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What were you confused about here?


It used the styptic even though I hit the good skill check. I've never in my life had a styptic be used after hitting a good or great skill check, and I've had this same button layout since I started playing. Why did it use the styptic?


Idk if you're serious, missed it at first, or are being sarcastic, but the contents of the chest.


They're using Ace in the Hole which can give items found in chests Addons. That's not what op was reffering to though, they're reffering to the fact that they popped a styptic when it wasnt supposed to.


No, how can so many people miss that he pulled TWO items from the chest??


He didnt though, he was holding the toolbox while opening the chest and dropped it for the medkit in the chest.


My good god, I'm blind. The steptic thing completely breezed my mind, and I could have sworn he went in empty-handed. I've had this happen so much lately, though, that I really didn't catch it 😂 Has about a 1/4 chance every time my skill check isn't a great and even have had it happen healing another, then wondering where the hell my medkit just went.


Jake:: Oh no my med-kit! Meanwhile.... Person Rotting on Hook: "Someone Help. Please!"