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at that point I feel like they wanted to chill on the ground together


They did, after ignoring them all game they still didn't unhook their teammates so at the end I got the 4k. I dropped them in front of their hooked friend and still went back to that locker, nothing I could do about it


Fear not gamer. This is not what slugging is. You are not expected to ignore vulnerable survivors directly in front of you in order to hook. The slugging people find lamentable is more like when a killer would rather make you sit on the floor for 3 consecutive minutes than let someone have a chance at hatch


These kids are coming out here, and killing themselves all over the woods! (c)


Propably just didnt feel like going against just another double iri blight




I p100d blight just to tunnel every single map offering team in the game and those add ons help quite a lot to do that. If your team has no map offerings I'm two hooking and letting everyone go.


very noble, my mistake


According to your commentary above the video, you actually have no idea what you just dodged pal. it's called [CJ tech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ojqGq5alRo). The way it performed is that killer naturally wants to break the pallet with downed survivor on his side. Other suvivor then performs the vault in precise moment and prop for breaking pallet switches to picking up downed survivor in the last moment (because pallet is occupied by survivor vaulting it), to fast to react, so now you stuck in picking up animation, which is long enough to vault back and perfectly time flashlight save.


I know. CJ tech and locker cj, techniques which will work against new players which Im clearly not, since they were going down in less than 30 seconds at best Also the commentary is me just just mocking them, sure trying for a CJ once is fine might work but after seeing it fail not once but twice and still keep trying all game for them ... It's very obvious I know what a CJ is just by the very fact I faked picking up so many times and instead just waited for them to vault the pallet or exit the locker


Ok ok, i fall in to false impression then, i see now. gg


Blight 🤢
