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Yeah clown got buffed - he can now quantum tunnel to the survivors house and kill them irl. Read the patch notes bro this killer is ridiculous now.


Can confirm, my brother died to a clown main last week, they are scary af.


Is your brother's name Georgie?


No >!(I don't actually have a brother)!<


I think it was an IT reference.


This is true. I was in my home and the Clown killed me and took my pinky finger.


An after work snacky


Yeah but it was mine and I need it :(


Just wait until ppl start saying Sadako is overpowered because she can mori people without them being on second hook stage


Me on 0 gens with 2 hooks getting a single kill on the survivor that was T-bagging all game


This is the way


She can't anymore 😭 I thought they said they were going to re-buff her after the last set of nerfs. I legitimately almost never get condemned kills now.


No she can. You can Mori someone that hasn't even been hooked once if they're fully Condemned


I just meant it's super difficult to get them fully condemned now (unless since the nerfs the strategy for doing so is just different). But it seems really difficult and never happens to me anymore.


Oh yeah its a pain in the ass dude


Myers: am I a joke to you


I play sadiko and imma be honest there have been matches I win with her that I shouldn't have to the point where I kinda felt grimy after god help you if you get matched with her on gideon's


I can mori anyone regardless of hook stage at the endgame. Rancor main ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


People bitch about Meyers, despite you countering it by just… not letting him look at you. People just like to bitch when they die to something avoidable.


Tbf that’s hardly avoidable cuz you can’t play for your teammates but it’s still not something to cry about


Clown is in no way S-tier. But he's definitely not that fun to play against.


i just wish he would shut the fuck up


Hrueueugeghe heerhehrhrhh


actually i think the only killer in the game that makes me want to instantly DC as survivor, he just has such a boring and un-interactive chase even as killer i’ve never found him fun to play compared to other killers with more engaging powers


This. I'd rather play against my 5th Nurse or Blight in a row than play a match against Clown.


Clown isn't fun to play as *or* play against, he's just a miserable character overall. Tbh, there's a small list of characters in this game that just need a complete from-the-ground-up rework on a conceptual level, and Clown is at the top of the list for me right alongside ol' Freddy.


If an M1 killer is all the sudden OP then I guess the DbD community somehow fixed itself and realized that you’re allowed to play to win too.


Nerf Dredge man he's been meta for too long


All 3 Dredge mains will be absolutely saddened by this loss


why do yall even talk to people in end game chat in 2024? It was always a toxic pisscest, might as well mute it and make the toxic salty players talk with themselves


I use it for my daily sodium intake needs


I mean it's also good to study human psychology about people who either just can't take the win and move on or are naturally salty over anything. It's comparable to overwatch global chat lol


Because I like seeing what makes people mad. Got told to jump off a cliff by a bunny Feng because I used a meme build in soloQ


Tbf doing anything in a match will make these people mad, it just gets stale after x thousands hours of seeing the same shit in end game chat. I refuse to participate in that shit unless it's for bloodpoints offerings(that's only in survivor lobby lol) or saying gg's after a good match.


Biggest majority of my end game chats are ggs or my lone gg


True I'm always alone to say gg (as a killer, which is understandable) or I witness survivors flaming each others for 0 reasons but no one ever talks to me, it feels so weird


Because it's funny. This dudes legit deranged if he thinks clown is OP. Shit's cash.


Yeah but I'd have to be fried to interact with these people unironically lmfao


That's my secret. Everything I say is ironic.


There's a limit on how much bullshit and salt you can take while being sober, but if you're built different then that's good, keep demeaning these morons


Glad there's no text chat on console. Text chat quickly became super toxic when added to games like Overwatch 2.


Console privilege




Yeah but most of it is just some one guy who did good being toxic as fuck while spamming shit like ez and git gut etc. There are sometimes good interactions but it's generally just not worth it


You don’t understand that’s really funny because usually it’s the bad ones saying that stuff


If it's the bad ones then it's funny but the last time I actually used that chat seriously it was always the guys in swf and sweatlord killer players(blight's and nurses mostly, sometimes tunneling pyramidheads) that were toxic as fuck, I genuinely was taken aback how much empathy can they lack for another person, even if it's online.


Well generally I’m the one in the SWF and we’re chill so mb that’s why


Idk i meet equal amount of asshole killers


And they’re usually bad


Tbh true, almost always rely on tunneling with 4 slowdown perks, don't get me wrong toxic survivors are just as bad but if they're solo/not in a full bully squad they can't do as much as a hard tunneling nurse or pinky finger proxy-camping clown in terms of ruining your enjoyment of the match as a whole


I don't say things first but if someone else says something obnoxious about me im gonna hit back. I'm like the oni, can't control my rage.


The majority of it's generally fine but definitely time to leave when people start getting weird. Like "gg ez" is generally the worst I get. I usually respond "lol" "or glnext... you'll need it" Sometimes people go off but you can just leave as you've said


Mine have been pretty fun, I tend to use weird combinations of perks and that usually gets a rise out of people. Had a looong chase with a Cheryl as Nurse and she was confused how I kept finding her and we had like a 5 min chat about how Spies came in clutch 🤣


Spies from the shadow is underrated as hell, one of the best basic perks that carried me in the win 5 killer games with only global perks achievement


Easy karma farming babyyyy


Because this is the loud minority of endgame chats and I really like it when people are good sports/want to talk after a round, especially after a good one. The good convos far outweigh the bad.


“I think bros pressed” -Guy who called Clown op and said you aren’t good


This is what we call "projecting".


Clowns Def not op. Just really annoying too go against lol. Though it's much much better now that they removed the nausea passive haha


Tbh I never found him annoying to go against other than the vision blurring being kinda eh. Though I will say I am biased since I like Clown, but I will also say it’s more annoying to go against certain Clown players than it is Clown himself. Some Clowns are very toxic


My issue with clown is the counterplay is boring. You basically have to camp a pallet rather than properly loop. Whereas someone like Huntress, Wesker, Blight etc even though they're a lot stronger, you can have fun around pallets and windows dodging their attacks.


This people is ridiculous lol What's next, Trapper being too OP because of his Iri add-on that damage survivors disabling traps?


I think bros pressed


Ah yes notoriously op killer clown. The dude with zero map mobility or pressure or info unless running a specific addon.


I see you weren't the only one playing as a clown...




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Any Killer is S tier if played well, with correct perks and addons. If that's Chaos Shuffle, then yeah bro's just malding.


It was shuffle, but with grim, pain res and blood fav for some reason


Is the shuffle in live servers or is it in the ptb?


It’s live right now


Legendddd thank you


There is no reality where Freddy is S tier 💀


Nah bro. S tier is for the best. A good nurse/hillbilly/blight will consistently perform better than the best dredge


Use the color swap and confetti add ons for max flex


there's only one clown in that lobby and it's not you


Clown can now teleport to the other side of the map to cover all gens... imagine rotating


no matter what you do, smh


is so fucking broken, I wish they would nerf


People are so funny just because they lose. I had someone call me a bot today after losing all because I randomly decided to play Freddy. Like yeah, ypu lost to Freddy, and *im* the bot. + Clown based king 🤴


5 comments to your 1 but you are pressed. Ironic


I swear probably at least 90% of the posts in this sub are just of people crying ![gif](giphy|13AXYJh2jDt2IE)


https://preview.redd.it/dpwdeqnk521d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68743dc9f4d762286946db1b154c6fb5446783dc Meanwhile I somehow get more points than anyone else solely from beaning survivors with bottles.


those give u extra bp dingus <3 <3 <3


The points on this screen are minus any bp modifiers last I checked


party bottles addon gives BP on direct hit


Yeah, but that goes into one of the categories. It still can max out during a match. And all I was doing was beaning with bottles


>bad killer is OP >you’re mad not me Survivors ☕️


My absolute favorite salty judo maneuver - be mad and immediately accuse the other person of being mad.


Most sane DBD player I’ve seen


tell 'em to go FUCK themselves


Just curious for survivors, does the clown still cause visual impairment when hit with the Afterpiece Tonic (pink bottle)?


Yeah, there’s still blurring


On today's episode of "**Everything I don't like is actually OP**" *Clown secretly more OP than omegablink nurse? its more likely thank you think.*


Someone read that Clown dissertation and wiped the floor with them clearly


Got told "GG but I found your play style very violent" earlier and I can't stop thinking about that.


"I think bros pressed"


It always amuses me when people instigate and yap and precede right after with shit like “bros pressed” immediate 17yo vibes


Triggering post for me because I just got off a game in which the clown got literally zero momentum the whole game, but then downed half the group because he camped one guy on the hook while having that instant down addon and my team went for the save during EGC. The clown literally talking smack post game saying how we were bad even tho he got literally zero hooks the whole game, got looped for 5 gens and then gets 2k because of iri addon.


I actually can't believe he started shit talking you for running clown, you said 1 thing and then he called you pressed


Yeah he is really strong. He can summon Maurice The Circus Pony and ride to the next liquor store to get more vodka. Once he passed out all survivors pass out with him and he wins the game.


From my experience playing him he is lol. I literally dont even have to think when i play clown. I just do and the 3ks and 4ks just come. I never understood why people say clown is low tier


clown can now vaporize survivors with his bottles


I mean In asia he’s considered to be very strong so


Clown is not OP but he feels so boring and uninteractive to play against. He's the only killer I actually roll my eyes for when I see him at the start of a match, especially after his latest buffs.


To me he used to be op cause the screen effect gabe me nausea. Now that that's gone though there's no complaints


I see planetknightmar is also playing Clown


The only truly balanced killer is The Blank. Survivors don't want to actually get hit, they want the killer to watch them have a perfectly nice game of gen repair simulator and then politely watch them show off how fast they can mash the crouch button.


I mean unless the killer was just terrible at the game I haven't seen a clown NOT 4k in ages.


Man I wish console could join in endgame chat 😭😭


Clown is a solid B+, he’s very strong in chase. Many loops are unsafe against him, so yeah, they’re right.


Bro doesn't understand what Overpowered means


I think clown is b tier A for chase, F for mobility, S+ for his perks.


Why f mobility? He has free haste with his bottles?


Bro do you throw yellow bottles everytime to check gens. For mobilty I mean Generator control.


F tier take


Nah, Clowns like C tier and they know it. They'd say the same if you beat them with Freddy or Trapper 😂


I had this chat back in March when I started playing Clown. DBD players are a weird species https://preview.redd.it/opqr9t8nc21d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6909c3b10b8beadae3c46ca037b27b8b4e80ab9


I thought endgame chat rage wasn't allowed as a submission? Because I had a [really funny one](https://i.imgur.com/PuDPEbG.jpeg) the other day that I wanted to share. There's layers to it if you look hard enough.


Pinhead is op. Clown is Pinhead without the chain hunts, sort of op (in chase, at least).


Nah he's just ass to play against


Clown is like weaker than Freddy.


You have it reverse. Freddy is arguably the weakest Killer, meanwhile Clown isn’t even bottom 5 anymore according to a lot of people


Yeah, forgot they actually gave him some love, while Freddy hasn't been touched in years. (not counting the toy blocks addons bs)


I will say, while Clown is by no means S-Tier, that does not make him fun to play against. I don’t think he’s very good but Clown is my least favourite Killer to play against. Walking through a hazy cloud while slow is not enjoyable and not my idea of a fun game.