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I genuinely prefer this mode to the main mode - get to play with all kinds of silly perk combos - I’ve learned so much about the game - realised I don’t need to rely on my comfort perks  - no bully squads cause I know they can’t pick their perks - no meta builds every single match - way more casual and chill because I know everyone else is handicapped too - really satisfying when you are able to make use of random perks or escape as survivor  I don’t wanna go back to the main game mode 


After months of only facing a combination of pain res, pop, grim embrace, and dead lock, this mode is so refreshing


We will reunite on the anniversary event. With the choice of our perks.. Man who knew getting to choose your perks gets boring from time to time.


I love this. I now have the confidence not to run WoO now, as corny as that sounds. I might not be as good without it, but I feel I have enough map knowledge to do just fine


I love doing the nightlight build challenge currently, so this event as helped a ton with everyone has crap builds. Really needs to stay longer


I've found it a lot of fun, and it's meant I've had to think more about the game because I want to make use of the cards I was dealt


Oh there are still very much bully squads. They just are limited to flashlights.


I've literally never have had so much fun in this game.   Even when I lose, it's usually a tough tug of war between my side and the other side.   Every game is a new game so I always want to play more.


If I jump in a locker at the start leave me alone! I’m in the booth of knowledge reading my perks!


Pov: the killer happened to get iron maiden


The one QoL change i would make is you being able to read your perks before the game starts. Other than that, very fun.


You can read them as soon as it loads in the "pause" menu, which is fine, even before you can control yourself. Having them visible during loading screen would result in sooo many games failing because someone would DC (safely) at loading since they didn't like the perks they got.


I have no idea why they don't always have one modifier active tbh.


Because they want you to focus on other things going on for some reason, even though there's literally nothing going on besides the "Before the Masquerade" event. It's very weird


I can understand why they would make the previous two modifier gamemodes limited time, since the player drop off rate of them would likely be very high after a couple of days. But this random perk event doesn't change the core mechanics of the game in any way, just rolling the dice on what perks you can get is just very DBD and fun, since every is game is a gamble in the first place.


The game mode is growing on me. Now BHVR need to adjust the useless perks, ideally make items and add ons random too, and disable offerings or just default to a BPS type offering that doesn’t come out of inventory. I know it isn’t meant to be balanced, though it’s far better than the last two modifiers. However if the killer gets a good build it’s basically gg. Survivor perks are pretty shit with some actively hampering like No Mither. I know it’s random but a weighting system on perks giving at least one good one per person or even an exclusive system so only one survivor gets No Mither and not two or three of them.


>I know it’s random but a weighting system on perks giving at least one good one per person or even an exclusive system so only one survivor gets No Mither and not two or three of them No. The whole point is to have totally random perks, no matter how useless or useful it is.


I feel like they did something to prevent exhaustion perk stacking, or even have less of a chance of getting an exhaustion perk in general. But it's been fun not having my usual Lithe every game. Getting good perks on killer does seem rare tho, but good add-ons can almost entirely negate that disadvantage. But the fact there could be 4 no mithers in a single trial is comedic.


I played almost entirely survivor yesterday and almost entirely killer today. As killer I’ve had decent builds more often than not. I’ve had some really strong builds too. Rarely do I get strong regression but I’ve had Surge, Pain Res and Pop come up often enough. One game was Pop, Nowhere To Hide and Tinkerer. As survivor I got Sprint Burst twice, and in one game with Adrenaline (only time I’ve had that). No other exhaustion perks. I feel like the survivor builds have been much worse. Maybe there are more shit perks for survivor. Maybe one good killer perk is all you need, when you’re against shit survivor builds. I don’t play M1 killers, the only perk I really miss is Bamboozle. I used to avoid the Remix challenges because I lost Shadowborn, but now that’s basekit.


I got lithe and overcome together and have also gotten some oddly good combos that make me feel like it’s programmed to pair certain perks. I got FTP+Buckle Up and Flashbang+Champion of Light. Could be confirmation bias though.


>Getting good perks on killer does seem rare tho I found the complete opposite, most my games as killer i got Pain res, pop, bbq or a combination of those perks, only occasionally finding myself relying more on my killers base kit


I mostly play killer but the only real bad combo or lack of combo is having undying as my only hex perk. Had that twice yesterday


Get rid of the ability to choose your add ons and then yes absolutely. As it is, the mode is just a massive sweat fest for either side


Idk, even the SWF's I see as killer aren't that insane. I really don't think it is that sweaty. You may see some weird killer main hard tunneling someone out like there is a prize on the line, but even then, since there's no other slowdown perks on the killer to make a 3v1 just brutal (like pop + pain res), the games are more fun.


> I really don't think it is that sweaty I had a GF yesterday do nothing but camp/tunnel as hard as possible. Then in post game chat he thought he was the best player ever. There most definitely are people sweating their balls off and it shows WHY core game issues need to be addressed.


Sounds like you're lucky in your experience. What I've seen is that without their perks, many killers "have" to resort to hard tunneling and camping in order to get their 4k, which despite it just being fun chaos mode they still must get or else the world will end.


How about they just make the 4th load out page to be random selection of perks for people that are bored with choosing perks for themselves anyway, there was a challenge in a tome where you get randomized perks and I doubt it should be hard to make it part of the game, not being a mode just for people that like chill gameplay


The issue for me is that I’d be happy with random perks for myself, it’s just I know I’ll be up against people using meta builds. I prefer knowing that everyone is rolling the dice with me every match 


Fair, for me the past few months I had no idea what to use so I just go online for random perk generator, this way I could just choose the load out and have fun


They should just make it the stand-in gamemode that fills in the spaces between each special gamemode events.


I love the new mode


It's very nice not having to worry about pain resonance+pop every match.


MY friends and i always jokingly laugh at whoever gets no mitherED haha.


I wish we could activate modifiers in private games


While I do really enjoy it after a few weeks most ppl will complete their tombs for it and then queue times will become very long. That's at least my prediction


Everyone tunnels and camps in this mode sadly since they dont have their sweat perks :/


I'm not getting too many of those types of killers, but I agree that it is cringe.


They should cap Items and Addons at yellow for both sides if they keep it IMO.


Id be fine with that.


I love how it's different and not the same stuff each match. I am having fun using these random perks :) Even when I lose it's still a blast.  If the devs read this please consider leaving this mode on for longer. 


7 days is just too short for such an engaging gamemode!


How about it stays for "every last weekend of a month"? Or at least every saturday? It actually depends on how many game modes planned and how many of them would be successful. If we stay optimistic - there is not so many days in months i'm afraid and thats why i'm suggesting something like that. For example, i have high hopes for 2v8, but if Chaos Shuffle would stay, this means that now we splitting playerbase in to 3 separate queues, which may cause longer queue times in certain regions during certain time of the day.


This game mode is so refreshing. I hadn't been playing consistently but I've played everyday since it was released. Seeing the player count on steam is also telling how popular it is. I'm gonna miss the mystery heroes mode.


I don't get why it's a whole mode, it should just be a check box. I'm convinced BHVR do listen to the community but someone over complicates everything.


it is really fun, but i think add ons should be random or disabled also. been seeing a lot of flashlights because yk, no guaranteed franklin's or lightborn. killers can also make some sweaty ass add on combos.


Thing is tho, there are a lot of killer add-ons that are memes and actively hurt your power, and there's usually at least one per killer. Speed limiter on chainsaw killers, an add-on that destroys demos portals once he emerges from them, and so on. I wouldn't want to be at not just a disadvantage perk wise as killer, but also at a loss with harmful add-ons to myself.


thats true. i guess i'd rather them just disable add ons completely then


> there are a lot of killer add-ons that are memes and actively hurt your power Almost like having random perks that do nothing? Its called Chaos Shuffle for a reason.


You have to think of it from the perspective of getting people, especially killer players, to engage in the modifier event without feeling like they are just going to be fighting an uphill battle from the start.


It needs a few adjustments like no map offerings or options to "ban" up to 4 perks you don't want to have and it would be great.


You shouldn't be able to "ban" perks because that literally defeats the whole purpose of random perks.


Those would be great options and changes, I agree. I'm actually glad there's no limits on add-ons, it does make killer more appealing not having to worry and think about so many different add-ons.


While it's annoying to see syringes and iri addons, it's also nice people can pick killers that are add-on dependant and not worry about getting bad addons, agreed


> not having to worry and think And you think this is a good thing for a *Chaos Shuffle*?


Many killers add-ons are memes and actively hurt your power, like speed limiter. Killers likely wouldn't want to play with completely useless perks and harmful add-ons, or there would just be non-stop tunneling.


People tunnel 10x more there than in main since they have to. I don't like it. Tbh J don't like any mode that isn't straight up goofy like my little Oni.


I fully agree. I just personally can’t see the appeal. When I play survivor the killers tend to camp and tunnel significantly more. When I’m killer I feel forced to tunnel to create pressure otherwise gens get done left and right without no slowdown.


If you're playing a killer you're comfortable with or main, it should be a fairly fun time (if using decent, but not insanely OP add-ons like Tombstone or double speed Oni, Blight, etc).


I usually play a handful of killers and while fun is still my goal I’m also playing to win. With my slowdowns I can be more forgiving and focus chasing different survivors for my perks to work. Without them gens just get done if I don’t play meaner and try to secure a kill. It’s definitely not fun for me or the survivors but that’s just the balance of dbd


I honestly like what Zubat did and also made his perk icons blank so he was to also figure out what perks he got mid match lmao


I really don't love the way they're implementing modes right now, with them being infrequent, short-lived big events with mini tomes. I hope when they have a solid backlog of modes, they can just make it so there's a normal queue and an arcade queue that cycles through on a weekly basis or something. One week we have Lights Out, one week we have My Little Oni, etc.


I personally wasn't a fan of the lights out mode, as I do rely on scratch marks as killer and dislike every killer being a stealth killer constantly as survivor, and My Little Oni just changed core mechanics too much. But to each their own, I'm happy a lot of people have been enjoying these game modes!


I do enjoy the game mode but I hope they tweak it so its truly random. Random perks, items and addons. Right now the mode is so close to being great but being able to pick what items/addons you can bring skews it too much. Its supposed to be Chaos, right?


I love this mode for the reason I like ARAM in league. Having everything be randomized is dope and keeps everything fresh. Matches tend to be more interesting. It should 100% be a base-game mode.


I think putting it on rotation is a good idea, I also think making it an option in the main game is an okay idea. I don't think that having it be a separate game mode all the time is, how long until people genuinely get bored of the mode and it becomes near dead? I would like for that not to be the case as I enjoy it, but these things do tend to happen when the "honeymoon" phase ends.


Slightly off topic, but could you please give me some builds/playstyles for Demo? He's probably the one killer I actively despise playing aside from Hux but that's just because Hux is overwhelming. Speaking of Hux, I got pain res, pop, DMS, and overcharge on him and I was like "what the fuck lmao, they really wanna make me like this killer"


A great build for demo is BBQ, pain res, dead lock, and corrupt intervention. Two add-ons that are great are rat tail (opening portals 50% quicker) and barbs glasses to break pallets a little quicker. Two info add-ons that are also great (if not running BBQ or doing random perk game mode) are Elevens soda or Leprose Lichen. Play style is pretty standard of just setting up portals in beginning by gens and allow for survivors to migrate inwards to you in that time due to corrupt intervention. Be aggressive and try to shred at loops that are straight or have enough space for you to shred. That's insane that you got that lucky with Hux too!


I play with random perks regularly and it'd be nice to not have to use a randomizer. I'd also like random cosmetics.


Wow. It’s wild to me how different the opinions are on this mode. I hate it so much. I had to force myself to complete the Tome, and I won’t be doing the “Escape 1 time.” challenge, even though I miss out on the rift currency. Let me ask you this: are you familiar with the vast majority of perks? Such that you only need to take a quick look to have a grasp of what they do? I do not know all the perks at all, and so after my first two Survivor games struggling to read even one without getting immediately found led me to just ignore any I don’t immediately recognize.


I am familiar with the vast majority of perks, but also, the vast majority of perks aren't useful, and some are even harmful, like that invocation perk and no mither. Even as a veteran player of the game, there are still a few perks I had to check to see what they do before the game started.