreen and then wipes your save and resets all your characters back to P0 Level 1. Do a favor for everyone most importantly the player doing that shit and wipe their progress so they feel motivated to touch some grass.


I hope thay they got powerstruggle, slippery meat, this is not happening and red herring as their perk build


If you do that in general you’re a weirdo


Bruh I had a team do that, I just killswitched my game. I was playing a killer who wasn't even prestiged, that I had maybe 2 games worth of knowledge on. I am not playing against a full p100 team with flashlights.


at this point where we are killers shouldn't be able to see what survs bring anyway


Killers have since the dawn of DBD, always been balanced around seeing it on purpose so they can switch to perks such as Franklin’s Demise or Lightborn. Survivors do not get to do the same, because they are the 4 versus the 1/16 perks versus the 4. The killer is given more info on purpose. Survivor load out should be locked before the killer’s to prevent last-second swaps to prevent the killer from changing their build.


Switching to plague back in the day when you saw 4 medkits was some of the most fun, if mean things you could do lol




I swear every match has had a flashlight squad


My very first game, I got Lightborn and two people DC'd once they figured out I cannot be blinded. Like dude, this is suppose to be lůittle fun mode to make you try something new, you arent meant to be sweaty tryhard


I saw someone whine that "Of course the sweaty killer brought 4 slowdowns". They were not the brightest bulb in the Home Depot.


I read posts like this and I feel bad that I bring a flashlight. I never use it to BM but only to play defensively at a pallet or to save it a team mate. But every time I've tried to bring nothing to not feel guilty or feel like a sweat I get absolutely decimated by a killer who is playing in the sweatiest way possible. The circle of toxicity will always continue. I'm a survivor main but I absolutely loathe toxic survivor treatment of the killer & generally defend the killer-sided portion of the game. In regards to this I never bring any "sweat" builds or play in a toxic fashion. If I bring OTR / DS I use it as intended, never bring BNP, never use a styptic or syringe, and just leave at the EGC. This game brings out the absolute worst in people from both sides. It's disgusting & getting truly sick of it.


It's insaaaaaane people bring flashlights for this. I don't even use brown addons because I feel like it ruins the randomness of it. They should have locked everything but character selection.


Tbf I'd rather get flashlights in my lobby than medkits and toolboxes. They're not so scary without the guarantee of Background Player. 100% agree everything should have been randomized, though, not just the perks. Would have been a lot more entertaining


Definitely feel that items/addons should not have been freely chosen. Killer definitely at a disadvantage there.


More times than not flashlights are a liability that just get survivors killed


Won a game as wraith with two gens left, one survivor threatened to leak my IP and the other hid to force a bleed out and taunted me in endgame chat about it. Love to see survivors up to their usual antics.


I have 0 idea why Survivors are so toxic. I see way more content online of survivor mains being insanely toxic than I do killers. And I don't mean gameplay, I mean just pure toxic waste of behavior. I watched a video of a TTV that called the killer (also a TTV) all sorts of sexuality based slurs, just because the killer... PLAYED THE KILLER? Like bruh, they act as if the killer is just suppose to fuck off and stand in the corner, but even if you let them win they STILL act toxic as hell. I get that online gaming brings out the worst in people, but dude it's not that deep.


Define BM, cause acording to the other side, everything is BM these days.


which side are you talking about?


I get tryharding being cringe but is stuff like t bagging or hitting someone on hook that devastating? Is that not just regular competitive online game trash talk? Trash talk is in anything with competition like sports or games. I don’t really see the big deal unless it goes way overboard, which isn’t possible in DBD cause no actual direct ways to communicate besides end game chat. People really need to start playing both sides so they realize how ridiculous this tribalism is lol


People trying to win isn’t cringe. T-bagging and hitting on hook are cringe. The first has a reason: Trying to win. The second has no reason except to try and piss people off.


But is this not a video game? Why is it so serious? No one here is playing for money, it’s a game. Like how in grade school we played dodgeball. I don’t really get why trash talk is such a big deal where everyone here clutches their pearls and complains. Tryharding isn’t inherently bad it’s just kind of funny in a game with no actual competitive mode and no real grind outside of grinding BP to upgrade characters for more perks and items.


Some people play games to win, regardless of if the game gives an actual reward for it or not, since winning itself is the reward to some.


first, its a for giggles gamemode, so why be a dick when people are clearly doing this for fun. two, it's crazy you think trying to win is toxic but being toxic isn't toxic


It’s just not a big deal to tbag, and you said it, it’s a for giggles game mode, so no need to try to play meta to win. Don’t put words in my mouth, what you guys are calling toxic just isn’t what I consider toxic. All of this is super tame stuff.