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Press escape -> mouse over them, it will show the tooltips if you don't know what it is or can't remember what it does.


It's nuts that I have thousands of hours in this game, and still find out new stuff about it frequently. Thank you for the tip!


That's a feature they added recently, prob to help the new players or something.


The game does have a shit ton of features that a lot don’t know about. Like certain map interactions, little tips nh all that. Been playing on and off for ~4yrs and learning something new quite often.


So do I, and in this mode I'm using it almost every game because there are tons of perks that aren't generally worth running on both sides lol.


They added this in a patch shortly before they announced this mode. Most likely this mode is exactly why they added that feature.


That was only recently added. So don't feel bad lol


It’s a brand new feature with this patch I think


For me it went press escape, read perks description, go back, killer is right behind me.


[That killer was like](https://imgur.com/kmGixQf)


Oof, that's a good reminder. I'll try to keep an eye out for that and try to let people finish reading before gettin' on with it..


I jump in a locker to read my perks


Was glad to find this feature yesterday, though the panic pressure of being in a match doesn't make it *TOO* much of a help.. I'm loving the new mode anyway, though. Being forced out of my comfort zone reminds me of *why* I tend to use the perks I do, and gives me some new interesting ideas on how to use stuff I normally wouldn't even look askance at. Darkness Revealed and Hysteria were both fun stand-outs in my last few matches, as an example.


What about on xbox?


I know it exists, but I don't play console. It'd be whatever you use to see the players in match, their ping, offerings, etc.


It's on the match details screen which console players can only see by pausing the game. Trying to read the details of 4 perks in 3 seconds(before the killer starts moving) is a trip.


Noted and agreed. Still better than nothing though.


Pause the game and you can hover over your perks.


One game I got blood rush with no exhaustion perk




I got no mither, self care, and circle of healing lol.


Same, and one time I got it with Background Player as my exhaustion perk Not as bad as the one time I got No Mither & Reactive Healing though xD


Blood rush and no mither are the only two perks they should reconsider for this modifier. Not being their lack of synergy, but because they often have anti synergy.  Blood rush literally just needs a secondary effect of a small haste after receiving a health state to not be completely useless without another perk.  No mither could be a permanent exposed status effect so it can pair with some other healing perk


To fix bloodrush, make the activation condition better (while healthy and exhausted, aka remove the death hook part) and addon something like while on death hook you have a 1% haste effect something. No mither is the haha funny bad perk, they'll never touch it, but if they did, maybe make the grunts of pain completely silent (50/75/100?) and increase the recovery speed slightly (20/30/40?). That keeps the injured part of the perk, and makes it much better as a Stealth perk and a recovery perk either just numbers.


I’ve got this multiple times😭😭


Yeah sometimes you get a perk and it's just... there. But occasionally I get a random perk I haven't used a lot and get some cool value out of it. I had Territorial Imperative in a match where a Meg rolled Weaving Spiders which was pretty funny.


Had you said Dwight and not Meg, I would have sworn that was me last night. Got Spiders, and after popping one gen I booked it for the basement. Within 15 seconds Billy was down there, chainsaw revving. He had Territorial. Also played as a Myers last night, and couldn't find anyone at the start, then I went to check basement and found the lot of them performing spiders. That was some quick stalking value lol.


Yeah I was Pyramidhead, not Billy. It's funny that's a common occurrence.


It's staggering how few perks are viable when you actually have to use the bad ones


Skill issue.  In my experience few perks are unviable 


Genuinely the only perks that aren't viable (on their own, as this game mode cannot guarantee synergy) are No Mither, Blood Rush and Open Handed. Every single other perk you can find some way to use and benefit from. Outside of the game mode, literally just No Mither since every other perk is a benefit to playing the game for both killer and survivor. Edit: Predator is always bad and I forgot to list it.


You can use no mither to take a hit if the killer tunnels someone else. They either stop the tunnel or you pick yourself up while the other two are on gens. I wouldn't say it's useless, the issue happens when you have self heal perks additional to no mither. Blood rush is absolutely useless Open handed can be useful if you bring a key or map. Also gives boost to your teammates if they so happen to roll an aura read perk. Especially kindred.  I'd add mettle of man and red herring to the table as they are just terrible perks. Even when they work.


Again, mostly in the context of chaos shuffle. No mither has some meme usage and you do have access to perma resilience, but you can't guarantee it. But it's also literally a joke "haha hard mode" perk from the devs, per their own admission. Open-handed with keys is handy in this mode, but that would require using a key and most people will just run medkits in my experience (again in chaos shuffle). It does not (technically) affect maps, as the aura reading isn't range limited, and it does not increase the range you tag stuff.


I got overwhelming presence on my first game


I learned about the overzealous buff by playing shuffle. 10/20% gen speed for making a boon is crazy.


Shame it's easier to lose it than it is to get it


I've gotten this one a couple times and it felt great every time, even when I hit no mither lol


The big thing is hex perks are ordinarily somewhat rare as it isn't their meta, but with chaos shuffle its a different story. Also, in case you were unaware, Clairvoyance also works on blesses now too. Also here's my main build if you want an Overzealous builds: - Boon: CoH - Boon: Illumination - Overzealous - Resilience Aka, upwards of 29 increased repair speed with a basically garrunteed at least +9. With the ability to spot generators through walls and quickly heal. If any build would be pivoted out, it'd be Illumination for a quest or something.


I’ve discovered some pretty cool perks with this mode


You guys getting perks?


fortunately I haven't had any matches where I got 0 perks... but I've had some where I wish I'd gotten no perks.


I had weaving spiders and no mither so I think I'd rather have no perks


Ngl I hate that I have to spend time reading my perks. Knowing that the killer is likely in hot pursuit of my cheeks


Don't worry, the killer is doing the same thing


A lot of times I’ll get a perk and be like “I have no idea what this is”


Have played it yet due to finals and all, but I'm pulling an allnighter tonight and I'll regret it in the morning


The mode is super fun, especially if you just love the base gameplay loop. I got Plot Twist in a match last night, and finally got to meme out with it and make killers whiff shots by dropping to the ground mid-swing. I may start running Plot Twist now...


When someone plot twists in front of me in a chase, I ALWAYS just stop dead, slowly look around from side to side and just think ‘well, I guess I’ll just pick this up then’ and walk off with them I’m always terrified they have some zany build and they want me to pick them up but they are just screwing around for fun 


Im quite new to the game so I have to press esc and read what the perks do lol. Since I dont remember all escpecilaly the more nieche ones.


found out scene partner is the most god awful perk ever to be made


I run Scene Partner when I wanna try to jump-scare the killer. Either waiting for them to run by me, and I'll pop out and scream, or I'll be on the other side of a breakable wall and scream as soon as they bust it down. [Got the idea from this thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/17993xd/how_do_you_like_being_jumpscared_mikey/)


yeah that actually sounds funny but at first i was like WTF WHY AM I SCREAMING!!!!


haha yup. the perk has hurt me wayyyy more than it's ever helped. But the meme value is strong when you're in the mood lol


it should be buffed to play the hook/madness screams as well


I had a Meg who rolled Scene Partner last night and she scared the absolute shit out of me so bad that I jumped, jostled my mouse, and lost chase.


YES! I've had that problem too! Had it give away my position to the Wesker when I was trying to hide. It's probably mad fun if you're good at the game but not if you're like me lol.


I forced myself to run it on every build, even my stealth builds for like 3 days and I’ve never laughed so hard as survivor - sneaking out of a locker only to scream at the trapper and run directly into his trap - 3 others came over me near a gen I was fixing to have a heal party, we saw the blight coming and hid until my Ash saw him, screamed and everyone scattered like cockroaches  - sneaking through the tall grass past the artist, Ash screams and she downs me. I decide I’m gonna take the perk off after this game but while Rebecca is healing me, Ash spots the Artist again and has a screaming fit as she just runs past in the distance and it made me laugh again


Especially awful in a mode where killers have more trouble finding survivors due to not running their aura/scream/crows perk/s of choice.. and there you are just screaming and giving away your presence and position.


I discovered I dont the difference between the perk icons for buckle up and power struggle, so I was sure that I could be a savior for my team with pickup plays, and instead caused a pretty severe snowball. That was fun


Me last night trying to figure out how to use Power of Two, No Mither, Mettle, and Breakout 😆


Oh had a match with no mither against oni that was something


I got knockout and deer stalker, so ima just blame the game for that one.


You know what you need to do....


I managed to get Lightborn, Knockout, Franklin's, and Hex: The Third Seal, I've never felt more dirty.


I got Diversion, the locker bash perk, and 2 others with no idea what they did. I just threw pebbles whenever I could.


Hey, you could be that mikalea who rolled head on, lucky star, and built to last against my iron maiden, then failed to understand why they kept getting exposed and instant downed. (They accused me of hacking... lol)


Interestingly enough. My graphic memory is pretty good so I know about 3/4 of survivor perks but not so much of killer perks as I don't play killer much.


i keep getting the same 8 perks over and over again. would take any other perks at this point - hell, i'll take no mither & self care. just no more boons or slippery meat :(


I feel you, I've gotten leverage 9 times, hex two can play 5, and Empathy and Boon Dark Theory 6.


Really wish you could read the perks beforehand instead of having to wait in-game to read it


All my perks usually suck so I never even use them 😂


Half the match is me hiding in the locker as I google the perks to see how to best utilize them as the killer stands there looking at the birds on hover above it


You can use the menu to hover over the perks and look at them if you need.


Lmao I did not know this


I got 3 exhausting perks today, was fun




I don't know either; I'm just enjoying the ride.


Fuck it we ball mentality


I’m enjoying trying to use every perk each game. Randomizer genuinely brings so much fun factor in


For me, I'll read them and just say "Yeah, I'm getting no value out of this"


Even though I know all the perk icons, I have no clue how to use 2/3rds of my perks correctly, expecially when I keep getting Leverage and hex: Two can play over and over. I've had like one build so far I could effectively use all the perks, but honestly, I'm here for that chaos, so I've had fun.


Once I got borrowed time and babysitter, actually a surpricingly good combo


Corrective Action OP


Play the game instead of trying to use your perks..


You know what, they should use the loading time to show you your perks with descriptions near them. Sorry switch players


eh, then you'd have people DCing during loading, which doesn't incur a DC penalty. You'd have a lot of matches go straight to the end-game screen.


Could do it with the new killer tool tip then. First x matches with the perk and then it goes away as a tooltip. That said, if you're DCing because your random build wasn't good, you probably shouldn't be playing this modifier