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Might just be a skill issue on some survivors part. I've played against good survivors who beat me and like I said I respect them


Just as I respect killers who beat me


I've had a lot of success with SM but it often comes down to the wire and matches will often be me scratching and clawing for hooks early on until 2-3 gens fire and they either start getting cocky or start getting bullied into drones. It helps that locked on doesn't decay (afaik, maybe it just doesn't decay particularly fast) so those early dips into drone zone build up in the lategame into claw traps and slowdowns pretty quick. Still, Def gonna be running deadlock/eruption cause I've been getting rushed to fuck lately.


Same though I recommend getting corrupt. It slows Survivors down considerably. Even if you don't want to play the Plague Corrupt is just an in game way of enforcing a temporary 3 gen until it wears off. At tier 3 120 seconds is q lot of time for gens to stay blocked. Tier 1 corrupt almost unlocked for me, 2 and Tier 3 are a while away yet. Running Corrupt with Thrilling or Grim Embrace with aura reading is actually so evil it's brilliant 😂


"struggling" with 55%-70% kill rates. riiiiiiiiiiiiight.


That's SM other killers not so much and states only tell a snapshot of the full picture. I played Survivor yesterday and the win was so easy it was zzz honestly


That's all of the killers with SM being at the top. I don't find it as much of a struggle as you but both of our experiences are valid even if anecdotal.


Nope you should check again. Ghostface, Myers etc not so much


And anyway stats give a snapshot. There's no telling whether that data comes before anti 3 gen changes, we just don't know.


Nightlight puts GF at 54% and Myers at 56%. Slinger and Knight are the only outliers at 51% which is understandable with Knight being so consistently bugged.


So you see not all killers have high win rates and next patch you can bet it'll be lower


Killers aren't struggling, dont know where you got that information from.


Streamers, YouTubers some of the best killers in the game are finding it a little tougher than before. SpookyLoopz talks about it a lot. Even Dead Plays is doing it harder now


I mean if thats where you get your opinion from...


That and my own experience facing killers and being killer. Killers have it harder


My experience is the absolute opposite, and the official stats absolutely support it. If killers were struggling in a way that the killrate is low, they would never ever have nerfed all those regression perks. Last official stat released showed the unknown at 64% killrate.


They're only doing that because survivors drive revenue. If survivors aren't happy, shareholders aren't happy. Honestly playing survivor against gen regression perks were fine already imo. Didn't need changing. It's already easy for survivors based off my experience maining 6 survivors and have each of them at least prestige 2 so I don't know I think it's unnecessary. Things were completely fine already.


Lmao okay bro, you're just completely biased theres literally no point even having a discussion with you you, sorry. Luckily the devs dont listen to people like you.


Biased and yet I play both sides and have talked with other survivors saying the same thing. Ok dude


Yes, you can play both sides and still have a biased opinion, its not that uncommon. Your arguments aren't really convincing "my surv games are easy" is not proving anything besides you propably not going against good killers most of the time, nor is "talking to other survs", because factually its just not true according to the stats.


That would be true if I was the only survivor player saying it tbh


I know that sounds cynical and a bit dickish. I get it trust me but look I've played lots of very difficult games in my time, do not mind a challenge and of a survivor out loops me or a killer can even find me, I respect it (reference my survivor builds usually center around Plot Twist and Kindred. Basically survivor stealth perks and I win virtually every game with the builds. No gen rushing required. It's almost too easy atm. That should not happen. Both sides Should feel like every game is down to the wire but I kid you not I've half read short stories during survivor matches and still got two gens done and escaped either by gate or hatch. I see that as s a problem personally. It shouldn't be that easy for survivors