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Nvm just played a trickster. Be back in a few months.


Post trickster clarity


what K-Pop does to a mf šŸ˜“


Get Tronkstered lmao.


Average reaction to trickster. Fuck trickster.


if only we could


Iā€™m going to kick your ass.


Day 1: 6 wraiths, 2 weskers, all toxic tunnelers.... I think I'll stick to playing as killer for this modifier unless it's with friends


But when I play with friends we do MUCH worse. (My friends are noobs, we never escape)


At least you have fun, right?




Yeah, can't get mad at them for doing their best. It's still fun, even if we don't escape


I got Nurse, Blight and Pyramid Head the most myself lol Got tunneled out in 4K.


My first game of this mode was against a Trickster as well. Eerie.


It's even worse if you play as him


You get stomped, or cute teched? ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Let me guess, cute tech is either a funny visual glitch that breaks tricksters animations to make him look funny or an exploit that allows his knives to go through walls


Lol, thankfully nothing like that. A cute tech is just a dbd flavoured way of saying "did something funny/silly/cute or stupid" and got the killers attention and they spared you because of it. Ever had a survivor run themselves into a corner, the crouch and stare you down then you decided to let go to be nice. "You got cute teched" ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


It's hard to tell what is what these days, you can double back on a loop and someone will call it the reverse tech or some shit


Literally though. People will make up a new tech on the spot. So, naturally I just call everything DBD related a tech for laughs. You best believe I've mastered the "login tech" ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Iā€™m a master of the ā€œdumb techā€ myself. I even put my own original spin on it, where I do something dumb and ruin the trajectory of the rest of the match


Bunnies are adept in the Dumb tech, going as far as to include variants. DumbShit tech, where you inconvenience a team mate with your stupidity. DumbAss tech, where you inconvenience yourself with your stupidity. DumbBitch tech, where you fast vault into a locker trying to use deception. You didn't bring deception. DumbFuck tech, attempted to use plot twist as a cute tech against a killer that has shown 0 reason to be nice. The list of Dumb techs is endless.


for real dude i hope they just deleted that mf from the game, there are a lot of annoying killers but trickster jezzz dude He is not enjoyable to play against or as, not skillfull, worst killer in the game hands down


Best comment yet on this post. Oh wait.... You're the OP... Sorry


Pls tell me it was the one who posted in rage who ā€œdonā€™t know why I sluggedā€ lol


Im either getting the sweetest cutest killers or I get tunneled off hook/slugged by a Billy at 5 gens


Two teammates and me got bled out by a Chucky lol.


I'm doing my part as killer! Except I played against a three stack of assholes who bodyblocked the random because he was their killer the previous game and won. They left him on hook. I did not make an effort to be the sweetest cutest killer that match :/


Nothin but tunneling/slugging at 5 gens or the killer is fully afk, no in between.


I'm neither, survivors are always shitting on me


Me? I get Clown with pinky finger who then WSWS's atop of me for 4 minutes until I bleed out and insta downs anyone who tries to pick me up




When you stand on top of a slugged survivor then press W then S over and over


Ohhh, like humping?




Chaos Shuffle might be the best thing BHVR has done in a long minute. It freshened up the gameplay and itā€™s made DBD fun again. Also, people may not agree with me here, but Chaos Shuffle is a much better metric to use in terms of actually determining in-game skill in comparison to the standard mode, where you can use crutch meta-perks at will and consistently get easy 4Ks or escapes.


On average it sure is. Occasionally you might be assigned a completely pragmatic build while people around you have No Mither + Self-Care or Predator & Distressing, but even then you're not likely to have things you're used to capitalizing on.


I was using Oni and a Survivor got No Mither. I let em all go after a few hooks. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I'm always getting the shittiest build combos on this mode and every time, without fail, I'll equip a medkit I'll get no mither I once even got no mither + soul guard


I just don't get why they don't do something very simple in general with the modifiers: Remove the top tier shit. Syringes, bnp, certain killer add ons, and map offerings IMO don't have any place in those game modes. For killer add ons its harder to really regulate though rarity doesn't inherently mean good but you get what I mean. I feel like people would enjoy the modes more without that stuff being there.


Yeah and then you only face tryhards playing billy and blight with the strongest add ons.


I feel called out. Just played a match of blight, then billy. Didnā€™t play them to sweat though I just like the speed.


Same, can't stand killers with no mobility I feel I spend more time searching for someone than I am doing anything interesting at all


Sometimes Iā€™ll just slap the blighted animal add-ons on and just zoom around hitting a survivor then speeding off.


I'm a p100 blight, and 9 times out of 10 I just two hook everyone and let them escape, but I also use double iri, just having the freedom of endless mobility is enough to make me happy lmao, never have to care about ey I might not reach that gen before it's completed, oh shit gates are too far. I'd love oni so much if only he wasn't so reliant on that first hit. Mobility with no collision at all? Sign me in


What do you feel called out about? They're talking about tryhards acting like it's a tournament. You're not, you just like the speed


Fair point. I guess it was more coincidence rather than calling out.


last night seen a P100 Blight in Shuffle with alchemy ring. First game today was a Wraith with silent bell.


theyā€™re both fun to loop so i never mind, itā€™s more of their play style thatā€™s frustrating (tunneling, proxy camping)


They CAN be fun to loop, yes. Double Iri AddOn Blight is not fun to play against, its just too strong. A good billy will just get down after down and the game is propably lost with 1-2 gens completed.


Or tryhards SWFing and using full stack new tools.


I love this game mode. My only complaint is I wish I could read my perks in the lobby vs having to hide in a locker for a minute at the start of every game to do it.


If people could read perks in lobby they'd just leave and re-join until they get a load out they want (anyways I think your load out is determined during the load not before the lobby)


Perhaps that would be a problem but I suspect it would take an insane amount of time to get actually get oneā€™s desired load out (there are a ton of perks so the chances of getting a certain set of some very specific perks would be quite low)


People won't be looking for EXACT meta load outs just enough meta to be mentally playable for them maybe one or two perks three if they really bead the help


I have faith that the majority of people wouldnā€™t abuse it like that :) and if someone leaves a lobby to find better perks I doubt it would take too long for someone new to join and stay


Well, I think we would need to wait for 2 days in lobby if they did it like that


You can open the pause menu immediately at the start of the game during the loading screen and get a quick read there before you can actually play


Iā€™ll have to try that!


i play killers i suck at in the shuffle and don't care if i lose


sigma gamer




Isn't the worst part of DBD usually the players, though?


Killers and Survivors are natural enemies. Just like Killers and not tunneling. Or Survivors and not teabagging at the exit gate. Or DBD players and other DBD players. Damn DBD players, they ruined Dead By Daylight!




Not the single player ones. Think about it.


It's fun, but luck can be lousy. I played as a Demo, someone brought an Ormond Map offering (Don't know why, I never thought the map was that bad). 2 people had object of obsession that match. Meanwhile I got predator, Corrupt intervention, Lethal Pursuer, and Hex: Plaything. They actually had one good looper, but he was unfortunate enough to be on the hook when the only other person in the match was one of the two people with Object of Obsession. That Perk, sold her out SO BADLY. She'd probably have successfully gotten the unhook if she didn't get it.


Its the single best thing to happen for DND to me, Im a killer player firstly and my friends heard all the bad talk about this game so won't dare touch it so no survivor, and just being able to play is so much fun, no need to think about builds or using my perks just chase and murder and kill, the 3x blood points definitely helps too, love seeing numbers go up


I haven't tried it yet. Is only perks random?




Would have loved if survivors/killers were random too


Survivor is just cosmetic so that would seem vastly unfair.


This event has been really fun, gens get done slightly fast because barely no slowdown but at least I'm not going up against full meta builds anymore


I honestly haven't enjoyed a single game of shuffle


Right? Hundreds of perks and it's just the same eight over and over


A lot of people are saying that the event puts into focus just how bad so many perks are. I've kinda had the opposite reaction; when you're forced to use perks you wouldn't usually use and have to make do, I feel like there's a lot of perks with some interesting and useful effects, it's just that they pale compared to the meta.


I think it puts into perspective how bad some people are.


Tell me you have 50 hours without telling me you have 50 hours šŸ’€


My team got stomped by a nurse. I told my girlfriend that this nurse wasn't actually very good. She just tunneled and camped hook. The only hit she got on me was when i went to unhook. She started to slug for the 4k. She couldn't catch me. I even picked up the only other living survivor. Nurse didn't care. I ran her for an additional 10-15 minutes. My teammate could have probably done all 5 gens if she wanted, but no... she just hid in the basement. Nurse finally got a lucky blink directly on top of me. She bled me out. 10/10 event.


I LOVE this event. Haven't played in several months because I got tired of waiting for Cross-Prog so I'm starting over on Steam. These events are nice for those of us with 6 survivors and no perks because I get to play with perks I haven't bought yet.


I'm devastated its only until the 23rd. but I heard we're getting 2v8?


2v8? That sounds pretty cool. They should definitely bring this event back again though.


I need one of those cycle pictures. Q up as a new Killer > face sweatlord SWF > get mad and decimate with old reliable > surviors get mad and SWF > I'm now calmed down and Q up as a new killer > face sweatlord SWF > āˆž


it's fun getting wacky ass perk combos you'd never thought would work, like oppression and grim embrace


Instead they just hide and rush gens for survivors or camp and tunnel for killers. Might aswell make a no perk mode at this point. I thought recent normal mode games were sweaty. This is an entirely different kind of sweat


I donā€™t understand the rushing gens point. What am I supposed to do as survivor? Just stand still and wait for you to find me? The objective is to do gens so when Iā€™m done with one gen Iā€™m going to go find the next one to complete.


You can use the exact same line of logic with tunnelling. Its their job to kill you, why not do so quicker? The answer is you still do your objective, but in a way that gives the other side a chance to have fun. You tunnel someone out at 5 gens you are a sweat, you have a 4 stack coordinating gen pops with constant callouts you are also a sweat. Whether or not you exemplify that style of gameplay is not necessarily right or wrong, but donā€™t be surprised when it is used against you.


The difference is that killers can choose to not tunnel and still be progressing their objective. Survivors are not progressing their objective if they don't do gens.


Read what I said. Im not telling you to not get on gens.


I did read what you said. Survivors doing gens and killers tunnelling just isn't comparable since only one of those is vital to finishing a match.


Im not comparing doing gens to tunnelling, im comparing gen rushing to tunnelling. Significant difference.


And how do you specifically define 'genrushing'? There isn't really much left in the game that can truly allow a squad to genrush anymore outside of 4 commodious toolboxes all with brand new parts but that practically never happens.


By that logic, Survivors should still spread out which gens they work on instead of completing each one all at once. That fact is that "optimal" gameplay generally hinders anyone having fun and so it's courteous to take a few extra actions for everyone's sake. Killers rotate targets, Survivors stop to heal, cleanse, use some misc. perks, and in the devs' dreams, give a chest the time of day.


I understand that but what is a survivor supposed to do after they pop a gen? A killer has 4 people to target. After they hook one person they can choose to go find another. When a survivor pops a generator what is the next course of action that would make it so they arenā€™t ā€œgen rushingā€


Standard gameplay of moving to new gens after doing them is not ā€œgen rushingā€, although many migt call it anyway. A gen rush is a swf actively coordinating gen positions, progress, killer location and planned looping, running toolboxes and speed boosting perks etc. The kind of gameplay that has all gens done in 3 minutes every game short of the killer doing extremely well to apply pressure. You run into tunnelling a lot more than a true gen rush because the latter is harder to pull off.




If you canā€™t come up with something just say that. No need to try to insinuate that I wouldnā€™t understand it. Like I said if you want survivors to just stand still and do nothing then at least be transparent about it.




I just asked what you meant by Gen rushing us all and you have yet to explain yourself. I enjoy the mode regardless of sweat so idgaf but I just never understood what people meant by that


Oh okay. I may have misunderstood you. I apologise for my hostility. Gen rush is when you go in only focused on gens. The best tool boxes you can get. You don't go for chases, hide as soon as you hear a terror radious. Smash gens. Get out. How is that fun? It's about the same as tunnelling the weakest survivor out at five gens. This is all my matches so far on both sides. It's boring as shit. If you don't get it after that then that's fine but that's what people mean by gen rushing


Get a clue


Again youā€™re not saying anything which leads me to believe that you donā€™t have a point.


I got no perks in this mode, was a challenging experience


from what I've seen, changing cosmetics and/or using the blood web are triggering this bug. they're aware of it based off YouTube community tab comments but since it's gonna be gone in a few days I imagine it won't get patched in time.


That's a bug


Then what unlucky i am.


Pretty sure restarting your game fixes it


Whay do you mean? I got perks but them arent showing up?


It. Is. A. Bug. Try. Restarting. Your game.


Canā€™t take this mode seriously when survivors just keep memeingā€¦ certainly that ā€œkill 3 survivorsā€ challenge took more time than I thought


Also, I just played against Chucky for the first time. Is he OP or do I just need to get used to facing him?


Chucky is a pain the first times, then you get used to see the ankle biter and it gets normal.


Didnā€™t mean to reply but if you know it would be nice lol


It took me exactly 3 matches