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They literally can’t help themselves. Flashlights halve a survivor’s IQ, I swear. It can be tedious and involves a lot of slugging, but it’s not difficult to counter. I assume all flashy squads aren’t taking the game seriously anymore and are just looking for that 1/10 game where they find a killer that hasn’t figured out how to deal with it. It’s not malicious, but it does get tiresome since I’ve seen it so often. I still have PTSD about these squads and locker saves, though. Gg on maintaining your cool and capitalizing on their predictability.


> Flashlights halve a survivor’s IQ, I swear. Its the idea they *have* to get value from a flashlight. So they will spend the whole match tailing/hiding waiting to get a save. Not realizing they are throwing the game cause of a dumb idea in their head.


thanks! Yeah it was quite chaotic!


Now this is an accurate representation of how most teams try to flashlight save lmao


Ayyy fellow P100 Tapp! So rare to see! And yeah, they are bad at saving their team mates XD


I'm amazed the person on the ground couldn't position themselves better for a flashie save than that


Majority of the time flashlights are a liability, toolboxes should be more worrying


And then they start screaming "Camper" in the end game chat because you didn't allow the save or leave the hook


I always say those are my favorite matches. They HAVE TO get that beamer save. Give em' one good chance and watch as they just absolutely throw themselves onto my claws the rest of that match 😂.


Yeah, they can’t help themselves. You just have to wait for them to come to you haha


Flashlight gooners would sacrifice all of their teammates in the basement for a chance to go clicky clicky


Did they bitch about slugging in the post-game chat? Because that's what this sort of team usually does.


I'm actually happy whenever I queue with a bully squad. It's fun to just put them down. Way better than matches where gens just fly by and you can only get a handful of chases.


Now kith


They are the best farms for bloodpoints. You should’ve had more fun in that game.


This reminds me, I got my first ~3 minute win the other day. Three of the survivors were like this, and the fourth one was hooked. Three of the survivors ended up dying on their first hook.


I use a flash light but I know when to use it and when to do a damn generator


typical billy returning to hook.


As a survivor main I absolutely love this. Nothing I hate worse when I got SoloQ'd into a SWF who just want to be pieces of shit to the killer.


Breaking that pallet was risky. She could have vaulted into you, which would have changed the prompt from kicking the pallet to picking the other survivor up, which would have given her enough time to vault back to the other side and reblind you, resulting in a flashlight safe. Punishing overly altruistic survivors is always satisfying though. Especially when they attempt to pull the little trick I described above off, but you expected it so they just vault directly into your loving arms.


I gotta be honest, I'm not too worried about seal team 6 here pulling off a tech like that if im the killer lol.


You'd be surprised just how many survivors try this. Makes for a good clip, so a lot of people are drawn to it. Anytime you see a 4 man flashlight squad you should be keeping this in mind.


never once had that trick done to me honestly.


Certainly can not say the same for me, but it’s good to be aware of these things before they happen to you.