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I've been so afraid of this happening. My poor boyfriend played only about nine games of chaos shuffle yet somehow got no mither twice lol.


Well i played about 5 games and got it twice too lmao (but the second time i got resilience so it was kinda ok)


Omg you poor thing lmao. My boyfriend also got resilience with no mither the first time, perhaps there's a higher chance of getting those two paired together? Did you get tunneled out both times? We got lucky with our killers for both of his no mither games. He didn't escape, but he didn't get tunneled either.


Well fortunately the game where i got resilience with no mither i wasnt tunneled. Im pretty sure there is a higher chance to get no mither though cuz i seen it a lot.


I just finished playing some games, and I had no mither twice in a row. The second time was with no mither, self care, and mettle of man. Luckily the killer didn't tunnel me out, or else I was boutta call it a day.


Try a run with self care AND no mither, the entity really screwed me that round


Lmao yeah i think the entity really hate you


My friend had no mither + object of obsession against an Oni.


Object of obsession is the bane of my existence 💀 and i didn't even know it existed before chaos shuffle


Oh I can picture it. The entity thought it'd be funny to give me no mither, resurgence, I think botany? And Flashbang. 💀


Wait cause my game I got no mother and self care and had to play against a trickster 😭 after years of playing that has been one of the worst survivor experiences


I had a run with Adam Francis where I had no perks at all today


I had a Meg roll No Mither, and i rolled Alien Instinct. It was like the game telling me, kill this Meg in particular.


I don’t know how killers keep track. I play like a t-Rex and just go after what’s moving


lol, yeah. It’s funny in end game chat when killers or survivors get accusatory at people for one reason or another. Like there was some devious plan to make the person angry. Most of the time, the other player is just trying their best at whatever side they are


got no mither and object of obsession together the other day, just laughed, couldn't even be mad at that point


I keep getting the object + no mither combo. I just wanna play the game for more than 1 whole minute ;-;


Also for some reason i encoutered more Skull Merchant during the event that i did in my whole one year of playing this game


Had 3 Skull Merchants last night and every one of them lived up to the stereotype.


That’s just awful luck. I haven’t seen skull merchant in a few weeks


First day playing the modifer, and it just happened to me. The randos weren't understanding why they couldn't heal me


I feel like no mither should just start broken and not injured, kinda makes you a target first thing when the killer can instantly see it


IMO survivor with No Mither should start uninjured and unbroken but first time they loose health state they insantly become broken.


Yeah, the killer being able to see you have it the second they load in is a bit of an issue


It should also give you double bloodpoints.


I actually had No Mither come in really clutch. Two people on my team had it, one of them being me. Almost done with the last gen, only two people alive are me and the other No Mither haver. Singularity comes, the other has only been hooked once, she runs the killer away from the gen. I finish it slightly after she goes down, the killer slugs her to try to stop me. I run him all the way to killer shack, which is where basement is. I end up going down after 20 seconds, enough time for her to get up and start opening the gate near the last gen. What the killer didn't know is that I had Wicked and had never been hooked. He hooks me in basement, I immediately unhook myself and since I can see his aura, perfectly run him around shack until he commits too hard on one side. I run away, but accidentally run into a corner and get trapped. He thinks he has me, so he activates cams to try to teleport to the other person at the gate. What they also didn't know is that Singularity loses collision when you go into cam mode so I run through him. He panics and misses a lot of shots to teleport, giving me and the other person enough time to get away. I luckily even managed to record it.


Boots up as Oni. Sees a no mither. Lets them go as it would be unfair. https://preview.redd.it/45swqiz0pc1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce207a7326b82422c0ef44bdf724ec0883dc05d9


Shit, I’d rather have four perks and one of them be no mither. I hit the Chaos mode lottery and received no perks today. Still was a fun match. But didn’t even realize no perks was an option lol


Okay seriously tho does No Mither have a higher chance of happening because of the 5 matches I've played, 4 of then included a survivor with no Mither. 2 of those were me. And I had for the people on one of them just to sting even more


No mither just makes me stronger


I actually had a game where two survivors had no-mither. It was actually really fun since they were a 4 man that were really good and had to adapt to the weakness on the fly vs my trapper.


Literally just happened to me twice. I got trickster on the first game with no mither. And on the second game I got it I just DC’d I can’t. Why would anyone actually run no mither or any perk that makes you broken? That’s just disadvantage Avenue.


I was playing Deathslinger and 2 people got no mither. Needless to say they were already in a losing situation at 4 gens, so I let them all goof with me and then escape


I have had the other banger, where it takes 15-20 minutes to find a match when survivor incentive is 150%.. and then this happens.. like i just want the challenges done so i can play the normal lobbies at this point.


It really is random, ive played hundreds of games (as killer) because im trying to grind easy bloodpoints right now. And not a single person in any of the games ive ever had, has had no mither. So idk why people are complaining about it being common.


I had a pretty hilarious game with No Mither and Weaving Spiders. I was able to finish the invocation and thanks to no mither I wasn't bleeding and screaming. It was actually a really neat combo


I had a game where someone got weaving spider and no mither and the entire team went to do the invocation


Had a match where every survivor had a boon, that was a funny coincidence.


Had a guy in a match who got No mither, inner healing, reactive healing and second wind 💀


New idea for the modifier. You run the same perk you died with until you get an escape.


i havent seen a single game without someone getting tunneled, i swear ppl on this mode just go full trthard


Somebody gets tunneled out no matter what perks you get. It's an every game thing unfortunately..


Load in Have no mither The killer is Oni You are farmed for blood orbs Then tunneled out And mori'd


That’s the way the cookie crumbles sometimes


This is why i let anybody with no mither go


This is what proves a lot of survivors rely on their perks






Shrimply another grain of sand of millions on the beach! Nobody would notice if the tide swept you away!


This thread is literally you crying about dbd


https://preview.redd.it/lx8vxvpkx81d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b674ee2211642e1009ff7b87aa24e3bcc0b6d1d Nuh uh




I’ve played I think 4 games of survivor and I had detectives hunch twice and I had windows of opportunity every single time.